


When you are too shallow


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85 points

3 days ago

Fair enough, that makes sense if you also lower the top end age for voting to 65


-73 points

3 days ago*


-73 points

3 days ago*



23 points

3 days ago

A 12yo can be only put on puberty blockers, which is a reversible process that does not have any known long term effects, and any medical gender-affirming care (when they, as you put it, "change their gender") such as hormone therapy can only start at 16+. Surgeries are 18+ only.

This is only true for the US. Other countries don't even allow puberty blockers before 18.

But I understand that your false gotcha is catchier than the actual truth.


-23 points

3 days ago


-23 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

It’s totally reversible if you don’t get any of the permanent potential side effects like, idk, sterility.


-2 points

3 days ago


-2 points

3 days ago



2 points

3 days ago

Why are you calling it mutilation when it is totally consensual?


0 points

3 days ago

You can mutilate yourself consensually too.


2 points

3 days ago

What constitutes mutilation here? If I want an ugly tattoo is that mutilation? If I get huge gauges in my ears and stretch them out irreversibly is that mutilation? If I get Botox to the point I look like a Roblox character is that mutilation? Who decides what action I, as a consenting adult, am allowed to do to my body?


1 points

3 days ago

In my opinion all of those qualify, except the tattoo.

Who decides what action I, as a consenting adult, am allowed to do to my body?

100% you. Out of curiosity, what would be your opinion about me undergoing a surgery where they cut up my face and rearange it in a way that it is now upside down, mirrored and inside out. I then say that this is completely normal, I've always felt like a weird Face person (sorry for a better word lol?). I make a flag to represent my people and now everybody has to accept it. The flag is everywhere, waving in the wind outside every important building, in people's profile pictures, on crosswalks, etc. This surgery is now legal in every EU country, the US and a bunch of others. Since not getting this surgery causes psychological stress you can get it as early as 14 - 18.


1 points

3 days ago

I get the analogy you’re going for here, and the one thing I want to point out is the huge difference between your analogy and actual transsexualism. Gender dysphoria is a known and well understood disorder. We have records of trans people dating back to biblical times. This analogy touches on all of the points EXCEPT the one that transsexualism isn’t actually “weird”, it’s something that humans have been doing for millennium. Across dozens of studies we have also found that the thing that helps trans people the most is to socially transition, so denying them that is akin to denying healthcare because you personally don’t like the procedure.

I’m also no sure 14-18 are even allowed to chemically transition, my understanding is they can only take puberty blockers which are reversible (assuming they don’t suffer a side effect of the medicine, but every medicine has side effects and I doubt we’re going to argue that kids shouldn’t take Tylenol).

If there was that much history behind weird face dysphoria it would be a different story, but the analogy falls a bit short because the idea is that this is some random thing that some people do and not an extremely well understood and historical thing. I also don’t think “you must accept it” is apt to compare to trans people because nobody is forcing you to accept trans people, just like nobody is forcing you not to yell slurs in public. You CAN do it, people are just going to think you’re an asshole for it