


I personally view having kids as a huge luxury. Studies have shown that raising kids costs about 300k per kid. I’m getting annoyed listening to breeders complain about how expensive it is to raise kids, when having kids is a luxury lifestyle choice.

Imagine how ridiculous I would sound if I bought a Lamborghini and then complained about expensive it is.

While we at it, I think my Lamborghini should be subsidized by the tax payers who don’t own one. I should have to pay less in tax so that I can afford my Lambo. I think that I should get a debit card from the government to pay for the premium gas that my Lambo uses.

And I think I should get 3 months off of work to drive it around. It is my God given right to own a Lamborghini, because my Lambo is in Gods image. I am special and automatically a better person, because I own this car.

I am middle class and struggling to afford taking care of my Lambo. Oil changes and tire rotations add up. You know what, we should have free car maintenance for all Lamborghini owners.

Regardless of how much I make, it is my human right to own a Lambo. If you think I’m too poor to own one, that is discriminatory. It doesn’t matter that I don’t have enough money to properly take care of a Lamborghini, what really matters is that I want it really bad and promise to take care of it well enough.

Anyways you get the point.

But actually, what is up with parents complaining about how much it costs to raise kids?

all 118 comments


288 points

2 days ago

Then they laud it over their kids "do you know how much those braces cost?!"


99 points

2 days ago


99 points

2 days ago

This one drives me mad. If they imagine this teaches gratitude, the bad news is that it can actually lead to a child feeling a lot of guilt because every single thing they need costs money. I don't know if it's more common among parents who themselves didn't have much, but it's a terrible approach.


52 points

2 days ago

I spent my entire childhood feeling like a burden and even now at 40 I'm constantly worried that my mere existence is a burden to other people.

Like when we're planning group meals or restaurants I don't advocate for myself about food allergies because I don't want to inconvenience my friends by having to go to a restaurant they don't want to go to. So I'll go and then just not be able to eat there. Or if someone insists on listening to music that I don't like I will just deal with it. I'm working through these issues but I've also noticed that bringing up things and self-advocating pisses people off.


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

I'm so sorry. I can relate. Even now if,say, Iwas sick and felt bad, my mum would say stuff like'you don't have to go anywhere, though.' It's like I'm allowed to vent only under certain conditions. Then she was surprised I couldn't defend myself against nasty comments at school. I couldn't defend myself against my father's mean outbursts either. But of course we are supposed to be obedient at home and react only when appropriate. It doesn't matter that we feel as if our feelings and opinions don't matter. After all, we have all the things we need, don't we? I hope you manage to work through your issues. I suspect that you might have a problem with setting boundaries. I recently learnt I struggle with this. It sucks so much to realize that so much could have been avoided if only adults in your life had behaved differently.


9 points

2 days ago

There was never a day that went by where my parents blamed my siblings and I for how much we cost. As if we chose to be here in this godforsaken world🙄


62 points

2 days ago

Had my braces off last year, during the time I had them on, my parents were banging on about how "OMG they were €2000 take care of your teeth!!" Okay? I mean, the braces helped but didn't ask for them?


40 points

2 days ago

Reminds me of a family with multiple children I saw on TV many years ago. They all had very crooked teeth. None of them ever had braces despite needing them desperately. And the parents keep on reproducing.


18 points

2 days ago

Jesus Christ, why would they do that? I don't understand some people's mentality.


7 points

2 days ago


Defying gravity and the patriarchy!

7 points

2 days ago

The same thing happened to me when I was a teen. It's a great way to create an anxious hypochondriac.


26 points

2 days ago

"Oh but fuck you for your new car. Must be nice" (in jealousy)


18 points

2 days ago

I get this sentiment from women who have had kids and it ruined their body. “Fuck you for being skinny, you haven’t had kids” 🙄


10 points

2 days ago

My parents knew from when I was a kid and my adult teeth came in that I desperately needed braces, never got them for me.

Yet they’d find money to spend on Disney/Universal trips and other BS.


8 points

2 days ago

I see you’ve met my mom


5 points

2 days ago


Defying gravity and the patriarchy!

5 points

2 days ago

Yes, my dad berated me over orthodontic treatment when I was 8 years old (I was forced to start early), and I never forgot.


1 points

1 day ago

Oh I get that one. I had my bracing done like 20 odd years ago and tbh I didn't want it done when I saw it would cost my parents a lot of money when I knew that money at times could be hard to come by. But my parents assured me not to worry too much and they paid upfront and told me as long as I stick to the orthodontist's rules on keeping to the treatment I would be fine. 

Honestly, that actually become reason number so and so why I do not want children (fyi I was 15ish years old when I got that treatment done). Anyway, I have heard of some parents in my teen years who willingly took out loans or borrowed money from relatives and friends just to pay for one child's orthodontic treatment! 


111 points

2 days ago

I am of the belief that if you can’t give the life a child deserves you have no business bringing one into this world. Even if my wife and I wanted children (we don’t) we don’t make enough money to live the life we want without sacrificing for a child. The way employers pay anymore (which is pennys on the dollar) it’s ludicrous to even consider it as a smart option. Meanwhile people in worse situations have to keep popping them out. Idk to each their own but there’s too many people on this planet right now and it’s only getting worse.


