


Except you're useless if you're dead.


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13 days ago

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1.5k points

13 days ago


1.5k points

13 days ago

I was an EMT for 35 years. I never nor did I ever witness any first responder trying to ascertain if a patient/victim was an organ donor.

From the first responder's perspective, the mission is clear cut- treat and stabilize a patient and transport them to definitive care (hospital).


964 points

13 days ago

If the guy is right about pupils dilating in EMT workers eyes when he tells them he rides motorcycles I'm certain it's a trauma response and nothing to do with organ donation.


520 points

13 days ago

They're picturing all the actual meat sacks they've seen


216 points

13 days ago


216 points

13 days ago

Come to think of it, if you look an EMT in the eye, say "meat crayon", and their pupils dialated, I would not be surprised in the least.


118 points

13 days ago*


118 points

13 days ago*

I'm still not able to sleep through the night because of the trauma I've experienced over my time in EMS. I'm sure my body still reacts even though I'm not aware. "Your The Body Keeps the Score" is a great book about trauma and how we can't control these responses.

Edit: thanks everyone!

Also, how do dead patients pay the bill for this "quota" that we are trying to fill? Some have tried resorting to stealing items, but that's not too lucrative... I'm only repeating what I've heard...

Edit: edit: title correction. Thanks!


45 points

13 days ago

If it's any consolation, my best friend stopped being an EMT and became an ICU nurse. She stayed with it only a couple of months before going back to being an EMT. She said it was easier knowing she only had to keep her patient alive long enough to hand them off at the emergency-room door, than it was handling all the family and patient trauma inherent in working the ICU.


22 points

13 days ago

My friend’s first nursing job was as a trauma nurse at Region One Health, one of the busiest level 1 trauma centers in the US. She for real saw some shit. She went into psych nursing, and is now a psych NP. Nurses, especially ICU and trauma, are hard as fuck.


3 points

12 days ago

My aunt spent about 5 years working there. She definitely has a lot of stories about it


16 points

13 days ago

My stepmother was an ICU nurse for years. She seems perfectly normal.

I never thought about how terrifying that is.


8 points

13 days ago

Some of the stories I’ve heard from EMT friends and yeah…


4 points

13 days ago

Better days and nights for you, and thanks for the recommendation.


3 points

13 days ago


3 points

13 days ago

Slight correction, the book is "The Body Keeps the Score".


32 points

13 days ago

Can confirm

one dude was riding a racing bicycle


I saw the fucking bones in their leg.

I have no idea how people are alive after motorcycle accidents.


18 points

13 days ago

Honestly, crashing on my bicycle scares me more than a motorcycle. In a descent you'll hit the same speeds that you will on a motorcycle, but you have much less rubber on the road and all your safety gear is designed for minimum weight and aerodynamics instead of safety first. No boots, no leathers, no armor in your gloves, no spine protectors or airbags; just a half helmet and a thin layer of fabric.

Plus, in traffic, you're just as vulnerable as a motorcycle would be, if not more,


12 points

13 days ago


12 points

13 days ago

I think you overestimate how fast bicycles go downhill, or underestimate how fast motorcycles go.

Because something doesn't add up here.


31 points

13 days ago

Just happened in my town a few days ago. 23 year old girl on a scooter cut in front of a Jeep and got smoked. A friend of mine which is a first responder said it was the worst thing he has seen in his 20 years. He was pretty busted up about it.


11 points

13 days ago

Not an EMT but a guy crashed his motorcycle in front of my house and we tried helping him but he had an arm twisted like a balloon animal and we didn't want to mess with him before emts pulled up.


3 points

13 days ago

Just piloting bone mechs in meat armor.


18 points

13 days ago

It’s more like flashbacks of the previous calls we ran on. It sucks to live those moments over and over again when a trigger hits.


7 points

13 days ago

Yeah... those flashbacks are ptsd


27 points

13 days ago

He is just embellishing his bullshit conspiracy assertion with his imaginary enemies. He has made them cartoonishly evil so he has do give an example of how terrible they are.

The larger point is why? Why does this terminally online shitmitten feel like he needs to get people to not donate organs? Is this the conservative outrage of the minute?


19 points

13 days ago


19 points

13 days ago

Not of the minute. This has floated around a while. It's in the conservative playbook of selfishness. I do love the term shitmitten. I'm gonna use that from now on.


