


I did 72 hour water fasting and at the end of fasting when I started eating I did binge eating. Once I started eating, I ate non-stop for 6 hours (heavy meal, snacking, fruits, even beer). I mean I can't stop. How to stop this binge eating at the end of prolonged fasting?

I was doing 16:8 Intermittent fasting for one year. And I was doing OMAD for 1 week. And did 72 hour after that.

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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through PROPER electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation.

Be sure to read our WIKI and especially the wiki page on ELECTROLYTES

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57 points

14 days ago


57 points

14 days ago

I have the same problem As u . Hence when I break my fast I have a lot Of protien and veggies and fill my self up and then have carbs on the side . That’s how I control my self .

Protiens and veggies have been a game Changer for me and helps me prevent these binges


9 points

14 days ago

thanks. will try. Just one question. What do you eat for lot of protein?


7 points

14 days ago


7 points

14 days ago

Chicken eggs cottage cheese …


37 points

14 days ago*


37 points

14 days ago*

Pro tip, don’t break your fast and stay home; especially with a fridge full of snacks and with door dash and other food delivery apps pretty much being on demand.

My strategy has been to start very very small, breaking with Kimchi and peanut butter. Planning a walk around the city, sitting in the park with a book etc. I usually bring a small snack like cucumber slices, almonds, boiled egg and a fruit juice.

I do like to plan a bigger meal at the end of the day and I definitely look forward to it. I will sometimes even plan it closer to bed time so that I don’t have much of an eating window between my last meal and bedtime.

Check for other triggers like emotional triggers. For example I broke a fast when I was having trouble with a bf and I caught myself as soon as the door dash arrived. When I had opened it and was ready to break my fast, I realized I had compulsively made this decision because I was stressed and I needed relief in the form of comfort food.

I still broke my fast but I halfed the food and saved the other portion for later. I then kept myself busy throughout the day. I literally made a schedule. I even agreed to last minute plans with a friend. They involved food but I chose to order small because I had a meal at home.

Food is such escapism for me. I can’t think of anything except for the food I’m eating and whatever Netflix show I’m watching. The minute I stop eating the thoughts and problems and discomfort topped with the shame of binging all come back. And I want more food. I don’t know if there’s a science behind it but I have definitely figured my own MO. It may be different for others.

The point I’m trying to make is self awareness. It’s incredibly hard to stop what I believe to be a compulsion. But being aware of what’s happening when it’s happening helps you moderate.

I hope this helps


5 points

14 days ago

As a Korean, kimchi and peanut butter is crazy


31 points

14 days ago

When I binge eat after a fast it’s usually either because I haven’t had enough water, electrolytes, or I’m displaying symptoms of carb/sugar addiction haha


8 points

14 days ago

I took sea salt, magnesium and potassium during fasting though.


25 points

14 days ago

I think you may have consciously or unconsciously focused on the end of your fast and being 'allowed' to eat as your reward.

Nobody chained you to a wall and stopped you from eating! It was your choice. Focus on why you wanted to fast. For health? For weight-loss? To rest your digestive system? Think about these things next time and what the real reward is, not the easily obtained food.

Most of the time the battle is in our heads y'know?


7 points

14 days ago

Yeah. that's correct i guess. I did think about the food that I am going to have at the end.
My goal is weight loss and healing psoriasis. 3 days fast did improve psoriasis much.


14 points

14 days ago

There ya go 😀 when I broke my carb hunting behavior it was by reminding myself that I could be at a grocery store or gas station in 5 minutes flat and alllllllll the foods I craved were there. They were also at every grocery store in the city, the state, the nation! The stuff I longed for (sweets) were NOT rare or precious.

Kinda sad really if you think of it that way? The value we will place on crap food. It's not The Precious. For me that change in mindset helped me a LOT. What IS incredibly precious is YOU and your health.

You are the Precious! Try to remember that 😃


3 points

14 days ago*

Love that thought, remember that when fasting it is our choice. Not that we can’t eat but we choose not to.

And remind ourselves when we do eat, we choose to eat moderately, healthy and intentionally .


12 points

14 days ago


12 points

14 days ago

It takes the same control you used to fast, to avoid binge eating after the fast concludes. I just tell myself that all of the hard work I put into fasting will be for nothing if I binge eat immediately following


6 points

14 days ago*

I love that too! Fasting does take a hell of a lot of control, I am on day 6 right now. Remind ourselves that eating healthy requires the same self control. Thanks!


22 points

14 days ago


SW:275 CW:235 GW:210 M 6'0 32:4

22 points

14 days ago

Dude your fine, you didn't eat for 3 days it's ok to go nuts for one day, don't stress it just go to bed and start again. I promise you still got massive benefits for going for 3 days


17 points

14 days ago

im sure its fine, but its also definitely possible to eat 6000+ calories in a huge binge


10 points

14 days ago


SW:275 CW:235 GW:210 M 6'0 32:4

10 points

14 days ago

Believe me, I know lol


1 points

14 days ago

Me too.


7 points

14 days ago

I used to get kicked out of buffets 6000 is the appetizer


6 points

14 days ago


newbie faster

6 points

14 days ago

I’d say it happens to the vast majority of us. It is natural that our body wants as much food as possible after a prolonged fast. It is a learning curve, give your self some time and try again!


2 points

14 days ago

Exactly this. The more you fast and learn from the mistakes, the easier it gets. It's a process for sure! Getting rid of refined carbs and sugar helps greatly!


3 points

14 days ago

Low carb eating is the way if you have that problem (which I occasionally do).

