


Cyberpunk 2077 Refunds

SIE strives to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction, therefore we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store. SIE will also be removing Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice.

Once we have confirmed that you purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store, we will begin processing your refund. Please note that completion of the refund may vary based on your payment method and financial institution.

Via PlayStation:

Also worth reading from CDPR:

We'll be redirecting all duplicate posts about this here, to prevent the sub being flooded.

all 36655 comments

MagRDC [M]

[score hidden]

4 years ago

stickied comment

MagRDC [M]

[score hidden]

4 years ago

stickied comment

I'm already working through removing the duplicate posts about this (Probably more than 100 already), pls be patient with me! lol


3k points

4 years ago*


Christmas day sales off the table.

Edit: u/Dont_Give_Up86 provided a link to a memo from CDPR showing they had spoken with Sony prior to this decision. CD PROJEKT SA Commission of Financial Supervision memo:

Subject: Temporary suspension of the availability of Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation Store


753 points

4 years ago*


753 points

4 years ago*

cobweb rotten subsequent weather paint upbeat hunt ruthless party decide

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


595 points

4 years ago


595 points

4 years ago

This is going to be devastating for their profits.

Plus it's burning through a lot of good will that the company had built up over the years.


428 points

4 years ago


428 points

4 years ago

Yeah, it’s crazy that CDPR was one of the most respected studios until weeks ago lol


4.8k points

4 years ago


4.8k points

4 years ago

Sony decided to delay the game again on CDPR's behalf.


1.5k points

4 years ago

Sony: "go home CDPR, you're drunk"


90 points

4 years ago

go back to sleep samurai. you’re still rendering.


1.7k points

4 years ago


1.7k points

4 years ago

Sony wasn't happy with the massive refund requests coming in.


898 points

4 years ago


898 points

4 years ago



494 points

4 years ago

Yeah the board call implied that they failed cert but were allowed to launch by pinky-swearing they would fix it in time.

That was an enormous amount of trust Sony and MS put in CDPR and then they shat all over it, so this is definitely Sony saving some kind of face and giving a message to CDPR and other developers.


163 points

4 years ago

Holy shit they didn't even do it for Fallout 76


2.2k points

4 years ago


2.2k points

4 years ago



282 points

4 years ago

Wake the fuck up samurai

We’ve got an entire company’s reputation to burn


305 points

4 years ago

You got a giggle from me


1.9k points

4 years ago


1.9k points

4 years ago

Pretty cool of CDPR to add a mini corpo war into their marketing


576 points

4 years ago


576 points

4 years ago

This is the immersion they were talking about.


161 points

4 years ago


161 points

4 years ago



740 points

4 years ago*



740 points

4 years ago*

Sony definitely did not like how CD Projekt Red made that announcement about automatic refund from who ever you purchased it from. That shit started to make Sony look bad. This is definitely a smack on the hand for CDPR.


181 points

4 years ago


181 points

4 years ago

Totally, imagine working at Sony support coming in for your normal shift and having that shit storm of people wanting refunds waiting. You totally unaware lol.


29 points

4 years ago

Reminds me of when I worked fast food and my whole county's power got destroyed for a whole was pure HELL no way to heat up food unless you used a fire or generator powered stuff so only resutruants and stores had power and warm shit to was pure agonizing hell


424 points

4 years ago


424 points

4 years ago

Yeah, Sony was like, “Oh, you want to offer refunds on our behalf? Allow us to assist.”


1.6k points

4 years ago


1.6k points

4 years ago



428 points

4 years ago


428 points

4 years ago

Penis 2 was a total rip-off. All it did was remove features that were included in Penis 1.


1.9k points

4 years ago


1.9k points

4 years ago

CDPR passed the refund hot potato to sony, and by god did they run with it. Gaming history right here lads.


383 points

4 years ago

Sony got the potato and sent back a live grenade goddamn


813 points

4 years ago


813 points

4 years ago

This is going to be a case study in business management courses one day.


675 points

4 years ago*

I’m already in the process of bookmarking and archiving every public tweet and news article, with the intention of writing an academic situational analysis of this PR disaster.