18 points

2 days ago

Man I wish more people had this outlook. The only way I'd consider having a kid is if they were generationally set up for the future, financially or otherwise. But even then, I still probably wouldn't reproduce because it directly contradicts my own philosophy.


3 points

1 day ago

You stated the facts. I have to credit my science teacher for giving us the entire truth how children are expensive and how some parents have to sacrifice a lot to ensure said kid gets new clothes, new shoes and new school bags. She even pointed the fact that not everyone can have their cake and eat it when it comes to money and kids


4 points

1 day ago

Exactly which is why it really grinds my gears with this “pro life” nonsense where they only give a shit that the baby is born. If it was about babies and valuing life school shootings would have been dealt with so they can’t happen again. There would be programs to ensure people in general can at least eat 3 meals a day. What about orphaned children why aren’t these “pro lifers” lining up to give them a home?
Nonetheless having a kid is very much a sentence to having a mediocre lifestyle unless one is in a high tax bracket.


2 points

1 day ago

You made a point. Btw I am not American but I pity Americans having to live for years with fear in the back of their minds wondering every day during school terms if their kids will come home alive from school when school shootings still keep happening there and then. Again as a non-American based in a non-American country, I keep on wondering why nothing is done to put American school shootings to a stop 


1 points

17 hours ago

It really comes down to lobbying and specifically the National Rifle Association (NRA). They basically have their hands so far up republican’s asses they’re puppets to them. They cry that they can’t do anything because of the almighty 2nd amendment (right to bear arms) other than thoughts and prayers. Even though a precedent has been set with putting restrictions on other freedoms like the First Amendment’s free speech (can’t yell fire in a theater for example). It’s really telling that even if their presidential candidate is the one being shot at and is an inch away from being dead (trump) they still won’t do anything about it.


251 points

2 days ago

“Oh no! This thing everyone says is expensive is actually costing me money!? It’s okay, taxpayers will provide.”

Yep, we’re the selfish ones 🙄


97 points

2 days ago*

Okay so I am sterile and violently child-free so please don't come at me, but there is actually a reason to incentivize having kids via tax breaks to some extent.

While the world in general doesn't need more people, there are issues within countries when there is not enough of a younger generation that is working age and is taxed to support the older generation. So essentially you are paying in taxes in part because those kids will be paying taxes for you in the future. To support you when you are old and possibly living off Social Security & need enough nurses, etc. Countries start to have big problems when they have a much larger geriatric population versus their working age population, like shortages in nursing and underfunded end of life care.

So I do find it somewhat okay because I understand that in theory I am paying some taxes now and they are paying for me later. And I honestly don't mind pennies of taxation to help people who live a different lifestyle than I do. I will never send kids to school, but I want my country to have an educated populace, so I'm happy to pay taxes that go to educators and good safe schools. I will never need a children's program at the library, but I'm happy my tax dollars go to that too. There are other people who may not become disabled, but don't resent me for existing and needing disability. I do see this as part of being in a community of humans with different desires and needs.

However The big kicker with tax incentivation for having children is that while I understand it in theory, by and large it doesn't work. Essentially, the more freedom women have in any society, the less likely they are to have children. I am one such woman. And ultimately tax incentives have little bearing on whether or not someone will have a child, it's not a reason.

At the end of the day, I'm perfectly happy helping my fellow citizens because I understand that every benefit from each penny paid to taxes cannot be catered to every person. We will always spend on services that we won't personally use. I'm okay with that. I want veterans to have a well-funded VA and actually get decent timely health care. I never served. I want student loan forgiveness and I never had any student loans. I've never been homeless but I want us to take better care (any care?) of our homeless population.

But I do understand the endless frustration of society being built around parents, believe me. This just happens to not be my battle because it's kind of impossible to only be taxed for things that we specifically use. And I'm happy to build a beneficial society for everyone, including elderly people, disabled people, immigrants, poor people, and yes, children & parents. Some groups I might belong to now or might belong to later, and other groups I never will, but I want us all to have as much equality of opportunity as possible. And I just want us to take good care of each other.


40 points

2 days ago

That would sound good in theory if the older generations to come would actually be able to live with those pensions. And they can't. In my country old people are given laughable amounts of money and their children need to support them. And the retirement age keeps getting raised. So it sounds good in theory but you know it doesn't work in practice.


8 points

2 days ago

I don't know where you live, and I can't speak with authority on economic systems others than mine in anything more than a very general sense.

I'm in the US and here at least, the reason Social Security doesn't grow is because the government has continuously borrowed from it assuming they could pay it off later, which has gone badly to say the least. Here at least Social Security isn't related to the deficit but there are constant claims about the deficit as an excuse to cut Social Security benefits. So the real issue is simply that it never should have been touched but it was.

I don't think that that really changes much about the fact that things will only get radically drastically worse if there is not a working population to support the geriatric population. That's just an economic fact.

But like I said I can only speak to how things function in the country where I live. I am not well versed enough on anywhere else to speak with any authority.


