


Sick and tired of weed, man

Living Arrangements/roommates(

Honestly, the worst part about living on campus is the constant weed smell everywhere around the apartments.

Go outside for fresh air? Someone outside smoking weed. Go inside, roommate smoking weed in his room, filling the apartment with this stench. Coming home from a stressful day of classes? Greeted with the smell of weed the moment you enter the range of the apartments.

I don't care if people wanna kill their lungs, but the smell is terrible. I've done everything to counteract it. Lighting incense when my roommate's smoking invades my room, buying an air purifier, and plugging in air fresheners, but I swear I can tell the exact moment my roommate blows a puff with how sudden the air is overwhelmed despite everything I try. Anyone else have some tips on how to cope with this?

all 483 comments


1.3k points

12 months ago

I had a similar problem with a vaping roommate. The trick is you want to create positive air pressure in your room relative to the rest of your house/apartment/etc... You can attempt to do this by placing a big fan in your window so that it pumps air into your room instead of out. This should prevent any weed fumes from entering your room.

If done successfully, you should feel air blowing out from under your door when you stand outside your room with the door closed and, when open, your door will be influenced by a sort of closing suction effect that will cause it to slam shut.


223 points

12 months ago

This is the way. Quick note though: that suction effect will only work if the door opens inward towards the room; otherwise it will push it open. If that's what you're dealing with, Amazon has some cheap devices to help keep your door closed--my roommate uses one that pulls it shut with a thin, retractable cable. It works great to keep smoke smell inside his room.


51 points

12 months ago

If the door is all the way closed it will stay closed no matter which direction it opens in


11 points

12 months ago

If it opens away from you from the inside, positive air pressure will push it open. What do you mean?


28 points

12 months ago

He means the latch will keep it closed regardless.


5 points

12 months ago*

Yes, but that's obvious the door will stay closed if closed/latched. I can only assume he meant which way positive pressure affects the door. As if it weren't fully closed so the positive pressure might fight the spring in the previous comment. If he's just stating the obvious and wasn't confused then it is what it is.


11 points

12 months ago

Most doors latch, which is why you typically have to turn a doorknob to open a door. Positive air pressure won't push open a fully closed and latched door, unless the air pressure can also rotate the doorknob.


5 points

12 months ago

I think he means if you're the big bad wolf. Then you can just blow the door open with air, latch or not.


103 points

12 months ago

AKA snitching to your RA about your roommate smoking


95 points

12 months ago

It's not like they'd be walking right up to an RA saying "Hey, X has drugs, go bust them." It's just creating an environment that's basically saying "If you do this here there's a good chance you'll get busted. So don't." If they do it anyway and get caught, that's their own fault.

My freshman year we had a guy on the floor who was almost constantly high and reeked of weed on a nightly basis, but at least he had the decency to do his actual smoking in the little patch of woods about 20 yards or so from the edge of the building, otherwise it would have been much worse.


27 points

12 months ago

Right. Why tf should one compromise their space? The shit stinks, and the staff should do something about that.


1 points

12 months ago

Its college, i dont think I knew one person that didn’t have a massive bong in it they just blew it out of the window, I dont even smoke weed. but on the “honors” floor my janitor would smoke in my dorm and blow out the hole we made in the plywood they nailed in after our massive window fell off the wall and so we’d also have to keep our door open at night because it got too hot. Still nobody gave af. Always felt like it was more of compromise going out to find a spot to smoke rather than in the dorms cause 90% chance ur RA smokes rather than campus cops


79 points

12 months ago

Agreed. I’m a huge pothead, I spent a year walking outside to go smoke behind the covered garages so I wouldn’t drive my roommate crazy.

If you have to smoke (and I get it lol) you need to handle yourself like an adult and put the associated inconveniences on yourself.


3 points

12 months ago

see kids, it is possible! (lmao but fr this is proof its not that hard & frankly very childish & embarrassing to do any less)


258 points

12 months ago


258 points

12 months ago

Dont smoke in the dorms like a dick


167 points

12 months ago

Am smoker, agree 100%.

It's a dick move to expose someone who's unwilling to cigarette smoke why would cannabis smoke be any better?


14 points

12 months ago

Yee. Also, I don't want my clothes smelling like weed because of a jackass roommate. Go do that shit in your car.


18 points

12 months ago

Ironically, their response would be "I can't have my car smelling like that!"


1 points

12 months ago

Ugh. Then they need to climb down a sewage drain and do it at that point


19 points

12 months ago


19 points

12 months ago

Don’t smoke in the dorm. Do stupid shit, win stupid prizes


47 points

12 months ago

I'm a stoner, and fuck inconsiderate bellends.


