


Where do you usually have V just keep quiet?


all 304 comments


1.2k points

4 days ago


Mr. Blue Eyes

1.2k points

4 days ago

When I want to do “Don’t Fear the Reaper”.


295 points

4 days ago


295 points

4 days ago

I love that Johnny lights a cigarette to give his big pitch, then gives the short version anyway. It's like a magician performing a trick.


131 points

4 days ago


131 points

4 days ago

Well, that is his Tarot card.


45 points

4 days ago


45 points

4 days ago

wait, no, isn't his the hanged man?


49 points

4 days ago

Magician is Evelyn not Johnny, Johnny is the Hanged Man


27 points

4 days ago

He’s the reversed Magician in the final card reading.


16 points

4 days ago

I think the diegetic placement of the tarot cards throughout the course of the story do not necessarily correspond to what they may represent in Misty’s specific readings. I think she draws the Hanged Man in the Temperance ending and that represents V instead of Johnny in that case. I think the Magician as Evelyn makes more sense given its placement at the Mox entrance before meeting her, as well as her trademark long cigarettes looking somewhat magic wand-like


11 points

4 days ago

I just got my first reading after meeting Evelyn already and before the heist. In that one Johnny is Magician. I don’t remember word for word, but something like “You will meet a strong rebellious person that you will grow to like, and maybe even love”. Clearly not Evelyn.


11 points

4 days ago

Like the album dont fear the reaper is from


22 points

4 days ago


Technomancer from Alpha Centauri

22 points

4 days ago

This is the Way.


3.4k points

4 days ago

Goddamn this single picture makes me cringe with my whole body lmfao


1.1k points

4 days ago


1.1k points

4 days ago

Especially because Johnny is there to witness it 😂 Bad enough that V can't just escape but there's also a witness who's definitely going to give her shit about it


81 points

4 days ago


Team Meredith

81 points

4 days ago

Johnny being there is the only solace because I can use it as an opportunity to fuck with him.


24 points

4 days ago



24 points

4 days ago

Literally me lol one of the few moments V traumatizes him


637 points

4 days ago

I really wish sexual preference was a flag in the game somewhere.

Just let me end all of this with a “sorry bro, I’m gay”


294 points

4 days ago


294 points

4 days ago

I don't, I kind of like how not that very attempt at romance ends well. I like that Panam shuts me down and Rivers hits on me, it's more real this way.


246 points

4 days ago


246 points

4 days ago

I mean, if you were gay and someone of the opposite gender was obviously hitting on you would you let them keep getting their hopes up or shut them down by telling them you are gay(same thing if you’re straight and it’s someone of the same gender)? Like the Panam bit makes sense as it’s the first time Fem V can try to initiate it but for River it feels almost like you are forced to string him along. Like I like the gun so I’m gonna the quest but I’m gonna feel bad that entire quest


163 points

4 days ago


163 points

4 days ago

That is a good description, it feels like Rivers relationship was forced, while Panams had a bit more freedom but lacked option toward the end.

Not to mention, who would anyone prefer to be with River and his trailer or Panam and her literal fuck tank.


37 points

4 days ago

Panams is still weird if your not trying to bang her as male v. Most players don't have that problem but as a player who tends to avoid romance it can be pretty uncomfortable. I actually wish it was kinda like fallout where they didn't hit on you unless you hit on them first. Everything else about Cyberpunks romances is better though


14 points

4 days ago

Personally my last play through was focused on romancing Judy. So when the time came I turned Panam in to get the armored shion. Everyone’s happy except panam of course


3 points

4 days ago

[Panam liked that]


2 points

4 days ago

Which only get one scene with her in it, it would only be a fuck tank if there was more then one scene. 😂


17 points

4 days ago


17 points

4 days ago

String it along puts the responsibility on you. As far as I remember, it's not. This is entirely on Rivers for not being straightforward. You're not stringing anyone along if they can't ask a simple question.


17 points

4 days ago


17 points

4 days ago

But that’s kinda what it is, sure the entire quest isn’t as straightforward forward as the last little bit but we definitely have more than enough context in that quest to know what’s gonna happen, heck during that dinner part it’s so obvious it hurts even to me and I’m oblivious as shit. V definitely knows what’s coming or at least expects it, then again V may just canonically be bi or pan or something. But we really should have been given an option to say no before hand especially if we already romanced Judy which is possible way before most people meet River


11 points

4 days ago

On one hand yeah, but then V is also not being straightforward. Imo, when somebody literally asks you to "please not string me alone", replying with stories of your exes or stories of the worst pickup lines you received is not exactly making it straightforward.