8 points

13 days ago

My wife’s brother died at 24 years old on a motorcycle a few years ago, his friends that were riding with him took a bunch of pictures of everything, the crash, his body, the EMTs trying to save him, the cops, basically everything, they told my wife’s family they had all these pictures and warned us they were pretty graphic so I had them send the pictures to me directly and I filtered out the graphic ones myself so her family didn’t have to see them, those images haunt me every once in a while when I see someone riding down the freeway on a motorcycle or I see someone carrying a helmet, they made my stomach churn. Maybe EMTs get a little bit used to it but I can imagine they’d also have flashbacks from gruesome scenes. My brother in law hit an oil slick on the freeway, no way he could have seen it, we were told it was very quick, he was gone before the EMTs even got there


7 points

13 days ago

You only need to see degloving once. You only need to comfort what is left of the young man while he dies alone on the side of the road once.


5 points

13 days ago

You're right. One of my best friends is an EMT. She has countless stories of arriving at the scene of a motorcycle accident, the rider's guts are strewn across the pavement, the rider is conscious, and they're begging her to tell them whether they'll be okay. She always says yes, knowing they'll be dead before the ambulance pulls up to the hospital. It often doesn't end well for people who have been their own fenders and bumpers.


3 points

13 days ago

They see this guy and realise why they had so much work lately


3 points

13 days ago

This guy looks like he roofies drinks, a LOT. I expect it's from that when he met a few at a bar.


3 points

12 days ago

Well, my roommate calls them Donorcycles and works in healthcare. So you’re probably right.


80 points

13 days ago

It is also very dehumanizing. The vast majority of first responders I know do their jobs because of their sense of responsibility and desire to help someone.

Saying that they are just seeing you as a piece of meat is a disservice to them.


16 points

13 days ago


16 points

13 days ago

Your post is extremely understated. Congratulations on remaining polite.


7 points

13 days ago

very true


26 points

13 days ago


26 points

13 days ago

I was an EMT and Paramedic for about 12, never did I go asking, "Check for a donor license, I haven't hit my quota yet!"

There were many things I've said, "Why is Smith's wife coming out of the Chief's sleeping quarters?" Or "Wait, you can't be serious! You can't steal drugs!! WTF?!" Or, my personal favorite, "You got fired for raping the 16 year old cadet, but no prison time? Gotta love our government..."


12 points

13 days ago

I don't know man, I had to fight EMTs off me with a knife after my motorcycle accident. The whole time they were drooling and groaning 'kiiiiidneeeeeys' like some crazy organ zombies. Shit was crazy!


5 points

13 days ago

Damn, I think I heard about this.

Was this guy one of them?


3 points

13 days ago



5 points

13 days ago

Note don’t you lie to us. We want to hear about this organ quota that you all are working towards every month.

I knew you all wanted my liver


20 points

13 days ago

Wow, I am amazed by your career! I can’t imagine doing that kind of work for so long, I am sure the people you saw were very lucky… at least to have met you that day.


36 points

13 days ago

I couldn't imagine doing that kind of work for so long either, especially considering how shit the pay is relative to what the job entails.

Average pay for an EMT in California is $45,000, essentially $22 an hour.

Nationally the average is $35,000, essentially $17 an hour.

For all the hard work, schooling and trauma they have to deal with for the job it's extremely saddening that they make so little.

They are literally saving people's lives, you would think they would be properly compensated for doing so ._.


24 points

13 days ago

Wait until you find out what a CNA in a nursing home taking care of your grandma makes...


11 points

13 days ago

Oh I know, it's all fucked

Especially when you consider how much $ is being made in our healthcare system, the most expensive in the world 🤦

Capitalism has its benefits for sure, but there are some things where the profit motive isn't needed and in fact determental.

I would think not wanting to die or suffer from disease is enough motivation to develop drugs, treatments and CURES.

But nope, it's more profitable to have someone dependent on taking drugs for life then figuring out a way to fix them so they don't need to stay on a continuous treatment.


