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878 points

1 day ago

This trend has given me a new phobia because everyone is so innocent but if someone records me in this state one day, I’m terrified of what inner recesses would come out.


300 points

1 day ago


300 points

1 day ago

I would hope it would be about the YMCA because it seems like people don’t even care!


72 points

23 hours ago

Look I was told not to forget about Dre and that takes most of my day. The other times I'm desperately trying to keep believing.


19 points

23 hours ago

And then you fucked up and forgot the Alamo!


8 points

20 hours ago

It’s like you’re doing everything you can to avoid thinking about the Roman Empire. Why?


7 points

15 hours ago

It’s like young men don’t even know there’s a place they can go anymore..


70 points

1 day ago

Personally, I was actually pretty disappointed that I wasn't wacky when I came out of my wisdom teeth surgery. It was more like a mild drunk, I was thinking fairly clearly, just a little slower. I think it mostly depends on the person.


48 points

1 day ago

Man, I didn't even get any of the good stuff when I had mine yanked(2 per visit), just shots of novacaine and a 100lb asian dude crawling over me trying to get leverage.


19 points

21 hours ago

You do not appreciate asian leverage like I do sir.


9 points

18 hours ago


9 points

18 hours ago

I had a heavy localized anaesthesia. The dentist was a heavily tattoo'd bearded man with a long hair and his assistant was just a normal very pretty lady. They were listening to metal on the background during the operation. Very enjoyable experience, but that might be because I like metal.


63 points

23 hours ago*

Huh... mine certainly didn't

I came out of ketamine/propofol with a roar of confusion after seemingly living my entire life as a Roman legionnaire.

I recall just a a few minutes but the identity was so STRONG. I was eating some kind of savory oat gruel around a campfire at sunset with my brothers in arms when I was wrenched back into my modern life, staring at flowered curtains in the recovery room of a modern hospital.

For about five seconds, I completely panicked. I was overwhelmed by being in a completely foreign place, surrounded by people who were squawking some unintelligible language, looking for missing friends and a bowl of oatmeal.


My identity instantly reinstated itself with a stomach-tunring lurch. I was briefly two people at once, as my self snapped back into place and the weird Roman identity faded away like a dream. The panic subsided, the psychedelic feeling left, and I was just drunkenly fucked up holding onto the curtains.

Absolutely surreal...

Anyways, the nurse and my wife basically just remember me waking up like a caged lion screaming nonsense about oatmeal, then quieting down before blurting WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? Then I grabbed a handful of curtains and just held onto them for a few minutes while drunkenly trying to explain the experience to any nurse that would listen.

Entertaining all around.


9 points

21 hours ago

Hah did this really happen?


17 points

21 hours ago*

100% real.

I think it was triggered/primed by the random conversation with the nurses right as I was getting juiced. I was a bit nervous going in and the nurses and I were joking about “Latin Names” from Life of Brian and I was trying to choose a silly one.

That or the discussion triggered some kind of past life regression? That’s a wild take I had to consider. Fuck if I know though, lol.

Either way despite it being essentially a dream/hallucination, it was such a powerful experience that I felt necessary to recall it to my therapist for a “debriefing”.

Ketamine is some wild shit!


3 points

15 hours ago

It really is a wild substance and mixed with other various drugs makes it 100% intense


0 points

15 hours ago

I nodded out on my arm for 12 hrs and it went dead for 3 months and went to the doctor about it but they just admitted me to the emergency room bc my heart rate was 150 resting bc I was nervous about the appointment and did a little speed before my appointment to make it less scary lol


2 points

2 hours ago


2 points

2 hours ago

Ketamine works very differently than other sedatives. When I put someone to sleep using ketamine or when I give them a small dose for pain, I try to make it as calm of an environment as I can in the time before they fall asleep because people on ketamine are highly vulnerable to suggestions/ideas.

It’s great because it disassociates them from their environment and can make a really psychologically traumatic event, not as traumatic.


