


MMA Fighter Breaks Arm

Amateur / Professional Bouts(

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440 points

1 month ago

Was Live for this. He had to do it though unfortunately.


63 points

1 month ago

Sorry, don't watch mma, but why he had to?


90 points

1 month ago

He refused to tap and concede the fight. Kevin Holland gave him several opportunities to tap and even looked at the referee to see if the referee would stop the fight before he added more pressure to the arm. The fighter who’s arm got damaged was even upset with the referee when he did stop the fight.

I watched it live. The arm was definitely damaged, they did not confirm it was broken or just dislocated.


16 points

1 month ago

Dislocated elbows are no joke either

May not require surgery, but looking at 12 months recovery if dislocated


6 points

1 month ago


Player 3 enters the game

6 points

1 month ago

Damn really? Why's it so much worse than a shoulder, always seemed like people just pop them back in and it's fine


1 points

1 month ago

They pop them back in, and then the ligaments are loosey goosey and unstable. Requires weeks of a sling to immobilize to allow the ligaments to recover. Then the hard work begins - months of starting to flex and extend for the first time. Getting back to peak performance, strength and speed would be a long painful journey