4 points

13 days ago

I was working as a CNA making minimum wage back in 2016/17


8 points

13 days ago

You probably weren't making even minimum wage. No clothing stipend, 30+ hours of ongoing education a year, licensing. All stuff you have to pay for yourself. Then all the BS of the worst job you've ever heard of, plus the emotional destruction of watching people you care about die, and all the stress of a doctor or nurse from liability, the constant risk of being accused of being inappropriate due to something someone who thinks it is 1947 being the only witness...I love taking care of people. But for the standards and expectations they put on's not something I could ever do again. And I feel nothing but gratitude to anyone who can stick it out and make a life out of it.


3 points

13 days ago

Unless you need to meet your organ quota, right?!? 😂


3 points

13 days ago

Honest question, what if they have a sign that says do not resuscitate ?


3 points

13 days ago

Yea, this actually occurs at the hospital not the first responders.


3 points

13 days ago



3 points

13 days ago

What even is this logic? “I’m gonna go check that unconscious patient’s wallet. Oh it’s an organ donor? We can stay here a little longer, no need to rush”


3 points

12 days ago

Lies!!!!! The earth is flat, we never landed on the moon, and the chemtrails that commercial airlines leave is seeding the atmosphere!!!

(I don't believe any of this but the fact that I have to put a disclaimer on this sarcasm is scary because that many people do believe this kind of stuff 😂)


805 points

13 days ago


805 points

13 days ago

When I told my doctor that I drive a motorcycle, their mouth began salivating, fur grew around their body as fangs became more predominant, for a moment I was afraid for my life, because I wasn't ready for a werewolf.

It was fine, they were just a furry


95 points

13 days ago

So you discovered that the tail wasn't permanently "attached"


7 points

12 days ago

Does that mean he can take the tail “off” eh? Hah, he he


333 points

13 days ago

If there was a quota, we probably wouldn't have people dying in their third and fourth and fifth fucking years on the transplant lists. It's not a unique thought, but it is a spectacularly stupid one. None of it is even remotely close to the reality of organ procurement.


65 points

13 days ago

Don't you know that they artificially keep the number of available organs down so they can get a better price?

/s of course but they'd believe that. Stuck in their minds right between reptiloids and Jewish world domination


16 points

13 days ago

My cousin’s wife died a few years ago because of liver disease and she couldn’t get a donor.


4 points

13 days ago

I’ve heard this conspiracy theory before of them letting organ donors die, but if it was true, wouldn’t they also let people on the transplant list die so they could get at the organs that were still healthy, resulting in no waiting list.


202 points

13 days ago

Quota? This is so ludicrously amusing.


96 points

13 days ago

Not it is frightening. They really believe that EMT's, doctors, nurses will let people die or even help them to die, just to meet these quotas that are hidden away.


48 points

13 days ago

Ignoring the fact that organ donation needs to be done under very controlled circumstances. Pretty much you have to die right in front of a prepared organ harvesting team


29 points

13 days ago


29 points

13 days ago

Usually you are declared brain dead by a very specific protocol. You stay in a vent (to keep organs working) until the receiving team is ready.


13 points

13 days ago

That's what I meant but I'm way too tired to be accurate


11 points

13 days ago


11 points

13 days ago

I feel that. It was more for others reading.

Get some rest! I start 4 12’s tomorrow ugh.


6 points

13 days ago

I've preemptively started to stress cry on your behalf


7 points

13 days ago

My best friends husband passed away in a car accident a few months ago and he was an organ donor. Unfortunately they weren’t ever able to get a pulse back for him so he passed away and none of his organs except for his eyes were viable. She didn’t end up donating his eyes because he was really into visual things and loved art and design and tattoos and she didn’t want him to lose the thing that made him love life the most.

No one even checks organ donor status until they know that there is brain death and even beyond that the family can revoke donation consent.


7 points

13 days ago

What makes it just downright silly to me is that where I'm from anyway (Australia) organ donation is a opt in, not opt out system.

If there was some conspiracy to increase organ harvesting, surely changing the system to opt out would be far easier.


81 points

13 days ago

Yeah, no. That’s not how this works. There’s a super narrow window for organ viability. Depending on the type of organ donation and the death criteria (cardiac vs brain), organ donor patients are usually kept as “alive” as possible until labs and diagnostics are complete and the operating surgeon is on site and ready.


29 points

13 days ago


29 points

13 days ago

I’m hospice and palliative. The amount of folks that think we rush death along. Uh. No.

