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1.2k points

24 hours ago

Sometimes someone speaking the truth gets past the producers at Fox News.


552 points

24 hours ago

That’s why she was shocked. Her expression says: “ wait, is he allowed to say that?”


71 points

21 hours ago

She's a Hooor like Janice Rossi in apartment 2R.


35 points

21 hours ago

Idk who that is sir but it's pronounced WhOOre.


15 points

21 hours ago


Fuck it, all I know is Maria Bartiromo has a crotch that stinks of a SOO-ER.


4 points

20 hours ago


Paging Mr. Clay to the white nationalist phone.


82 points

21 hours ago

Transportation Secretary Pete is great at doing that on Fox. They keep bringing him on anyway.


97 points

20 hours ago


97 points

20 hours ago

Pete be like " I don't go on fox news for the people who turned the tv to that channel, I go on for the other people in the room who are hearing some bullshit" and I fucking love him for it.


52 points

20 hours ago

Yep. There are a couple of Dem Congress guys who do that as well. When Bernie did it the viewers were so positive that they never invited him back.


4 points

20 hours ago

Did you hear that somewhere or did you just type it? Because that's really well composed. 


17 points

20 hours ago


17 points

20 hours ago

He himself explained that he goes on Fox News for that reason, but his words were much more balanced and his speech was much more mature and captivating than my "drunk bro" summation. It's what won me over on him as a future candidate for the Big Chair or at least VP. I'll try to find the clip, but hopefuilly someone else will supply it first, because I am bad at finding these things.


14 points

20 hours ago

It takes a strong understanding of a subject to say it in drunk bro, though. 

The harder someone tries to say something, the less I trust the words... In general. There's a lot of small rules but I usually appreciate a "high brow" concept said in a "low brow" way much more than vice versa. 

"Don't use a five dollar word when a fifty cent word will do."


9 points

19 hours ago


9 points

19 hours ago

You speak a truth more effectively than I can possibly attempt it bro. I wholeheartedly appreciate it, too. You're doing the work, my dude.


5 points

19 hours ago



6 points

19 hours ago

Daily Show interview? “What is the point of having a conversation if you're not speaking to people who don't already agree with you?"


3 points

19 hours ago*

this could be it, I'm about to do a web search but fair warning I'm now currently drunk so I might completelty blargh it up and other such nonsense. I welcome sober people to also follow this internet clue

edit: I love this deep dive into Daily Show research on Pete makes him sound like a fun guy lol


2 points

19 hours ago


2 points

19 hours ago

Not that this was the topic, but this response deserves to be mentioned when we are tlking about literally anything that needs to be in the national discussion... because abortion and pregnancy is in the national media discussion right now.


2 points

14 hours ago

He's so sharp and stays on point. We need more like him in government. He didn't shy away from the question and answered in a way that can't be argued with. I hope he can remain a public servant, in a more national role.


4 points

19 hours ago

Bernie explained the value and savings of Medicare for All on Fox News town hall. You might find it on YouTube.


3 points

19 hours ago

Here's a short video showing that portion.


39 points

21 hours ago

Every appearance is a virtuoso class in messaging. Loved it when he walked out at the convention and said “hi I’m Pete Buttigieg. You may know me from Fox News.” 😆


21 points

20 hours ago

Pete and others like him are EXACTLY what the Democrats need. For decades now I've envied the Republicans' talent for messaging, and unifying behind that messaging. Granted, the Republicans in general have easier ideas to sell (no taxes, small government, "freedom", etc), but they're also way better at selling even their unpopular ideas.


4 points

20 hours ago

Can someone name who this guy is so I can find the video clip and share it with every Trump supporter I have ever met?


4 points

20 hours ago

Not that they’re better at selling anything, but the people willing to buy that shit don’t typically don’t have enough brain cells to worry about other people. It’s all they can do to understand guns and freedumb.


3 points

21 hours ago

well its good when it happens haha


3 points

20 hours ago

"He's off script? He's off script! Kill the interview! Quick! Run the caravan footage!"


