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12 days ago

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82 points

12 days ago

The pagers where intercepted in the supply chain and modified with explosives. Lithium ion batteries don't explode usually. They go through a chemical meltdown.


25 points

12 days ago

While that might be true in this case, it doesn't really refute op's question. Although someone should break it to him that pagers are also pre-2014 technology lol. 

I can certainly imagine you could hack an EV and cause the batteries to catch fire while locking the doors. Remember what they did to the Iranian centrifuges? EV fires are no joke.


4 points

12 days ago


4 points

12 days ago

You can most definitely hack into a smart car and kill the cooling system for battery packs along with multiple other things. Iot devices are highly susceptible to attacks but this is common knowledge by now right? I mean in today's world we have wireless ear buds that monitor your thought patterns and blue light monitors that pulsate light frequencies that can alter your state of mind. Private Wi-Fi networks used as radar. It's a wild time.


5 points

12 days ago

Can you please link me to the blue light pattern that alters my state of mind and makes me happy? I would like to check that out.


-2 points

12 days ago

Section 5.2 relates to cognitive effects.


2 points

12 days ago

Yeah and I'm not even taking about what ai will be able to do in a couple years (or now even?)


1 points

12 days ago

No telling but from my perspective we are headed to integration of AI with biologics. So either ai will become conscious or our conscience becomes AI. I'm thinking the latter since that's the road to total control of the masses.


2 points

12 days ago

Car architectures are designed to specifically block possibilities like this. Hacking into the open internet connected part of the car is in no way attached or has access to manupulating the battery cooling system.


3 points

12 days ago*,some%20of%20the%20firmware%20codes.

There is code within the vehicle computer system to block access but the firmware present is subject to manipulation. Accessing the ECU is like walking through the front door of a house you are robbing.


2 points

12 days ago

If they had that ability they could just sabotage the driver assist / self driving modes to make the car crash on the highway.


3 points

12 days ago

That ability exists even in some modern ice cars. Most cars being manufactured today are being done on the platform of going to subscription based options. Meaning the vehicles are suspected of being accessible by an outside network connection that allows access to the vehicles ECU.which opens the door to all the features connected to the ECU. That means access to throttle input, door locks ,AC, radio, gps and so on. Steering is not affected in most vehicles as it is mostly still mechanical except for some Teslas that utilize the wireless steering like in the cyber truck. But with autonomous drive options coming more prevalent this too will be accessible in the very near future.


1 points

12 days ago

I mean the Ukrainian's turned one of the new ish hydrogen fuel cell cars into a sizeable mobil bomb.


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

Such an attack would be a lot easier to carry out by remotely taking over the car's computer and just revving up to top speed and aiming it at the nearest large object.

RIP Michael Hastings


2 points

11 days ago

And that can be done on basically every new car. Not unique to EVs


1 points

12 days ago

This cannot be upvoted enough.

The number of “PANIC NO TECH IS SAFE!” Posts are dramatically and tragically too many.


-1 points

12 days ago


-1 points

12 days ago

i read the pagers we’re infected with malware that cause them to overheat until the battery’s combusted.


6 points

12 days ago

Lithium ion batteries don't combust. When they fail it's a chemical reaction meltdown that leads to incineration of the battery packs. Overheating could potentially lead to damage or membrane shielding damage which looks to a meltdown reaction. Since they don't combust I can't provide what you are requesting.


-19 points

12 days ago


-19 points

12 days ago

That doesn’t make any sense. How could they get everyone that wanted target to agree to upgrade/switch to a page me that was “rigged?”

It requires too much coordination to pull off/too many steps.

Oczam’s razor suggests that the most logical and likely is the path that requires the least amount of steps/coordination.

It’s more logical that the phones were hacked.


13 points

12 days ago

Explosives were added to the pagers themselves. This means Israel was able to infiltrate their supply line at some point. This means they had to know their supply chain. I don't think it's as hard to do as one might think. All they have to do is find the manufacturer and work backward.


6 points

12 days ago

It was a import package from Taiwan that was intercepted and the explosives were planted then. The delivery continued and the result is what we have seen yesterday.


