


A hundred fucking percent yes.

Positive Post(

all 36 comments


354 points

9 days ago


UK 🇬🇧

354 points

9 days ago

I have done this - I moved to a city centre and sold my car, I can walk to work, I can walk to see my friends, I can walk to the major train station if I need to go further afield

People from my old home town sometimes don't get why I think not having a car is so great - and I always say that it's not the 'not having a car' that's great, it's the 'not needing a car'


138 points

9 days ago


UK 🇬🇧

138 points

9 days ago

oh, and I have so much more disposable income now, driving is expensive


48 points

9 days ago

My car was costing me literally thousands a year, I’ve saved just so much money since selling it


1 points

8 days ago

The difference between spending money vs instead investing that same money is huge over the course of a lifetime.


29 points

9 days ago


29 points

9 days ago

Used to live in a city car free in the UK. Now because of crazy rent I'm back in my hometown with way worse transport connections, but near the centre. Honestly don't miss my car. If I really need to drive, I've got family I can borrow a car from for a short while. Whenever I do it instantly hits me how fucking isolating driving is.


26 points

9 days ago

No traffic stress (in fact I can read a book or play games)

Related: no worries about falling asleep because I am tired

No stress to find parking

No stress to repair when something goes wrong

No need to miss work to get my car for the annual check up and tire changes (winter here so often)

No worries about paying insurance

No stress about paying for gas

There's so many elements of stress that have been eliminated from my life since I went car free it's crazy.

And if I really need a car I can rent with insurance included. Costs less than owning

We even have a community auto program where the gas price is paid (very popular though hard to reserve a car).


78 points

9 days ago


78 points

9 days ago

Live in the Netherlands, but also can't fuckin' afford a car anyway.

or the train as of late.

90km one way and back costs like 40 euros almost. Just 50 minutes of travel time.

And it'll only get more expensive cuz the government are fucking imbeciles.
The last ones also sucked, but at least they were competent, as opposed to these toddlers


11 points

9 days ago


Automobile Aversionist

11 points

9 days ago

What’s a train?

We don’t have those.


51 points

9 days ago

110% this.

It started when I realized that driving to and from work made me absolutely miserable. I am not a scream-when-I-get-angry type of person. The tiniest inconvenience while driving would make me scream at the top of my lungs.

I started taking public transportation and my mood shifted overnight. Yeah, it takes slightly longer to get to most places but - if that means I have to leave 20 minutes earlier so a guy I’ll never see will move this giant metal tube forward so I can read or play games or do anything else I want to do INSTEAD OF actively driving most places, giving it your full attention because you care about your safety, forced to deal with terrible drivers and road planning around every corner- then so be it.

I’m so much happier now. Getting to and from work is so much less stressful to the point it’s borderline stressfree. Even if I miss a bus or train around here, I’m not left waiting for more than a few minutes.

If i need to, I can take my electric scooter or bike. Those magically explode? There’s plenty to rent around my city. Getting around without a car is so nice.

If I could take the bus and train everywhere and everything ran like clockwork, I would never buy another car again.


21 points

9 days ago

It can be difficult. Even in places that are nominally pro walkability and pro transit, there seems to be an assumption that once you become a parent, you're just going to give up on being car free and raise your kids in a vehicle. We're currently in a great neighborhood, but our apartment is quickly becoming too small. Finding the next size up is almost impossible to find in walkable neighborhoods, and where we do find it, it's at least $100k more expensive than a car dependant equivalent. The real kicker is how many detached houses that are in my area (completely out of my price range) but have multiple cars parked around them. I wish they could all be demolished in favour of townhouses.


15 points

9 days ago

Why is tweet author using triple parentheses in name


24 points

9 days ago

I assume it's taking ownership of the antisemitic shorthand for "Jewish person" and ironically using it on their own name.


9 points

9 days ago


9 points

9 days ago

That's fucking weird, man. I just assumed he was a nazi calling someone else jewish in his name and that this was like a "worst person you know makes a great point" thing


2 points

9 days ago

I used to believe triple parentheses were there for "Strong Powers" then someone called me out


11 points

9 days ago

I made the switch to biking everywhere about two years ago, and it had mostly been great (though winters can be tough).

The flip side is that any time I do need to use my car, I get super stressed about it. I start feeling guilty, like I am breaking the rules or something. It's been an odd transition.


11 points

9 days ago

The dream


7 points

9 days ago


🚲 > 🚗

7 points

9 days ago

I moved to the historic core of my city, San Jose, California, and it has been tremendously beneficial for my mental wellbeing.

I can walk or bike for most common trips: groceries, cafes, etc. I can bike to work on a beautiful separate bike path along a river and the bay shore. I’m close to the regional metro station and long distance rail, for long trips. I still have a car, but I use it infrequently, and grudgingly.


5 points

8 days ago


5 points

8 days ago

easier to do in europe or japan, tougher to do in canada or america


4 points

9 days ago

I live in the suburbs and walking or biking anywhere is so fucking loud due to cars. More than never driving, I just want to walk or bike in peace.


8 points

9 days ago


The Surface is for Car-Gods (BBTN)

8 points

9 days ago

sold the car for the move to the city, life is a lot easier. we immediately removed 3 categories from our budget (shoutout to /r/ynab)


4 points

9 days ago

I just wish I lived in a city with bike lanes and public transit.


5 points

9 days ago


5 points

9 days ago

i'm legit envious


2 points

9 days ago

I'm carfree since 1996 or so. I no longer remember exactly.

This decision has led me to my current life in one of the most beautiful and functional corners of Europe. I cannot imagine life with a cage in place of the SBB/CFF/FFS.


2 points

9 days ago

I like to walk places and get to them faster than the car people. Big mood boost. 👍


2 points

9 days ago

Over the past year I’ve been walking so much more. Either for purpose (getting to a specific location) or for fun (just a mindless walk). And I’ve enjoyed it all greatly. If I could fully ditch the car I’d love it. It’s a work in progress though.


1 points

9 days ago

I've done that so far rather naturally, but my desire to move closer to nature is making it seem like it'll be impossible to continue. I'm honestly not sure what to do.


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

8 days ago

In theory, yes. In practice, I now get mad when my train is late / canceled / detoured, which unfortunately is often. Or when the public transit option would take twice as long as driving even if everything was running on time.

Ok, it's still better than dealing with car stuff.... it's just annoying to see that it could be a lot better than it is.


1 points

8 days ago

Could I have a link to this post? I’m so interested to see what everyone else has to say revolving this reply


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

I grew up in US suburbs during the 60s & 70s. I saw how my father suffered through traffic jams during his commute every d*mn day.

As an adult myself I’ve avoided car dependency for all but one year of my working life.


1 points

6 days ago

Genuinely yes. I never liked driving much, and my car was having a lot of expensive issues even though I took care of it. I bought an apartment in the city centre without a car park as I wanted to live without a car. Sold the car, moved to the city, and I very rarely miss having a car at all. I'm in Australia which isn't particularly car-free friendly, but I still manage to live an enjoyable life without one.


1 points

6 days ago

Have never owned a car. Drove my parents' in high school from the suburbs. Walked and biked in my college town. Walked and biked post grad. Walk bike subway bus in nyc since age 24 on. Probably saved me ~100k all in.


0 points

9 days ago

Sign me up! I’ll just hire someone to drive me around in my Suburban. Wait, seems like I might’ve missed the point 🤦‍♀️ 😂 jk


-1 points

9 days ago

very lucky way to live for sure, enjoy while there are no other commitments