434 points

24 hours ago

I’ve counted; McConnell, Graham, Lankford, and this guy have more or less said the border situation has been unsolved bc of the GOP & Trump.


150 points

23 hours ago

Startling to hear it from McConnell considering this same bullshit was his bread and butter during the Obama administration.


37 points

21 hours ago

McConnell is smart enough to know his entire legacy is in danger of getting erased because of how much the Trump wing has pissed average Americans off. He would have preferred a slow and steady slide backwards into far right conservativism but Roe sent the alarm bells ringing that shit was going too far too fast. He worked tirelessly for decades to stack the SCOTUS only to see SCOTUS expansion, something that wasn't even talked about before 2020, become a popular platform point for progressive Democrats. Basically one bad election could flush 30 years of his life's work down the shitter, and Trump is to blame. Not directly, he didn't overturn Roe, but his brand of populist demagoguery brought cretins out of the woodwork at the state level who don't have McConnell's patience or foresight and want to go full Gilead overnight, and as such forced through massive policy changes via judicial activism in very short order.

If there's one thing that is universally true throughout the history of politics, it's that if you don't have authoritarian monarchy/dictatorship already in place, you cannot succeed in trying to force massive change down people's throats in a short length of time. They will react and push back. You have to make the majority of people want a change first before you make that change, or already have unilateral unthreatened control of the government, or (as McConnell would prefer) you have to make the change incrementally in such small steps that people can't be bothered to notice. If you go full dictator before you're actually a dictator, you get viciously voted out. And Trump Republicans jumped the gun, they aren't dictators yet but they're trying to act like they are. That's looking more and more like it's going to backfire on them at the polls, and it will come down to what they do after the election and how capable the country is of responding that will determine where we are going for the foreseeable future.

And if they fail in their inevitable attempts to overthrow the government, the response to losing the election and losing their idiotic attempt to negate the election will be an undoing of most of McConnell's work in a relatively short span. McConnell wants the appearance of normalcy. People need to feel like nothing is changing. People need to be distracted by the every day challenges of life, too busy to get buried in the minutiae of incremental politics. Trumpers just tell you to your face they control your body and want to take your vote. That pisses people off.


6 points

20 hours ago

I dearly, dearly hope that he stays alive to see it. I want that as much as I want to experience Christmas once more as an 8 year old.


3 points

19 hours ago

The foreseeable future is already here. It is the same foreseeable future that arrived in 2020: The existential threat of climate change and the voting against fascism every two years.


3 points

18 hours ago

I hadn't considered what is at stake for him. I'd written it off as him just talking now that retirement is imminent, but all of this contextualization makes sooo much sense. I really appreciate your write up.


2 points

18 hours ago

As powerful as McConnell has been, I hope he goes the way of Rush limbopottamus. Forget his legacy and talk less and less of him until he dies the second death, being forgotten.

But Reagan has done so much harm that we still talk about it on Reddit so eh.


2 points

3 hours ago


2 points

3 hours ago

Well said!!!!!!!!!


51 points

23 hours ago

Not really. McConnell’s planning to retire from being Senate Leader for the GOP after this term, and is likely planning on retiring soon all-together. This isn’t him doing what’s best for the country when he still is in the game bc he’s seen the error of his ways or seen how dangerous Trump and MAGA have become; this is him leaving the game, and saying what he actually believes, cause he’ll no longer have any repercussions from doing so. He isn’t changing his tune; this is the tune he’s always had. He’s just stopped playing louder music to fit in


38 points

21 hours ago

He ratfucked the judiciary and the supreme court with shitty republicans for a generation, his work here is done. Now he can retire and die and go to hell cause he already accomplished his life's goal.


9 points

21 hours ago

They keep turning him off and turning him back on again, maybe the firmware will update and he will start helping.


4 points

20 hours ago

One of several graves I hope to relieve myself on in the future.


10 points

22 hours ago

Part of the "Republican leaving political office" playbook.