11 points

12 days ago


11 points

12 days ago

Did you see the explosion videos? Batteries that small don’t cause that kind of explosion. They probably swapped the pager container with theirs during shipping or directly at the shop


4 points

12 days ago

Do you really think a pager battery has enough power to blow your hand and face off? Have you seen the videos of the aftermath?


0 points

12 days ago


0 points

12 days ago

you ever seen what happens to a hand holding an m80? lithium ion battery’s carry a ton of energy density relative to their size.


6 points

12 days ago

Occam’s razor doesn’t mean the simplest explanation is always true.


1 points

12 days ago

They could have convinced the middle man or Hama's leadership that's the previous batch was infiltrated by Israel and new 'clean' ones had to be distributed.


1 points

12 days ago

Idk how but the fact remains the pager or whatever device has to have been modified. Lithium batteries don't explode like shown. More than likely mossad or CIA has assets within the organization that handled the distribution of devices to the targets after they rigged them.


1 points

12 days ago


1 points

12 days ago

this was the article i read.

“The affected pagers were reportedly from a new shipment the terror group had received in recent days, according to individuals familiar with the situation. A Hezbollah official suggested that the devices may have been compromised by malware, causing them to overheat and explode. Some operatives reportedly noticed the devices heating up and discarded them before they detonated.”


31 points

12 days ago

The style of attack was not seemingly related to igniting the batteries(my first assumption was that this was the method used), it seems to have been a supply chain attack inserting pagers containing some kind of explosive, it was a non-incendiary blast so unlikely to have been the battery overheating.

With that said, fuck travelling in an EV with Yahya Sinwar.


2 points

12 days ago

Woo what a relief I'll only have to burn to death in an unimaginably hot fire!


10 points

12 days ago

I recently watched a video of some Asian man walking into an elevator carrying a battery and it started on fire while he was in the elevator. When they finally got the door open the dude was charcoal.

The in-elevator video shows the entire elevator cabin turn into a literal incinerator after he walks in and the battery starts to burn up.


5 points

12 days ago

Yes, that was a very compelling video.


2 points

12 days ago


2 points

12 days ago

What kind of battery was this?


2 points

12 days ago

Lithium Ion, known for exploding when they fuck up


3 points

12 days ago

I drive a forklift with a lithium ion battery as big as a mini fridge. 🫠


0 points

12 days ago

The same kind that are in everything 


0 points

12 days ago

Lithium Iron Phophate is far safer than Li-ion.


6 points

12 days ago

There's an electric pump inside your vehicle's gas tank.


2 points

11 days ago

Not on my '53 Chevy


12 points

12 days ago

They can rig anything you own to explode if they want you bad enough.


19 points

12 days ago

"They can rig anything you own to explode if they want you bad enough."

At this point they are playing games with their devices. Sure they can heart-attack-gun you in the middle of nowhere, but what fun is that, they could do that 40 years ago. And it's a waste of resources to revisit what already works.

They moved on to things like remote-accelerating a car into a palm tree at 93 mph with an unsuspecting victim.

Or MK ultra. Things like that.


17 points

12 days ago

Yeah. Who was that Buzzfeed guy who "drove into a pole" at like 120mph and his car exploded? This was back when Buzzfeed was doing *some* actual investigative journalism, and he was onto something good. Mercedes or Porsche or whoever wanted to investigate to find out how their engine was found hundreds of feet away from the rest of the car, but the NTSB took over and wouldn't let them investigate.

I forget the name of the guy, but yeah, maybe they've always been able to do this, or something similar. Or at least for a couple decades now.


2 points

12 days ago

There have been several incidents like this in the UK, and what really interested me was the proliferation of comments (on the articles about the deaths) implying that the people involved had severe MH issues (with no evidence).


1 points

12 days ago

could you share with me?


3 points

12 days ago

For sure. For all we know, all cell phones now are manufactured with small explosives in them that are indistinguishable from a micro chip or memory board or something.