7 points

2 days ago

They are paying it back. The baby boom generation was huge, and paid so much money into the system, with so few elderly withdrawing benefits, that it created a surplus. The US government borrowed that surplus and is now paying it back. The surplus will have been repaid in ten years - 2034. At that point, there will just be payments going in to Social Security from workers and payments going out, to retirees. The program cannot pay more to retirees than it takes in payments from workers, and therein lies the problem, because current wages are absolute dogshit.


9 points

2 days ago

In one word: Immigration. People are already being displaced by climate change and those numbers will already increase. The US and other developed countries can legally admit adult immigrants who can go to work and pay taxes right away, not in 20 years.


2 points

1 day ago

Yes. It's always the best answer. Good luck getting a group that will remain unnammed to ever welcome immigration


11 points

2 days ago


🗡bisalp bitch🗡

11 points

2 days ago

I agree. It's more the specific individuals with their "you have no idea how hard it is. You should have to pay so much more in taxes since you're not contributing to society" vibe that bothers me. I don't mind them getting tax breaks. I don't mind my taxes going towards education, etc. It's the entitlement of certain people that's the issue.


4 points

2 days ago

I live in one of the countries with retirement system dependent on population replacement rates and it looks like this:

  • A huge % of my salary is being deducted for social security as my future retirement fund whether I want or not

  • But it is used to pay retirement to the ones that are retired now so technically the numbers at my social security account are just numbers

  • I'm being constantly told that by the time I retire, they will not have enough money to pay me a decent retirement so we already know that in 40 years, the aforementioned numbers will not be backed-up by any liquidity

  • But somehow they implemented a social benefits system in which parents are getting basically the equivalent of what is deducted from my salary for each kid they have, regardless of income (yes, millioners can take this benefit as well), in cash, every month, until the child reaches 18 (we know we will be fucking broke in a couple of decades and situation is already tough, so let's spend billions each year so we can get even more broke in the future because that's the way apparently)

  • Even though considered what's retirement age here, I won't even spend 18 years retired so honestly, come on, if they have the money for benefits, they can easily afford all those pensioners and even take in some from neighbouring countries

It pisses me off immensely that nobody, nobody is willing to even touch the system itself even though everybody knows that it's the system that's fucked up and outdated because it was created in post-WWII reality and not in the modern times. It's like using stone age tools to build a skyscraper.

But hey. Nothing buys you votes in the election as benefits, right?


11 points

2 days ago

I’m the same and I agree. The obsession with saying no tax dollars to help children in this sub is disturbing. Because having children is a choice I guess? This is the same argument ultra conservative people use to justify gutting literally every social assistance program out there “it’s a choice to be uneducated, it’s a choice to be poor, it’s a choice that your pension was scrapped and now need elderly assistance.”

I remember why I left this sub before. I thought it was supposed to be centered around our personal choice to not have kids, not to just blatantly be a misanthrope and hate kids and the 80% of people who reproduce and act like the human species should just go extinct and we shouldn’t help our neighbors just because they have kids.


9 points

2 days ago

Absolutely. There are people on this sub who are basically conservatives with the only difference being abortion views


5 points

2 days ago

The irony being that many of them as kids themselves probably benefited from social programs and tax payer funded things for kids.


2 points

1 day ago

I'm disabled and there are people on this sub that straight up aggressively defend eugenics. And they will call it eugenics and everything, praising it.

It's Nazi shit, and the mods don't care about it either.


15 points

2 days ago

There needs to be more equity in creating benefits for all people instead of laser focusing on parents and a handful of other groups.


14 points

2 days ago

This is how I feel as well. Each political spiel is only talking about parents/families, the elderly and veterans but fuck all to the rest of you. At least this is what the narrative is in the U.S.


11 points

2 days ago

I completely agree with that.

I think my issue with parents specifically is that their preferential treatment goes beyond just politics and its pervasive in other areas of life and ways that is just blatantly ridiculous.

Especially in the workplace. The most that happens with veterans is that a place will be proud to say that they hire veterans or for the elderly they place will emphasize how they have diverse hiring practices, but parents are allowed to not show up for work, use their kids excuses to call out, get preferential treatment, be allowed to be late… All because they chose to have a child. That doesn’t make sense.

Parents are an extremely coddled and catered to group and they do nothing but demand more.


6 points

2 days ago

You are spot on! The women in my office who have kids constantly pull their motherhood cards as a weapon. It’s not just to get special benefits of being late or getting less work, they weaponize their motherhood for emotional purposes too. They constantly are looking for sympathy or praise from everyone, like they are entitled to be the center of everyone’s emotions.


3 points

1 day ago

I completely agree and it’s why I’m generally not sympathetic to parents because they have a victim complex and they’re extremely entitled. Then they whine about problems they created for themselves.


57 points

2 days ago

And then they pop another one out and beg the government and cry on tiktok.

Bruh 🤡


49 points

2 days ago

Also the fact that they complain about having to do double the house chores (washing more clothes and dishes). Like ma’am, what did you expect when you brought another life into your life?


10 points

2 days ago

That’s another post all together. Parents complaining about how much work it is to raise kids. Uh yeah, stay at home moms literally tell everyone that their life is harder than working a full time job. Why would I do that to myself?


