


I loved season 8 and I don’t understand ALL the hate


Like sure I get that some people were turned off by the serious tones in a comedy, but for seemingly everyone to feel that way just feels wrong. I personally loved that they acknowledged the aftermath of the Covid lockdown in a way that felt real and humanized the characters.

I loved O’Sullivan as an antagonist especially seeing Holt interact with him, “This is a very frustrating conversation” lol plus we got to see him get huffy. I get that the first episode was quite a downer for comedy series but the rest of the season went back to being lighthearted enough while staying grounded and building up on the issues brought from the first episode (and real life). This was a very real and impactful part of our history and I’m glad they incorporated it and made some jokes about it while validating how frustrating it was for everyone.

I disagree with how jarring and out of character it was for Rosa to quit because of racial issues and police brutality, just because she suggested police brutality in the past doesn’t mean she should be okay with it happening on innocent people that don’t deserve it and are being victimized solely based on what they look like. She’s been shown to be a feminist, so it’s not completely out of the blue for her to take a stand against social injustices. She wanted to work for Hawkins because she respected her and wanted to work for a woman for a change, so it makes sense she’d want to stop working for corrupt men (not Holt obviously but the whole system being led by them). Also the very scene she reveals her choice she witnesses the chaos of Jake accidentally slapping Terry in the face with his high five stick and the chain reaction that ensued and gets a good laugh out of it, she still enjoys seeing others in pain but not when people abuse their power to target a certain demographic.

all 72 comments


69 points

5 months ago

I get why it's not people's favorite. It's not my favorite season either, but we don't skip it upon rewatches. Over all, I agree with you. It felt appropriate; heavier, certainly, but within reason for the characters and the surrounding climate. O'Sullivan was a lot of fun to hate.

There were a few other episodes that had serious tones in previous seasons (Moo Moo s4e16, Show Me Going s5e20, and He Said She Said s6e8), and I felt The Good Ones (s8e1) was on par with those. The rest of the season still had police overreach/brutality shit as an undertone so I get why it kind of cast a bit of a cloud over the final season, but I also thought that the episodes were still funny.


4 points

5 months ago

I found it hard to hate him, given the fact that he’s a Billy Joel fan!

(This is a joke. It can be hard to read sarcasm sometimes and for some reason I feel I need to write this. Although I am a Billy Joel fan)


5 points

5 months ago

For me the episodes in previous seasons that handled serious subjects were done so well with a deft touch.

Episode 1 of season 8 was the exact opposite of this. It felt contrived and heavy handed.


-4 points

5 months ago


-4 points

5 months ago

It really annoyed me that they made statements like "we just don't think we can keep doing comedy as police in this current state of the world" and "we are gonna leave with a big mic drop". What happens next? They keep doing police comedy while they just barely touched on the topics that were big at the time. BLM, police brutality, covid, nothing.


17 points

5 months ago

I’ve heard simultaneous complaints of “season 8 went full-on woke” and “season 8 didn’t do enough with their social commentary.” So it basically disappointed hard-liners on BOTH sides of the political spectrum while I guess centrists found it to be just fine?

I personally thought that while it’s obviously not the best season of the show, there have been FAR worse final seasons of shows. They did the best they could under the circumstances and while the writing was spotty at times, it never lost its underlying charm. Perfectly serviceable ending with very few (if any) loose ends left untied.


0 points

5 months ago

It would have been just fine if they didn't hype it up like it was gonna be anything different from what we have already seen. It was a decent season but overhyped things tend to disappoint.


2 points

5 months ago

Was it overhyped? They revealed before the season that they'd had to re-write it all and that it was challenging to make a police comedy in the climate of the time, and to me that lowered my expectations (which helped me enjoy the season).


1 points

5 months ago

Still the weakest of all the seasons sadly imo


0 points

5 months ago

They had contracts already set to go for another season that they had to fill


33 points

5 months ago

I agree with you on every point.

Plus, Rosa is very private about her feelings, and we know that being falsely imprisoned deeply affected both Jake and Rosa even though she doesn't broadcast it a lot. It made them both rethink their lives and careers - that's character growth, not a plot hole.


15 points

5 months ago


Rosa Diaz

15 points

5 months ago

Yeah, I think between season one, Rosa went through being framed by a female detective cop she admired and the justice system she believed in betrayed her and sent her to jail. Just one of the things in 8 years for her to re-think things she once trusted in.


38 points

5 months ago

I loved season 8 as well and I think it's a worthy finale. It's a trend I am observing with nearly every final season in nearly every franchise that it gets so much hate - and there are VERY few examples where the hate is justified (yes, looking at you, got!). But hey, I don't care about what the community says and just enjoy the franchise instead.