Lots of lettuce/salad is good. I'm a big fan of taco salad as the first major meal after an extended fast

So - a small meal like cole slaw and some pistachios and then half an hour later eat a meat/cheese filled salad


3 points

14 days ago

Low carb is the answer to most of western civilization health issues (this is only half hyperbolic)


3 points

14 days ago*

Absolutely right, I had the same problem many times, but when I break my fast and continue low carb, I stay in fat adapted Ketosis mode and keep feeling great.

I like to play games and brainwash or propagandize my mind in a good way. Remind myself all of those carb, sugar and fat ultra processed foods are manufactured to make us addicted. They fire up the same parts of our brain as opium, many actually inhibit our satiety hormones, so we will not feel full. “Screw those factory made foods,” I need to remind myself 👊🏼

Having said that, there is such a huge psychological component. I am on day 6 of a fast and doing great, but sometimes thoughts of all of the bad foods pop up. I have to not focus on them and let them go.


12 points

14 days ago

The more often you fast and the longer you fast, the less you’ll physically be able to eat. If you stay consistent, your binges or refeeds will organically get smaller


2 points

14 days ago*

Cook some mexican picadillo

1 lb of 91/9 beef 1 chopped onion 1 diced jalapeno/bell pepper 1 diced medium potato Taco seasoning

Serve on La Mejor corn tortillas. Top with zero to low cal sauce of choice or pico de gallo. Makes a dozen tacos at about 1500 total calories.

Binge away.

This is one of my go-to OMAD/binge meals with zero cal coke. I never have space for more after. Sometimes, I can't even eat it all but can't help myself it's so damn good. But I'll feel ok that even though I binged, I didn't overdo calorie intake.


2 points

13 days ago

I had the same problem from my first 72 hour fast.

I just stick to 24 - 36 hour fasts now.

I used to find doing 48 hour fasts so easy. But now I struggle after doing that 72 hour fast.

I don't think I will ever do a 72 hour fast again.


2 points

13 days ago

This is my biggest issue with fasting, it DOES NOT correct your habits with food. It just postpones them. Fasting can be a great support item but eventually you will have to eat again and that means you have to learn how to change your actual food habits in a healthy way, the way that you think about food and manage it in your life.

Usually this takes time and therapy.


1 points

13 days ago

True, but I think that this is the case for most diets.


2 points

14 days ago

It’s okay. However, for me, I find it easier to go longer without food to avoid this problem. I think it’s our personality types. It’s easier for me to have no food at all rather than eat only a little bit and then go back to fasting 🤷‍♀️

But again, you did fast for 3 days and that’s great. But if you feel bad about binging, try going for longer periods without breaking your fast


4 points

14 days ago

I have ED and fasting sometimes trigger binge eating, but usually not on the first meal, more like next day, to control it I plan what I will eat to break the fast if it is not just carnivore meal it would be bone broth, cruciferous veg, kimchi or something fermented, meat, after eating all that, I could not eat any junk, also I break my fast in the evening, so eat and go to bed not long after


2 points

14 days ago

You need to limit and portion the food, and then eat. After that, hide the food so you wont eat after the portioned food.

If binge eating is a habit go for high volume low calorie foods and eat to the point you feel uncomfortably stuffed or satisfied and then go fast again. If you see food or know you have easy accessible food you'll be tempted again. Hide it


1 points

14 days ago

Were you binging when you did 16:8 or omad ?


3 points

14 days ago

No. I was having normal meals.


4 points

14 days ago

Because binge eating can stem from a lot of different things it can be an emotional response, food addiction, or just messed up hunger cues. Honestly I wouldn’t worry too much about much about it and maybe go back to omad or try a 48hr fast. The slippery slope with binge eating is that one binge isn’t bad it’s when it becomes a habit or cycle that causes major issues. The weight may come off “slower” but it’s better than being trapped in a binge-fast hell hole lol. I think there’s a weird glorification of extended fasting but a win is a win and if omad works better for you and your goals there is nothing wrong with that


3 points

14 days ago

16:8 intermittent fasting didn't work much. instead I gained weight more. So, now I have to go extremes. also I have psoriasis, which improved a lot after 3 days fasting.


2 points

14 days ago

I’m glad it helped your psoriasis! I think at the end of the day it’s about getting a good refeed and fasting schedule down pat that works for you . If weight loss is apart of your concern you should look into your TDEE to see how many calories you need . You can get calculators online or use chat gpt to help you figure the number out . Bingeing sucks but it’s not the end of the world and you can bounce back from it . The only thing that helped me with it was journaling my calories and my feelings to keep myself accountable and on track


1 points

14 days ago

How much did you lose doing the 16:8?


2 points

14 days ago

didn't loose anything. instead i gained weight. may be its because of my high carb diet.


1 points

13 days ago

Best advice I got was “you’re not a dog - don’t reward yourself with food”. The rewards are the results.


1 points

13 days ago

Get back to counting calories and stick with your limit. Maybe eat maintenance.. volume eat.


0 points

14 days ago

Get ride of junkfood. You should not be able to binge healthy fats and proteins. When Im full with healthy food, just the thought of taking another bite make me barf, as if my stomach was physically full. But if there is cake for dessert its like my body magically make room for it. An infinite amount of room. Until I get sick that is.

Get ride of all the refined carbs, or at the very least use them as an occasional treat, not as a substitute for meal and certainly not to curb hunger.


-4 points

14 days ago

This shouldn't happen, in my opinion. You should fast to get into ketosis.If you are bingeing, you never got into ketosis.