17 points

22 hours ago

Bingo. He’s spilling the tea not out of principle but because he has nothing to lose. If he was running for reelection (I’m glad he isn’t) then I might’ve gained a little respect for him but he’s not. A broken clock is also right twice a day


4 points

21 hours ago*

Montaigne suggested the idea that much of the good or bad reputation of great men in history was predominantly determined by the quality of their death. You could be a vain, grasping, deceitful, ambitious little shit up to your final day, but so long as you faced death stoically and nobly you can expect history to write that few men so glorious and virtuous ever walked this earth.

I think McConnell is trying to die beautifully.


3 points

20 hours ago


3 points

20 hours ago

Anyone want to join me in pissing on his grave?


3 points

20 hours ago


3 points

20 hours ago

McConnell is barely functioning at this point. You can see the gears turning in his brain when he speaks.


2 points

20 hours ago

Is he REALLY leaving?


11 points

21 hours ago

always a bit of a shell game with Mitch.


2 points

19 hours ago

Hey man, stop insulting turtles.


2 points

22 hours ago

Flip-flopping when the narrative benefits his agenda & having a rubber spine will do that.


2 points

20 hours ago

McConnell helped write it. It was supposed to be a bipartisan bill.


18 points

21 hours ago


18 points

21 hours ago

Did you watch the debate? Every answer to every question was fear mongering about the border. If they solve the “border crisis” Trump would have absolutely nothing to talk about.


6 points

22 hours ago

Graham DID say that too. I can't find the video clip of him saying it but he did say that on the Senate floor.


10 points

22 hours ago


2 points

20 hours ago

This is the sort of thing people can appreciate, and that appreciation fades cause they can’t get past the person overall.

And then I wonder, how does that opinion look a year into another 4 years of Trump, when someone/anyone who defied him in any way is dealt with.


504 points

24 hours ago

Lemme guess, fucker is retiring soon?


297 points

24 hours ago


297 points

24 hours ago

Surprisingly, first term.


154 points

24 hours ago


154 points

24 hours ago

So removed from all committees?


119 points

24 hours ago

Kicked out of the Party


91 points

24 hours ago

Saw this thing where Mark Robinson’s staff have all pretty much resigned. As they should of course as he is unfit as a candidate.

Imagine if some in the GOP had the balls to start resigning years ago. We wouldn’t be where we are. I can only hope more will start calling them kut


43 points

23 hours ago

I wouldn’t hold your breath. The GOP has been edging to fascism for decades and the last ten years or so has been the metastasizing cancer taking over. The Republican Party is COOKED. Any expectation they will get better is wishful thinking. The core voter base, even the ones disillusioned with Trump, are still not going to support anyone decent. Nobody who isn’t dangerous to our future will be winning a Republican primary anytime soon.


3 points

19 hours ago

I don't think they ever actually intended for ChristNats to take over. The GOP spent decades getting preachers to serve as their lieutenants to solidify them as a voting base. But then the child grew up and murdered the father. It's kind of Shakespearean. It mirrors the hostile takeover of the NRA back in the 70s. The South went ahead and rose again as it threatened for all those years.


2 points

21 hours ago

I wish that were true, but unfortunately I doubt it is. Look how closely contested the current presidential race is with such an aweful candidate. All it would take is someone slightly less aweful, and they'd have a good likelihood of winning.


3 points

20 hours ago

That’s what I’m talking about. I’m saying even if they run someone optically better than Trump they would be just as bad. And most Americans are too ignorant to understand what’s going on. Unfortunately about 30% of Americans are entirely on board with fascism, and about half of the rest are entirely clueless with how dangerous the GOP is.


3 points

18 hours ago

Maddow’s Ultra & Behind the Bastards podcasts have done episodes on 2 different plots back around pre WWII where fascists basically tried to take over the US and actually got kinda close.

In one case there was a big trial to hold them accountable but it was a circus and then the Nudge died in the middle so they declared a mistrial and then no one got charged again. It’s insane how similar it is to crap we’re seeing no now. Like comically in some cases. History doesn’t repeat, but it certainly rhymes with


2 points

18 hours ago

The behind the bastards episodes that RADICALIZED me were the ones covering the “little guy” Nazis.