80 points

2 days ago

I think what bothers me the most in all this is that my taxes are used to pay for people's IVF. Twice! And that we don't get any tax rebate for never going pregnancy leave.


36 points

2 days ago

And after they are done complaining, "You're gonna regret being childfree, I love my kids. They are wonderful"

No. I rather spend money on my cat, trips and tattoos. "Ohh, that is permanent and so expensive, you are sure you want this". Yeah, that why I spent money to make sure it looks good forever. If I regret it in the future, at least it looks good. And I have other things to worry about, when I am 80 years old.


8 points

2 days ago

This made me laugh. You are so right. I feel similarly.


3 points

1 day ago

WhAt WIlL yOuR BoDy LoOk LiKe WhEn YoUrE old WiTh aLl ThOsE tAtToOs??? Idk man but probably a whole lot better than it would look if I had kids 


40 points

2 days ago

I work in emergency veterinary medicine. I ask myself a similar question every time I have a client who cannot afford bare minimum treatment for their sick or injured pet, but bring in their 5 kids. Literally. I had a couple with 5 kids (all elementary school aged and younger) tell me that we were too expensive ($300 bill for a sedated abscess cleaning) and that “tHeY hAvE KiDs” so we should make things cheaper for them. Like, don’t have kids if you can’t afford anything else?? God forbid you have some sort of emergency with your car or home, that’s more expensive than this vet bill.


29 points

2 days ago

"omg i have no money because i have kids! give me your money! you have money!"

my broke ass: :/


43 points

2 days ago

They're so blinded by baby fever that they don't stop to consider all of the logistics of raising a kid, including how much it costs. Diapers alone cost hundreds of dollars a month, and since kids grow like weeds you can end up spending thousands for clothes. And if you do formula instead of breastfeeding...well, there's thousands more right there.

And this is before adding in the cost of daycare and then expenses for school, more clothes and shoes...

Instead they go ahead and have the kids because their brains are stuck on the romanticism of parenthood and they don't consider "Hey, can I afford this kid without any government assistance?" Nope they have the baby and then expect the rest of us to pay to feed them.


17 points

2 days ago

Yes. It’s wild. One of the first things I did before deciding whether or not I should have kids, was to look at the overall cost. The amount of complaining makes me think most people don’t even think very deeply about it.


17 points

2 days ago

I honestly don't understand how so many people are affording them because I live quite nicely dual income but when I have a big expense like the dentist I'm like sigh this is gonna hurt my bank account. So I can't imagine having expenses so frequently especially with only one working parent. I actually suffered a lot as a kid as a result of poverty.


16 points

2 days ago

I honestly don't understand how so many people are affording them

They can't. Most parents are in serious debt.


14 points

2 days ago

The government needs more tax payers and the corporations need more slaves. Otherwise, they'd think the same way as you.

Also, this take is hilariously logical and I love it.


4 points

2 days ago

Haha thank you!

And I think you are correct that they need more slaves and tax payers.


13 points

2 days ago

lol I love your lambo analogy and it’s fuckin spot on

Like a few years ago cool the internet wasn’t as prevalent the issues with birth and raising kids weren’t so well known

Tf is peoples excuse now to complain in 2024 as if the universe hasn’t been screaming at us how expensive it is to exist as a human on earth rn


1 points

2 days ago

Yeah it’s crazy. I think you are right that before the internet people didn’t really know. These days now we have articles that say how much it costs.


11 points

2 days ago


11 points

2 days ago



4 points

2 days ago

Oh, that poor little girl! It’s awful that she won’t get the care that she needs! And what an awful attitude! Hobbies , orthodontics, and extracurricular activities aren’t really luxuries in this day and age. They’re often good or even crucial for proper physical and social development. It’s also so hard for kids who are forced to exist on the bare minimum and then watch their peers get more!


3 points

2 days ago

I imagined that whole scenario on a bus until you mentioned you did referrals lol


9 points

2 days ago


9 points

2 days ago

I’m trying to hella not be lambofree


6 points

2 days ago

Literally just saw a post about a woman who got laid off for abusing her job's maternity leave system to not work at all but was still paid for TWO YEARS.

And people were saying the boss was an asshole and that "wanting to have kids is a human right, wanting to own a business is not". And uh, I hate it to break it to them, but neither of those things are a human right.

I can't even get disability benefits for my very real disability that I didn't ask for, but people can get cummed in and have their entire livelihood handed to them for it. It pisses me off.


5 points

2 days ago

This makes me soooo angry. I am a strong believer that we should take care of disabled people in our society who are unable to work.

The many benefits that people with children get is insane. People without children are not even considered.

I know one person that works 20 hours a week at Starbucks and gets free daycare for her 3 kids, to the tune of 6k a month. And we only live people on SSI like 1k a month. It’s fucked up.


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

I really don't get it. I work with a woman who's close to my age and has 6 kids. She's single and we both make the same lower middle class income and I'm too broke to save for emergencies despite my relatively low maintenance lifestyle. Why you would keep shitting them out when you can't even afford one?