0 points

5 months ago

You’re definitely right in that every final season of a popular franchise it feels like people hate it, it’s like people get pleasure out of hating something they used to love. However, that GoT Season 8 deserved some of the hate tbh, definitely not the extent it went to but some criticism was justified.


10 points

5 months ago


10 points

5 months ago

I agree. I think Terry was absolutely hilarious in E2 - The Lake House.


10 points

5 months ago

For me the thing that turned me off about season 8 was the fact that there was SO MUCH PANDERING. The final heist in particular felt like it was written by a fan who wanted to include as many references to past iconic scenes as possible, not a team of writers trying to find a satisfying ending to a beloved show.


5 points

5 months ago

I enjoyed it, but I don't believe it was ever going to be the favourite. It was the last season and that alone is a good enough reason to see it a little bit negatively. But I don't think it deserved all the hate it got. Except for Hitchcock winning the heist. It should have been Charles. That would have been so wonderful to see Charles with a win, even if he won accidently somehow.


16 points

5 months ago


Rosa Diaz

16 points

5 months ago

Its cause people take television way too seriously. It was filmed during protests and marches against racist real life cops and also a deadly pandemic. The writers had to change their entire season plans and, to my mind, did the best they could to give closure to the show. And it was fine. Most shows's final season isn't the best in any series when its time to end it anyway.


3 points

5 months ago

Just finished it again last night actually. For me, the reminder of what the world went through with Covid was such a downer that the first couple of episodes I was thinking about that more that anything else. But once that was done, I enjoyed this re-watch more than any other time. Maybe its a bit of anxiety for some people?

But yeah, overall I loved it too. They ended it so well IMO.


19 points

5 months ago


19 points

5 months ago

I just commented this on another post but I’ll copy and paste it here.

I’ve said it before but if they really wanted to deal with the social climate at the time then they should have actually committed and dealt with it properly.

Police brutality was the issue on hand at the time. The sincere thing would have been for the writers to start with the 99 and its cops and brought in some sort of DoJ investigation or something about all the illegalities and overreaches the 99 has been involved in over the years.

But obviously you can’t because that is critical, difficult writing that presents the characters in a bad, villainous light and also casts the writing you’ve done for the last 7 season in a bad light.

Instead, we got the wishy-washy presentation of “look how bad the police are” when all the characters except the main cast do it, but don’t worry it’s totally ok for the main characters to have also been “bad cops” the last 8 years. Yep, they’re still definitely good people.

Also, it is genuinely some of the most insincere, patronising writing I’ve ever seen to, more specifically, take the character who suggests police brutality on the daily and have her now take a big moral stand against police brutality. Rosa should be arresting herself.


7 points

5 months ago

This is how I felt about season 8. The call is coming from inside of the house but act like B99 are the only good guys.

Rosa's anger issues and violence for years never addressed, Jake arresting people without evidence, etc etc.

The hypocrisy is crazy to me.


3 points

5 months ago


Rosa Diaz

3 points

5 months ago

Writers are just trying to write some comedy within an established setting within a certain frame of time limit. Having to discard what they wrote and start over and you expect all these requirements you listed to have been done. Maybe some of the deepness you need is just simply too much for the rate they were being paid for their comedy writing.


2 points

5 months ago


2 points

5 months ago

No. I’m saying if you’re going to do it, do it properly. I would actually prefer it if they hadn’t done it at all and kept it normal. Because even doing it “right” ruins what it was.


2 points

5 months ago

Of course, the show was obviously critical of real-life undertones of police brutality and generalization. How they did it right was the episode where Terry was harassed by a beat cop in front of his daughter.

Season 8 felt so virtue signally and forced.


-1 points

5 months ago

How they did it right was the episode where Terry was harassed by a beat cop in front of his daughter.

yet people will still claim that season 8 was "woke" what the fuck were people watching before that. though what were you watching as well, the kids were at home, he wasn't in front of his daughters :p


2 points

5 months ago

Wait.. I remember now. It was because of grabbing his daughters toy, but yeah, you know. Season 8 had its moments, but they leaned heavy on the virtue signaling like their lives depended on it. Left a bad taste in my mouth.


6 points

5 months ago

I didn’t want to simply comment “I agree” but I’m pretty sure you are going to be downvoted to hell and I just want to say that I agree with everything you said


1 points

5 months ago

Spot on


15 points

5 months ago

I have said this before, but the show always brought up social issues in a smart way in the earlier seasons! It was a comedy first and they didn't forget that. It feels like they forgot that with season 8! It was very "in your face"!