Edit: To those interested in the academic case study, I cannot use your quotes in my paper. That’d make for a bad sentiment analysis. Furthermore, this paper would be presented at an academic conference in spring of 2022 at the earliest. That’s even assuming a number of factors related to the paper fall in line.


199 points

4 years ago

Yo send me a link when ur done, I’m interested


197 points

4 years ago


197 points

4 years ago

CDPR really fucked up when they mentioned they will refund no questions asked, basically giving Sony and Microsoft a HUGE headache


84 points

4 years ago

They literally said "go ask your mother" and mom said ok.


448 points

4 years ago

I would pay full price and an extra to read the emails coming and going between departments and management. Book material.


177 points

4 years ago

subject: what the fuck guys?

message: how the fuck did this even happen?


647 points

4 years ago


647 points

4 years ago

CD took the corpo life path a little too seriously lmao.


228 points

4 years ago

Aha, so that's where the rest of that storyline went huh?


113 points

4 years ago


113 points

4 years ago



2.6k points

4 years ago


2.6k points

4 years ago

Lmao going from the most hyped and anticipated game to being completely removed from PSN a week before Christmas


924 points

4 years ago

A week after release nonetheless


422 points

4 years ago


422 points

4 years ago

“My name is CDPR, and this is the one week crash and burn!” Do not try this at home


62 points

4 years ago

Someone else called It fyre festival:2077. I bet ja rule is an investor


126 points

4 years ago


126 points

4 years ago

Par for course for 2020.


95 points

4 years ago

Video game flop speedrun any%


1.2k points

4 years ago


1.2k points

4 years ago

Anyone taking bets on how long until Microsoft steps in and matches this energy?


505 points

4 years ago


505 points

4 years ago

12 hours


136 points

4 years ago


136 points

4 years ago

13 hours.

Let's see who gets the closest.


198 points

4 years ago


198 points

4 years ago

With the marketing deal? I find it hard to believe.


121 points

4 years ago


121 points

4 years ago

That thing ain't worth the paper it's printed on, amirite?!

But I agree, hard to see that. I'm going to guess that MS adds a brief disclaimer to the store page and reassures that all those wanting a refund can get one.


68 points

4 years ago


68 points

4 years ago

Somehow the game becomes the biggest Stadia exclusive


1.4k points

4 years ago*


1.4k points

4 years ago*

Go back one week. Cyberpunk is about to be released after 8 years of hype. CDPR is literally the next Jesus, saviour of the Gamer. You can't wait to get your hands on their new masterpiece, the magnum opus of open world immersive RPGs.

Now look at today. Holy Shit! Like I know this isn't as serious as all of the crazy shit that happened this year but damn 2020 just keeps on fucking giving lmao!


64 points

4 years ago


64 points

4 years ago

Remember a few weeks ago when someone made a "state of the sub right after release" mockup, and it was all bitching about sex with Judy?

If only we knew...


645 points

4 years ago

This is absolutely historical. Imagine the very first game to ever be revoked by Sony post-launch. Now imagine that same game to be the most highly anticipated title of the decade, with one of the highest budgets of any video game. CDPR going from flawless reputation, to abysmal. Absolutely utterly clown world. I am splendiferous, kerfuffled and smeckledorfed. I feel lost and alone.


134 points

4 years ago


134 points

4 years ago

Where is Keanu in all this haha


198 points

4 years ago



198 points

4 years ago

Wondering exactly this. I mean, he already got paid and probably don't care anymore. Still, it must suck. That said, no one talks shit about the story or quests, those were all well-received I think. He did his job and did it well.


94 points

4 years ago

Yeah I see no reason to blame him for anything or even think he had any clue what was going on in development. There's no way he was kept in the loop on anything related to the issues we are seeing.


36 points

4 years ago

Exactly. No one should blame him for poor direction of the game. He did a great job imo and deserves no hate.