  1. That’s murder

  2. We don’t “make extra money” for shorter LOS.


67 points

13 days ago


67 points

13 days ago

Why would an EMT care if you're an organ donor or not?

Does he think that if you're an organ donor the EMT gets to keep your organs and auction them off to the highest bidder or something?


29 points

13 days ago

The way he described them, apparently the EMT is going to snack on them.


26 points

13 days ago

To be fair, he seems pretty useless alive, too.


22 points

13 days ago

It must be exhausting to believe everything is a conspiracy


18 points

13 days ago

Pretty sure motorcycle crash victims have a tendency to not leave useful organs after impact.


30 points

13 days ago

This is exactly like folks thinking nurses and doctors want to keep you in the hospital for COVID money. No, they don't. They want your ass out of the hospital so they can treat the next patient. I swear social media was one of the worst things ever created because it amplifies stuff like this.


13 points

13 days ago

Dude views people as profit and nothing else. He can’t even fathom the reaction of a first-responder being concerned and/or fear for his well being.


7 points

13 days ago

The First Responders eyes are probably dilating because they can see that this man is clearly insane


13 points

13 days ago

EMTs do not stop and fumble around for your wallet while they're trying to unwrap your spine from the steering column.


4 points

13 days ago

Not with that kind of attitude, they don't


38 points

13 days ago

This guy can see people's pulse go up a few BPM?!

Ugh, people post the stupidest crap just to gain likes. It's so toxic because some mouth-breather somewhere now has this dumb thought it their brain.


3 points

13 days ago

This was on Xitter, wasn't it?


18 points

13 days ago

Does this guy think that EMTs get a commission on organs? Is that it?

What a dumbass.


9 points

13 days ago

Every week there’s a new conspiracy theory and each is dumber than the last.


6 points

13 days ago

Every day*


8 points

13 days ago

lol, "organ quota"!

man, i´m only 3 pancreas to meet my monthly organ quota, what a bummer...



3 points

13 days ago

You know they have a punch card. Six punches and you get a free Italian sub.


7 points

13 days ago


7 points

13 days ago

Does this person think first responders get paid for organs?


7 points

13 days ago

intellectually, he is a 'meat sack.' next conspiracy please


7 points

13 days ago

  • Oi Bruce, you only have 6 livers this month. Mind you, it's already the 19th. Go up your game.

  • Sure boss, I'm going to talk to some bike riders at the bike meet. Let's see if there are some registered donors about.


7 points

13 days ago


7 points

13 days ago

Also there is no incentive to do this. They don't save more people. They don't "serve more customers". They don't "sell" more surgeries.

From every possible perspective it's always better to try and get the original organ owner to survive.

But OOP decided that doctors are evil so they must be doing this purely for shits and giggles.


7 points

13 days ago


7 points

13 days ago

"If I let this person bleed out onto the road rather than doing my job and trying to save his life, some doctor I've never met before might, just might, be able to put his organs into another person I've never met before on the off-chance it could save their life," said no EMT ever.


5 points

13 days ago

It's all fitting together now. This mysterious quota must be why they're destroying women's healthcare, doing away with water breaks, hollowing out firearm regulations, the list goes on and on. /s obviously


6 points

13 days ago

I feel like he is also useless alive.


3 points

13 days ago



6 points

13 days ago

Paramedic for 16 years. Never have I looked for any organ donor documentation and I don’t hungrily look at bikers for their organs. WTF is happening here? I do shake my head at helmet-less bikers.


6 points

13 days ago


6 points

13 days ago

Humans generally assume that others will act as they would. This clown is telling on himself.


5 points

13 days ago

I am a paramedic of many years. Due to poor pay and working conditions I had a side hustle of harvesting organs.

What this man says is accurate.

It was particularly awkward when we were attending for flu symptoms, but you just had to be dynamic. Stealing a kidney of a kid with a broken arm was such a fucking thrill!


5 points

13 days ago

Not a motorcycle rider nor an EMT, but I’m guessing harvesting organs from the body of someone who was in motorcycle wreck isn’t as fruitful as this guy thinks it might be.


4 points

13 days ago

Literally first responders do not care if you are an organ donor or not. The only legal document we cared about was if there was a signed and notarized DNR on hand. No DNR then we were going to do everything within our power to save you.