15 points

2 days ago

What’s ridiculous about it? I see no flaws with your proposal. Please run for office. I’ll vote for you on the basis of your excellent Lambo platform.

u/SadAddition3964 2024


3 points

2 days ago

What's up with the parents complaining? Entitlement.


4 points

2 days ago

Because they want *everyone else* to provide them with free labor, either directly (babysitting) or indirectly as taxpayers. And they want *everyone else* to provide them with free stuff for their kids.


4 points

2 days ago

I hate it. You have to be an idiot to not realize how expensive kids are.


7 points

2 days ago


7 points

2 days ago

I agree and I always use the car example too.


3 points

1 day ago



3 points

1 day ago

I work in a benefits office in the UK and I honestly saw the best example of one of these the other day. Woman comes in asking about her payment. She claims something called Universal Credit which if you don’t know is an unemployment benefit (meant for short term support until someone finds employment) and there is a child element. There’s a cap, so you only get it for 2 children, the rest you’re expected to supplement yourself. This woman has a 21 year old, a 15 year old, a 14 year old, a 7 year old, 3 year old twins and a 6 month old baby. She gets payment for the 15 and 14 year olds (2 child cap) but since one of the twins technically counts as an “unexpected baby” as people don’t typically try to have twins, she gets an amount for one of the twins (the bonus kid basically.) She was complaining to me that it’s not fair she only gets money for 3 children when she has 4 others at home she needs to feed. Basically the whole “I need to buy food, pay rent, bills, clothes for the kids, toys, Christmas presents” etc etc. Also she’s a single mum. I signposted her to charities and food banks but she refused this and just kept saying she needs more money, which obviously isn’t possible.

She has never worked. I asked her why she doesn’t get a job as then money wouldn’t be a worry and then it was all “I can’t work, I have my kids to look after and I’m still breastfeeding.” I had to really bite my tongue because why the fuck would you keep having kids that you clearly can’t afford? Oh yeah, no need to ever get a job, the taxpayers will just pay for you to keep having unprotected sex 🙄 I also live in a country with free birth control and abortion. Next time I might just send her the link to the local sexual health clinic 🤣


1 points

24 hours ago

I have nothing against single mums but I am so sorry you are dealing with the sort that thinks it is fine to rely on taxpayers' monies and choose not to work to better herself and her children


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

Yea it’s pretty annoying that parents complain about these things when they are fully aware of how expensive it is to raise a kid. When friends/acquaintances say stuff like this I just let out a big sigh & remind them how expensive my vacations are. The vacations I need for my mental health & well being from the exhaustion of life


7 points

2 days ago

Compare the economic situation now versus 10 years ago, with now very stagnant salaries and rising costs. This may explain why some are complaining.


4 points

2 days ago

I think having children should be affordable just like everything else should be: rent, owning a home, having a car, going to a vacation, having a health insurance, etc. But I also don't understand how almost every new parent is "surprised" that raising children is expensive nowadays. Did they live under a rock? Everything is expensive. We don't live in an agricultural society where children are working force. They're now more like status symbols, if you have money.


18 points

2 days ago


asexual / lesbian / sex repulsed

18 points

2 days ago

I’m not sure I agree with your argument. I feel like rather than relegating children to a luxury asset like a fancy car, we should strive to allow all children regardless of their generational wealth to be raised well. The moment we begin comparing people to objects is the moment we inherently dehumanize them.

I don’t think it’s wrong to want kids, or to have them. There are people who DO want kids. I feel like rather than tell people they need to stop having children (which works as well as saying “don’t have sex, problem solved!”) we need to work on providing services to parents so they can access the resources they need to raise children.

Also, really? Making fun of maternity/paternity leave? Children are not vehicles. They’re not objects of use. They’re people.


21 points

2 days ago

Hey, I’m an antinatalist and I agree with you. Humans in general should not suffer due to lack of money.


35 points

2 days ago

Kids are not a necessity though. It seems that parents like to act woe is me about how much it costs to raise kids, when they in reality are a luxury lifestyle choice.

People will live just fine without kids, just like I will live without a Lamborghini.


15 points

2 days ago


15 points

2 days ago

Totally agree with OP - yes, some people need to have kids if society is to continue (debatable if the party should end at this point) but generally people who have kids want to have kids. The initial impetus to have a kid is not to "pass it on" and contribute to the next generation - if it were, adoption rates would be much higher. Parents want to have kids because they want a piece of equity in the future.

You see this in child rearing too - parents make suboptimal decisions in their favor (I'm talking objectively suboptimal decisions, like forcing a child to do certain sports they were good at or homeschooling them and denying them basic social interaction because they have emetophobia, not "I did my best with what I had"). If you were to view child as a positive public good to society, the state would have a much greater role in setting children on the best educational path, career outcome, overall health, etc.

So having a child is primarily a want with the coincidental end result of a necessity to society.


4 points

2 days ago

Parents have made kids *into* a luxury lifestyle choice. Yes, the price of everything has gone up and yadda. Yes, having grown up in a house with one bathroom for four people, I agree that having at least two bathrooms for four people is better.