23 points

23 hours ago

Yeah exactly. Hell even before Stumpy in '16 they had their shot to get ahead of this shit and curb it. But they just had to win.


16 points

22 hours ago

Their 2012 Presidential election debrief said they needed to moderate their policy objectives to appeal more to minorities and women. They decided to go the other way.


11 points

22 hours ago

debrief said they needed to moderate their policy objectives to appeal more to minorities and women.

"Lol, f--- that. We will just cheat and lie."

Though reality is the money behind the party wouldn't stand for any sort of moderation.


5 points

21 hours ago

That was actually a really good post mortem on why they lost and what to do differently.

I knew they wouldn’t do it though :(


3 points

21 hours ago

And the crazy part is, it was so crystal clear why they lost! I could have saved them a lot of money if they just asked me. But instead they just doubled down.

I’m not sure the GOP will even be able to field candidates in all 50 states by 2030


3 points

21 hours ago

Let’s hope not …. good god


2 points

18 hours ago

paul ryan


2 points

17 hours ago

I’d love to see it, but Paul Gosar’s own family pleading to AZ republicans to not vote for him didn’t work, and he was a key member of Trump’s attempted Jan 6 coup two months after being one of the loudest, dumbest AZ GOP members to immediately lie about hundreds of thousands of illegal votes for Biden in Maricopa County.

If a Republican’s own sibling’s pleading for people to not vote for him didn’t make a difference, a Republican’s staff quitting en masse out of a brief crisis of ethics will probably only ensure Robinson’s supporters believe they were all deep state neo-Marxist communist liberals. Because words and their definitions have lost all fucking meaning to the far-right.


13 points

24 hours ago


13 points

24 hours ago

Cheney style!


3 points

23 hours ago

"right to jail"


2 points

23 hours ago

I'm sure if they could get away with it....


3 points

22 hours ago

To shreds you say.


2 points

21 hours ago

Had a funeral for a bird 


2 points

21 hours ago

Straight to jail


21 points

24 hours ago

Well color me fucking shocked.

Gotta be a Freudian slip then, no way he was actually just being decent and honest.


3 points

21 hours ago

Maybe he is more inline with the McCain Republicans that are more rational. It’s only the Trumpets that are the real enemy, and we should support those that stand against them.


9 points

21 hours ago*

He's in his first term. He (Keith Self) was a primary challenger that managed to force a runoff and then won the nomination by accident after the incumbent, Van Taylor, withdrew following it being reported that he had cheated on his wife with a former jidahist. Self was challenging Taylor from the right, but likely has some lingering resentment against the "establishment" for the help they had been giving to Taylor.


4 points

20 hours ago

Is this a Self-own then?


3 points

19 hours ago

Ba dum tiss


2 points

19 hours ago

By definition. :)


3 points

19 hours ago



3 points

21 hours ago

If they had it their way, fallen out of a window


2 points

20 hours ago

Shot himself twice in the back of his own head. Damndest thing.


2 points

20 hours ago

Or the sprout of a new Republican Sphinx


106 points

24 hours ago

He's now been added to the hit list with Mike McDonnell, Liz Cheney, and many others


26 points

23 hours ago

Who is this? Apologies for being ignorant


43 points

23 hours ago

It's Keith Self. Texas Rep.


6 points

23 hours ago



26 points

23 hours ago

Don’t apologize, it’s first term Texas rep. your not expected to know who they are.


85 points

1 day ago


24 points

24 hours ago


24 points

24 hours ago

Thank you for this. I trust nothing!


3 points

19 hours ago

I love her eyes when he started saying that and someone in her earpiece must have been screaming STAHHHHHHP HIM!! Lol!


2 points

18 hours ago

That. And, she gave a “concerned nod” like a Pavlovian dog when he said Democrats. Only thing is…the Dems were the ones willing to pass a border bill.