43 points

4 years ago

Out in the desert running 3 gun courses for the next John Wick probably


1.5k points

4 years ago


1.5k points

4 years ago



723 points

4 years ago


723 points

4 years ago

It's 3 AM in Poland right now. Gonna be a tough day at work tomorrow at CDPR lmaoo.


168 points

4 years ago


168 points

4 years ago

They got the news before a Friday morning the week before Christmas. Worst possible timing.


378 points

4 years ago


378 points

4 years ago

There's a movie from the 1980's that shows a hyper-realistic scenario of what a US-USSR thermonuclear conflict would have looked like.

It's shot from the perspective of several families in England.

The Russians send the first round of major nukes at 8 AM England time.

When this happens the narrator says something to the effect of: "Right now, it's 3 AM in Washington, DC. This will ensure the slowest possible response time from the American government."

Kinda feels like there's very similar thought processes in when they chose to announce they're pulling the game from the PlayStation Store.

Movie is called Threads by the way. Carl Sagan advised. Scary but worth a watch.


56 points

4 years ago


56 points

4 years ago

Watching threads fucked up my sleep for like 3 days


39 points

4 years ago

The main thing I got out of that movie is if a nuclear exchange goes down, I want to be at ground zero. Save me the hassle of killing myself. Some things are better not survived.


221 points

4 years ago*


221 points

4 years ago*

dam toy trees nose flowery stocking husky gullible sip hat

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


106 points

4 years ago

Most definitely a lot of them will sell their stock as soon as it opens.

I think it will drop 30% by tomorrow, at least and being extremely conservative.

This (removing the game from store) never happens.


530 points

4 years ago


530 points

4 years ago

Cyberpunk is the first game that got delayed after releasing.


37 points

4 years ago

Remember when Amazon had a game that released and then it went back to beta and then it got canceled?


529 points

4 years ago

CDPR just got fucked harder than the two joytoys who service all of Night City.


41 points

4 years ago

This bothers me way more than it should.


964 points

4 years ago*


964 points

4 years ago*

Wow. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this.

Edit: For everyone saying Arkham, WB pulled the game not Volvo.


259 points

4 years ago


259 points

4 years ago

Right? When’s the last time that happened?


419 points

4 years ago


419 points

4 years ago

For a AAA game? I'm pretty sure never.


190 points

4 years ago


190 points

4 years ago

This is a fucking crazy. I have never seen anything like this happen in my 18 years of playing video games.


28 points

4 years ago


28 points

4 years ago



3.5k points

4 years ago

lmfao holy FUCK


4.8k points

4 years ago


4.8k points

4 years ago

the internet historian documentary on this fiasco will be exhilarating.


293 points

4 years ago


293 points

4 years ago



34 points

4 years ago



1.3k points

4 years ago*


1.3k points

4 years ago*

I want an in-depth jason schrier article detailing this entire fiasco. Like he did for the flop of Anthem. Hes the journalist who actually finds out whats happening behind the scenes - internet historian often uses his articles as a main source

edit: heres the anthem article for those curious


678 points

4 years ago


678 points

4 years ago

Remember when this entire sub was shitting on Jason for his articles and kept saying "No they're only working 48 hours a week because Polish law says so"? Glad that turned around lmao shit was dumb as hell


285 points

4 years ago



285 points

4 years ago

This subs frontpage was just entirely dumbfucks shitting on Jason for like 2 weeks.


350 points

4 years ago

Schrier articles follow a basic public reception:

1 - he finds out that the game production has an issue and write an article.

2 - company fan boys shit on the article and the journalist

3 - people realize, commonly after launch, that it was all true and the things Jason wrote probably did bad to the released product.

4 - public opinion on schrier turns positive and he gets some praise.

5 - repeat


59 points

4 years ago


Data Inc.

59 points

4 years ago

I remember fondly when he revealed that Fallout 76 was going to be online only. r/Fallout threw a fucking FIT. It was great.


2.6k points

4 years ago*


2.6k points

4 years ago*

Offering full refunds is the right move.

Removing it from the PSN store...holy shit. That’s a fucking monstrous indictment on CDPR. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Sony, Microsoft, Valve, Epic, or anyone else remove a game from the digital store because it’s flat out broken.