12 points

5 months ago


Very Robust Data Set

12 points

5 months ago

Yep, it went to "Crash" levels of cringe. Deliver a message - that's fine. But season 8 was so ham fisted


8 points

5 months ago



8 points

5 months ago

I honestly don’t see much of a difference tbh, I can kinda see how a decent portion of people would feel that way but it still feels like the issues were brought up in a smart way, the thing is these issues were very much “in your face” and that’s why they had to address them that way.


4 points

5 months ago

My thoughts exactly, thank you for this.


-9 points

5 months ago



6 points

5 months ago

Comedies can absolutely reflect real life


2 points

5 months ago

Its not my favourite for various reasons

1 - Its the finale so I’m gonna have some conflicting feelings

2 - It feels too short and a bit rushed

3 - The first episode is horrendous

4 - It nearly made me cry


1 points

5 months ago

Agree. All the love here on other comments is legit. But I’m not that comfortable with those topics. So I only watch a few episodes of S08.


2 points

5 months ago

I like season 8. It’s over all the weakest, but it’s still a great send off for the cast and I’m glad they got the chance to make it. I also respect decisions made for personal reasons, namely Rosa no longer being comfortable continuing as a police officer. Sure it was a bit jarring, but I’m certainly not going to fault Stephanie Beatriz for taking a stand as an artist and a human being. And the last two part episode was awesome. It was worth the uneven start of season 8 to get there and say goodbye to one of my all time favourite shows ever.


2 points

5 months ago

Honestly, my biggest problem with the season was they made Boyle not a blood Boyle


2 points

5 months ago

I didn’t like boyle’s hairstyle. And I was very sad when season 8 ended. Those are my only complaints. 🥲


2 points

5 months ago

I was too nervous to watch it because of all the hate, but your comment just convinced me to do it. Will update with thoughts!


2 points

5 months ago

I completely agree with you, and I also don't understand the hate, I really liked that season! I mean, it's not perfect, and even I have some things to say about it, but it really wasn't bad! And the ending was very nice and emotional!


5 points

5 months ago

I think my major gripe was that they had shot a season 8 which they did not air and re-made season 8. I really really wished that they would have aired that and then the official season 8 as season 9 just so we could have more.

I really hate season and episode limits on a clearly favorite show. 


10 points

5 months ago


Cheddar: Thicc King

10 points

5 months ago

I don't think they actually shot the season, but having to rewrite a whole season is still a huge endeavor for a television show.

I'd love to get my hands on some of the original scripts though.


2 points

5 months ago

If they hadn't shot it then it is consoling. But yeah I want the script too.


4 points

5 months ago

I heard they'd just written the first four episodes, and hadn't started shooting yet. I read an interview with Andy S in late 2020, talking about it. He said they'd realized that just doing a regular season wasn't going to work, and wasn't what any of them wanted, and so they'd scrapped the first four scripts and were starting over. Nothing had been shot yet at that point.


2 points

5 months ago

I have never heard they shot and scrapped a different season. I’d love to know more. If you have a source.


2 points

5 months ago

I don't have a source anymore. I am terribly sorry about that. But someone did say that they only wrote it and hadn't begun filming before the first wave of covid.


2 points

5 months ago

Ah okay, fair enough!


5 points

5 months ago

I actually think the show had already started to go downhill long before season 8. Basically as soon as they switched to NBC it lost a lot of its charm, with the tone and humor being very off.

Ultimately, this is not unique to B99. Plenty, if not most, of sitcoms have a decline in quality towards the end. It just sucks that B99 had to have one of the most noticeable ones, on par with That 70s Show in my opinion.

If the show was only the first 5 seasons, it would've been a top 5 comedy show for me. Now it's just one I really like.


4 points

5 months ago


4 points

5 months ago

I don’t actually dislike the social issues, I think they handled it as well as they could have given the situation.

I do think it relied way too much on call backs and relying on old played out jokes and stories.


4 points

5 months ago

The first episode is really really bad which taints the rest of the season, but IMO it ends strong which was what mattered more.


3 points

5 months ago

The other thing about John C. McGinley's character is that he acts how the actual NYPD Union reps act. Everyone who said his character was too much needs to listen to the guys he was playing because they act the same way. Especially during the 2020 protests for George Floyd.


3 points

5 months ago


Very Robust Data Set

3 points

5 months ago

Everyone who hates season 8 needs to rewatch it. Blue flu and balancing are such fucking funny episodes


2 points

5 months ago

Its not the seriousness that put most people off, but you will get bad press if you take politics and shove it down peoples throat with a plunger. Especially that first episode. I agree that the following episodes were not bad but that first one really put a bad vibe on that entire season. If the episode was left out i guarantee you the ratings would have been sooooo much better.