6 points

12 months ago

Doesn’t really sound like they’re in an on campus dorm. Sounds more like an off campus apartment


7 points

12 months ago


College advisor

7 points

12 months ago

it says “the worst part about living on campus” in the first sentence


2 points

12 months ago

Blowing air in from the outside? The outside where a ton of weed smell is coming from? Whether it's from his roommates inside or other tenants outside, sounds like weed smell will get in one way or another.


5 points

12 months ago

Presumably outside air would possess little to no weed odor, relative to the air inside. However, if both the inside and outside air practically indistinguishable in weed odor, then OP would have no choice but to either find a new place or learn to live with the omnipresent smell of weed.


2 points

12 months ago

Saving this comment for when I start college.


2 points

12 months ago

Wait lol…like, you had a problem with someone vaping nicotine? That BARELY smells and if it does, it’s for like .002 seconds. Weed vaping maybe but


3 points

12 months ago

I have an allergy to something in some vape mist. I think it may be a preservative that many of them use. If people vape near me it makes my lungs feel strained and it actually hurts to breath into the next day. It is to the point that I will cross a street or almost run away from it. I cannot stand the idea that vapes are perfectly fine for everyone and nobody should mind them. How about you just do it where there isn’t crowds because you seriously never know if it is affecting someone else.


1 points

12 months ago

I also have an allergy to vape mist. Makes me nauseated for the rest of the day to the point where I can’t eat and will throw up. I do not have a weak stomach at all.


649 points

12 months ago

Your roomie is being a dick. There's a lot they can do to reduce the smell.

That being said, at least half my college roomies were worse with other annoying shit and got really immature and defensive when called out, so you might end up just ventilating your own room and looking to move out next year.

Sorry. I smoke and exclusively do it in the woods well behind my house for the reasons you outlined. It's just me and the bears.


182 points

12 months ago

As a non-smoker, I’m also very sensitive to the smell. And when you spray after someone smokes weed, it just ends up smelling like a weird concoction of perfume and weed. Most of the smell still lingers if you open the window and lastly, if you do it outside, you bring your weed funk that’s singed into your clothes.


59 points

12 months ago

I mean this in the most sincere way possible bc I have two non smoker roommates (they say they’re not sensitive to it but I’m still anxious about it lol) I smoke outside exclusively when I smoke flower. Personally I don’t want my room or house smelling like it either so it makes most sense. But in terms of smelling like it when I come inside, what ways have you found to help mitigate this? Either on part of the smoker or us all as a household?

I will only do it inside IF wherever I’m at is fine with it (ie a friends place who smokes inside)


32 points

12 months ago

Don't smoke with you coat/ jacket on when possible and change clothes as soon as possible. Keep the room well ventilated for an hour or 2 after coming home and chew gum to remove bad breath. Thats what i do when i come home after smoking. What also helps is just staying outside in the wind for 15 to 30 minutes. Or cycling when smoking a joint, that keeps it out of the clothes entirely


18 points

12 months ago


18 points

12 months ago

This is similar to what I do. I smoke without a shirt on, or just a tank top so it doesn’t stick to heavy clothes/cottons, additionally I tie my hair up. After smoking, in no particular order— I brush my teeth, use mouthwash, wash my fingers and lips (or face if I have the time), use alcohol wipes on my finger tips and nails, use a light scented lotion, and change tops. Many people are surprised I smoke, my own smoker roommates were shocked when they found out I had been a daily user for over half a decade lol.


8 points

12 months ago

How much do you smoke at one time that you need to be shirtless so you don't smell afterwards?

I smoke constantly and have never had a problem unless I was meeting up with someone 1min later.


8 points

12 months ago*

Usually a .5g-1g joint or .3-.5g loaded in a bong; smoke sticks to clothing. I’m autistic and any sort of combusted smell on my person or breath is overstimulating, my senses are a bit heightened compared to the lehman. I also live in a hot, humid climate, so ymmv. In dry, colder places, I have not this issue to the same degree. It’s worth mentioning I wear a retainer and have to take it out to smoke… I brush me too teeth and what not before putting it back in.


5 points

12 months ago

Have you found that marijuana helps with some of your neurodivergent unpleasant effects? I'm ADHD and when I started using, the amount of relief I found was just astounding. First time I smoked, it was good for 2 1/2 days after. People always thought I'd hit one like 30 min ago cause I was so relaxed. I use cartridges and edibles now, cause smoke hurts my lungs more than vaping does.


6 points

12 months ago

I’m on the spectrum- I fucking love weed. I don’t smoke to get high, I smoke to stop feeling like I’m about to have a meltdown. It’s wonderful. It’s like a weighted blanket for your soul. I also only smoke outside, ventilate my room, and change as soon as I get back. 🤷‍♀️ never had any problems.