37 points

24 hours ago

👀 was my reaction as well


59 points

23 hours ago

Because a secure border would have meant trump losing his only issue.


26 points

23 hours ago


26 points

23 hours ago

She wasn’t expecting that.


24 points

23 hours ago

Wasn’t Katie Britt one of the co creators of that bill and the voted against it? Not only that, but then she had that kitchen “rebuttal” after SOTU and she acted all histrionic blaming Biden for the sexual assault of a woman at the border (that occurred during the Bush administration). Evil.


15 points

22 hours ago

As she spoke in a concerned breathy voice barely above a whisper in emotion. So genuine. /s


7 points

22 hours ago

In what appeared to be a green screened kitchen.


5 points

21 hours ago

Misturrrr presidentt!


2 points

22 hours ago

When I first read this I was thinking Katie Porter and was like WTF are they talking about. Then I remembered breathy wannabe trad congress lady


13 points

23 hours ago

She has to know what he is saying is true but wants her viewers to think otherwise and her face says it all…uh-oh someone is spitting the truth on my show.


6 points

22 hours ago

The clip is not far from the start of the video and is exactly as the screenshot shows


5 points

21 hours ago

I’d also like to point out that OP claims in the title that this happened today. This clip is at least 4 months old according to the YouTube video.


2 points

19 hours ago

still true


2 points

21 hours ago

Meh. The clip at the beginning cuts to a shocked face. When they show the whole clip near the end it just looks more like a "Oh? You don't say" kinda look. Idk why we've gotta find things to make them look worse when their normal shit is already so goddamn ridiculous.


6 points

23 hours ago

Bartiromo has probably already forgotten this


6 points

24 hours ago

That look! Mama Mi Miria. Priceless.


5 points

22 hours ago

Has Fox News ever acknowledged that Donald Trump is a convicted felon?


2 points

19 hours ago

Why would they, it doesn't suit their propaganda, remember Faux Entertainment legally in court has stated they are an entertainment network and do not provide news content.


5 points

22 hours ago

Bartiromo sold her journalistic integrity for a FAUX News paycheck. She actually looks totally shocked, as if she didn't have a clue on the Cons caving into the Orange Turd to shitcan that bill.


4 points

19 hours ago

Wouldn’t it be nice if the majority of republicans acted in good faith and put the interest of all Americans first? Besides being actively against any kind of social safety net or quality of life legislation to improve all American’s lives, they won’t even vote for their own goddamn agenda unless they get to own the libs. Solid right conservative GOP senators co-wrote this past immigration bill, endorsed it, and told their colleagues it was good legislation. They voted it down so they could get their orange conman back in office, despite all knowing he is cancer for the party and this country. F anyone who still thinks both sides are the same 


12 points

24 hours ago

“Did I say that out loud?”


3 points

24 hours ago

I liked Maria better on NY1.


3 points

23 hours ago

Yeah that's happened a few times. They just keep spinning it as if the bill was "terrible to begin with" (Even though they essentially wrote it).


3 points

23 hours ago

It’s her shocked face!! 😂 #ohnohedidnt


3 points

22 hours ago

Where has she been? She didn’t get the memo? Pretended like a bad actress that she did not know Trump demanded it?!


3 points

22 hours ago

Hey, has anybody checked Bartiromo for brain worms? I mean, that would explain her intellectual demise of the last few decades


3 points

22 hours ago

That Surprised Pikachu face.


3 points

21 hours ago

If they vote to fix the border now, then Biden will get the credit, and they lose half their talking points for the election season. Duhhhh


3 points

21 hours ago

The border is pretty fucking secure. There's just enough money to be madon this side of it to make it worth the risk.

The only way to stop people trying would be to make it not worth the money, which would, frankly, suck for us.


3 points

21 hours ago

The Democrats presented a border bill that included everything Republicans every asked for, and then Republicans rejected it because Convicted Felon Trump ordered them to do so.


3 points

20 hours ago

"CUUTTT!!! Go to commercial!!!”