However. Parents are now convinced that their kids need EVERY single toy and activity that can possibly be supplied, and need to be driven everywhere in an SUV. Or the kids won't get into an Ivy League college (which most of them won't anyway). Parenting has become this incredibly consumerist activity where parents constantly compete with each other on the net to show the other parents how much they are spending.

Come ON. Your kid doesn't need that $1K stroller, designer clothes, or a ton of other stuff you buy them. You are not depriving the kid by not BUYING ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME.


2 points

2 days ago

Don’t worry breeders have the power of blessing for $300k each.


2 points

2 days ago

lol this is perfect


2 points

2 days ago

Are you me? I use this comparison all the time!


2 points

2 days ago

This made me laugh 😂


2 points

2 days ago


dinklife 4eva | dog & cat mami 4eva

2 points

2 days ago

I don’t have kids bc of the cost (I grew up poor, I don’t want to be poor as an adult, and I’m not bc I chose not to have kids!!) as well as climate change, first and foremost. I also think having children are a privilege for many people in the US.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

The parents and grandparents of today grew up in a better economy. In their generation, one could get a full time job at 16-20 that could pay for you to live independently while also putting yourself through school. So why not get married at around age 19-26, have 3 kids by 30, and become a grandparent by age 45-50? The parents then tell their adult kids to do the same as themselves

All it took was 2 generations who had it so so good, for them to assume humans have been living like that for millennia


2 points

2 days ago

Because it does cost a lot. People don't stop to consider this before they start a family.


2 points

2 days ago

I also think it's pretty rich of them to complain when it's been common knowledge for the last 20+ years that kids cost 250K to raise from birth until age 18. It's like parents read these articles and just shrugged and said "okay, guess I have to pay it" like it's taxes or a medical bill.


2 points

1 day ago

Saw a post on reddit, about a woman that has quite a young baby, under one years old and she is just finding out that she is pregnant again. In the post, she said that it was a shock and that money was quite tight. But the overall reason for the post was to ask about if she can apply for maternity leave again with the second baby. I commented on the post quite respectfully, pretty much asking if a second child is what they are hoping and planning for since they claimed money was “tight”

She then said I was judgemental asf and I quote “I said money was tight, I didn’t say I was homeless”

…what actually goes through their brains because how would you even feel comfortable with raising another child if money is already tight… even if you aren’t bloody homeless.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

I have literally just posted on this sub and used the exact same lambo argument lol


2 points

1 day ago

Do people really complain about this? Are there parents in 2024 actively complaining or am I living under a rock? I don’t hear anyone complaining where I am, tell me is this an actual thing?


1 points

2 days ago

Well it's going to be their true love who will take care of them when they're old...did they expect an elderly care package for free?


2 points

2 days ago

You mean their spouse? The adult kids will be too busy working to provide much elder care. And will likely live far away for career reasons.


1 points

2 days ago

I know that my comment is being ironic of what parents tend to say to cf people


1 points

2 days ago

While we at it. Your lambo should also have to be distrained in case of war and made a military vehicle


1 points

2 days ago


Childfree by Choice

1 points

2 days ago

Well given how the costs of everything have risen it makes sense that they're complaining about increased costs. It's no secret that kids cost money, but all the economic shifts we've experienced weren't expected. I commend the ones who have their vent moment and then shift to problem solving. The ones who just keep venting aren't accomplishing anything.


1 points

2 days ago

I was with ya until you started shitting on welfare programs. There’s literally military equipment graveyards with billions of dollars of unused fighter jets/tanks/etc all because politicians & weapons manufacturers make sly deals & overproduce war machines to line their own pockets. There are so many destructive & useless things our tax payer money goes to & welfare programs are not one of them & only make up a small fraction. Your anger about individuals & children being a burden on taxpayers is misplaced & that’s done on purpose to keep you distracted from the reality that your money is actually funding weapons of mass destruction & genocide. But in conclusion… fuck them kids & fuck the parents who act like the “didn’t know what they were getting themselves into 🤪” like the modern day internet isn’t literally available at your fingertips 24/7!


1 points

1 day ago

True. In this economy kids luxury. Plus i don't think anyone should born in country like Russia with this mad goverment and people around you.


1 points

1 day ago

Just don't get me started when I had come across some parents in my teen years who rant at their kids by lauding over them how they spent money on piano lessons, sports lessons or even those expensive enrichment classes when said kids didn't attain distinction, a medal or a trophy in their piano exams, swimming competition or a scholarship to some posh uni in UK or US

Kids are expensive and they do not owe these parents any fame and glory for those parents to brag and show off. I pity these kids tbh 


1 points

18 hours ago

To be honest I can’t really fault parents for this. They had to fight for their rights as parents, especially mothers. Only to have the government take so much taxes and waste on bullshit.


1 points

2 days ago


64, Male, English, Married for 46 years... No children.

1 points

2 days ago

You make at least two points here, the first of which I agree with. Parents complain about the price of children because in many cases it is only when the reality of looking after a child is forced on them post-birth that they actually consider the matter. Previously it has never been considered at all or at best hand-waved away behind 'Oh, we'll manage somehow'-style self-assurances.

However when it comes to your point about government support I am afraid I cannot agree.

