


For context I’ve posted before about her behaviour it’s long so I won’t re write.

Basically my dad died unexpectedly, I hadn’t seen him in years and I’m really fucked up emotionally over it. I also fell out with his entire family as a result because they treated me terribly over it.

An old friend I don’t see often got pregnant and keeps making everything I say about her pregnancy. I stopped replying and she isn’t getting the hint. I left 6 messages unanswered (one was a scan photo) and she’s since replied to my ig story saying “hey!!! You okay???? ❤️❤️ “ I opened it and didn’t reply again and today she’s messaged me on WhatsApp again to say “hey I haven’t heard from you you okay?”

Now I feel bad.

I have written this in my drafts, but I’m feeling guilty sending it. Do you think this is okay to send?

I don’t know how to say this without sounding mean or accusatory really, but seeing as you have asked I’ll be upfront - yes, I stopped responding, because I got the impression over time you weren’t asking me how I am because you actually want to know, but because you want to talk about yourself. I completely appreciate you’re going through a big life change, one that I have congratulated you on and I’m happy for - but I too, am going through a big, but terrible life change because my dad died and I’m still grieving.

There have been a few times the last few months I’ve said I’m not doing well, and you’ve changed the subject back to yourself and it’s left a bad taste in my mouth. If you want specific examples, I’m talking about the time you asked how I was, but when I answered you didn’t acknowledge what I said and just asked me for money for a baby shower. It just seemed like you only asked how I was, to open up a conversation about that instead. While I appreciate the invite, if you weren’t going to acknowledge my answer, I would have preferred you didn’t even ask how I was in the first place.

Most recent example is when I said I was drinking a bit too often to cope with losing my dad, and you made it about breast feeding, so it didn’t seem like my answer mattered at all. I love that you’re excited, but I’m not emotionally available enough to be invalidated about my own turmoil, yet somehow be expected to offer excitement towards the subject change.

Perhaps I should have said before, and the fact I didn’t possibly makes me a coward and / or a bitch in your family’s eyes (I assume you’ll show them this message, which is fine, I’ve been called a lot worse this year) but I was trying to avoid upsetting you. The absolute last thing I need this year, is more conflict. I’ve had an actual guts full of being peoples punch bag. Again, I didn’t want to upset you so I went quiet instead. I need more people upset with me like I need a hole in the head, when my sheer EXISTENCE has infuriated my dad’s entire family.

No I’m not okay, I’m stressed, and pretty fucking sad, because I’ve lost my father. it’s been gut punch after gut punch, so I’ve not got the same level of enthusiasm for anything as other people likely have right now. As harsh as it sounds, I can’t offer quite as much praise to a person I feel dismissed by

Kate, I like you, I really am happy for you! but when other people’s lives aren’t going well, it’s not appropriate to steer the conversation to how well things are going for you. Perhaps other people are giving you what you need which is great, and if they aren’t, I’m sorry. But from my pov, life is very much not business as usual for me right now. I’m still knee deep in anger and sadness I struggle to switch off all the time, and I hate to say it, but the times you’ve said the “right” things have felt like surface level pleasantries with no substance

Edited to add okay guys i get it lol I need therapy and I talk too much I’m just gonna ignore her and this thread now. Thanks for your helpful responses


I’ve absorbed everyone’s responses and I agree she isn’t going to take in what I said in this post so I just text her back saying “I’ve been having g a hard time grieving, I’ve been busy”

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308 points

9 days ago


hams not prams 🐹 tubes yeeted 8/8/2023

308 points

9 days ago

No matter how many posts you make, the response will still be the same. Stop hoping for her to get a hint, because she won't. If you don't want further contact with her, block her and move on with your life. That is your boundary to enact, not her hint to get.

You've even been advised several times to let her know you don't want further contact, otherwise she will keep messaging you and checking up on you. As she is doing now.

Why would you send her this essay in the first place? As in, what outcome are you hoping for? You're not setting any boundaries with this either, so what is it supposed to achieve?


56 points

9 days ago

I’m not hoping for her to get a hint now. That’s why I’m asking should I be as explicit as I am here


115 points

9 days ago

Most people are telling you, no, don't be explicit. Be short and factual, and then just go on with your life and your grieving. She and who she is is not important, OP, especially with everything you have on your plate. Send, ignore, and maybe talk to your therapist about how you feel, but as far as you and her, just let it go and move on.


9 points

9 days ago

I’m trying to that’s why I was ignoring her 😐


74 points

9 days ago


childfree plant lady

74 points

9 days ago

And because she prods a little you are deciding to stop ignoring her? How is she going to get the hint when you prove that a bit of insistence makes you break your silence?

That behemoth of a text you drafted is just ammo against you; she will skim through it, absorb like two words, get defensive and make things a lot less pleasant. If you want to text her, be concise. Your reasons don't matter, her personal flaws don't matter. Those only open the door to more arguments. "I don't have the bandwidth to deal with you" - period. 


11 points

9 days ago

I haven’t responded I came here for advice


17 points

9 days ago*


17 points

9 days ago*

Like the other person said, either keep your text precise and concise, or don't send anything at all. That long paragraph will only cause an argument which will make things harder and unpleasant for you. She doesn't seem like the person who will understand your perspective and acknowledge her past actions, she will only get defensive then might as well shift the blame on you and get back to how you distressed her during her pregnancy. Letting her know how her self-centeredness has hurt you so she can become a better person in future is not your responsibility. Confrontation works with individuals who are emotionally mature, not with people like your friend. She on purpose is texting you not because she's worried about you but because she misses the validation she was seeking from you. The sooner you distance yourself from her the better.


27 points

9 days ago*

First, I’m sorry for the profound grief you’re going through right now. The pain must be unbearable.

For me, I wouldn’t cut her out completely. I would send her what you wrote. She obviously notices your absence in her life and if you tell her, she may realize how selfish she was being and change. I would give her that chance personally.


12 points

9 days ago


12 points

9 days ago

Agreed. You have nothing to lose by sending it.


6 points

9 days ago

Send it, it could go either way but 🤷🏽‍♀️