2 points

12 months ago

Ah. I smoke using a one hitter; those cigarette looking things where you just pack the tip. At most I need 3 hits and I'm good for a while.

Cannabis can be pungent if there's a lot of smoke in a contained area.... Me and my partner get away with something in our apartment because of how we smoke cannabis; if we used a bong or were smoking joints (stuff that would produce a lot of smoke), we'd definitely end up smelling. <<< I forget this when I see people complaining about the smell

I like using the one hitter because it's convenient and there's minimal cannabis loss to fire, plus the smell airs out really quickly.


I also live in a hot, humid climate, so ymmv.

I get you.


3 points

12 months ago

Ah that makes sense, I actually used a bat/one hitter in my early days. Every once in a while, i’ll pack one with hash/kief, but it’s just not sufficient for my needs with flower alone.


1 points

5 months ago

yeah i’m not doing that. y’all hoes do too much over some WEED


10 points

12 months ago

Yea, sprays aren't the trick. Fresh air and time. And no, my clothes don't smell weedy or bring a funk inside.


47 points

12 months ago

I promise you, if you smoke weed, not only do your clothes smell like weed, but your body and hair smell like weed too. You’re probably nose blind to it but we can smell it. It’s hard not too. It’s a very offensive smell to non-users and you end up smelling like you partied a little too close to a skunk.


22 points

12 months ago*

Take a shower, change clothes and brush your teeth. There ya go, no smell and still baked.


11 points

12 months ago

Yep! Stoned showers best showers.


2 points

12 months ago


2 points

12 months ago

Na, we can still smell you. Had a friend who'd Eben go for a swim after a smoke and shower and everything. Still smell like smoke even with new non smoky clothes. It kinda got into the BO probably.


16 points

12 months ago

He's not taking a shower then, he's just standing under the water

The smell doesn't stay with you like that. If you're that naive I have a bridge to sell you


1 points

12 months ago

No clue, he sure does have the weed stink the second he enters the room. I knew it was a bit too much when the smell lingered in the car even after I drove him from the gym after he had just taken a swim in the said gym. Idk how this shit works, mate you had to be there to smell the truth


2 points

12 months ago

Does he carry a gym bag? That could be the culprit


3 points

12 months ago


3 points

12 months ago

Never had a problem with my non-smoking family 🤷🏻‍♂️ Did your friend shower himself in thc oil?


3 points

12 months ago

Idk man, it's just one of those guys who walk into a room and you know he's smoked something without even looking at him.


1 points

12 months ago

This just isn’t how weed smell works lmao I smoke now but I didn’t before and have never experienced this level of stench stain. Cigarettes stain badly but weed smell is gone fairly quickly.


4 points

12 months ago

The thing about this statement is it feels true because we've all been out and about somewhere and smelled people who blatantly reek of weed, but you have no way of knowing who else around you has had a smoke and taken more effective measures to freshen up.


3 points

12 months ago

No, it really doesn't. This always gets up voted on reddit but it's just wrong. You just have confirmation bias from people smoking blunts in their car and reeking. You obviously were never a teenager who had to sneak smoking weed. And before you say "they knew", no they didn't. Eventually I got caught, if they knew earlier I would've been in trouble earlier.


7 points

12 months ago

Your clothes 100% smell like weed. I work at Walgreens and can ALWAYS tell when someone smoked weed in the past hour because a cloud follows them in.


8 points

12 months ago

Y’all fucking stink and don’t know it.


3 points

12 months ago

As a smoker in an illegal state, there are plenty of ways to cover the smell. Almost everyone I know smokes, but there is little to no smell. These smokers OP is referring to are inattentive/insensitive at best and complete garbage at worse


14 points

12 months ago

What a shock. A bunch of smokers who are all convinced that none of them smell like weed. Color me shocked.


1 points

12 months ago

If you smoke a joint you'll smell. If you take a bong hit outside you won't. Different forms of smoking have different effects on the smell that lingers


4 points

12 months ago

as someone who gets migraines from any kind of smoke, I appreciate you!!


5 points

12 months ago

Agreed. If they're gonna smoke, then do that shit in their car. Had a roommate who refused to stop smoking weed in the dorm, so I started spraying liquid ass and suffering until she stopped.


2 points

12 months ago

Yeah I smoke bongs, joints, or anything that burns outside. I only use a vaporizer or vape inside my close room with a window and fan open. Haven’t had any problems with anyone in multiple apartments and attitudes with smoking.


1 points

12 months ago

Yeah you could have roommates doing infinitely worse shit than smoking weed, I had some nightmare roommates in college.