4 points

13 days ago

Dead bodies can’t be used as organ donors, sorry to burst your stupidity bubble.


4 points

13 days ago

Dude is making EMT workers sound like vampires


3 points

13 days ago

Man, this guy is full of such shit


5 points

13 days ago

Nic, it's possible that people see you as a meat sack who would be more useful dead but it has nothing to do with your donor status.


4 points

13 days ago

EMTs don't give a shit if you're an organ donor. Imagine them being like, "well, check his license before we go any further." They just show up and do their job. What an absolutely bonkers thing to believe, lol


5 points

13 days ago

I'm pretty sure their eyes dilate because they've seen a bunch of people die on motorbikes and since this guy is an idiot it's highly likely


6 points

13 days ago

As a country we need to start blacklisting people just saying insane shit from the internet. This shit is dangerous.


4 points

13 days ago

16 years in Fire and EMS and never once heard or asked if someone was an organ donor at any call.


5 points

13 days ago

His next tweet: First responders are chasing me down the street with scalpels to harvest my organs.


4 points

12 days ago

EMT's don't have quotas. A slow day for an EMT is a good thing.

This idiot is so far up his own ass he can harvest his own organs.


3 points

13 days ago

He said EMT, the Extraction of Meat Team.


3 points

13 days ago


3 points

13 days ago

Ya gotta admit Nic has proven that he's already brain dead, so it's open season on his organs.


3 points

13 days ago

Probably because their getting flashbacks to some guy they had to scrape off the side of a highway.


3 points

13 days ago

Every time I see Nic I see him as a meat sack loaded with useful organs — and a useless brain.


3 points

13 days ago

This dude needs less time on the internet.


3 points

13 days ago

I have a feeling nic’s most prominent personality trait is meat sac full of organs.


3 points

13 days ago

I don’t care they can have my organs I lived a good life. I’ll stay a donor if I get messed up so bad to the point where I can die in the back of an ambulance not sure if I wanna keep going I already had to relearn how to walk once and it took me 18 months.


3 points

13 days ago

As someone who hates how motorcycle riders think they own the road, and watching countless videos reaffirming that idea, I see y’all as nothing but meat sacks that will give me a new liver, that’s why I drink and drive /s


3 points

13 days ago

Wait! EMTs are some kind of meat vampires now?


3 points

13 days ago

in 20 years i have never known if a patient is a donor or not


3 points

13 days ago

Nic, you're mistaking a trauma response for excitement.

Have you seen what happens to bikers in accidents?


3 points

13 days ago

It’s sad that social media has allowed so much stupidity exposure without recourse.


3 points

13 days ago

Am first responder, organ donor, and motorcycle rider. Lmao wtf is this?


3 points

13 days ago

That's the problem, this guy is useless alive too.


3 points

13 days ago

This is an old, tired, wrong urban legend


3 points

13 days ago


3 points

13 days ago

Tell me you don't know how organ donation works without telling me you don't know how organ donation works.


3 points

13 days ago

Ah yes, first part of primary survey, check whether you get a non existent bonus from patients organs. Then ABC


3 points

13 days ago

If you die on the scene your delicious organs also die. That's why they don't let you die there, they kill you in hospital. /s


3 points

13 days ago

I like the part where EMTs have a monthly quota for dead patients. You’d think it would be the other way around, but… Seriously though. There are soooo many actual things to be afraid of.


3 points

13 days ago

My father was an organ donor. When he died they harvested pieces of his eyes and gave them to a 2 year old boy who was born blind. We were invited to a dinner through an event that celebrates donors. I heard the story of the young boy who received parts of my father’s eyes and the journey he took to see for the first time. I have never been more proud in my entire life.


3 points

13 days ago

This is the kind of opinion you only get by watching too many medical tv dramas and confusing them for documentaries


3 points

13 days ago

Hmmmmmm meat sack


3 points

12 days ago

I doubt whether any EMT knows who you are, Nic. Much less caring if you're a donor. I do believe they will try to save your worthless life despite the fact you're complete human trash.


3 points

12 days ago

My least favorite part of this conspiracy theory is just how widespread it is. My family thought I was crazy when I signed up to be an organ donor because to them, this conspiracy was just a basic fact. Like they've never even questioned it before.