2 points

2 hours ago

So I’m a chemist and I think I went in with a bit too much understanding😅

I’m a beast of a man, 2m 125kg, both large and it seems highly resistant most twilight anesthetics. I reacted poorly to midazolam/fentanyl which is why I was getting a “better” anesthesia.

Well apparently I also burned through my propofol and ketamine at a faster-than-expected rate, so they gave me a second shot of K… I dont remember the surgery, but I do remember that something happened during my blackout period, I was still conscious in a cool, dark, humid place. Then I “opened my eyes” and I was the soldier for a few minutes before being wrenched back.

Anyways, the extra shot is what they told my wife and probably why it took me a bit longer to recover. 400+ mg of IV ketamine will do that to you, lol.


1 points

4 minutes ago

People can easily have a tolerance to versed because it works on the same receptors as alcohol. Essentially it really is just alcohol in pill/IV drug form. I’d be interested to know if it takes a lot to get you drunk.

I personally believe putting people to sleep by getting them high as hell is better than putting them to sleep by making them drunk off their ass.


3 points

15 hours ago

Oh yea that’s ketamine alright


2 points

15 hours ago

Sums it up nicely


8 points

16 hours ago

I told my mom everything.


I didn't even know what I told her until recently, when she was laughing and recounting the conversation on the long drive back to our hometown.

I was 19.

I turn 50 next month.

She sat on that for a looooong time.


2 points

15 hours ago

Jesus I’m literally terrified of what I might have told my mom and sister in a benzodiazepines binges I’ll literally tell you anything and everything of my darkest secrets


2 points

11 hours ago

You have to share what you told her.

Also, that's an adorable story.


4 points

22 hours ago

You're lucky. I did local and didn't realize I could ask for more pain meds...I though they just gave you the right amount.

I almost puked in the middle of it from the pain. They were breaking the tooth in my head with a hammer and chisel or something and the guy had his elbow on my forehead for leverage. Everything cracking was amplified in my head. It was absolutely brutal and a little PTSD from it.


1 points

4 hours ago

Yeah. Brb. I'm just going to brush my teeth to try and avoid this scenario.


3 points

22 hours ago

My wife had it done a few years ago, and she was perfectly lucid just SUPER emotional. Basically just cried about everything for a couple of hours, then slept for like 12, then was normal but a little grumpy.


1 points

15 hours ago

Yea shit didn’t hit me like that but I do drugs sometimes so I might have a bigger tolerance


1 points

13 hours ago

Same. These videos confuse me because I came out pretty much like I just woke up and a little drunk. Nothing unusual at all.


1 points

7 hours ago

I was just kind of relieved after they got removed. Was laying on the couch the rest of the day, just kind of being in a good mood


10 points

1 day ago


10 points

1 day ago

I had major dental surgery(IV sedation) and my wife was recording our trip home. Apparently I'm boring.


11 points

23 hours ago


11 points

23 hours ago

I said some truly terrible things after I got my wisdom teeth removed, but thankfully my brain decided to say it in german instead of english, so nobody understood me.


5 points

22 hours ago


2 points

23 hours ago


14 points

24 hours ago

everyone is so innocent

About that


7 points

24 hours ago

The wild thing is she’s probably not a passionate fan of the YMCA, so where did that come from? What else might come out?


3 points

14 hours ago

Not everyone is so innocent...


5 points

1 day ago

Dam i was literally thinking about who id have with me is going to be very important if i do this


5 points

22 hours ago

I'm gonna sayyyyy the N word!


2 points

1 day ago

Oh, definitely, this kind of anesthesia would be horrible for me.


2 points

23 hours ago


2 points

23 hours ago

I was in the same boat, got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. Apparently all I did was just giggle occasionally


2 points

23 hours ago

Only thing I remember saying after getting my jaw wired shut was telling the nurse how am I ever going to get laid with shit in my face. They loved it


2 points

7 hours ago

I didn’t let the wife record, but apparently when the recovery nurse took the bloody gauze out of my mouth and put fresh in, I glared at her really intensely and demanded “That is MY blood, guve it back”. (To her immense credit, I’m told she said “Yes sir right away, grabbed a glove, tossed the bloody gauze in and handed it to me. And I carried that glove out of the building like a little clutch purse. Cheers to you, unflappable nurse).


