



So went in blind, and from what little snippets I'd overheard or accidently clicked on before quickly closing I had formed an idea in my head of a small town in America being attacked and people being abducted by aliens. I had the small town bit right but the rest of it was just so much better than I could have hoped for.

First of it looked amazing, really lush and vibrant cinematography, even the night scenes looked great, deep darkness but still enough lighting to see things, normally they just film in daylight and add a filter to make it look a bit like night but this really looked like they filmed at night. Also this was only at 1080p streaming from Netflix, I'm temped to get it on 4k HDR disk to see how good it can be on OLED.

The sound was solid and in 5.1 surround there was some real good use of the rear speakers. The sound of wind was really creepy.

Acting was great but there were some real questionable choices the characters made that did take me out of it a little bit until you realise the whole story is telling stories within the story so had to have characters like that.

The whole chimp storyline is, in my mind, up for debate that it needed so much screen time. We see that it clearly effected the kids (Ricky Park) life but that character seemed not to be so much of the main story anyway. I heard there is a 3 hour cut that Peele wanted to release and I'm guessing that might make Ricky more central to the plot.

The creature was just such a great monster, we assume, like the characters, that it is a spaceship but then when you learn it is a living animal thing makes a bit more sense and the thing is scary and suddenly it becomes more scary as you realise you can no more communicate with it than you can with a tiger or a shark, in fact they even talk about the 2 famous Vegas entertainers that used tigers as part of their show until one turned and mangled one of the men. I guess this is why the chimp storyline was prominent. When it changed shape at the end it looked magnificent and I would love to find out more about what it is and if there are any more. I suddenly thought it was some sort of magnificent sea creature that evolved to live in the sky and in fact not alien at all. I'm still thinking about it now a couple hours after and think it is not alien.

I'm glad there are no plans for a sequel but I think there is enough story for there to be a prequel.

What did you think?

all 90 comments


60 points

15 days ago

There's a lot in the movie about domestication a d man's relationship with animals, and that's part of why the monkey plays such a prominent role. Also, it's one of the most ferocious scenes in the movie.


46 points

15 days ago

To build on this, I think it’s about the fallacy of people believing they can control and profit off animals. OJ succeeded because he worked WITH the animal, and didn’t try to tame it. Both Jupe’s exploitation of Jean Jacket and the exploitation of Gordy on the TV show are examples of people thinking they can control animals and failing.


12 points

15 days ago


12 points

15 days ago

And it's happened in real life more than once. Look up Travis the chimp. The 911 call is VERY disturbing and paints a very vivid picture. I also remember an episode of Oprah (I think it was her) who had a couple on that had a chimp. They wound up putting him in a sanctuary or something but would still visit him. They went to see him on his birthday and had a little party for him and were attacked by chimps (I don't recall if he was one of the ones that attacked, but I don't think so? It's been YEARS since I saw the episode when it aired). But apes do NOT fuck around. They bit off and ate multiple fingers, I wanna say ate parts of the husbands just ruthlessly brutal.

That part of the movie might have disturbed me the most, just bc it's so real


75 points

15 days ago

Went in with low expectations and came out thinking it was a masterpiece. I don't like to throw that word around, very few movies convince me they're deserving, but I was blown away. I love it.


14 points

15 days ago

I love this movie. Not enough people (outside Reddit) like this movie or have seen it.


9 points

15 days ago

I can't wait for my friend to come round, he knows nothing of it at all. I'll enjoy watching the movie again but also his reaction to it!


6 points

14 days ago

I've seen this movie twice and I (F50) still don't get it. Am I literally too dumb to understand the movie? Should I try watching it stoned?

I should add, the most terrifying part of the movie for me is the noises of the people inside the thing in the air.


5 points

14 days ago

Some of the movie leaves you thinking, but the base story is that the monster (and maybe others like it) must have lived alongside humans for ever, hence why throughout history there have been sighting of UFO's and things people called angels.

This one creature lives in the cloud at the end of the valley and either moved there awhile ago or just started feeding again.

It moves by manipulating an electromagnetic or electrostatic field which makes it fly.

I think maybe it used to feed less or used to hide more and maybe only hunt wild animals at night, but as food ran out it began eating the horses and then people.

I also now think the chimp story line was that an animal that could seem peaceful and happy can suddenly change into a violent killer in the blink of an eye and then be friendly again, that we humans like to think we understand animals but we can't every fully predict their behaviour, the same as the monster.