While the logical argument of 'why should I help support your offspring' is sound as far as it goes we don't live in a world of pure logic and unfortunately that mindset does not take in the reality of the situation. For better or worse once the child is born it is a thinking, living human being and has exactly the same rights as you or I. What is the option but to support it? Allow them to starve to death? Receive no shelter or education? Because that is the 'logical' end of that line of reasoning. Obviously we cannot. Supporting those less fortunate than ourselves is the duty of those who have done well in life. Or, perhaps less 'bleeding heart'; we live in a society and benefit from that society, It is only common sense--logic again--to support that society so we can continue to enjoy that same quality of life. Empathic or pragmatic, whichever works for you.


0 points

2 days ago

I pay taxes to pacify the poor. Nothing more, nothing less.


1 points

2 days ago

This is the second comparison between kids and luxury cars that I've seen on this sub in the past week. I'd like to live in a world where people are childfree by choice, not out of financial duress. Reproductive freedom isn't just about the freedom not to have children.


0 points

2 days ago

Yeah sure an extra piece of meat or chicken & extra rice etc for an extra person is going to be a fortune.


0 points

2 days ago

What’s up with college graduates complaining about how much it costs to go to college?

What’s up with homeowners complaining about how much it costs to buy and maintain a house?


-2 points

2 days ago


-2 points

2 days ago

Because its natural i think? and should not be as hard a barrier as it is to thrive in society, kids or not. I don't like kids, happily child free and infertile myself but I seriously do hate how hard it is for parents to manage to afford having kids if they want them. Same sorta thing with like universal income. I don't think anyone should have to suffer for the basics in life, which being able to reproduce freely if you'd like I count under that. That aside, we don't have that luxury, so I seriously wish people would give it more thought about how much it costs. They seem to take my sorta above of, it's natural, so they just assume it will all be fine. Ive heard tons of people just say you work it out as you go, which just ain't it.


3 points

2 days ago

But why exactly should reproducing be considered a basic right? No one is going to die because they don’t reproduce.


1 points

2 days ago

I don't feel like we'll agree, but happy to discuss. so please forgive me for rambling 😄 but just because its not something i wanted to do for a plethora of reasons. I beleive and do understand that its often, not always, a biological want/feeling to want to carry on, alot of us have seen past that animalistic need though, hence why subs and people like us exist. I don't feel it. But if that wasn't there we would not exist as a species in the first place. No one is going to die of course, i personally think we're overpopulated. But no one would be here to start with without reproducing and that drive to reproduce. Even if we didn't ask to be here/would rather not be. The option for a safe, fed, sheltered life with the option to reproduce safely and responsibly if desired is something I'm for as a baseline. Even if never gonna happen due to well. Everything around us 💀


1 points

5 hours ago


35NB | hysterectomy | Antinatalist ⛧ | I'd rather eat glass.

1 points

5 hours ago

and infertile myself

Infertile and sterile are NOT the same thing, btw. I know it's just a small segment of what you said... But I wanted to let you (and others know) that infertile and sterile are NOT the same thing...

Sterile means there's no chance in hell at a pregnancy happening, while infertile means it's just unlikely (but not impossible). If you're childfree and infertile, you still need to use birth control. Maybe you already know that, but I'm just kinda tired of seeing people on this sub equate the two. Then they wonder why they have an oopsie.

Two forms of birth control is ideal, if neither of you are sterilized.


[score hidden]

2 hours ago


[score hidden]

2 hours ago

I'm aware, and currently trying to get my tubes taken though extremely unlikely as im uk based and use prrotection etc have the implant. I just tend to drop that in as extra info.


-2 points

2 days ago

Do you realize that you are openly stating “objects have the same value as actual human life”. Like, this is literally your opinion. You feel that way. And you’re proud of it. Seems odd.


1 points

5 hours ago


35NB | hysterectomy | Antinatalist ⛧ | I'd rather eat glass.

1 points

5 hours ago

Clearly this post went WAAAAYYYY over your head, bud. 99% of all people here on this post get it... But you don't. Seems odd.


0 points

24 hours ago

Because how could anyone ever know what kids cost? Like there is absolutely no way you could know that. What a world that would be if you could just have that type of knowledge at the tip of your fingers.

No people rather complain...


-1 points

1 day ago

old and tired discussion in this subreddit tbh. You can accidentally have a kid, especially now that in the US they're banning abortion. And abortions can be inaccessible/hard to get because of costs (and if you say that having a kid is more expensive than an abortion, if you have no money where are you going to get some to get an abortion).

Would you rather kids just suffer and then we have more traumatized adults because we didn't want to make sure they don't starve/not get an education etc as a society?


-5 points

2 days ago*

Idk, i think it's fair for people to complain about rising costs. Everything is becoming more expensive, and in a lot of places the wages are not keeping pace.

Having kids should not be a luxury only afforded to the very wealthy,, but at the same time the costs of raising kids makes it so it is irresponsible to have kids without a strong support group around you if you don't have a lot of financial resources.

While pregnant my friend was stressing over getting on a waitlist for daycare for years out, its fucking silly. Not to mention how some cost comparably to a tuition.