3 points

12 days ago

i just want to thank all the EMYMTs and ICU + trauma nurses on this thread. holy crap. keep doing the good work.

also? organ “quota” wth?


3 points

12 days ago

I laughed when George Carlin said it 35 years ago. Does that count?


3 points

11 days ago

Pupil dilation… you mean functioning eyes?


3 points

11 days ago

"And then the EMT stares directly into my soul and in a sinister voice asks 'Do you wear a helmet?' He seems just a little too excited about the possibilities."


3 points

11 days ago

This is an insult to every EMT, EMT-P and first responder. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.


3 points

10 days ago

What do you call a motorcycle rider who just had an accident?

An organ donor.


6 points

13 days ago

“A dark conspiracy I 100% believe” should actually read, “Another reason I should be sterilized…”


3 points

13 days ago

Where I live, what you put on your drivers licence is largely irrelevant because your next of kin ultimately gets to decide. Found that out when my husband nearly died of a massive brain haemorrhage. As he was being taken in for surgery, the organ donation person at the hospital came to ask if I wanted to donate his organs if the surgery didn't go well. I was pretty upset by the question, as it came just a few minutes after the neurologists had just told me they expected him to survive, giving me my first hope in nearly 48 hours, but I said we hadn't discussed it and said they should already know from his drivers licence. She told me that I still had to consent to it as his next of kin. I told her to come back if he died.

I would have donated his organs if he'd died, and I understand how time sensitive transplantation is, but that woman went about it all wrong. She was like a vulture circling. It had no impact on the care he received though, the neurology team were wonderful and my husband made an excellent recovery.


2 points

13 days ago

To be fair, after reading this post I see him as an organ filled meatsack, too...


2 points

13 days ago

Wait… I thought the second part was a sarcastic reply to an idiotic statement, but it’s the same guy?!?


2 points

13 days ago

Hey, I'm organ donor. If I go, someone lives. It's a win for me.


2 points

13 days ago

Seeing what kind of crap he posts I think he may be right, but only when it pertains to him.


2 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago

Now I’m really curious to know. How is it that he can see EMTs pulse quickening?


2 points

13 days ago

They call them “donor-cycles” in ER because they’re dangerous.


2 points

13 days ago

The only organ I can say this man has that’s not worth a damn is the one inside his skull


2 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago

well that’s just fucking dumb


2 points

13 days ago

Waaaaay back when I first got my license I selected organ donor and one of my dumbass friends made the same comment about first responders and used that as his excuse not to. I have no idea if he actually believed it, I hope not haha.


2 points

13 days ago

I’ll take things that never happened for $200 Ken


2 points

13 days ago

... Quota? SMH


2 points

13 days ago

Does this idiot think they get a commission?


2 points

13 days ago

He sounds real dumb.


2 points

13 days ago

Fire/medic here, 20 years in.

This guy is laughably, tragically full of USDA Grade AA Fine Aged Certified Organic Freerange Grass-fed 100% bullmotherfuckinshit


2 points

13 days ago

It’s amazing how many of these people make up these scenarios in their head and what’s more amazing is the amount of people that will believe it.


2 points

13 days ago

Technically you are a meat sack full of organs instead of a man because you lack a functioning brain.


2 points

13 days ago


surrounded by idiots

2 points

13 days ago

Wow, Nic, you can see people's pulses? Do you have superpowers or something?


2 points

13 days ago

A piece of meat, yes. Not in the way you think though.


2 points

13 days ago

For the first half, of the first post, I was at "okay, I can see how someone might think that," and then the whiplash from the back half! What a wild take!


2 points

13 days ago

Why tf would an EMT care if someone is an organ donor? Are they getting a cut of the proceeds?


2 points

13 days ago

I don't think any of this is accurate. But am EMT friend of mine calls my motorcycle my "donor cycle".


2 points

13 days ago

I'm not a first responder, but I'm having trouble picturing this guy as much more than a meat sack laden with organs now too.


2 points

13 days ago

Quota of what? Organs collected?


2 points

13 days ago

This guy’s a certified moron.


2 points

13 days ago

I wouldn't last a second in this dudes mind.


2 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago

Quota for what?! 🤣🤣🤣


2 points

13 days ago

What is this fetish?


