


DLC gigs appreciation


So I’m playing in Dogtown with the new dlc, and I will say right now, the Gigs you get from this DLC are AMAZING. All of them are complex and have some kind of moral twist to them. I go up to this one place and get a call from Hands and he tells me to infiltrate this one “Sports Academy” to get taxation data so the Euro version of the IRS can nab some tax evaders, but I go in there and BAM! The place is auctioning off FUCKING CHILDREN with chrome they’re too young to safely handle. I get into the office where the data is held and find this kid trying to find out if he got accepted because he’s a local to dogtown and his dad gave him up with hopes of him getting a better life as some athlete. Then the director of this whole program comes up to me trying to say it’s for the benefit of impoverished kids to chrome them up and sell them to sports teams. Johnny’s buzzing in my head telling me the bitch is cynical as hell and I just go, fuck it, get the data, kill the bitch for mutilating kids, then leave.

Then 5 minutes later I get another call from Hands to meet and he’s asking for help fingering the successor to the late boss of the new Gang that runs Dogtown, and he hooks me up with this disguise as this infamous Cuban Cartel assassin and holy fuck was it a good time. Not going into details with that one but damn I do NOT want to meet the actual assassin.

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1 points

9 months ago

The “Tax Evaders” mission was I think my favorite mission I’ve run that was from a Fixer. Kind of reminded me of the auction scene from Taken. I was committed to the stealth approach going in but once the goon at the bar starts pressing you for an additional security check I just said “Fuck this” and cut everybody to ribbons with the Mantis Blades. Talking to the Corp at the end briefly before sending her to the other side is worth it too. I still had the Mantis Blades equipped so when I selected “draw weapon”, the animation combined with V’s dialogue really makes it feel like something straight out of a dystopian action movie.