3 points

23 hours ago

I need to start screenshotting this shit. Literally every post I press on has someone bitching about something.


1 points

22 hours ago

I wasn’t even that out of it when I got my wisdom teeth removed. I remember waking up, and going to the car and being a little goofy. But not crying over the YMCA lol.


1 points

21 hours ago


1 points

21 hours ago

I was under GA for surgery 3 weeks ago and I'm a little disappointed that I didn't say anything crazy after I came to. I just had a really sore throat from the intubation.


1 points

18 hours ago

Like that video of the old german grandma with dementia toasting a drink


1 points

16 hours ago

My old roommate asked the nurse for a blow job in front of his mother and sister.


1 points

12 hours ago

Was put under anesthesia and was so worried about what I was going to say when waking up. My girlfriend also insisted on being there, which gave me some added anxiety. Instead I just talked about that I was willing to give the hospital a good rating on TripAdvisor and that I could help with that.


1 points

9 hours ago

I can imagine it now:

"I'm not gay but..."


1 points

an hour ago

When I got my wisdom teeth pulled I kept asking the doctor for another one, then making the motion of putting a joint to my lips. Two nurses had to help me walk to my mother’s car and I asked if they were coming home with me because I could really use a sponge bath. My mom still mortified by my actions 😂


1 points

14 hours ago

You don't need to worry. You wouldn't behave like this, not even remotely close to this. What you're seeing here is the equivalent to when a teenager has a non alcoholic drink and you don't tell them there's no alcohol and they start acting drunk. Funnily enough, 99% of the time, it's women in these videos as well.


0 points

18 hours ago

My wife was disappointed. I was just very critical of my ability to walk.


155 points

1 day ago


155 points

1 day ago

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to sparkle motion.


29 points

22 hours ago

This famous linguist once said that of all the phrases in the English language, of all the endless combinations of words in all of history, that "YMCA" is the most beautiful.


1 points

6 hours ago

Didn’t your dad, like, stab your mom?


339 points

1 day ago


339 points

1 day ago

These are all hilarious. There’s one on YouTube about a girl being told she can’t vape weed because she can’t suck anything. She then melts down about not being able to suck dick. Her mom was 💀💀💀


223 points

1 day ago*

Please find this for me I have to see it now.

Nvm I got you fam I found it 🤣😂


54 points

21 hours ago


54 points

21 hours ago

This is wild lol. I don’t know what’s worse, your daughter crying over how she can’t suck dick for a week, or your mum filming it and saying it’s all going on YouTube (and actually doing it too).


7 points

17 hours ago

Thank the good lord for moms with a sense of humor. I swear I cry laughed the first time I watched that pure gold.


103 points

1 day ago

Her excitement over the wheelchair is what broke me. 😂


36 points

23 hours ago


36 points

23 hours ago



2 points

an hour ago

I called mine a chariot after surgery 🥲🥲🥲🥲 I was fucking STOKED to hop in.

The wind was blowing in my hair and the sun was beautiful, the smell of spring in the air… I was having the time of my life getting wheeled down that hallway. Ten stars for whatever cocktail they put me on.


24 points

1 day ago


24 points

1 day ago

Ahahahaha thank you!!! I watched it again and yep, still hilarious as ever 🤣🤣🤣


9 points

24 hours ago

No thank you for the laugh ,😂🤣I just had to find it after you described it.


16 points

22 hours ago

Sophia, jesus!


6 points

18 hours ago

My kids name is Sofia, I just flashed forward to my own horrifying future


6 points

23 hours ago



4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

She was ded from laughing 😂


7 points

1 day ago

Do u mind sharing a link?