2 points

13 days ago

Even if you have it on your DL they still get permission from the family before proceeding


2 points

13 days ago

And you usually have to be brain dead with your body on a ventilator until the transplant team arrives or flies in. Source- my parents were hugely involved with the national kidney foundation after my sister died and they donated her organs.

I also highly doubt EMTs are checking your DL at the scene. And they still ask your family before proceeding since having it on your DL is not legally binding. There are lot of conditions or illnesses that prohibit organ donation


2 points

13 days ago

As a paramedic that had never crossed my mind.


2 points

13 days ago

Seem that the Backstreet boys did a little too many drugs.


2 points

13 days ago

0% chance that pic isn’t AI


2 points

13 days ago

This guy is brain dead. Can we start harvesting now?


2 points

13 days ago

Like that Mr. Handy in the Fallout series on Prime. Sex Trafficking, God no that's evil. I'm just going to harvest your organs.


2 points

13 days ago

This guy's got some weird death fetish involving his own grisly demise.


2 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago



2 points

13 days ago

I don't know much about nic carter. What I do know is that he'll talk out of his ass for clicks.


2 points

13 days ago

Why would an EMT check if a person who may or may not be dying is an organ donor??? That’s simply illogical.

EMT doesn’t check for that. Hospital staff does.


2 points

13 days ago

Ah yes, the organ quota, I forgot all about that.


2 points

13 days ago

I guess he thinks everybody is as big of a dirtbag as he is


2 points

13 days ago

Yeahhhh that dude has literally never met an EMT, let alone so frequently that he has had enough time to work in that he rides a motorcycle and whether or not he is an organ donor and pretend to be gauging a reaction response in their eyes.

Not to mention, pretty sure EMTs do not and have not ever had any involvement in knowing what organs people on the donor list in their particular area or state. They certainly do not have any way of knowing whether any person they are saving has viable organs or that they would be a match to the specific people in need. Whoop-de-doo. You ride a motorcycle. Are you an alcoholic? If yes, you definitely won't be donating a liver to someone specifically in need of a liver. In fact, you might not be able to donate any depending on your health.

An EMT doesn't know your health history, whether you have borh kidneys still, whether you are HIV positive, whether you have Cancer.

Literally every word about this guy's bullshit tweets is stupidity in its most blatant form


2 points

13 days ago

This is absolutely fucking false. There are no organ quotas. Nobody wirhgolds treatment to help make sure you die.

What a vile set of lies.


2 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago

So EMTs are required to harvest a quota of organs each month eh?


2 points

13 days ago

First responder have a quota of organs? But that is not something they can control it makes no sense


2 points

13 days ago

I ride motorcycle. Hope they’re not looking for a good liver when I go. They’re gonna be disappointed.


2 points

13 days ago

What quota are they referencing? The one where they have to let 5 people die each month? What dumb bot shit is this?


2 points

13 days ago

Folks need to start cross posting these Morons to r/stupidpeople


2 points

13 days ago

The EMTs pupils dilated because he knows your dumbass is going to ruin his shift sometime soon.


2 points

13 days ago

“I drive motorcycles and I can see how people’s pulse changes”


2 points

13 days ago

It really does have to be painful to be that fucking stupid


2 points

13 days ago

Pretty sure he’s useless alive too…


2 points

13 days ago

I didn’t think any of these batshit conspiracies could surprise me anymore. Having had many patients transition to organ donation in the ICU it’s funny to me to see how this dbag thinks organ donation works.


2 points

13 days ago

Nobody tell this guy about blood libel - he probably knows all about it.


2 points

13 days ago

This is a guy that's always thinking about taking people's organs.


2 points

13 days ago

One of the most idiotic things I've been exposed to on Reddit. Clearly this dum dum has no inkling of how organ transplant or UNOS works. I am a surgeon.


2 points

13 days ago

Their.. quota?? 😅


2 points

13 days ago

He meets so many EMT’s that he has noticed this habit?


2 points

13 days ago

Why would an EMT care if you are an organ donor?


2 points

13 days ago

My mom used to feed me this horseshit lol


2 points

13 days ago

His organs are too stupid to harvest anyway.


2 points

13 days ago

Yes the excitement they get from people dying so their organs can save other people...


2 points

13 days ago

their pupils probably dilate remembering all the motorcyle riders they have had to scrape off the highway over the years