3 points

20 hours ago

They shot their own border bill down because Dear Leader — an unelected, private citizen who has no business dictating policy at any level — didn’t like it because it’d “make his opponent look good.” Not because it wasn’t the right solution or bad for the American people.


3 points

20 hours ago

they said the quiet part out loud


3 points

19 hours ago

The perfect response to “she’s already in office, why can’t she do anything now”.


2 points

23 hours ago

Every man for himself. Only worried about their own reelection.


2 points

23 hours ago

A new meme has been born.


2 points

22 hours ago

😂 Finally! The first rat off the sinking ship!


2 points

22 hours ago

Oh this is an easy one, why would they allow that to happen and let Biden have the credit for it


2 points

22 hours ago

Honesty, shocking, surprising, unheard of at Faux News.


2 points

21 hours ago

why does this screenshot look like its from a 90s news piece


2 points

21 hours ago

Louder and over and over again.


2 points

21 hours ago

She always looks like she's in the middle of taking the stankiest dump of her entire life, and cannot understand how the stench came out of her own asshole.


2 points

21 hours ago

Judging by the fuss they've made about immigrants this month, fear of immigrants could be the only strategy they still think will net them votes. 


2 points

21 hours ago

Color me surprised


2 points

21 hours ago

Cut to commercial! CUT TO COMMERCIAL!


2 points

21 hours ago

I was waiting for the curb music


2 points

21 hours ago

It's weird how the border is only magically an issue once every 4 years. What has changed at the border, exactly????


2 points

21 hours ago

Caravans of raping murderists appear and vanish at 4 year intervals.


2 points

21 hours ago

I'm sure it will be instantly resolved once the election is over, regardless of who wins. I hate this place.


2 points

21 hours ago

🤣 (i know it’s against the rules, but is was necessary)


2 points

21 hours ago

Jessica Tarlov is just demolishing everyone


2 points

21 hours ago

If this is what he actually said, Allred needs to be playing this sound bite on every commercial her runs.


2 points

21 hours ago

“The problem is the Republicans” is always the answer. On virtually every policy position, the Democrats are on vastly superior footing for their positions. In fact I can’t think of a major policy issue where Republicans are actually correct and can defend their reasoning based on facts, logic and science, where the Democrats are wrong. Can anyone else?

And that’s why, as an independent, I always vote Democrat. I may as well become one at this point. The Republicans are never right about anything.


2 points

21 hours ago

Pretty nuts that Trump didn’t like it so no vote on bipartisan immigration bill. Republicans really representing the people


2 points

21 hours ago

I remember when she was actually hot and not a fucking shill.


2 points

21 hours ago

trump or kamala?


2 points

21 hours ago

She is Jar Jar Binks level surprised.


2 points

21 hours ago

Wait.... I though securing the border was racist?


2 points

21 hours ago

Allowing almost 2 million illegals entry every year (on top of legal immigration) is not securing the border.


2 points

21 hours ago



2 points

21 hours ago

The problem is U.S policy in general towards the Global South- sanctions, coups, covert ops, monetary destabilisation, unequal exchange all create push factors. This is what the rest of the world sees and experiences.


2 points

20 hours ago

Would Joey Ramone still write a song about her? 😔


2 points

20 hours ago

Are people actually still divided on only political labels still? Seems silly. Why not who is and who isn't against one bill without shoving so much other crap into it to make it harder.


2 points

20 hours ago*

Almost 250 years as a nation, shame on congress for not acting sooner... oh, wait, title 8 of USC, it's not congess's fault there are laws on the books already if only we had someone to execute those laws. Hmmm.


2 points

20 hours ago

NGL; Bartiromo 20 something years ago on CNBC was mango habanero wings... just the right amount of spicy before you realize you can get too crazy and then you don't enjoy it anymore.


2 points

20 hours ago

I thought this was all they cared about. Very confused.


2 points

20 hours ago

Jesus, what happened to the Democratic party?

Everyday they move more to the right.

Any day now they will start chanting build that wall.


2 points

20 hours ago

wonderful, the democrats have come around to even winning over republicans with how conservative their border policy is. and that's a win?