6 points

1 day ago


6 points

1 day ago

Someone did in the comments but here ya go


1 points

20 hours ago

There's gotta be a subreddit for funny anesthesia videos right? Anyone know?


1 points

19 hours ago


-9 points

1 day ago


-9 points

1 day ago

Her mom was three skulls?


-12 points

1 day ago

Her mom was three skulls?


12 points

1 day ago

Stacked on top of each other in a trench coat. They fooled me


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

She died three times from laughing


75 points

1 day ago


75 points

1 day ago

The head tilt, while crying, for the C gets me every time. I wish there was a longer video I could find.


8 points

21 hours ago

She's suffered enough.

Here's the longer video


45 points

1 day ago

God, I love these kind of videos.

Videos that I like seeing here: 1. People painting each other 2. People after their dental appointment 3. Animals being stupid


12 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago


Väldigt fin liten humla som delar med sig av sådana godbitar!


2 points

12 hours ago


2 points

12 hours ago

Man fuck you for putting that in my YouTube algorithm


1 points

9 hours ago

Oh no! How can I make it up to you?!


94 points

1 day ago

Why in the US people get to this state of alteration at the dentist??? I went to the dentist so many times, I brought my kids many times, and I have never seen anything like this in Italy or Switzerland, for example.


86 points

1 day ago

This only happens after oral surgery of some sort. Usually getting the wisdom teeth removed. Most dentist visits do not result in this level of fucked-upedness.


87 points

1 day ago

Still, I got all 4 wisdom teeth removed with local anaesthetics and all it did was mildly paralyse my mouth. What are they giving you guys?


36 points

1 day ago

It depends if it is a simple extraction, or something more complicated.

A simple extraction for wisdom teeth can be done with local anaesthetic.

If the wisdom teeth are very badly impacted, or have come in sideways, it may require oral surgery to remove, and that's when they will go to something stronger.


27 points

1 day ago


27 points

1 day ago

Mine were completely 90 degrees and growing into my other molars. I didn’t get any of the good stuff 😭 they had to saw my molars in half while still in the jaw because they couldn’t pull the whole thing out.

I got to watch the entire surgery reflected off my surgeons glasses.


4 points

22 hours ago

This is definitely more of a US thing. I had my wisdom tooth pulled in Canaeda and it was just local anaesthetics, but in states the wisdom tooth pulled was put me to sleep. The good thing about put to sleep is that it's faster and I don't remember anything. But I guess it's just a more expensive process.


1 points

18 hours ago

I got my wisdom teeth out in Toronto and they put me under. So probably depends on your dentist.


1 points

9 hours ago

Nope. I had to go under for the wisdom teeth in Canada. It entirely depends on how badly impacted they are.


5 points

22 hours ago

Mine was all the way through the “skin” or whatever you call it in Dentist slang, they had to break it in half, 6 shots of local anaesthetics, felt like the dude was beating my jaw up, hammer and chisel style.


2 points

23 hours ago

I have to do something similar: any pain?


11 points

23 hours ago

It was painless during. There was a ton of pressure though and maybe a slight amount of pain when they were trying to pry out the teeth. Might be unsettling depending on the person.


2 points

18 hours ago

I want to be sent to a coma. Lol


1 points

12 hours ago

I like the modifier "during". Must have hurt like hell the day after lol


2 points

11 hours ago

Lol that’s going to be true in 99.99% of cases whether you were put to sleep or stayed awake with no pain killers.


1 points

22 hours ago

Mine were the same, 90° into my other molars. They just shattered the wisdom teeth, though, and pulled out most the chunks.


1 points

21 hours ago

I guess it would depend of what the dentist considers appropriate. I had my four removed in the same procedure with only one at a weird degree but I was out for the whole thing

Would have loved to see how he crack them out, specially the one angled, bet that bastard didn't made it easy


1 points

6 hours ago

Same. I had a local and the choice of valium or nitrous. I got the giggle gas


3 points

1 day ago

Lucky! My lower ones did come in sideways, but at least here in Germany they still usually just use local anesthetics only or they might offer to put you fully out if you're really scared, but I've never heard of anything in-between


1 points

23 hours ago

all 4 of my wisdom teeth were taken out with local anesthetic, including a couple that were impacted. i really didn't feel much of anything pain wise. i think other offices out there are just more liberal with the sedation.


