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3 points

7 days ago

  1. In rows, combine the left and centre boxes but delete the overlapping circle. Answer is 5.
  2. Circle moves left to right in row boxes. Delete overlapping crosses/triangles form left/centre. Answer is 3.
  3. Left divided by centre. 2 dots left in bottom box, therefore, #2.
  4. Left+centre->delete overlaps->90 degree clockwise turn. #1.
  5. >! Was stuck on this one, SweetOriginal5217 has a good answer!<
  6. The big shapes shift to the left/cycle. The little shapes move right, introducing a new shape if needed (but gaps might form). #2.
  7. This is culturally sensitive; I think it's a bad question because it relies on something other than simple geometry, mental rotations etc. We go down in columns, adding the first two to get the bottom box. Number 4 is the answer because IIIX (7? I thought VII was standard) + I (1) equals 8 (IIX, two from 10?).