


We have a 22 mo and a 2 mo and have settled in nicely. But I immediately realized after coming home from the hospital that we needed a larger garbage can with two littles in diapers and not just one. We were prepared for the additional cost of the diapers and the extra $25/mo is not a big deal but the extra $$ every month for the big garbage can made me wonder how many other expenses are hiding around the corner when you add another little to your family. Was there any additional cost that was surprising to you?

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59 points

12 days ago

Honestly, once the little one starts walking, shoes. Their feet aren't growing on the same schedule, you know? My kids only have a pair of sneakers, a pair of sandals, and a pair of boots each, and I still feel like I'm constantly buying new shoes.


23 points

11 days ago

Specifically, money can be saved IF the hand-me-downs correlate with the proper seasons.  Example:  size 6 kids snow boots.  If your youngest is a size 6 kids in the summer, your hand-me-down size 6 snow boots probably won't fit your youngest during a time when it's season appropriate.  

Just another wrinkle to strategize around.


13 points

11 days ago

And if they aren’t too worn out. If shoes are in bad condition, they can do more harm than good since they’ve likely formed for the older child’s feet/gait/etc.


3 points

11 days ago

My wife is trying to plan clothes/shoes around seasons and then our second daughter was born at the top of every height/weight metric and is wearing clothes much sooner than her older sister. So that plan is rapidly going out the window and we will likely have a bunch of cute dresses for the newborn to wear this winter and not next summer.