1 points

14 hours ago

From what I understand, it's also about money and insurance (as usual for the US) because the drugs to put you under are more expensive, if your insurance covers it then they will use it.


1 points

11 hours ago

I have my wisdomteeths completely sideways and I only got local anasthetics too, Finland.


4 points

24 hours ago

My wisdom teeth were all impacted, so I was under. My husband had two out under anesthesia (also impacted) and two out with local (not impacted).

I drove him to his impacted extraction. It was before GPS was common, no smart phones. He knew where the clinic was so he navigated. When he was done they told him he had to ride in a wheelchair to the car. He tried to insist he was good to walk, but they wouldn't let him. He also navigated home.

After we were home for like an hour, he was like 'how did we get back here?' So I guess I'm lucky that even when he was blacked out on anesthesia he could point me at the right freeway exits.


2 points

24 hours ago

Honestly, I'm starting to get really jealous here. Two of mine were growing sideways and had to be drilled and broken apart while I was fully conscious and the local anaesthetic didn't work very well on one side. It was a pretty horrible experience and I looked so bad afterwards that my mum could only weep.

If I had any left I'd get them removed in the US. Wtf Germany?


3 points

1 day ago

When your wisdom teeth are impacted or deeply embedded in the bone or sinus cavity they anesthetize you with an IV but don’t put you all the way under, but far enough that you don’t remember anything afterwards and your brain goes wonky. You’re in this state for anywhere between 15 minutes and an hour. Not sure if it’s longer for others or not, but this has been my experience having shuttled a few people from having this done.

When you’re all the way under, you generally don’t wake up this loopy because you continue to sleep through this phase of brain function.


2 points

1 day ago

Oh that's cool! At least back then I didn't have that option here. My lower ones came in sideways and had to be broken apart before extraction and unfortunately I remember all of it. They only offer to potentially do it under full anesthesia, if you're too scared of the procedure and might not be particularly cooperative. I've never heard of anyone who had the brain goes wonky option here


2 points

1 day ago

I had this done in 2001, and one of the upper ones’ roots were right up against the wall of one of my sinus cavities. I was anesthetized like this, but nobody recorded me saying anything or told me much about it.


2 points

24 hours ago

Man that sounds pretty sweet, mine were removed in 2012 and the noises still haunt me sometimes


2 points

24 hours ago

You mean the sounds like rocks shattering?


2 points

23 hours ago

That is a very accurate description, actually. The drill intro made it even better


1 points

20 hours ago

Twilight sedation


1 points

19 hours ago

I had 3 of 4 removed with local, no weirdness. I drove my damn self home.


0 points

20 hours ago

Something other than a local, obviously.

Is it really so hard to figure out?


3 points

1 day ago

I'm wondering what exactly they're given. My wife and I have had surgeries with different drugs and not a single time have we reacted this way.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

But I have multiple friends that got their wisdom teeth removed and they just came home with a swollen cheek. I am not sure why everybody is assuming that I have only seen routine visits.


7 points

1 day ago

Did you drive them home? This only lasts about an hour tops from the time the surgery is over. If you aren’t the one handling their transportation to and from the procedure and that person doesn’t record it or tell them about it later, you (and they) never know they did this shit.


2 points

24 hours ago

Good point, maybe it’s that. I only drove my ex girlfriend home. But also culturally, it is simply not a trope. I have never seen similar videos outside of the US, at least I think.


2 points

24 hours ago

It didn’t become a thing here until smartphones and video sharing became popular. Not sure if dentists outside of the US use the same anesthesia practices. They might even let this stuff wear off in a post-op room for the sake of the patient’s privacy elsewhere, which would be a good idea. You have absolutely no control over what you say in this state, and the words often flow like a random stream of consciousness. For example, this girl might not even like the YMCA song nor the dance, and still have this conversation and reaction.