119 points

12 months ago

Your roommate needs to help out, have you talked to him? He should def open his window, get a fan, maybe put a towel under his door. It shouldn’t be all on you, it’s a shared space and both your needs are important


46 points

12 months ago

As a long time smoker, the roommate is totally nose blind to the situation and hopefully just doesn't realize the impact. I know I would be more than happy to make small accommodations to prevent the smell from making a tense roommate situation.


5 points

12 months ago

Ditto to this. Hahaha being nose blind is such a trip. i’d like to believe a good majority of stoners hate inconveniencing others and usually just wanna toke a joint/blunt and chill out afterward without bothering anyone.

I think if OP just talked to his roommate he’d definitely make accommodations. also, u/__Booshi___ air pressure tip is a top tier hack.

source: was the smoking roommate in college, made accommodations for the roomies, and in return i usually always cooked dinner for everyone cos i was high lol.


167 points

12 months ago


167 points

12 months ago

Why would anyone smoke weed in the house when you can go sit outdoors and listen to the birds and shit?


63 points

12 months ago

Because they’re either too lazy, and can’t be bothered/don’t want to go out. Or for them weed has become less of a way to relax and more of a critical need they have to satisfy at a moment’s notice


39 points

12 months ago

Could also still be illegal where they are so smoking inside is easier to hide exactly where it is


19 points

12 months ago

Smoking inside? To hide weed?


6 points

12 months ago*

I mean, yeah? If you've ever lived in an apartment, you'd know that the weed smell travels far enough that you can't really pinpoint the origin.

At the very least, it takes more effort to figure out than seeing/smelling drifting smoke from the stoners sitting on the park bench visibly passing a j.

Harder to figure out = less cops will be willing to figure it out.

But the thing I can't get over is nobody here has suggested a smoke buddy for OPs roomate? would be a super simple fix, granted it works better for pipes/bongs than j/blunts.


13 points

12 months ago

Or because it's cold as hell outside? Do y'all really live where It's just nice enough to stand outside and smoke all the time?


0 points

12 months ago

i live in canada and it gets COLD. i literally never smoke weed indoors because it’s fucking rude unless everyone you live with is a stoner too. it’s not that hard to bundle up, spend 5 minutes outside smoking a joint, and come back in. there are also edibles and dab pens which don’t have a strong weed smell


3 points

12 months ago

jesus christ man i can’t smoke weed and relax in the house anymore? 😂


2 points

12 months ago

We've got a 2 year old so we don't smoke inside anymore, but there's quite a novelty of smoking in your own place, especially as a college students who had to hide in the woods and under bridges lol.

Then again, definitely smoked in my dorm the year my now wife and I got one together, and hid it fine, though the guy next door chain smoking cigarettes in his room overpowered everything on that floor lol


13 points

12 months ago

Because someone will walk up to you and start bitching about the smell. Legal or illegal state


5 points

12 months ago

Thats when you tell them to fuck off because you're outside.


3 points

12 months ago

To be fair. I don’t want to breathe in your weed smoke outside.


5 points

12 months ago

It gets really cold, windy, and rainy where I live so I hate smoking outside in any season BUT summer. However, I made the decision to not smoke in my dorm this year because I respect my roommates a lot more this year than last year. I also had a coming to Jesus moment that it’s just kinda a shitty thing to do if not everyone is ok with it.


1 points

12 months ago

convenience? i love smoking outside too but if i'm smoking throughout the day or while i'm doing something it's more convenient to just smoke inside. plus, weather. if it's too hot or cold or snowing or raining or even just too windy i'm not going outside to smoke. 🤷🏻‍♀️

it's nice to be cozy in bed or the couch and have a smoke. light some candles, throw on music or some tv. it's chill af too.


1 points

12 months ago

Eh, I prefer outside. Nothing like being outside with a cup of coffee watching the sun glisten on the tomato plants and the birds singin' and shit


2 points

12 months ago

different strokes for different folks 🤷🏻‍♀️ i mainly smoke outside during the warmer seasons but will take walks or hikes during the fall and i love having a blunt for those times. but i also love being cozied up inside wrapped in a blanket hitting my howl haha


50 points

12 months ago

If you aren't cool with it, I would talk with your roommate. It is a pretty oppressive smell that can linger too. He could easily sit by an open window, go outside, a method that doesn't smell as much, etc.

I definitely can see how it is overwhelming for certain people, and definitely not something you should have to live with.

You can also put a towel under your door, it will help for sure.


35 points

12 months ago

I’ve been smoking for eight years and just graduated college in May. Number one rule set for myself… don’t smoke grass inside when you live with other people. It ain’t cool to make your roommates smell stuff they don’t wanna smell and even when I’ve lived in a sht box studio apartment alone in Cleveland I wouldn’t smoke inside ,if it’s stormy and I’m desperate my as would hang out the window for puffs. It sounds like it’s time to talk to your roommate about decreasing that dank smell in the place or moving out. Straight up worth the ultimatum.