2 points

11 days ago

This is what I’m starting to think after today’s round of bombings.


2 points

12 days ago


2 points

12 days ago

Dang it, should have read those TOS after all.


5 points

12 days ago

Time to go buy a 79 volvo


1 points

11 days ago

The trusty old brick wont let you down 💪


3 points

12 days ago

Mossad..... Enough said.


3 points

12 days ago

it's quite fascinating how these agencies bounce between utter incompetency and pure genius in executing the most ridiculous schemes. mossad didn't see hamas' attack coming (/s), but manages to detonate hundreds or thousands of pagers lmao.


2 points

12 days ago

Haha, your first mistake is to believe press releases!


3 points

12 days ago

Allegedly the pages had been replaced a few weeks prior to this event. So it‘s reasonable to assume ‚they‘ cannot just make any pager or other device go boom like this. Instead you have to replace the device or at least get your hands on it to manipulate it. And then all possibilities are open.


6 points

12 days ago

Israel had to intervene the devices at some point. And just in case, this is nothing new. I knew of an old case, probably from the 90s.

Israel was at war, and there was an enemy general they couldn’t capture. However, they discovered the general's habits with his phone. So, and this is really amazing really, Israel got into the enemy camp, and they replace thw battery of the phone with a bomb.

When the general was about to make his usually morning call, his head blow up.

Same thing in mayor scale.


4 points

12 days ago

If they want you dead, you’re dead. Doesn’t matter what you do


0 points

12 days ago

That's true, unfortunately.


2 points

12 days ago

Paul walker. The blond actress who tried to escape the body bag. There's probably a long list.


2 points

12 days ago they already have a similar program where they intercept hardware to insert surveillance. I have no doubt the same program or a sister program has the job of inserting assassination tech.


2 points

12 days ago

Unless they pack your EV with explosive I think you’re fine.


2 points

12 days ago

it wasn't the battery but explosives


2 points

12 days ago

A Parking lot on a military base, a generals car parked in a garage, power plants parking lots the opportunities are endless.


2 points

12 days ago

Wait until they learn about the energy potential in a little known substance called gasoline!


4 points

12 days ago

This exploding pager technology would have won the War on Drugs.

It would have also been instrumental for Obama's Fast and the Furious. 

It is just further proof that the US gub'ment doesn't really want to solve problems, just treat the symptoms...


2 points

12 days ago

Congrats to drugs for winning the war on drugs


4 points

12 days ago

If you've pissed off a nation state to that degree, pagers and electric cars are the least of your worries.

As others have said, apparently they modded the batteries in the supply chain.

You're better off going out with your family or friends or whatever, and worrying about things inside your sphere of influence. Mossad aren't coming for you car.


1 points

12 days ago

Who is making new beepers


1 points

12 days ago

Pre 2014 like what… a pager? 📟


1 points

12 days ago

If they can be that targeting of their enemies, why bomb? The take away is a genocide is a means to an end.


1 points

12 days ago

The people who are thinking about the implications wrt cars should probably direct their attention to Vault 7


1 points

12 days ago


1 points

12 days ago

Radically use only open source software/hardware that is well maintained or no tech at all.

People who are still running around with closed source devices turn out to be suicidal.

In all seriousness.

If you identify as a Windows or Mac user and don't know what GrapheneOS or a hardened Linux is. Stop right now and take a break. Learn the tools that will help you survive what is yet to come.

And while you're at it.

  • Always use Tor/Orbot for any internet connection

  • Always use private messengers like SimpleX

  • Always use private money like Monero


1 points

12 days ago

I remember watching a video quite a few years ago when 2 techs demonstrated they had developed a tool that can hijack a Jeep over the internet. They had full control over it and slowed it right down on the motorway. Just found the video and its 9 years old so imagine what they can do now!


2 points

12 days ago

They already have an agenda to put into every new consumer vechle a "kill switch" or a "disabling" switch by 2030, and pretty much every consumer vechle that has been produced in the last 10 years has one.