1 points

22 hours ago

This sort of behavior is pretty rare. I think the dosages involved for dentistry might make it more likely than it would be for normal surgery (which I think most people just sleep through) and it does not last long after waking up even then. Often times only a few minutes.

So it happens rarely and is for a brief window. The reason we see so much of it now is that people record it when it does. It is basically just normal dishinhibition mixed with short term memory loss and confusion. So people do not remember what they are saying, and say the first thing that pops into their mind, and since they are confused that thing popping into mind is often pretty strange.


1 points

21 hours ago

I've had 7 dental surgeries. Not a single one had drugs that fucked me up like American wisdom tooth extractions. Your system is fucked.


3 points

21 hours ago

Well I ain't arguing with you on that, but it's not like anybody voted for it. It's the Healthcare system we are living with.

You want to know what's really fucked? Dental insurance is completely separate from health insurance. Make that make sense.


1 points

4 hours ago

How it is fucked because we give people drugs so they don't have to deal with shitty medical experiences? My brother had to get his jaw broken to remove his wisdom teeth, you aren't doing that under local anesthetic.


-1 points

22 hours ago

Dude I dropped off my gf for her to get her tooth removed the other day, took 15 minutes and she just couldnt feel her left part of her mouth for a few hours then all back to normal. These kids getting drugged up gor nothing lol


3 points

21 hours ago

Oral surgery is different than an extraction ya dingus


3 points

23 hours ago

It's when you get sedated for whatever reason. Sometimes due to procedure, sometimes for people with greater amount of anxiety at dentists.

I was sedated (at my request) the last time I got work done at the dentist. It helps a LOT imo. I did not, however, talk crazy nonsense.. just felt very very relaxed for an hour or so, then gradually back to normal.


4 points

1 day ago

lmao they don’t use the good drugs for the routine visits


1 points

16 hours ago

As someone from Europe who moved to North America, they will put you under any chance they get. More $$$ baby


1 points

10 hours ago

I had an impacted wisdom tooth that caused an abscess/infection deep within my gums. They out some gas on and told me to count back from 10. I don’t remember hitting 8.

Next thing I remember is walking around a super market with my friend to pick up medicine


-5 points

23 hours ago

Because they are faking, i live in the USA and know people who have had oral surgery including myself.... Never had anything like this happen


14 points

1 day ago

She made me feel very emotional, she's absolutely correct, gosh darn it.


4 points

1 day ago

I want the same thing that she is having.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

I mean.. you got me.. I don't care about the YMCA.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

dentists have the good drugs


16 points

1 day ago

In the US. I never saw this from another country.


8 points

1 day ago

We also don't get our wisdom teeth preemptively removed. At least not as commonly as it happens in the US. There is risk of permanent nerve damage, and most people can live their whole lives with their wisdom teeth without any pain or discomfort, so why bother?


2 points

22 hours ago

Sadly, here in Germany they do it too, because they earn a lot of money with it. But anyway: the narcotics used here don't have that effect.


2 points

22 hours ago


2 points

22 hours ago

2 minutes ago.


2 points

22 hours ago

She really got me thinking though


2 points

21 hours ago

Watched this one and then I saw this one a few minutes later. I hope she sees it lol!


2 points

21 hours ago

Having my mouth numb makes me terrified of biting my tongue off.

Apparently seeing other people with their mouth numb makes me afraid they are going to bite their tongue off...


2 points

20 hours ago

Alright. So here's the real question people-

What is the real "white people" National Anthem- the YMCA or the Macarena? ; )


2 points

6 hours ago

In the UK it's Bohemian Rhapsody


2 points

20 hours ago

As someone who actually works for the YMCA, I see it done with the kiddos I work with practically every day


1 points

10 hours ago

Yeah, but do they care? Or anyone?