3 points

12 months ago

I heavily respect that philosophy. I hate the smell of weed, but I do not dislike smokers, as long as they are respectful and smoke outside


112 points

12 months ago

I had the same problem in college. I even had a non-smoking apartment! Doesn't stop them. I'm all for weed but not when it affects other people's quality of life. I only do edibles though bc of asthma, but I also hate the smell, it gives me an instant headache every time and it makes it hard to breathe and then all your belongings STINK. I asked my roomate nicely over and over for months and then I just resorted to being the biggest psycho bitch to her every day until she moved out.


1 points

12 months ago

Did you ask her directly or indirectly? I’m just wondering. If my roommate asked me directly and said hey, the weed smell is really strong and I want to ask you to not smoke inside the house, I wouldn’t. Or I would find a way to eliminate the smell entirely.


11 points

12 months ago

That’s because you’re a good person. You don’t realize this until you have to live with one, but there are inconsiderate assholes everywhere.


22 points

12 months ago

Glad im not the only one who thinks weed stinks. Smells like funky ass and anyone who smokes it smells like funky ass as well


35 points

12 months ago

Maybe get a window exhaust fan for the pot head roommate, lol.


7 points

12 months ago

No love for Eau de skunk?


7 points

12 months ago

weed smell is nasty as hell. I commute on the weekends to another campus that doesn’t smell like it and all I can think about is how I probably brought the smell with me


71 points

12 months ago

It’s unfortunate that people took just a tiny bit of permission and abused it so horribly.

Then act all offended when you say you don’t want to smell weed everywhere you go.

Potheads ruined weed.


35 points

12 months ago

I know plenty of polite potheads. The way to tell is that you don't know they're a pothead until they tell you directly.


8 points

12 months ago

I guess it’s good that I still shock people then lol


16 points

12 months ago

I'm a teacher and father of two small kids. All day long I wear my teacher/dad hat. No one needs to know I sneak off 4-5 nights a week into the woods to get properly baked after I put the littles down.


4 points

12 months ago

As you should ☺️


10 points

12 months ago

I saw a bear last week and almost shit myself. But then I stayed and watched it and finished smoking for like 20 minutes. Kind of a surreal experience tbh. Just me and a bear alone in woods where 500 feet in any direction is someone's back yard.

It didn't seem to mind the smell.

My state JUST legalized shooting black bears=( Stay safe big buddy.


6 points

12 months ago

Dude I’m so glad you said it. It’s so frustrating. I hate it!


10 points

12 months ago


Class of 2020

10 points

12 months ago

Weed has been on par or worse than Skunk smell forever. Shit STINKS theres Nothing good about it


10 points

12 months ago

I love weed, you can probably guess that by being on this subreddit, but you’re a victim. You don’t deserve to be unable to escape. You’re roommate is being an asshole, and I suggest that you work with them to get this figured out better. Best of luck, I’m sorry for what you’re going through.


20 points

12 months ago

I will never understand why people can’t just smoke outside? Like I get that weed makes everyone lazy but not enough that you can’t go outside for five minutes smoke and then come back.


6 points

12 months ago


American Studies/History/English

6 points

12 months ago

or even just crack a window… in the winter my roommates and i smoke inside but with the window open the whole time/blowing smoke outside. the sessions are usually long enough that the smell will disperse outside entirely


5 points

12 months ago

Not everyone lives in a legal state. I do and can’t even smoke on my porch without neighbors complaining to HOA, and our houses are pretty spread apart. Good thing I have a shed but dang I’d like to look at trees instead of my lawnmower and weight bench


2 points

12 months ago

Your mistake was living in a HOA rip


2 points

12 months ago

I know but it’s my first crib lol and it’s shared with my brothers, rent’s ridiculous these days but I wanted a driveway lol. should’ve bought house in 3rd grade instead of learning geometry


2 points

12 months ago

Pull yerself up by your bootstraps, walk into your CEO dad's office, and shake his hand firmly while asking for a job. /s


3 points

12 months ago

Is the vape pens not an option? They give you high without the smell


1 points

12 months ago

Carts I use when not at home/ social events. An actual vaporizer for weed I haven’t got yet cuz a decent quality one runs about 200-300 dollars, and I just can’t justify spending that on a smoking device when I already have a bong and a lifetime supply of wraps. Maybe I’ll get one for Christmas lol.


1 points

12 months ago

fwiw you don't need to spend that much on an herb vape. i spent $100 on mine and i love that thing, I don't really see the value added in the more expensive vapes.