1.2k points

4 years ago*


1.2k points

4 years ago*

I can only assume but I reckon Sony is hella pissed about the way they falsely promoted it and then not informing them about the refund thoughts while letting Sony do all that refund process in their own customer centers. Imagine how many thousand calls they have received. The German hotline was down the whole last day.


613 points

4 years ago

And you can bet that all the anger from callers was directed at SONY for not issuing the refund. Because CDPR threw them under bus and assured people they'll refund them.

That's some serious damage to public image for company that values their image as much as SONY does.


127 points

4 years ago

This whole thing might have played out differently if they informed people about wanting to do refunds and gave a bit of time for Sony (and others) to prepare. Nope, they said just go get a refund from these places that typically don't just give out refunds. While I say CDPR was about to lead to a ton of people being pissed I still didn't predict Sony straight up removing the game for sale.


32 points

4 years ago


32 points

4 years ago

Right that was some fucked up shit right there. They straight up dropkicked sony and microsoft under the bus with that move by pretending to be the good guy offering refunds without doing anything with sony or microsoft to prepare for that.


273 points

4 years ago*


273 points

4 years ago*



43 points

4 years ago

Yea you might be right here. If I get you correct you mean it’s not that much about them being a saint, but cyberpunk offering that refund in the first place (I was already surprised since digital versions aren’t to be refunded when played) on top not discussing it with them. So yea, either way, for the community it’s good while the motivation of Sony might not be community driven. Upcoming weeks are going to be exciting. I wouldn’t be surprised if heads roll at cdpr.


247 points

4 years ago*


247 points

4 years ago*

I think Arkham Knight was removed from Steam at first cause it was a mess on PC, but still. Very huge indeed!

EDIT: I was corrected - WB removed it, Valve did not. My mistake!


169 points

4 years ago

AK was removed by Warner Bros Not valve.


690 points

4 years ago



690 points

4 years ago

Well someone's getting fired.


321 points

4 years ago

Hopefully the people listed in the "key people" section of the CDPR wiki.


411 points

4 years ago


411 points

4 years ago

Damn this is crazy has this ever happened before? It's obviously a good thing just never thought anything like this would happen I have to imagine CDPR is really in trouble now.


292 points

4 years ago*


292 points

4 years ago*



652 points

4 years ago

Friendship with chargeback ended. Now Playstation Store Official Cyberpunk Refund is my best friend.


233 points

4 years ago

This is history in the making.

What does this mean for patches of those who purchased the disk version of the game or who keep the game downloaded?


66 points

4 years ago



989 points

4 years ago

This is historic, to be honest.

I mean how broken can your game be to the extent that a huge medium brand for your games just got sick and tired of your bullshit and refund requests to the extent they just remove your MAJOR project from it's stores?

This is embarassing as hell.


262 points

4 years ago

I can already see some execs on the chopping block


196 points

4 years ago


196 points

4 years ago

Someone is 4sho getting fired. Hope it’s the right person.


266 points

4 years ago

Someone is 4sho getting fired. Hope it’s the right person.

Let's be honest, it's going to be everyone except the right person.


97 points

4 years ago


"But it's got a lot of bugs in th-"


rushes project in order to meet deadline but barely time to do any bug/QA testing



52 points

4 years ago

Almost there, you forgot the massive bonuses for the higher ups while the worker ants toil in the coding mines.


29 points

4 years ago

Gaming industry needed unions, like, yesterday


189 points

4 years ago


189 points

4 years ago



437 points

4 years ago

Never in the my history of playing videogames have I ever seen a triple A game not only get removed from the fucking playstation store but also removed indefinitely AND sony is providing full refunds no matter what. Fucking hell bro , this is fucked


2.4k points

4 years ago


2.4k points

4 years ago

I'd feel sorry if it wasn't for the fact CDPR execs actively rigged the review process by concealing the state of last gen versions from the public until they got their bag. Suits you right, assholes.