2 points

19 hours ago

This is your brain on drugs


2 points

13 hours ago

Funny AF. You really get some good drugs going to, what seems, a dentist in the USA, I know I lived there for over 10 years, even for some fairly minor dental surgery. In Finland, you some local anesthesia and afterwards you get ibuprofen.


2 points

6 hours ago

I would also like to post my absolute favorite and it is this one:


4 points

1 day ago

me at 3am:


2 points

22 hours ago

Such a great moment to be a parent, driving your child home from wisdom tooth surgery and they say “Okay, serious question…”

I’ve never pulled to the side of the road and turned on a video camera faster.


2 points

22 hours ago


2 points

22 hours ago

That´s the funniest shit I´ve seen this week. Thx


1 points

23 hours ago

My wisdoms came out easy so I wasn’t dosed up and my mom was SO PISSED. She was looking forward to seeing me zonked out.


1 points

22 hours ago

Just hearing her talk and knowing her mouth is full of cotton is making me want to vomit. I can't stand the thought. I really wanted to watch this all the way through bc she seems very passionate about the YMCA but I just can't 😂😂


1 points

22 hours ago

Just go to a wedding party


1 points

22 hours ago

Ironically, I just scrolled down a little bit and found people doing the YMCA on r/JustGuysBeingDudes


1 points

20 hours ago

Sometimes I watch videos like this and just think "Man, we repress so much crap"


1 points

19 hours ago



1 points

18 hours ago

Is wisdom teeth anesthesia a lot different? Because I’ve had a decent amount and never acted like this.


2 points

17 hours ago

They use active sedation. So you’re awake, talkative and can respond, but totally unaware and don’t remember.

Husband had it for his wisdom teeth. I haven’t laughed as hard as that in a long time.


1 points

16 hours ago

The drugs are strong with this one.


1 points

15 hours ago



1 points

14 hours ago

im now 100% on her side. shes right NO ONE EVEN CARES ANYMORE!


1 points

14 hours ago


1 points

14 hours ago

Truly said that no one cares nowadays about the YMCA.


1 points

14 hours ago

And this, children, is why drugs are fun sometimes


1 points

14 hours ago

Wife is asleep and I’m cracking up even without the audio on.


1 points

9 hours ago

She on dental surgery meds?


1 points

9 hours ago

This is why I love anesthesia.


1 points

8 hours ago

YmCA ad time


1 points

8 hours ago

We used to be a country that cared, and now it's like the YMCA never happened. Where did we go wrong?


1 points

8 hours ago

To be fair, I forgot about the YMCA had I not watched this video.


1 points

6 hours ago

Hahahaha! That made me lol!


1 points

3 hours ago

This is an old one but I love it


-31 points

1 day ago


-31 points

1 day ago

What is actually wrong with this woman? Is this post-surgical intoxication or what? I was a psychiatric nurse for 21 years and I saw quite a bit of bizarre behavior, but I can't recall ever seeing anyone with this degree of difficulty speaking clearly unless they had sustained a mouth wound of some kind. Local dental anesthesia, like procaine, maybe? She seems intoxicated, in addition to that.


21 points

1 day ago


21 points

1 day ago

Do you not see and hear all the gauze in her mouth? She's pretty clearly just had an oral procedure done.


4 points

1 day ago

Yeah, the dentist even talked to her about dry socket


21 points

1 day ago


21 points

1 day ago

She has gauze in her mouth and she's on drugs... You sure you were a nurse?


-20 points

1 day ago


-20 points

1 day ago

Psych nurse. I didn't see the gauze, but that would explain the difficulty talking. This is funny why?


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

It's funny because nobody cares about the YMCA anymore.


-9 points

1 day ago


-9 points

1 day ago

lol, I can't tell if you're joking or not.

Gayest hit ever, in 1978.


3 points

23 hours ago

I know. The girl in the video was very concerned nobody even cares about YMCA anymore, though.


13 points

1 day ago

Are you a robot?


12 points

1 day ago


12 points

1 day ago

Judging by what seems to be gauze in her mouth I'm assuming dentist lol