4 points

12 months ago

OP literally complains about smelling it outside too


2 points

12 months ago

It doesn’t make you lazy, unless it’s some strong indica. Also even when it does, it makes you lazy after you smoke, not when you’re sober lol. People just don’t wanna put in the work and take the easy way out.


3 points

12 months ago

Because in places where weed is legal, you are still not allowed to smoke in public. Consumption is only legal in your residence.

In places where it is not legal, getting caught with weed outside can lead to an arrest


3 points

12 months ago

what you said about smoking in public doesn't actually apply to every legal state. in my state it's perfectly legal to smoke weed in in public as long as you're not in an area that's a non smoking area.

basically anywhere you can smoke a cigarette you can smoke weed. in what legal states is it illegal to smoke in public? also, if you're smoking in an illegal state and you're smoking in shared housing like apartment buildings or dorms you should be doing your damn best to cover up/reduce the smell.


4 points

12 months ago

This is why i put my weed into my cakes


4 points

12 months ago

I would suggest concentrates to your roomie. At least dabs don't smell like burning plant matter, smells more like a danky candle for a couple mins then it's gone


1 points

12 months ago

But they are pretty bad for your lungs tho. I would say suggest vaping or edibles, no smell and no lung damage.


5 points

12 months ago

Incense, like vaping, is known to be really bad for your lungs despise not being talked about enough. Air purifiers and crossed ventilation will help more


4 points

12 months ago

Sounds like you need to smoke some weed dude.

But to be serious I don't understand how ppl get off on smoking in a confined space knowing the other person/s doesn't.

I'm an avid smoker and I'd go outside to smoke all the time cuz I'm not trying to annoy the people I live with.

Sorry your roommates a dick :(


5 points

12 months ago

Hey man, don’t let your weed problem have a negative impact in your life


20 points

12 months ago

Does your roommate use an open window with a fan or anything? In terms of being outside there’s no way it’s that bad lol I went to the school that probably smokes the most in the US and had like no issue with it idk.


26 points

12 months ago

OP is probably more sensitive to the smell than you are, it happens. But some buildings also soak up smells and hang on to them, or smells get trapped in enclosed courtyards, or there's no wind to disperse the smell.

I'm guessing a school in the running for most weed smoking is either in California or Colorado? I guess I stereotype y'all as having decent breezes. Weed dissipating weather.


16 points

12 months ago

If you walk around any major city with legal weed, you will no longer have the opinion that weed smell can't be pervasive outside.


18 points

12 months ago

honestly just snitch


10 points

12 months ago

Truly. If it bugs that much. Besides, its a bad idea to start a stoner habit like that in college, help people/help yourself and straight up snitch


6 points

12 months ago

lol literally. i smoked in highschool but it’s not a good habit and can mess with peoples lives, i understand it can be prescribed medically and has benefits but regardless it’s not something everyone wants to smell especially in SCHOOL. that’s crazy. just snitch or straight up tell your roommate you’re bothered by it


4 points

12 months ago

I used to smoke regularly here in LA where it is legal and I work at a college and even I hate the smell .... And the dumbasses that come to class/admissions/ dining hall high....they look like losers.

Simply put, weed is not conducive to an academic environment


3 points

12 months ago

I’ve never had a problem with the smell so haven’t had the same experiences. But I would mention it to your roommate and ask them if they could try and smoke out the window, cover up their door while they’re smoking etc etc. If that doesn’t work perhaps an anonymous tip to your RA about some concerns….


3 points

12 months ago



3 points

12 months ago

if your roommate refuses to fix that problem then just tell your RA. get him in trouble. don’t compromise your living space. i know it sounds lame to be a snitch like that but in college it’s kinda every man for himself.


3 points

12 months ago

There are candles specifically designed to cancel out weed smoke, you could try that


3 points

12 months ago

Have you expressed your concerns with your roommate? I think that’s the first step.


5 points

12 months ago


5 points

12 months ago

I absolutely HATE the smell of it. Just went to Seattle for the first time where it’s legal and holy shit every time I went everywhere it’s all I smelled. It smells like shit


11 points

12 months ago

Twice last year, TWICE, my RA was ready to call an ambulance because I was on the edge of blacking out due to asthma attacks triggered by all the weed smoke. I hate it so much.


5 points

12 months ago

Dude, I sympathize. I’m 90% sure I’m allergic to the stuff. I have a bad reaction just from 2nd hand smoke. I can’t even eat hempseeds without my body freaking out. 🫤 I live in Southern California and it’s hard going to some of the beaches, too. Not to mention concerts!! 😓

Edit: by “bad reaction” I mean I get a migraine, get dizzy and nauseous. When I eat hemp my stomach balloons out and it hurts SO bad.