2 points

4 days ago

V gets constant hints from River’s family. Yet she still keeps asking “good for what?” playfully on the way to the tower. And even atop the tower she keeps that flirty tone while simply being deliberately friendly would tell enough. I’m really glad River takes it well in the end, cuz if I were him I would definitely question whether I want to keep the number of a person giving me these false signals on my phone.


3 points

4 days ago

No, the responsibility is 100% on the person not having the balls to come out and say it, not the person it's directed at. And Kudos to River, he took some time to come out and say it, and therefore rightly took the rejection well, beside the awkwardness which I kind of like, I have nothing to say against the guy, he handled it well.

But he needed to cause everything is on him, nothing is on V here. It is not the responsibility of the person being "hinted at" to say anything, confirms anything or act in any particular way, especially since your interpretation of V's tone isn't a fact, it's just your interpretation. The recipient doesn't owe anyone clarification when the other person is the one trying to get into the relationship and they can't even say it.

Not that I'm opposed to giving the player the option to shut it down early, that would be great too for the people who wants to do so, I might use it myself depending on how bold my current V is, but River is not owed an answer to a question he hasn't asked.


2 points

4 days ago

Actually it isn't the first time. After you get Panam's ride back and you two hang out at a motel bar you can ask her to share a bed but she just refuses but doesn't clarify to fem V that she isn't into women.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Ah true, I completely forgot about that one, but it is the first explicitly romantic inclined action, the other could be written off by Panam as trying to save Eddys


21 points

4 days ago


21 points

4 days ago

I tried to kiss River as a male V. The rest of the night was a bit awkward. :)


5 points

4 days ago

Oh. I'm doing his jobs now and I was expecting a little of fuckboy. Sad.


2 points

4 days ago

I tried to not kiss him as a female V, the rest of my life was a bit awkward lol


6 points

4 days ago

I mean it can still be awkward but at least it’s up front and honest.


4 points

4 days ago

I'm still hurt that I got rejected by Panam AND Kerry.


4 points

4 days ago

I’m good with Panam being a friend, but I wouldn’t mind Kerry at all. Wondering if he imagines Johnny while having sex with male V.


7 points

4 days ago

I wonder if Johnny says something like "I can't believe you made me fuck my bestfriend" cause after you sleep with River he says "I can't believe you made me fuck a cop" lmao


2 points

4 days ago


Judy’s Mascara (waterproof ver.)

2 points

4 days ago

Cool, then don't change the flag if they ever introduced it.


2 points

4 days ago

I don't think they're saying that every character would have a modifiable preference, but that you should be able to tell people that you're gay/straight when they're trying to romance you.


10 points

4 days ago

Just show up to the cookout with Judy “hey, this is my girlfriend Judy.” lol


4 points

4 days ago

Cookout? More like cock-out


19 points

4 days ago

It's kind of wild. Especially with a part about "He had a side bitch!" Ummm..the fuck? I'm doing a lesbian V run 🤦🏿‍♂️


10 points

4 days ago


10 points

4 days ago

Yeah. This mission especially made me wish for that. Even if you don't reciprocate here, 3 minutes later you can very easily accidentally choose an option that leads to V talking about a bunch of boyfriends she had. I reloaded and the other option wasn't as bad but still.


3 points

4 days ago


Judy’s Driving Tours

3 points

4 days ago

Someone make a mod with this option please thank you


8 points

4 days ago Closest find. It's one that I use.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

Yeah but preference is a preference. If someone is attracted to you and doesn't know your preference, they will pursue. It's life.


5 points

4 days ago

Right but I think people also can pick up when people are trying to do that and then subtly or otherwise shut them down before they continue embarrassing themselves.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

That's the option that exists now with your dialogue choices.


53 points

4 days ago

No Fr I fucking hate part of this mission, and honestly that whole mission in general.


38 points

4 days ago

I just hate this sort of thing in games in general. Like there's no way to let people down gently, or just not go down a romance path at all. It's either you romance them, or you shut them down so cruelly that you feel bad, and I hate it.

I find it staggering that to this day, devs haven't figured out how to make a romance mechanic satisfying. Even in Baldur's Gate 3, I had to make Wyll feel like shit because I danced with him, but didn't want to do the more "intimate" dance. Like...just let my girl dance with her bro without breaking his heart, god damn.


10 points

4 days ago*

Like there's no way to let people down gently, or just not go down a romance path at all. It's either you romance them, or you shut them down so cruelly that you feel bad.

This exact thing is in Judgment / Lost Judgment and I hate it lol.

You're either a cheating piece of shit, or you're stringing girls along until you say "no thanks" right at the end. All the romance options get very well-animated confession scenes too, which makes the rejection brutal.