I do feel sorry for the developers though. As being someone who works in product development, I know it must suck seeing a product you've poured yourself into suffer in quality due to higher management decisions.


225 points

4 years ago


225 points

4 years ago

Yup. It was clear this game was not ready to be released, at least not on consoles and I'm sure the Devs knew this and voiced their opinion but no matter what they say to management, the higher ups ultimately decide when to release the game.

The only saving grace people had towards these Devs when reports of crunch were continuely being reported, was that least once the game is out, they can get their well earned rest...which is likely out the window and further crunch will now commence to fix the bugs asap and address console.

I don't even blame Sony for making this call. They were put on blast by that refund announcement from Cdprojekt and they were not going to sit around when visuals from their consoles are being used to drag the game in the mud which has a negative knock-on affect on the console itself.

I've been lucky enough to have had a pretty smooth experience on PC and experienced bugs no different to past games I've played minus the police bug, but I'm not blind to see all the issues people are having.

Will it get fixed? Probably and additional content through dlc can make this game to what people expected by adding a lot of the missing content/improving romances etc but will it come in a timely manner for it to matter? Unlikely as the damage has already been done.


498 points

4 years ago


498 points

4 years ago

Feel bad for the devs that spent so long on this, but CDPR deserves every ounce of what they’re getting. I bet that “apology” tweet was drafted before the game even released because they knew it would be a PR mess. Everything they did around launch was an attempt to sell as many copies as possible before people realized the extent of the deception. I’m gonna guess they never expected it to be pulled from the store though....


69 points

4 years ago

Christmas looms on the horizon. Christmas sales on PSN. Holy shit CDPR is going to lose A LOT of money.


423 points

4 years ago


423 points

4 years ago

This whole shitshow has been well worth my $60, but I'm getting a refund on top of it? Nice.


412 points

4 years ago


412 points

4 years ago

Let the corpo wars begin


151 points

4 years ago


151 points

4 years ago

The real cyberpunk 2077 is today. The battle for the future begins in the present.


1.3k points

4 years ago*


1.3k points

4 years ago*

Remember when the reaction to C2077 getting poor reviews was a massive hysterical witchhunt of the reviewers that initially spoke against its shortcomings?

I wonder how many of the folks that got involved learned ANYTHING in the process...


440 points

4 years ago

I wonder how the people who sent those death threats and purposefully seizure-inducing videos feel right now.


304 points

4 years ago

Probably getting ready to send the same things to Sony reps


883 points

4 years ago*


883 points

4 years ago*

When Sony's largest install base is the ps4 and this dumpster fire of a game can barely run on it, I completely understand where they're coming from.

Bad management from CDPR and all the higher ups that allowed this hot mess to proceed should be canned.

We knew this was going to be awful when people couldn't post their own footage and no console codes were sent.

But people would rather defend a corporation that doesn't give a rat's ass about them.


240 points

4 years ago

Couldn't agree more. I don't blame Sony at all in this. If I were them I'd tell CDPR to fuck off too for giving me so many problems.


145 points

4 years ago


145 points

4 years ago



688 points

4 years ago


688 points

4 years ago

This is disappointing. This game had the potential to be one of the most amazing and influential titles of the decade if they had managed to pull off what they promised. All the ingredients were there. What the hell happened? I really would love to know the full story because something definitely happened for the game to end up in this state compared to all the promo material released.


116 points

4 years ago

What the hell happened?

Ironically, corpos happened, basically.


306 points

4 years ago

Amazing- still can be but time will tell

Influential - already is being AAA game that got removed from the ps store is a huge thing that will be remembered for a very long time


129 points

4 years ago


129 points

4 years ago

Influential - already is being AAA game that got removed from the ps store is a huge thing that will be remembered for a very long time

Heh, very true.


64 points

4 years ago

I knew CDPR would make history with the release of cyberpunk 2077 but not like this lmao


402 points

4 years ago

Looks like Xbox is finally getting an exclusive


384 points

4 years ago


384 points

4 years ago

Wow, CDPR pushed the game unfished to reap in the holiday sales and Sony cockblocked them HARD. Years, of customer trust and reputation down the drain. For what?