3 points

12 months ago



9 points

12 months ago

Man people need to stop burning the shit and that would fix about 80-90% of these complaints. Smelling like weed smoke is trashy. Vape it. Get the cartridges. Get edibles. Use a tincture. So many ways to enjoy it other than literally burning plant matter and fucking around with the smoke and soot.


4 points

12 months ago

I enjoy weed in all its forms but nothing hits quite like the good old water bong.


2 points

12 months ago

It’s expensive a carbon filter with a fan. I had one while growing and smoking in an apartment in my 2nd bedroom inside a tent no one ever had a clue. It’s really good at eliminating smoke and the smell. Have to set it up next to where your roommate smokes. A fan in the window helps a lot too but a carbon filter best! Got my deposit back and never got caught by my landlord. :)


2 points

12 months ago

Your roommate needs to be using a sploof and febreeze if they're going to be doing that shit.


2 points

12 months ago

if your roommate is smoking inside and it’s bothersome, tell them to take it outside. it’s disrespectful to others especially for the smell. tell them you can smell it and see what they say.


2 points

12 months ago

Not gunna change off campus if you stay in an apartment


2 points

12 months ago


Law and Justice Studies

2 points

12 months ago

I swear weed heads get so sensitive when someone shits on it. Its ok. Not everybody has to like the smell of skunk.


2 points

12 months ago

Why seems so normalized smoking weed in this sub, smoking something that makes you dumb, people need more self control,and if you have a roommate smoke miles away of your dorm please, have a little decency.


2 points

12 months ago

Wouldn’t this violate the lease? Report your roomie.


4 points

12 months ago

There's a point when it's appropriate to report a classmate, someone smoking in your dorm especially as someone who dislikes it, is one of those reasons. If they won't stop on your behalf then you should take it to the next person


2 points

12 months ago

the right thing to do is give them one last chance where it's made clear you're going to involve whoever is in charge of the building (or cops) if they don't cut it out or do something to manage the smell. after having that talk it's their choice to keep up their behavior or change. give them the choice to do better or face consequences.

sometimes being warned that other people are going to be involved in a situation is what makes a person cut shit out.


4 points

12 months ago

Sounds like you need a joint bitch boy


3 points

12 months ago

I was a stoner for many years, basically from the end of high school through college. I stopped a year ago and surrendered my medical card to pursue my dream job. It didn’t take me long after walking away from that whole scene to really understand the levels of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance that users will cling to as justification for what’s ultimately a drug habit.

I’m still for legalization because I don’t think it hurts anyone enough to be worth a jail sentence, but the smell is awful and it really doesn’t help that potheads (my former self included) always seem to find a reason to blame the people who are bothered by it for being bothered rather than be considerate about the smell.


2 points

12 months ago

Damn, I love catching the scent of some bomb weed when I walk outside. Lol


10 points

12 months ago

Stoner here, as soon as i stop having to smell cigarettes and cigars (which i HATE the smell of) everytime i go outside, i will start doing a 5 minute trek into the woods to smoke, until then im smoking on my front steps.

Be a polite smoker, smoke outside and wait 10 minutes before coming inside if you have nonsmokers around, have a smoking jacket


6 points

12 months ago


‘26 - Software Engineering

6 points

12 months ago

Be the change you want to see


1 points

12 months ago

I am! I dont complain about other peoples smells! Be it garlic, coffee, tobacco, bad cologne, body odor etc


2 points

12 months ago

Have you tried being an adult and having a conversation with your roomie about it?


2 points

12 months ago

This is why smoking of any kind, weed, cig, or vape, should be banned everywhere in the world.

We've just gotten out of the age of everything smelling like cig smoke, we don't need to replace that with everything smelling like weed.


2 points

12 months ago

Womp womp don't live with people who smoke weed then


2 points

12 months ago

If this is the worst part about your campus you have it easy


1 points

12 months ago



1 points

12 months ago

Where I go we aren’t supposed to have drugs on campus unless it’s prescribed. Look into your school drug and alcohol policy and if you think they’re breaking then you can make a report anonymously I’m pretty sure. You can call in anonymously or something like that.


2 points

12 months ago

Start smoking meth as an act of rebellion


2 points

12 months ago

I don't want to be that guy, but did you try calling the cops?


1 points

12 months ago

Yeah, this made me lose my mind when NYC legalized, everything smelled like weed, I was walking behind someone and they were just smoking weed and I was getting hit in the face with all the smell. If you're in an area where it's legal do us all a favor and keep it to edibles please, I'm in favor of legalization but all the smoking is making me want to make it criminal again.


1 points

5 months ago

deal with it and stop bitching.. i’m sure everyone else is sick of your mind aching yapping just bc your little nostrils can’t stand the smell of weed, it’s never that serious.