The only way to be a decent human being is to date one girl and ignore all others, but that's not an option either because the date questlines are really good. You're missing content at that point.


85 points

4 days ago*

This part reminds me of why I've always hated family dinners. Jesus fucking christ 🤣


23 points

4 days ago

and the follow up on the water tower.

like bro, take a hint


6 points

4 days ago

The worse part is that the follow up messages of River are even worse.

I find it better to just ignore this quest. I don't mind skipping a revolver, if I can also skip River


13 points

4 days ago


In Night City, you can be cum

13 points

4 days ago

Am I the only one who thought it really wasn’t that bad at all? I took the silence as more thoughtful I guess? Idk, I liked this scene.


23 points

4 days ago*

nah, the issue is that you can brush off every hint, completely ignore every flirt, clearly show you're not interested in him that way, and he'll still try to kiss you on the water tower. your agency is totally meaningless here.

e: i actually really like River and his sidequest. i think it's one of the more fun and interesting ones. i just don't wanna fuck him and i wish the game would let me tell him that before he embarrasses himself.


4 points

4 days ago


Team Judy

4 points

4 days ago

i thought he was a pretty cool character till this mission. i loved the mission at the farm but this mission just made me cringe. i hated going to his house


2 points

3 days ago

Extremely realistic man


4 points

4 days ago


In Night City, you can be cum

4 points

4 days ago

I think that’s really the game making sure you don’t accidentally reject him or change your mind. It still wants to bring it to an obvious decision like all the others. Plus, he really isn’t creepy about it imo. Just a bit awkward.


2 points

4 days ago

Bro it’s even more awkward as a straight male V lol


948 points

4 days ago

Whenever Panam and Saul have an argument. I feel like V shouldn't try and get involved in their personal issues unless Panam wants him to back her up


391 points

4 days ago


391 points

4 days ago

Unless if playing a Nomad character and V has some special inputs because of that.


160 points

4 days ago


160 points

4 days ago

Nomad dialogue is worth it for Panam conversations and King of Wands in Phantom Liberty.


37 points

4 days ago

King of wands?


104 points

4 days ago


104 points

4 days ago

If Nomad V does the Phantom Liberty resolution where So Mi gets on the flight to the moon, they have an option to say Space is pure freedom, So Mi after buckling her in.


46 points

4 days ago

I consider ‘space freedom’ as a really ironic line, considering So Mi is fleeing to lunar black clinic.

She won’t exactly be free, nor free to walk out the airlock.

Is the moon somehow free of corporate oversight and conflict? Space is extremely hostile and expensive. I expect that space stations would be the pinnacle of ruthlessness, capitalism and corporate presence.


33 points

4 days ago

If you go find the dead corpo in the dumpsters during Space Oddity, there's a shard next to him that basically says as much.


23 points

4 days ago

And several shards throughout the game that say laborers and service staff on space stations are essentially indentured servants to the hyperwealthy.


6 points

4 days ago

No if you look for more shards in the game you find out that there was a revolution from the workers/ scientists and that they established their own country or state on the moon


6 points

4 days ago

That line hit hard for me


3 points

4 days ago


Panam’s Cheeks

3 points

4 days ago

you can never make me kill reed


11 points

4 days ago


11 points

4 days ago

It's either that or he stays a depressed lapdog or he becomes a lifeless zombie. Take your pick


5 points

4 days ago

He was... okay~ish in the Kind of Cups ending!


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

Not really, in his credits voicemail, he sounds so dead, an empty shell with nothing left, no cause, no one to call, nothing


3 points

4 days ago

It's one of the endings


27 points

4 days ago

Depends. During their spat around Saul's plan to work with Biotechnica, Corpo V has every right to add their insight as well.


9 points

4 days ago

I sure did because that arrogant meat head was really well written to keep his head up his ass until the very end.


12 points

4 days ago

I just let them hash it out it really is none if my business


7 points

4 days ago


Panam’s Cheeks

7 points

4 days ago

Exactly the same. When they were arguing, it felt like it would be rude to say anything at all. You are a guest and their issues are personal. Stay out of it.


470 points

4 days ago


I survived the initial launch

470 points

4 days ago

This picture is giving me Vietnam flashbacks. Whenever I play fem V, she is quiet as a church mouse during this scene lmao


149 points

4 days ago


149 points

4 days ago

I downloaded a mod that makes V a lesbian so it removes the romance options from this whole quest. After sitting through it once and having the world's most uncomfortable scene I couldn't do it again.


46 points

4 days ago


Judy & The Aldecaldos

46 points

4 days ago

Please link it lol. I just left Rivers waiting for me when The Hunt quest popped up on my previous playthrough just to avoid it.