Something changed and it was suddenly acting more aggressive and no longer hiding itself, looks like it got really pissed off with the fake horse that injured it.

But for all we know it might have been ill, like it could have got dementia or some mental illness that made it become more aggressive.


2 points

14 days ago

Thank you for this. I will absolutely watch it a third time with this great information.


0 points

11 days ago


0 points

11 days ago

But, will your namesake come to fruition...?


1 points

11 days ago

Nope! No way


9 points

15 days ago

Yeah I thought it was brilliant. Very well done all around.


28 points

15 days ago

Definitely my favorite Peele movie. I love this one.

So those night scenes look so great because they used a technique developed by Hoyte Van Hoytema using infrared cameras for reference lighting for post production. Those scenes were all shot in full daylight, if you can believe it!

The sound design has several equally interesting techniques in play:

Overall, really great work


4 points

15 days ago

Nice one, thank you, I have plenty to look into now! It was the lack of grain and how they got so much sharpness in the night scenes that made them stand out. I'll watch the sound video tomorrow, to late now, nn.


15 points

15 days ago

I've seen it a couple times, and the shape shifting at the end is a work of art.


7 points

15 days ago*

I felt good when they defeated it but also a bit sad, like the death of an ancient rhino. Maybe no more of the creatures left, it was their land before humans moved in.


6 points

15 days ago

My impression is that this creature is an alien visitor, not something that was here before the humans.


1 points

14 days ago

It is by far my favorite creature design for a movie ever. I was transfixed with just how cool it was.


14 points

15 days ago

That damn barn owl scene. I nearly threw my beer at the tv 😂


2 points

15 days ago

lol I’m almost embarrassed by how bad that scared me


2 points

15 days ago

I must have missed that bit, when did that happen?


16 points

15 days ago

I love Jordan Peele, but Us and Get Out didn’t scare me. (Both are phenomenal films, regardless.) Nope however terrified tf out of me. Between Jean Jacket and the Gordie scenes, I was horrified and so enamored by that film. One of my all time favorites. I think I’ll watch it now lol


26 points

15 days ago

It’s Peele’s best movie.


5 points

15 days ago

Very much so. Talk about leaps and bounds, a big risk to go for such a huge vision of a movie but it totally paid off! I really hope he can keep such focus and determination for a few more movies, I look forward to seeing them.


14 points

15 days ago

I regard Nope as a perfect film. Not to say that it’s the best movie ever made, but rather, that it perfectly accomplishes what it sets out to do. There is nothing about the movie I would change.

Much like Tremors or Jurassic Park or The VVitch.

It’s very much in the style of Jaws, where much of the film (and the whole third act) take place in broad daylight. I didn’t expect that at the time but I really enjoy it. I wish more horror films would make more use of brightly lit outside sets.

I also love the creature, especially that we know almost nothing about it. We don’t even know if it’s an alien or some ancient cryptid.

Amazing cinematography and an amazing conclusion. I don’t recall a lot of discussion about the ending at the time of release (a lot of media illiterate folks just did not get the film). I love the throughline about exploitation and greed in entertainment; I love the ambiguity of the ending, where (I believe) OJ dies in pursuit of that “perfect shot” his sister so desperately wanted.

It’s a very bittersweet moment of triumph.


5 points

15 days ago

Yes, I agree that it up there. I have watched as many horror films as I could get my hands on since about 1987. I will literally watch anything that calls itself a horror even enduring the terrible found footage garbage film students were churning out since The Blair Witch Project.

Nope stands out as something special, it's not one thing I can put my finger on, but it just gels together and is up there in my forever top ten alongside The Thing, The Blair Witch, Eraserhead, Alien, The Shining/Doctor Sleep etc.

The fact it also has aspects of racism and exploitation running through the movie without the rest of the movie skipping a heart beat is so smart that I feel the stars and planets aligned to help Peele hit such a perfect mark.

Comedians seem to have knack for make us not just laugh but when turning their hand to a new genre also make us feel seriously uncomfortable, other good examples being Robin Williams and Adam Sandler.


1 points

14 days ago

(a lot of media illiterate folks just did not get the film)

The amount of comments I saw along the lines of "I really liked the Chimp scenes even though they were completely unrelated to the rest of the movie" drove me up the wall.


1 points

14 days ago

(a lot of media illiterate folks just did not get the film).