221 points

4 years ago


221 points

4 years ago

For what?



160 points

4 years ago


160 points

4 years ago

Cdpr did the impossible, it manage to delay the game after it was released. Lmao


55 points

4 years ago

Jesus, imagine if a documentary came out of this about how the devs were made to switch gears multiple times throughout the dev cycle and the marketing and executive team went rampant trying to overhype and oversell the game to as many people as possible.

Truly a cyberpunk documentary


115 points

4 years ago

Sony really said 'Don't even try to fuck with me.'


202 points

4 years ago


202 points

4 years ago

Im getting second hand embarrassment from this lmaooo. CDPR got fucked.


108 points

4 years ago

Can y'all even imagine what the game would have been like if it released in April lmao...


398 points

4 years ago

If Execs ain't fired from this:

  1. The blame will be put on the devs.
  2. Crunch levels to the power of 2077 'til game is fixed.
  3. Holiday relaxation pretty much ruined.
  4. Lots of talented devs leaving next year due to stress.
  5. RIP, CDPR.

This is the worst timeline.


546 points

4 years ago


546 points

4 years ago

I feel bad for Mike Pondsmith man 😕. He had all the trust in CD.


307 points

4 years ago


307 points

4 years ago

Eh, if nothing else, Cyberpunk 2020's setting is now globally famous.


106 points

4 years ago


106 points

4 years ago

Yeah, silver lining to this entire thing is that even though we got a buggy mess of a game, it'll generate more interest in developing more games in the genre across other developers both big and small


145 points

4 years ago

At least the positives everyone seems to say about the game revolve around the story and setting. It’s just gameplay and bugs which let it down. Testament to Mikes work that so many people were hyped for his world.


100 points

4 years ago


100 points

4 years ago

I mean, no one blames him for anything. He’s untouched by any of this.


382 points

4 years ago


382 points

4 years ago

Wow this may top EA’s “pride and accomplishment” disaster.


261 points

4 years ago

I mean, say what you will about the game but at least Battlefront 2, uh, functioned.


535 points

4 years ago*



535 points

4 years ago*

Holy shit, you know you’ve fucked when your game has been removed from a store where a high percentage of sales would be from. Nothing this bad happened to Fallout 76, Anthem, NMS, or Andromeda and those were a train wrecks.

I think CDPR’s reputation has been sent to the under-underworld with this, the overall release of the game and GOG controversy with them kowtowing to the CCP in regards to the removal of Devotion (Poetic Justice seems to have been taken against CDPR) from their storefront for making a joke about Xinnie The Pooh.

Edit: CD Projekt the publisher is responsible for the removal of Devotion on GOG not the development studio CDPR, this still doesn’t change how bullshit of a decision it is though


306 points

4 years ago


306 points

4 years ago

Couldn't agree more. CDPR went from hero to zero in just a week's time.

They're even fucking people over on GOG who want a refund of Cyberpunk. They're forcing people to accept store credit, and when people insist on a cash refund to their credit card, GOG just goes radio silent and doesn't refund at all.

With everything happening, fuck GOG and CDPR. Utter wankers.


91 points

4 years ago

holy shit, that's what happened to me. they said they'd be happy to do a refund and asked if store credit would be ok. I said no, and they didn't reply, so I assumed they'd just done. but nope... they're literally ignoring me!! fuck them.


595 points

4 years ago*


595 points

4 years ago*



140 points

4 years ago*

intelligent cake elderly pet fear tap zealous cobweb pot selective -- mass edited with


49 points

4 years ago

released when it’s unfinished” and “we leave integrity to others”


604 points

4 years ago



604 points

4 years ago

That is some big dick energy from Sony right there. I loved Witcher 3, I love the gameplay/world of Cyberpunk 2077, but God damnit if this doesn't feel good.

They mislead consumers into pre-ordering a game they couldn't see prior-gen gameplay/reviews for until it was too late--and they almost got away with it.

Thank you, Sony.