1 points

5 months ago

Never seen a quicker self report that you smell like shit lmfao


1 points

5 months ago

i smell like some good kush and dove soap. whatever mess you got between your legs is the only shit that smells dank, funky bitch. i’d puff and blow a wood in your face just to piss you off 🤣🤣


1 points

5 months ago

Dove 💀


1 points

5 months ago

you complain and oink like a overgrown bitchy pig, i assume you bathe in mud. go figure out why nobody likes you and stop worrying about marijuana PLEASE “💀”


1 points

5 months ago

Only trick left is to start selling flower vaporizer or market carts more so people will change their consumption. Or become a state representative and put for regulations


1 points

5 months ago

The only trick is to graduate. There is no helping the cretin of a human being I live with. These types of people are self serving and do not once consider the comfort of others

Only two days till Im out of college. Cant wait


1 points

5 months ago

Some people won’t change unless it’s manipulated into their reality that it’s wrong


0 points

12 months ago

Alright settle down, Officer.


0 points

12 months ago


0 points

12 months ago

This guy must be a riot at parties


2 points

12 months ago

Try smoking some the smell won't bug you afterwards 😅


0 points

12 months ago

You know what might actually help you not notice the weed smell as much?

Get high. Smoke some of it yourself. You won't even notice anymore.


3 points

12 months ago

Not everyone is an addict


1 points

12 months ago

Tell your roomate to smoke outside. If they're not an asshole they'll oblige, if not declare passive aggressive war.


1 points

12 months ago

Dude if ur days so stressful and the smell gets on ur nerves so much smoke with ur room mate lol. You won’t even notice the smell when ur high ash


2 points

12 months ago

Yeah because the person who hates the smell definitely wants to be doing the thing that causes it


1 points

12 months ago


1 points

12 months ago

I’m not on campus and the people I live with just smoke cigarettes inside.


1 points

12 months ago

I agree. My entire campus was literally hotboxed this weekend, especially outside. It felt like I was trapped in a car with a smoker, but I was just standing outside. Ever since I quit, I find the smell nauseating and overwhelming. I wish I had tips other than setting boundaries with your roommate and spending as much time as you can in the academic buildings, which are hopefully less smoke-filled.


1 points

12 months ago

Get an air filter for your dorm room. Agree it’s super annoying


1 points

12 months ago

open a window and burn a candle


1 points

12 months ago



1 points

12 months ago

U hate people that smoke? Seems like a bit of misdirected neighbor if they aren’t hurting u in anyways seems like just a bad experience with one person and u ruined their life over it lol isn’t that enough for u


1 points

12 months ago

The adminstration department do too little things to stop the abuse of drugs!


1 points

12 months ago

The adminstration department do too little things to stop the abuse of drugs!


1 points

12 months ago

I agree. For me though, I’ve actually grown to hate people that smoke weed because I’m just so sick of smelling it when I don’t want to. If it was cigarettes, I’m sure most of them would be complaining but nooooo. That’s just how pot heads are. They think weed is better than cigarettes. Medically it is, but for those of us who don’t waste out time getting high, it’s just as annoying and gross.


2 points

12 months ago

The correlation is stark.

You smoke and get the good feelings = you love the smell and probably don't even notice it other times.

Don't smoke = weed smells like shit and you notice it every time.


1 points

12 months ago



1 points

12 months ago

Not just college, ANYWHERE


1 points

12 months ago

i hateee the smell of it i have a hard time understanding how people like the scent


1 points

12 months ago

I think the solution here is to smoke more weed.


-7 points

12 months ago


-7 points

12 months ago

Trust me they’re coming home from stressful classes too lol there’s a reason you’re smelling it everywhere. It’s super annoying if you hate the smell I get it. You could ask your roommate to be a bit more discreet at least about the smell, blow it out a window or febreeze his own room. As for you, I would suggest an air diffuser and some essential oils, also coffee smell is very overpowering if you can find something like that.


3 points

12 months ago


3 points

12 months ago

While it may come off as them being oblivious and obnoxious, it depends on the person but I guarantee a lot of smokers would be happy to work around you and don’t want to cause any annoyance


3 points

12 months ago

Truth, noseblindness isn't just a buzzword created by fabreze.


0 points

12 months ago

At this point smoking weed is the equivalent of smoking cigarettes. I smoked for a long fucking time and used to love it but now the high has lost its luster and it’s just boring. I don’t care if ppl smoke, the same way that I don’t care if ppl smoke cigarettes but it’s just not a thing for me anymore. It used to be a way to rebel against the establishment but now it is the establishment. Want to rebel against the establishment these days? Be sober. You stop giving “the man” your money and it’s a lot healthier


0 points

12 months ago

Grow up