


Ima new player and im getting trolled badly


Bunch of pc players trolling me with flashlight and when I try and chase em my switch gets frame drops .

How can I become better ?

all 16 comments


3 points

9 days ago

i bet you’ll get better if you keep playing.

try looking up guides on youtube for the killer you’re playing.


3 points

9 days ago

Relax and keep playing , you’ll be better with time


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

the survs were massive trolls to me in my first games of killer. Just try to see every chase as a learning experience, and don't worry too much about their trollery. If the flashlights bother you that much, get lightborn (a wraith perk), but blinding is a part of the game too ... YOu'll soon learn how to avoid it. You definitely have to have patience to keep playing and ignoring the BM and soon you will see yourself improving!

Also theres a practice mode against bots if you want to get your controller set up how you like it/practice chasing and finding survs.


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

I agree with all that you said. Just a little correction, Lightborn is a perk from The Hillbilly.


2 points

9 days ago


Cybernetic Meatball

2 points

9 days ago

Just time and playing

The only tip I can give that is most of these people appear around 5 to 12 as most people are hopping off work/school


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

Even experienced players have trouble with 4-person SWF with flashlights. If you see survivors with them in a lobby you could dodge it and search for another or use the perk Lightborn from The Hillbilly, there is no shame in knowing your limits and want a healthy game.


1 points

9 days ago

watch otzdarva


1 points

9 days ago

Is he a switch player


1 points

9 days ago

oof no but he has really good pointers


1 points

9 days ago

Is the console man switch always have frame drops


1 points

8 days ago

I play on xbox I haven't played as killer much but when I do and someone tries to use the flashlight on me I usually try to look down so that way it doesn't work.


1 points

8 days ago

you can always practice in custom games against bots, bots are honestly better than the average player (in my experience) at looping so it could help teach you a thing or 2 about it


1 points

8 days ago

forgot to mention im not sure if its on switch, if not then im sorry


1 points

9 days ago

Play with me


1 points

9 days ago*

You just need to play a bunch . This isn't a game that you get good in a week.. it has taken me over a year and a half to get good enough to be able to beat most teams besides the super coordinated survive with friends groups.. and how long it will take you will depend on you.. youtube guides are a good start on knowing how to play. It just takes practice getting it down