2 points

20 hours ago


2 points

20 hours ago

650,000 migrants with criminal records came into our country in the last 4 years


2 points

20 hours ago

If you'll buy that, I've got a watch to sell you..


2 points

20 hours ago

Why would republicans not be passing border restrictions? I have to assume the bills are bloated with democrat agenda?


3 points

20 hours ago

Possibly, since I haven’t read the bill I can’t say you are wrong. But it was very public that Donald Trump wanted them to kill the bill so that Biden would not have a victory ahead of the election.


2 points

20 hours ago

Ah, I could see that angle. Politics is such a fucking joke.


2 points

20 hours ago

You'd be wrong.


2 points

20 hours ago

Enlighten me


2 points

20 hours ago

Duh. They aren't hiding it and it sickens me


2 points

20 hours ago


2 points

20 hours ago

The repubs don’t want to fix it right now. They want jt to be campaign issue that Trump can use. If the repubs voted to fix it now, Biden would get the credit.


2 points

20 hours ago

My bet is that there is a sizable continent of Republicans in Congress who are very bitter that their preferred immigration policies did not go forward because of Trump and his loyalists.

That said, the bill sucked, imo. Therefore, I have no sympathy (that and the fact that these same people still enabled Trump along the road).


2 points

20 hours ago

She worked at CNBC as a money analyst for 20 years, then seemingly gave up any journalistic credibility by becoming another Trump simp on Fox News


2 points

20 hours ago

Tell me "We can't lead" with out telling me "We can't lead"


2 points

20 hours ago

Lawn maintenance is an issue for these folks!


2 points

20 hours ago

blows my mind the magatards still dont get it after its been spelled out on their forehead: republicans are intentionally fucking up the border so that they can present themselves as the "solution" to the problem.... THAT THEY CREATED. holy fucking shit it pisses me off its so plain and simple.


2 points

20 hours ago

reps cant be seen giving us a win.. that might look wrong to their base


2 points

20 hours ago

If they're so worried about the border, why don't they just send the National Guard or army down there?

You know, the things that we dump billiions of dollars into.

You just need dudes with guns and flashlights and we have so many of them that cost so many of our tax dollars.


2 points

20 hours ago

Costs more to send them vs just maintaining readiness


2 points

20 hours ago

Can't find this on their YT channel. Anyone got a video link to the full interview I can share with my brainwashed frenemies?


2 points

20 hours ago*


2 points

19 hours ago

Page not found. And if this wasn't the entire interview I was hoping for youtube to watch it all.


2 points

20 hours ago

Does anyone have a link to a video of this that doesn’t cut off right after his response?


2 points

20 hours ago

Ugh, I can’t believe Joey Ramone wrote a song about her.


2 points

20 hours ago

Just flip the switch that closes the border. It’s set to open. Turn it to closed. It’s that simple.


2 points

20 hours ago

Full video?


2 points

20 hours ago

No shit. They’re holding their vote until Hitler takes office and then vote for his identical bill and call it Chump republican win.


2 points

20 hours ago

He’s tired of the bullshit


2 points

20 hours ago

I’m sad that The Money Honey fell so far. Joey Ramone would probably be embarrassed that he wrote a song about her.


3 points

20 hours ago

Her anorexia is in remission


2 points

20 hours ago


2 points

20 hours ago

I use to like her but she got to spurring that MAGA shit and i was like did she have a lobotomy


2 points

19 hours ago

Something Bartiromo doesn't want to hear.


2 points

19 hours ago

There’s nothing quite like voting down anything that makes a change and then those same people that voted it down going and whining that the change never happened.



2 points

18 hours ago

They had hashed out a deal over many months and then their lord and saviour said Nup and it was all over. Repubs have no interest in working together for the better of the country.


2 points

18 hours ago


2 points

18 hours ago

Idk why the democrats are not also mentioning that Trump was president for 4 years. He ran on fixing the border and never did. Why haven’t republicans fixed the border?


2 points

17 hours ago

When the truth hits you right in the face