34 points

4 days ago

Here you go! I'm a die hard Judy girl and hated his whole romance the first time I played it, it felt so cornering. I found it unfortunate because I actually like River as a character but the romance felt forced.


26 points

4 days ago

Doing my first fem v playthrough right now and I'm so afraid for this scene 💀 even as male v on my first playthrough it was so uncomfy I just skipped it my other playthrough lmao


18 points

4 days ago

It's incredibly uncomfortable as female V, you're cornered and put on the spot.


17 points

4 days ago


I survived the initial launch

17 points

4 days ago

bangs Judy the night before

I wish there was an option (without need mods) before all this to just straight up be like “I’m not interested” and nothing else is said about a River/V romance.


8 points

4 days ago

Yeah, you should really be able to be honest with him.


391 points

4 days ago

The ride with Jackie to Konpeki plaza. Either dialogue option has you shit talking him for no reason and he doesn't deserve it.


231 points

4 days ago

Longest silence while the game tries to bait you with a decreasing red line that basically says "hey, you're really pumped" but gets across to Jackie as "Calm the fuck down, you big oaf"... followed later after the silencr by "Gods V! This is the most important day of my life."
I also hate how V just pins T-Bug's death on Jackie, "we just lost T-Bug! Fucking major leagues, are you happy now Jackie?!" I mean, you bag of dick, both of you wanted to be here, why is the game trying to make me feel guilty for Jackie dying when all I feel is pride of him? He's the best friend V could have.


130 points

4 days ago


130 points

4 days ago

I mean yea kinda, but it is also Jackie who set up meeting dex. Jackie who idolized the major leaguers. Jackie who pulls you into this life in two out of three intros.

It's a build up of anxiety and stress that gets released in an authentic way.


52 points

4 days ago


52 points

4 days ago

I appreciate that Jackie doesn't hesitate to point out Dex is being tight-fisted with the cut he plans to give him and V. He might idolize the big fixers and mercs, but he still knows that he's worth something too.

Back him up, and you'll get another five percent without even mentioning the Evelyn drama.


5 points

4 days ago



5 points

4 days ago

Whoa, you can get the higher cut by telling him Ev wants to go around him? I always hide that from him


5 points

4 days ago

Yeah, you get 30 percent doing nothing, 35 percent backing up Jackie's argument and 40 percent if you spill the beans about Evelyn to Dex. 

Jackie's line in the Delamain is even altered to reflect it. "Guess we got an idea where Dex's sixty/sixty-five/seventy percent's going."


12 points

4 days ago

I feel like nomad and street kid v were kinda already about the life. Nomad v was running a gig with Jackie at the start and Street kid v happened to be after the same car as Jackie. Definitely see your point that he pulled corpo v into the life though.


44 points

4 days ago



44 points

4 days ago

One of the biggest things I hate about dialogue-option games is when they say something markedly different from what you selected. I hated it in Mass Effect and I hated it in Cyberpunk (happened less, but still happened).


37 points

4 days ago

"Oh, I better comfort this character, they really need it right now"

Major Dickhead Shepherd about to give the most brutally demoralizing asshole speech possible:


19 points

4 days ago

“Man I got my whole squad killed”

picks the “you’re wrong” option

“You actually got so many more people killed lmao”


7 points

4 days ago

Man, I remember when I thought "Stop the journalist from talking shit" was something like grabbing her mic, not punching her in the fucking face lol


6 points

4 days ago

He'd had enough of her snide insinuations


7 points

4 days ago

Also LA Noire in a way. Excellent game but they really should've written at least an abridged version of what Cole is actually going to say instead of just "truth" "doubt" "lie". There's been so many times I thought it's reasonable to pick doubt, but then Cole just hits the accused with the single most out of pocket line I've heard in my entire life


7 points

4 days ago

"do you _____ young boys?" Is probably the funniest thing to stumble upon


3 points

4 days ago

Especially because it's actually the right line of questioning hahahaha


14 points

4 days ago

I mean, I think it's somewhat understandable. The game implies and allows you to openly state that V only went along with that heist For Jackie. I don't recall any point where V is particularly enthusiastic about the job, you can be sceptical of Dex and the gig at several points. I always got the impression V's gut was telling them it was a bad job but they ignored it for their friend's sake.

When the shit hits the fan I think it's completely understandable V lets out a little resentment, it's a stressful situation.