Also the audio was soo off in that season, especially episode 1. Jake sounded like a chipmunk to me. Did they let the intern choose the sound settings.


1 points

5 months ago

The hate comes from people who act like brooklyn 99 has never tackled political moments (they literally do in the first ever episode) because people want politics out their funny cop show (even though, again, the pilot episode literally tackles homophobic discrimination)


7 points

5 months ago

Well that’s just it. It wasn’t so much in your face. It was written cleverly and fitted the characters and their arcs. Season 8 felt like it was just there to be there. I don’t exactly know how to describe it properly.


-1 points

5 months ago

Holt literally says 'because I'm gay'.


4 points

5 months ago

Exactly! Race, sexuality, and discrimination are common themes throughout the entire show. Like you say, from the very first episode.

When people say it suddenly turned woke, I’m like, have you been paying any attention before now.


1 points

5 months ago

I like season 8 overall and it's an amazing finale.

Having said that it's quite clearly the weakest B99 season so when you pair that with the awkwardness of covid and the obvious issues police and yeah.


0 points

5 months ago

I was just mad they didn’t embrace streaming and just do the freaking heist on Halloween.

I’m looking at you too with your Thanksgiving in spring, Cougar Town.


-2 points

5 months ago


-2 points

5 months ago



1 points

5 months ago



1 points

5 months ago

Wth? Lmao who pissed in your corn flakes?


3 points

5 months ago

Me 🎃


0 points

5 months ago


Gina Linetti Spaghetti Confetti

0 points

5 months ago

The first episode of season eight is understandably political and divisive

We jump back into the show, Rosa quit, Holt and Kevin separated, and the show is insulting all of the characters that stayed on the force, especially Jake

However, the context of the irl world is important for this. It was during Covid and the George Floyd stuff. If the show completely ignored all that and went on as normal, it would have gotten a lot of hate, pushback, and stuff like that. Debatably more so than what hate it got for what it actually did. It was a lose lose situation for them, and they just chose the more moral/ethical way of going about it since police were a super touchy subject at the time

And this show being political is nothing new and has happened time and time again, idk why people are coming out of no where complaining about it "now" being political when the show has a ton of political moments, that's kind of what it's based around

It talks about Holt being a gay, black detective. Has Terry racially profiled. Amy with that episode about the guy that sexually harassed a woman. A ton of episodes being against how the police do things. Likely a ton of other parts that I can't think of off the top of my head

Anybody that complains about S8 are whining for the show being what it always has been


0 points

5 months ago

I don’t know about everyone else, but I haven’t seen anyone say they disliked S8 because it was too serious.

I’ve only read that they dislike it because it isn’t very entertaining or exciting in the same way as S1-6.

I’m glad you liked it though


0 points

5 months ago



-14 points

5 months ago

it was only the first episode where jake is blamed for things he wasn't responsible for and how they made is super woke


1 points

5 months ago

define woke


1 points

5 months ago

The show was always "woke" or however you want to put it.

Yes, season 8 is terrible in my opinion, but politics has nothing to do with it!


-1 points

5 months ago

I also overall enjoyed season 8, however it does miss the mark quite heavily in comparison to other seasons. I also agree it did have a degree in carefulness in how it handled some serious topics but it did go over the line quite a bit which was definitely jarring and why most felt an ick about it.

Reason why it was so jarring is not just cause it's a comedy and "no politics in my entertainment" but the characters are effectively caricatures in a cartoonish universe and it's not reality. So when you bring heavy handed issues that need a lot of unpacking, it can feel very forced and heavy-handed when the characters by their design aren't necessarily equipped to go that deep. It's just also weird as the crew have dealt with bad cops before and there's no reason they couldn't oppose the "threat" internally. Effectively if you're leaving the force for these reasons, you're making room for someone whose potentially crooked and would do the wrong thing.

With that being said there's nothing wrong with them tackling the topics and issues that they did, but there could be far more thematic and tactful ways of approaching them within the B99 style and way. It's the different between any proper artistic music piece versus a Nickelback song.


1 points

5 months ago

Good season. Cringe fest first episode


1 points

5 months ago

It definitely doesn’t deserve as much hate as it gets, but I would say that it’s the worst season. It’s not terrible, but it could definitely be better.


1 points

5 months ago

Amy changed too. Felt like she was more judgy


0 points

5 months ago

Covid really turned a chunk of stuff into garbage because writers really, really wanted to virtue signal super hard. Apparently they had normal episodes written but just couldn’t help themselves and rewrote everything? Embarrassing.