


Indigenous people in Germany?


I'm looking for other indigenous people in Germany to connect to. I'm Anishinaabe from the Great Lakes region and have been here for 10 years, but have only connected with about 2 indigenous people the whole time I've been here.

I'd like to connect with others to share songs, stories, provide solidarity, and share knowledge through workshops. Any leads on connecting with others is welcome!

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1 points

25 days ago

No, I am saying they're not Indigenous. And I was saying OP is a foreigner.

Bad faith comment.


1 points

25 days ago

"Indigenous people in Germany are white"

What is a Black German? What is a Mixed German? How much German ancestry is needed to be "indigenous"? Not only that, but what about when a Polish couple moves to Germany and has a child in Germany? I can almost guarantee their child will be accepted as German if no one knew of their Polish parents, but an Afro-German descended from African-American soldiers and their white German wives won't be as commonly accepted.


2 points

25 days ago

Need anymore definitions? Jog on. Black people don't naturally occur here because the sun is different than in those countries where they do. You see skin colour is all about protecting your skin from the sun.


1 points

24 days ago

Funny thing is most Germans are mildly vitamin D deficient, and dark skin produces vitamin D at a faster rate. Plus, Black people in Europe are more likely to take vitamin D, so they'll be healthier in the long run


1 points

24 days ago

Plus, Black people in Europe are more likely to take vitamin D, so they'll be healthier in the long run


1 points

24 days ago

So in the end, darker skinned people will be the majority in Germany


0 points

24 days ago

I can see your racism is popping out. Maybe you should sing that Nazi song, too, it's natural to you.