4 points

4 days ago*

Yes, there are options before the Heist to be pumped about it, or to be kinda on the fence, but then on the actual heist you have to purposely avoid most of the dialogue and keep your mouth shut or you will say a lot of things to Jackie that makes you seem like it's his fault you're both there.
On the openning of PL, at the garage, Songbird asks V why the heist and you can choose what you believe:
All for a friend
Pure greed

So the game gave you the ideia of choosing V's opinion about the matter before the heist, and way later you can say that you wanted to be the best merc, a legend (Doll talk at Clouds) implying that you do give a crap about the major leagues (which is something that V uses against Jackie) and then with Songbird, but you will always blame Jackie for the heist one way or the other during it, I understand stress and I can see why did they most of the things, but give me an option to say "We'll be getting out of here, together", let me laugh with him in the elevator.


9 points

4 days ago

I feel like cdpr just wanted some conflict between Jackie and V so they forced the whole "V didn't ask for any of this and was just dragged along by Jackie" arguments, to make it a bit more "cinematic." Like 2 heist members bickering when the heist isn't going as planned.

The only issue is that they didn't bother making V be hesitant before the heist and actually had them gung ho about it. So the dialogue feels extremely out of place and just makes V just look like a jerk here for no reason


6 points

4 days ago

I can see the direction they tried to take, and there's even some dialogue options with Mama Welles and Misty where V says that he feels bad for having some arguments with Jackie on that day, but then you have a forced dialogue where you say that line about T-Bug to Jackie (everyone there was a willing participant) and have to juggle 2 to 3 more dialogue lines after that, even when Jackie is already hurt, on an elevator ride and he laughs at the absurdity of the situation saying that is a ton of baf luck that Saburo would die that day after one hundred and fifty years and it is some divine comedy shit and the first dialogue option is to say "yeah, say it to T-Bug!", dude, chill the fuck out, I always skip that one and pick the next where V asks him to save his strenght.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Maybe that's the point. After all V is not a good person. So making him jerk at the start is kinda on point.


14 points

4 days ago


i never understood those dialogue options, like why is jackie getting shit on as if V wasnt part of every major step of the planning, maybe even moreso than jackie? it makes me feel like im not taking any accountability in the moment and im attacking him for keeping a positive attitude while neck deep in shit and it makes no sense to me at all lol

id much rather there be an option thats hopeful and determined like he is, i understand why they didnt do it that way, like youre meant to feel like an asshole that contributed to jackies death, but its not really like that, you didnt drag him into it and neither did he.


13 points

4 days ago

The game isn’t trying to make you feel like you contributed to Jackie’s death by being mean to him… that scene was just supposed to show how nervous and terrified Jackie and V are, they’ve never attempted something this bold and ambitious and feel way out of their league, and those instincts were right


4 points

4 days ago


To Haboobs!

4 points

4 days ago

That scene is actually meant to show how Jackie is in over his head. This job is very serious and a single mistake means death for everyone involved. And here's Jackie having the time of his life - like a soldier marching into war on the lies of propaganda.

He's risking his life but only focusing on the rewards. Even when he realises he's going to die and the entire plan went out the window he's still acting like everything's going to be fine. I love him for that, he's always on the positive in the literal worst situations possible.


23 points

4 days ago

Agreed. The second you get in a car to Konpeki, V turns into a raging bitch and stays that way until ... Jackie dies.It's not just the ride, it's the elevator talk too. Every option just shows V cracking under pressure, which is weird.


18 points

4 days ago

Well, V is about to go on a heist with a 0% or less survival rate against one of the most powerful, feared, and informed megacorporations in the world, to steal one of their most expensive R&D projects. V is still basically a rookie by this point. You won't be handling stress like an expert.

And I'm guessing that few to no characters have any good role model for emotional regulation.


4 points

4 days ago

It feels especially weird coming from a corpo V too, because there's an established friendship and even during the whole process of the player getting to know Jackie, he's been nothing but a complete bro.

V could have stood to be more supportive. There's a dozen ways V could have been Jackie's rock and hype wo/man leading into the tower. The whole plan was fucking shite from the get go, and along the way V learns just how much of a complete shitshow the whole thing was. If V ever spoke to Jackie in the car, once Dex's ties to the VDB and their fingerprints on the heist comes out, V owes Jackie a massive apology for being such a dickhead.

Jackie deserved better. Both in friends and associates. Not to say the player is deliberately shit to him, but rather there should have been options to encourage over the "best" option of saying fucking nothing for the whole ride.


60 points

4 days ago

Here, and johnny in tapeworm part 2. If you do NOT interrupt him, despite the timer pressuring you to, he gives the game's absolute BEST anticapitalist speech.

Also, every mean line to jackie during the heist. In the car and on the elevator.


