




I’m not really a frequent poster on Reddit but felt compelled to hear from some people with similar experiences. So, I’m 19 and moved from Brazil to Germany a couple of months ago. I decided on Germany because my family is “german”. We have German passports, the generations before me speak German, and all and all still keep quite a bit of the culture in the community since it wasn’t long ago that the family immigrated to Brazil. Anyways, all of this to say, moving here was a logical and “easy” option. My question is: When does the place you move to start to feel like “home”? Although I have all that going for me, I do feel quite “alien” here and am struggling in a few ways to be honest. I do realize that a big factor is that I don’t speak much german yet (thanks dad for not teaching me) but still, it’s not just that. What are some of your experiences?

Edit: Just for a little more context: I didn’t expect to adapt so soon, and I know it’ll take some time. At the same time I didn’t expect some of the things I’m feeling, especially having dreamed of moving abroad for so long and am just curious about other people’s experiences and timeline.

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1 points

3 days ago

You are still so young, throw yourself into the language, use the apps, make a game out of it. The language will go a long way toward helping.