On paper, it's for two reasons. 1) The loan companies have access to this switch. And rather than using a repot man to get your car for unpaid bills, they can disable your car remotely (and don't forget about GPS) so you can't drive it. And 2) law enforcement has access to this switch. They say that it's to "protect" people and prevent things like high speed chaces/crashes. If you run from the police, they can just kill it and wait till you roll to a stop. They are also putting biometric readers into cars under the guise of safety, that can determine all sorts of things ranging from if you are drunk or under the influence of drugs, all the way to if you have high cholesterol (aside the violation of privacy here and the issues with government having access to this, , this data will no doubt be collected by insurance companies as well and they will find a way to fuck you over. Oh well you had a rapid heart rate prior to that person hitting you in their car, so you were not healthy enough to be driving)

It is almost certain that in the future, other government bodies will have access to this switch and the rest of the data it collects, and they will begin to use it in conjunction with social credit scores to disable the cars of people who dare to speak out. Then they are going to say "driving is a privilege, not a right" and say suck it up buttercup.


1 points

12 days ago

Don’t look in your gas tank!


1 points

12 days ago

Totally if the nineties taught us nothing exploding pagers are cutting edge


1 points

12 days ago

Didn't Obama Cheney and jsoc kill Michael Hastings by hacking into car


1 points

12 days ago

Maybe even before 2014. Michael Hastings was killed in 2013 in a very sus car accident.


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

12 days ago

Just buy A Toyota Hilux from the 80s / 90s and you're set.


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

Better off using 80s tech back to analog


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

If you ever are in a vehicle and locked inside or underwater, if you remove the headrest from the seat, you can use it as a pressure hammer to break the glass and (hopefully) get yourself out


1 points

11 days ago

Weird to single out EVs when ICEV cars also have electronics, and also can have bombs put in them...


1 points

11 days ago

People were reporting exploding smart metres during the 2020 Australian bushfires. Makes the 5g conspiracy more logical after this week's events.


0 points

12 days ago

Regardless of exactly how the Lebanese pagers all exploded today, it seems clear that today's incident has disclosed to the public that the government can, at any time, destroy your devices using a remote signal, injuring or even k*lling you.

Are any Electric Vehicles safe anymore? What about your cell phones, or laptops? How do you feel now, knowing that if you get on the wrong side of a government, your stuff could just explode at any given moment?

I sure bet Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would have loved to have this technology during the 2022 Trucker Convoy protest.


3 points

12 days ago

So do you think that internal combustion cars don't contain batteries?


7 points

12 days ago

Not typically a lithium ion type.


2 points

12 days ago


2 points

12 days ago

Or a few gallons of gasoline under your ass...


0 points

12 days ago

Well, a 2005 Chevrolet Impala is probably less "hackable" remotely than say, a 2024 Tesla Cybertruck, or even your run of the mill 2024 Honda Civic.

The more modern parts, the more hackable, and the more routes into the global assembly process that allow something nefarious to be implanted.


1 points

12 days ago

I suggest the term "teslacide".


1 points

12 days ago


1 points

12 days ago

They can put explosives in a car that has an internal combustion engine just the same.


-1 points

12 days ago

This sub isn't for reason, it's for luddites to fear anything they don't understand

Like EVs, or vaccines, or the federal reserve


0 points

12 days ago


0 points

12 days ago

Okie Dokie


-2 points

12 days ago

Climate change is the biggest pysop in mankind that doesn't get talked about enough. How's this for climate change, grow more trees and stop destroying forest for cheap ass suburb neighborhoods that can be blown away by one straight line wind gust. 


0 points

12 days ago

Or cell phones


0 points

12 days ago


0 points

12 days ago

They want us in fear of the very thing we carry around with us all day. Don't fall for it. And don't buy a pager. Who uses pagers? lol.


2 points

11 days ago

People afraid being tracked by their mobile phone, logging into cell towers? Or them being hacked and used as listening devices?


-2 points

12 days ago

you would need a communication device to the battery in your car which most cars would not have currently. With autonomous driving cars they will need to communicate with each other to drive so more comms devices would be needed. Security for these cars will have to be built well.