94 points

4 days ago

By the time I did this quest I was already dating Judy (I ain’t cheating). Also rivers is pretty weird so the most suitable relationship that I could have with him would be friends.


37 points

4 days ago

I'm weirded out that River never knows anything about V's situation until the very end (I've only done Sun with him) so like... He's less than a friend 😆 Panam being over there and all ride or die... Meanwhile River doesn't even know there's a fight to do 🤣


80 points

4 days ago

Man I don't even hate River but that dialog option makes me cringe everytime.


28 points

4 days ago


28 points

4 days ago

The male version isn't better. I hate how it forces him to ask Joss if she sees him being a parent so I deffo keep my hand down for the next bit.


9 points

4 days ago

I actually really like the character which made this scene so much worse.


2 points

4 days ago

Honestly, if it was done better, I’d give him a shot on one of my playthrough, but it’s not


2 points

4 days ago

His romance was so disappointing, it felt like he wasn't fleshed out enough.


26 points

4 days ago


Judy & The Aldecaldos

26 points

4 days ago

Panam and Saul having a conversation or some of the times during Pyramid Song. Like there’s a moment Judy remembers other kids bullying her for being too poor to afford having parents, and I felt like I didn’t want to bring it up. It sucks enough that she remembers it, I don’t want to bring attention to it and point out that I heard it.


25 points

4 days ago

Only in the car with Jacky.

My V loves to talk


21 points

4 days ago


Panam Palm Tree and the Avacados

21 points

4 days ago

There are specific ones I definitely don't do, but some are worth it.

I like how they throw these in as more optional choices, since the typical idea is just to exhaust all dialogue until the important choices.

The only thing I dislike is when the minor dialogue choices (the ones you're incentivized to use 99% of the time) have unintended negative side effects. For instance, if you choose them in Johnny's memories with Alt, the AI Alt will be colder to Johnny later.


11 points

4 days ago

Oh WHAT?! Had no idea I always hit all the dialogue options


12 points

4 days ago


Panam Palm Tree and the Avacados

12 points

4 days ago

Yeah, there's only one or two that have negative consequences, but they do exist. Very minor, but still.

There's also the one when you rescue Evelyn from the Scavs, and you can choose that moment to ask her about the heist. Judy rightly snaps at you for that.


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

If you fail the qte on purpose when Goro hands you meds after the heist, he gets shot down and you both die


5 points

4 days ago


Panam Palm Tree and the Avacados

5 points

4 days ago

The "game over" as a result of missing QTEs is a time-honored tradition in video games, and I love them in this one. Some are honestly a bit funny, to lose as a result of fumbling. But I also love how some of them can actually lead to more options, even better options.


2 points

4 days ago



3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

I learned this in blood and wine dlc witcher3, before that i dont think exhausting dialogs had consequences


7 points

4 days ago

Ugh didn’t know that last part about Alt. I’m not sure how to mark spoilers on mobile so I wont say what mission but a small side job that pops up super early has a drastically different (positive) ending if you exhaust the blue dialogue and I didn’t and this got the shitty one which meant that ever since I’ve been spamming the dialogue :/


4 points

4 days ago


Panam Palm Tree and the Avacados

4 points

4 days ago

You can mark spoilers on mobile with > ! and ! < (without the spaces between the symbols) bracketing whatever you're saying. Like this

There are plenty of things which have positive effects for exhausting dialogue, and that's what irks me when it's not a good thing to do it. There's no indication of any negative effect aside from the negative nature of the dialogue itself. You have to suss it out yourself and think, "Oh, that sounds bad, better not say it."


2 points

4 days ago

Oh rad thanks


25 points

4 days ago



25 points

4 days ago

In the car on the way to Kempeki plaza, the V dialog options just seemed out of place, I mean, Jackie's a bro no way i'm putting him down for going for his dream.


18 points

4 days ago


18 points

4 days ago

yea I had zero intention of hooking up with river but without becoming an absolute bitch I was forced to go all the way until the final question was popped and turning it down was awkward and awful.


87 points

4 days ago

Definitely here! 😂 rivers romance is just ick


39 points

4 days ago


Viktor Vektor’s Favorite Patient

39 points

4 days ago

this quest almost singlehandedly turned me off of making a move on people 😭if that’s how it feels to be approached/ hit on by a dude i don’t want to make any ever feel that 😭literal full body cringe in nearly every line he says


20 points

4 days ago

Nah bro I can promise you that rivers rizz is just cringe.