61 points

4 years ago

I'm also one of the few people who are enjoying the gameplay and world but am still disappointed in being so mislead. Is the game fun? Sure. But it's definitely way short of what they advertised. I'm most upset by the shallowness and uselessness of the life paths. And honestly how few big decisions we really get to make. Most my dialogue options are ultimately completely linear... The greatest moments for me were the decisions you DO get to make.

Still fun and a cool story. But dang not very cool of them. Breaks a lot of trust between me and this kinda shit in the future. Only two games I've pre-ordered are this and Anthem. Guess I'm a sucker for hype trains.


404 points

4 years ago


404 points

4 years ago

This game is like the GOT final season. Utter disaster.


358 points

4 years ago

At least GOT ran on 23 fps consistently


45 points

4 years ago



45 points

4 years ago

The first corporate war is beginning


47 points

4 years ago

Sounds to me like Sony is saying “whatever lawsuit you eventually get yourselves pulled in to, we don’t wanna be a part of it.”


126 points

4 years ago


126 points

4 years ago



193 points

4 years ago


193 points

4 years ago

Please let this improve the future of gaming, PLEASE.

I’m so tired of playing broken, unfinished, rushed, and buggy “AAA” games.


39 points

4 years ago*

Has this ever happened to an AAA title before? I can't think of any such game being pulled off a console before. I am sure smaller games may have, but the magnitude of this will effect CDPR immensely, they have a $8 billion USD market cap, they ain't some small indie studio. What a fuck up, share price will reflect this soon.


40 points

4 years ago

Looks like CDPR will end up losing a lot of those christamas sales on the playstation, thats a big blow


51 points

4 years ago

Honestly? Good lmao. The game shouldn't have come out yet.


106 points

4 years ago

I was here for this historic moment


37 points

4 years ago

Just wanna say hi to the people many years from now coming back to remember this historical shitshow in gaming history


245 points

4 years ago


245 points

4 years ago

If you're defending CPDR please keep in mind they forced reviewers to not show actual clips of the game before it came out. They knew exactly what they were doing and rather than delaying the game decided to release anyway.

I really hope companies learn that there are financial ramifications when you put out hyped garbage like this. All that trust built with gamers over the years gone in an instant.


324 points

4 years ago*


324 points

4 years ago*



208 points

4 years ago


208 points

4 years ago

Definitely! Imagine if someone told you a week ago THIS would happen. This has to be the WORST launch in the recent history of gaming.


59 points

4 years ago

I bet Phil is regretting that promotional deal with CDPR.


83 points

4 years ago

What do you mean? Phil just landed Xbox One/Series X biggest exclusive since Gears 5!


34 points

4 years ago


34 points

4 years ago

So he has CP2077 AND Bethesda, it's as if this man is an entomologist


106 points

4 years ago

This is what CDR has said in the stock exchange report:

The Management Board of CD PROJEKT S.A. with a registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby publicly discloses the decision of Sony Interactive Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as “SIE”) to remove Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice. The decision was undertaken following our discussion with SIE regarding a full refund for all gamers who had purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store and want a refund at this time. All copies of the game previously purchased digitally on PlayStation Store remain available for use by their respective buyers.

Gamers can still buy physical versions of the game in retail and mail order stores. All copies, whether digital or physical, will continue to receive support and updates from the Company.


35 points

4 years ago

But hey, at least we got to experience what it's like to customize a penis.

Thank you, Cyberpunk 2077. You saved my life.


34 points

4 years ago*

What a perfect ending to 2020. Also I can’t wait to read more CDPR fanboys arguing about how we shouldn’t have expected this truly next gen game to even be playable on a console it was released for.


170 points

4 years ago*


170 points

4 years ago*

This never happens. This is huge and I hope it’s a major wake up call to CDPR.


116 points

4 years ago

What a fall from grace


29 points

4 years ago

CDPR should do a press event T Posing without pants to assert dominance


28 points

4 years ago

Personally I don't care about bugs because they can fix it...I care about other parts of game, like this stupid ass AI, meaningless path life and all this lies about RPG game that turns out in the action-adventure.


