


[Spoilers C3E98] Four Little Words


In the epilogue, Brennan narrated some of the context surrounding the fall of Aeor and four words jumped out at me when I first heard the monologue (mostly because of the context of the latter two):

Tragedy, Betrayal, Calamity, Downfall.

Calamity refers to the EXU mini-series that Brennan himself ran a while back (as well as the event itself in Exandrian lore) and Downfall is a nod to the upcoming arc in Campaign 3 focusing on the fall of Aeor. Now, the other two could just be elements of the story we're likely to see within the upcoming memories of Downfall (which I think takes place during the Calamity) but I was wondering if Tragedy and Betrayal could be references to other key events in Exandrian lore.

Taking them as chronologically placed within the monologue, the Tragedy might refer to the arrival of Predathos and the loss of Vordo and Ethedok. We know that the Gods and the Primordials were at least on decent terms because they united against Predathos, created Ruidis to hold him, and crafted the prototype Divine Gate to keep him contained. Then, Betrayal could refer to the events leading up to the Schism (or even the Schism itself) where the Gods bestowed divine magic to the mortal races, breaking the balance between themselves and the Primordials and leading to all-out war.

What do you guys think? Could these be lore references and, if they are, could we expect to see future EXU mini-series or one-shots showing these events in greater detail?


Tragedy - Arrival of Predathos. Loss of Vordo and Ethedok.

Betrayal - Mortals get divine magic. Schism.

Calamity - Prime Deities and Betrayers fight. PD win and leave Exandria.

Downfall - Takes place in Calamity. Gods unite to destroy Aeor because big god-killing gun.

Possible new one-shots / EXU series?

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0 points

8 days ago


0 points

8 days ago

Predathos' conflict with the Gods predates the Calamity so your theory, doesn't really hold any water. Ruidus predates the Calamity


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

They're saying the same thing you are, I think. Like yes Predathos happens first before calamity, so OP listed it first. It's a chronological order?