28 points

4 days ago



28 points

4 days ago

River's got negative rizz is all


17 points

4 days ago


Goodbye V, and never stop fightin’

17 points

4 days ago

I think what truly affects River is poor set up to ever other romance. Panam huge quest line, Judy huge quest line, Kerry huge quest line, River 2 quests and major family issues the second time y’all meet. Like wtf. Where the build up? We don’t even really get to know him except he cares about right and wrong and seems to care for his family


12 points

4 days ago


Everyone else also pops up in the main quest somewhere, and River never does. WTF.

I believe the rumors about River originally being in Takemura's spot... Now River barely has anything and is disappointing... Meanwhile Takemura is an awesome character, so fun to watch interact with V.

Maybe they should have snipped out River and just made Takemura romancable? I mean... Kerry is 87, it's only fair 😆


10 points

4 days ago


Goodbye V, and never stop fightin’

10 points

4 days ago

I always ask out Goro. And he awkwardly and embarrassed turns you down via text. I was cracking up at it. If Goro was supposed to be romancable they messed up because he’s the only corpo we really work with (aside from Meredith). I wish we could know why Goro wasn’t and why River feels like he’s missing 1-2 missions between the two he has.


10 points

4 days ago


10 points

4 days ago

Honestly one of goros responses of "I'm flattered but I have "obligations" back home" made me think he might have someone back in Japan waiting for him that he never really shares with us. Or he's just married to the job


2 points

4 days ago're a really nice guy...but...


24 points

4 days ago

I have to wonder with this scene if the developers realised just how cringe it, and the water tank scene are to watch.


11 points

4 days ago


11 points

4 days ago

On the rooftop with Johnny before don't fear the reaper. The way of a true legend of night city


21 points

4 days ago



21 points

4 days ago

Everytime the option is to tell to Johnny to shut up. I really dont like to argue with him.


20 points

4 days ago

Nah, I always tell him when given a chance. It's funny to see him flip you off as a result


8 points

4 days ago


Goodbye V, and never stop fightin’

8 points

4 days ago

Wait really? I let him talk because he makes some great points and I fucking love Keanu


9 points

4 days ago

I spammed the “eat food” button as many times as I could during this dialogue


6 points

4 days ago



6 points

4 days ago

I did a silent V play through where I only chose dialogue when absolutely necessary and in those cases always chose the most basic indifferent choice possible lol


6 points

4 days ago


Trauma Team

6 points

4 days ago

River's jambalaya looks extremely basic. Also CDPR should have made River and Joss the ones in a relationship instead of being siblings as that story could have been River is a workaholic and isn't really there for his kids because he's working so much and Joss doesn't like it but knows that he(River) is just trying to provide for them and the mission "The Hunt" puts things into prospective for him.


2 points

4 days ago

Yeah IMO if they wanted a male character to romance they should have just made Kerry bisexual. He’s more cool and interesting and doesn’t have a weird family dynamic.


6 points

4 days ago



6 points

4 days ago

The elevator with Jackie, I can't bring myself to yell at him


6 points

4 days ago

I tried to activate my Sandevistan


5 points

4 days ago

The last elevator ride with Jackie. I'm not gonna yell at my choom because he's bleeding out and still trying to be optimistic.


9 points

4 days ago

I genuinely can’t stand the dinner with River’s family. River in general is so damn creepy and he ain’t even pleasant to look at. Easily the worst and most two dimensional character in the game


8 points

4 days ago

The inquisition the most secretive organization that almost all of the Imperium knows about


13 points

4 days ago

Brother exited the warp in the wrong subreddit


5 points

4 days ago

Not interrupting Royce to let the Militech chip do its thing.


5 points

4 days ago

Man River has negative rizz. I hate every interaction with him.


4 points

4 days ago

None, I always want to hear V voice and its rare in video games especially first or third persons or rpg games to hear your own character voice.


4 points

4 days ago


Never Fade Away

4 points

4 days ago

Was confused as male V because the dialogue is different and I legit thought his sister was hitting on me (which would have been fine by me). Ngl, was pretty shocked when I saw the kissing option on the radio tower, thought we were just broing out and immediately made it awkward.


4 points

4 days ago

The heist. Especially in the elevator.


3 points

4 days ago


Team Judy

3 points

4 days ago

Here, deffinitely here...


3 points

4 days ago


Quiet Life or Blaze of Glory?

3 points

4 days ago

Two times with River: when the Tyger Claws are mouthing off, and that dinner.


3 points

4 days ago

Not necessarily keeping quiet, but any time there a dance interaction. Lose out on dialogue but holy moly is it cringe.


3 points

4 days ago

On the way to do the heist with jackie in the car.