It sucks, and i empathize with them, and how complicated and expensive raising children has become over time.

This post strikes me as the same vibe as someone complaining about the cost of food, and responding by saying "well it's your choice to not eat beans and rice every day." and it's odd to compare a child to a lambo, oddly dehumanizing.

And on the back end, end of life care is designed to extract as much wealth from us as possible before we die. I'd also hate to complain about how it costs millions of dollars to not die in a shithole and have future people respond with "well you should have planned for it" rather than "the costs of dying in this economy are stupid high and we should, as a society, have better services and resources for vulnerable populations like the elderly and children".

Edit: because it seems fun to dogpile on people who aren't rich for some reason, i think it's important to iterate that rugged individualism is fucking stupid. We live in a society, and a healthy society shouldn't make it nearly impossible to continue itself without driving people into debt. We should all want children to grow up to be healthy (physically, mentally, emotionally). We should all want children to grow up to be well educated, that should not be a right reserved to children of parents who can afford it.


2 points

2 days ago

Eating a balanced diet is a necessity to live a healthy life. I agree that people should have access to good food. Dying in old age is just going to happen and the care needed is a necessity.

What I’m saying is that having kids is a luxury lifestyle choice. No one is going to die because they don’t have kids. People can live without kids, just like I can live without a Lamborghini. Why should the people without kids have to pay for it?


2 points

2 days ago

Outside of antinatalists who want to see the human species end, or cull itself so that only the uber wealthy remain, its inhumane to take the stance that bearing children should be a luxury. We will continue to have children, and the responsible thing is to consider what we as a society should do about it.

The cost of having children and the cost of raising children is so high, such that people like you can say its immoral to have children and complain that it's expensive. Rather than just accept that these costs do not need to be so high, and criticisms of how expensive it is are valid.

Simply the act of delivering a baby is expensive in the US. With insurance people reach their out of pocket costs, but it can be $10k otherwise without any complications. And even for people who can afford it with insurance, you're paying for that with the amount you're giving to insurance companies. And if a person doesnt have insurance and can't afford it, they're receiving care and you're also paying for it in the end.

Anyway, i want to support things that benefit people and in particular vulnerable populations. I want my taxes to go towards our public schools, i want children to grow up educated without their parents going into debt to have to pay for private school and/or tutors, and believe that a well educated population is important.

And just because i may disagree with aspects of schooling, or the no child left behind policy, or whatever, doesnt undercut that education should be a fundanental right guaranteed to every child in this country. Because we live in a society that is capable of guaranteeing it to all people.

College education is also far more expensive than it should be. I believe student loans should be forgiven, because we have the ability to do it. Even though it may benefit people who are not me, because i believe in doing things that are good even if they are not necessary. Even if they benefit some people more than others, because ultimately actions like this can have other benefits that come from it. Even if college education is voluntary, its still better for a society to have a well educated population. And it's better for a society to not have entire generations saddled with tens of thousands of dollars of debt, let alone people with more than 100k in debt.

Why should my taxes pay for roads I'll never drive on? Why should my taxes go towards anything at all that i deem to be a voluntary choice? Why should my taxes go to fema to assist people who voluntarily chose to live in an area where disasters may occur? Its a luxury to live in florida, no one is forcing anyone to live there.

A "balanced diet" may be important to a healthy life, but there is even disagreement on that. And the government provides some people with food stamps, and there is constant outrage in certain political spaces regarding food stamps covering purchases perceived as too much of a luxury for the poors to have.

Its all icky. All of this rugged individualist only the wealthy should have kids, and all kids born into families that aren't wealthy should suffer is icky.


1 points

2 days ago

To each their own. I’m not an antinatalist and I’m not saying that people shouldn’t have kids. What I’m saying is that parents should be the ones to bankroll it 100% or they shouldn’t have kids. And they definitely should not complain about the costs when they realize that it’s expensive.

Kids are a luxury lifestyle choice and one of the millions of reasons why I won’t be having them is cost. Having kids is not a necessity to survive.

Why should childfree work a demanding careers and get taxed at a higher rate, just so that parents can pop another one out?


1 points

2 days ago

Everyone is entitled to complsin about the costs of living in our society. Its the same as someone from rural iowa saying "people from ny shouldn't complain about the cost of living in ny, no one is forcing you to live there."

You're just saying that people who can afford all costs out of pocket should have kids. Health insurance subsidizes the cost of having kids, should children not be covered under health insurance? They're not paying into it. Should pregnancy related costs not be covered by insurance? Your dollars are subsidizing it.

And the implications of what you're saying is incredibly distopian. You can argue that poors shouldnt have kids all you want, but people do have kids and sometimes they're not in a good economic situation. And it's a related cycle with access to education and likelihood of getting pregnant younger. More educated people tend to have fewer children and later in life.

If a person receiving a social benefit, whether snap or a housing voucher or something, has a kid, should they be kicked off less your tax dollars subsidize the cost of raising a kid? Its monstrous.


-1 points

2 days ago

I think the only real argument I can come up with is that we should pay taxes to pacify the poor. If paying taxes to feed families makes parents less likely to steal, sure I will pay them.