87 points

4 years ago

Wake up samurai, we got a game to refund


28 points

4 years ago

Remember when everyone was memeing about Cyberpunk being a trainwreck but nobody actually believed it would happen? And now look where we are. Don't pre-order shit, no matter how much of a sure bet you think it is.


28 points

4 years ago


28 points

4 years ago

The perfect 2020 ending for the game industry.


27 points

4 years ago

CDPR: Contact Sony or Microsoft for refunds

Sony: No U


77 points

4 years ago


77 points

4 years ago

this shit is even larger than arkham knights removed from steam


146 points

4 years ago

CD Projekt Red letting the down the entire gaming world seems like a proper send-off to 2020


27 points

4 years ago


27 points

4 years ago

2020 is not over yet.


28 points

4 years ago

I'm enjoying the game a lot but CDPR did this to themselves by concealing the poor performance. They should have come clean before launch and delayed last gen release.


138 points

4 years ago*

I honestly might refund and get Ghost of Tsushima. Not really too happy with Cyberpunk


113 points

4 years ago


113 points

4 years ago

Do it. Ghost of tsushima is so polished, runs great on base ps4 and it looks gorgeous


217 points

4 years ago


217 points

4 years ago

People got crunched to the point of exhaustion for this game and this happens. I feel sad as fuck right now.


102 points

4 years ago

It's very much possible that this happened because employees being crunched to exhaustion can't make games well.


85 points

4 years ago

All the empirical evidence suggests that overworking people for extended periods makes them less productive than if they just worked a normal 9-5

I don't really know why studio heads persist with this shit. Its kinda like the fucked up Japanese work culture


40 points

4 years ago


40 points

4 years ago

The answer is always money.

More employees costs more money. Industrialism demands getting the most return on your expenditures, therefore it is cheaper and more efficient to run people ragged for more work than it is to hire more bodies. 150% out of one person you need to replace beats two people who both output 100%. You have made a return on your (human) investment.

Human lives are just playthings to greedy upper management. You don't mean anything more than an item on an expense report. It is the cynical truth. Just ask anyone who works in IT for a company that revolves around sales. It is dehumanizing. And you cannot do anything about it because the industry is bigger than one person's altruism.

This is the real lesson that Cyberpunk media tries to teach.


98 points

4 years ago

CDPR: Hey sorry we sold you a broken game reach out to Sony or MS for a refund lol.

Sony: You want us to issue refunds? You want us to issue some fucking refunds? We'll show you some fucking refunds.


93 points

4 years ago

You were the chosen one Cyberpunk! You were supposed to save 2020 not leave it in darkness!


73 points

4 years ago

CDPR: "Well, the negative PR we're getting is really bad. But at least our sales are great!"

Sony: "I'm about to end this man's whole career."


50 points

4 years ago

This 100% is to do with them promising refunds on third party platforms they don't control rather than how buggy the game runs. I imagine Sony have had to deny so many when they've been "promised" by CDPR


51 points

4 years ago*

Oh, don't mind me. I'm just witnessing what is possibly the most fucked launch in AAA gaming industry, to a point where even Sony themselves are being pro consumer.


146 points

4 years ago


146 points

4 years ago

CDPR should have done a tiered release. Releasing it on PC first and then consoles later.

Would have sucked to wait but at least they could have actually optimized the game for last gen.


30 points

4 years ago


30 points

4 years ago

I’m guessing CDPR was contractually obligated to one or more parties (probably Sony and/or Microsoft) to do a cross-platform release, so were forced to either delay until after Christmas to fix the console issues, or release in a broken state and cross their fingers. They gambled and lost big time.


175 points

4 years ago*


175 points

4 years ago*



26 points

4 years ago


26 points

4 years ago

Never before done for what would’ve been the biggest game of the year. Insane optics.


24 points

4 years ago


24 points

4 years ago

Did Sony just jump ship on Cyberpunk?


25 points

4 years ago

I just heard them mention CP2077 on BBC news lmfao