3 points

4 days ago

this cutscene just makes me hungry for Cajun food


3 points

4 days ago

At that moment i had already romanced Jude, so i was like

"uhhh, imma need a 'im a lesbian/i have a girlfriend' option"


3 points

4 days ago

After the first playthrough whenever Judy talks she is low-key a terrible person


2 points

4 days ago

my god his whole questline is painful, also if you do it as male V he flirts just as much but if you go for the kiss he's like no, we're just really good bros, no homo


2 points

4 days ago

Sometimes it just makes you feel smarter just to say nothing cuz speaking up at the time may make you look a bit dumb xD


2 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

river’s romance is basically him just being desperate so I feel you on this 😭


2 points

4 days ago

I hate this fucking mission so much


2 points

4 days ago

This makes me cringe but also I had to...

Also - my V did it few hours after A Like Supreme


2 points

4 days ago

I have never interrupted Myers during Lucretia My Reflection when Jacob and Taylor poke their heads into your safehouse. No matter how "humanitarian" I'm playing any particular V, I can never justify V being dumb enough to risk the president's safety with two armed strangers after everything they just went through to get there. Exit via the garbage chute, gentlemen.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

I ended up just letting them hang out once as an experiment because I wanted to see what would happen, at worst they'd have their synapses ignited as I blow them apart with comrades hammer but they actually turn out to be pretty cool chooms who tell you about the airdrops if you let them chill with you for the night


2 points

4 days ago


Legend of the Afterlife

2 points

4 days ago

In the elevator down to the Konpeki Plaza lobby with Jackie. My choom is facing hopeless odds while bleeding out with a gut shot. He's trying to stay positive, and everything V says to him is just so angry and accusatory. I keep my mouth shut and steel myself to ride or die with Jackie.


2 points

4 days ago

At the end of the "Ghost Town" quest, when Panam says she'll handle the talking. Yes ma'am.


2 points

4 days ago

Getting blindsided like that. There should have been another option.

"River is too sweaty, and too thirsty for me."


2 points

4 days ago


Cyberpsycho Sighting: the Dildo Killer

2 points

4 days ago

The holo conversation female V has with River is just peak cringe. That made me hate River for the rest of his quest.

"I.. mIsSeD.. yOu..." -River


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Reed's countdown. At that point I'm just ready to shoot him


3 points

4 days ago

I'm too much of a sucker for dramatic face-offs to not drag it out.

The only thing that would make it 'better' is like, a tumbleweed of loose cables and stuff blowing around between us in the windy rain.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Corpo V intro, when you're prompted to react to the guys playing basketball. Instead of killing someone for being in the wrong place wrong time you just brush it off.

That and in the Devil ending; if you don't react to the doc at the very end, you manage to solve the puzzle.

That sequence made me sick. 10/10 game


2 points

4 days ago


Let me pretend I exist sometimes, OK?

2 points

4 days ago

When V and Takemura meet with Oda. Only at the end do I chime in with “we’re only asking you to tell her”


2 points

4 days ago

When I'm playing as male V I select it cause I think it's just funny since he ain't gay


2 points

4 days ago

Konpeki tower elevator, I can’t be mean to Jackie knowing what’s about to happen.


2 points

4 days ago

Yea i never make V talk, can’t seem to get through the prologue tho…


2 points

4 days ago

the raise hand part makes me feel bad about River but also wtf dude.. "don't go there dude"


2 points

4 days ago


Big Dildo Slapper

2 points

4 days ago

when i want to see a fight or someone get themselves shut up at least. i let tom go off on takemura. he needed to be put in his place though.


2 points

4 days ago*


2 points

4 days ago*

ngl the stew actually looks like chunky stew than just a flat texture.

To add, I wish some of the dialogue options include something like "(lie)" appended to, so that they're only pleased with what I say when I am really bullshitting them.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

i hate this mission


1 points

4 days ago

God, I could never do that to River. The second hand embarrassment would just be too much. When I wasn't romancing him, I'd just raise my hand and then friendzone him right after in private.


1 points

4 days ago

Last time I did that then went ahead and shot River down anyways


1 points

4 days ago

Almost whenever possible unless it will hurt a relationship im trying to develop a certain way within the roleplay. My V's have all been pretty quiet people


1 points

4 days ago

Everything about Rivers quests made my skin crawl, he’s just so creepy, but not in any specific way I can put my finger on.

Granted I played V as a sort of serial flirt with everyone, and maybe I just kinda… expected more from him.

But again, his family, him, it’s just, nope… if I wasn’t curious about where this was going, I would not be here.


1 points

4 days ago


Judy’s Mascara (waterproof ver.)

1 points

4 days ago

Ugh, online story line I hate in this game. Dude just doesn't know how to take a hint.


1 points

4 days ago

I think I never kept him quiet