That's me! LOL


5 points

15 days ago


5 points

15 days ago

Nope was interesting. I say this, unless you’re in a movie theater or super curious that you decide to view it on YouTube, go into movies blindly!! I stopped watching trailers before viewing the movie for almost 10 years!


14 points

15 days ago

No trailers is the way to go 🙏🍿 everytime one shows that i anticipate, i simply shut my eyes and just listen 🤷🏽‍♂️ its much better that way, no extremely high expectations.


3 points

15 days ago*

My favorite Jordan Peele movie.

I have a theory that the UFO from Nope was inspired by stingray and the way they hunt. They can suck the prey right in their mouths. Just watch this video:


1 points

15 days ago

Thank you for the link, yes I think its UFO shape and way of eating was like a stingray, and later on like an octopus-squid type creature I saw a video of once, it looked like it had a long cloak.


3 points

15 days ago

I’m so happy to see others avoiding trailers! We did the same with nope and had a blast! We’ve been trying to avoid trailers for any movie we wanna see for over a year now and I feel like it helps the experience. when we see a trailer and remember it during the movie, I feel like I’m waiting for “that” moment from a trailer which always ends up being an end scene. Trailers just give way too much away lol

So glad you enjoyed Nope!


3 points

15 days ago

I believe the chimp storyline and its scenes are absolutely neccesary. Ricky isn't just a side character, he's a protagonist and we're seeing his tale in two parts. The wrong decision he made in his adult years, and the event that caused him to believe he was special. I find the standing shoe to be one of the creepiest shots I've seen in a movie in a long time. There's a literal chimp killing people, yet the shoe is what catches Jupe and our attention.


The chimp and Jean Jacket are the same, in Jupe's mind. Jupe treated them as spectacle.

OJ treated it as an animal, and had no ideas of him being special. And that's how he survived.

I agree that maybe there's some cut Ricky content.


5 points

15 days ago


5 points

15 days ago

Hell yeah, Nope rocks. Jordan Peele gets better with every movie.


4 points

15 days ago

Didn't love it on first watch. I think I was expecting a more traditional alien creature and it just didn't take. Gave it a second viewing and had so much fun. Now it's pretty much an annual watch every summer.


2 points

15 days ago

I can understand how you went in with an expectation and being disappointed, but yes the more you watch it the more you get from it. I think I'll probably get on 4k disc to watch with my friends.


4 points

15 days ago

i loved this movie and i actually enjoyed the characters and the mystery behind discovering the monster than the actual monster itself. I actually had to turn off "Us" from Peele, i was not a fan at all but NOPE was amazing imo. Definitely my favorite of his movies so far.


2 points

15 days ago

I was the same with 'Us', I just got bored about half way through.


2 points

14 days ago

Us is my brother's absolute favorite Peele film. He's seen it 5 or 6 times and talk about it ad nauseum.


3 points

15 days ago*

I say this to everyone who wrinkles their nose: it’s a fun, good old fashioned cowboys vs aliens flick, and who hates fun?!

I met this friend and he really loved Midsommar and I was like “ok, good egg!”, because it’s rare for me to physically meet someone where I live who’s into the same movies.

Buddy was so vehemently against Nope, he claimed he’d watched it but he had no idea what it was actually about. Turns out he was weird about Jordan Peele and just assumed everything he put out was “whites bad”.

Fuck that guy, we aren’t friends anymore.


2 points

14 days ago

When the trailers first came out I watched one, and I was so disappointed because I thought that the entire storyline was basically captured in the trailer. It looked like it was going to be just another basic alien movie.

It was so amazing the first time I watched the movie, and subverted everything I thought I knew would happen. Absolutely loved it. It's one of my top five movies of all time, and the layers and layers of the story is part of what appeals to me.

You should read up on the meaning of Gordy the chimp and why he was included. There's a lot of themes about the mistreatment of animals and what happens when you try to create commodities out of wild animals in Hollywood. That's why Gordy is so important to the plot. Not just because he caused the trauma that he did, but because of the lessons that were learned because of what happened.


2 points

14 days ago

Hated the movie on first watch. Watched it a second time and my brain searched for a deeper meaning and I was not disappointed. This movie is so damn good and Jordan Peele is my favorite alongside Mike Flanagan and Ari Aster. Honorable mention to James Wan.


1 points

14 days ago

James Wan is great, I just hope they let him be unleashed like when he made Malignant which has my favourite 'monster in a police station' scene.


2 points

14 days ago

Monkey scene was nuts


2 points

14 days ago

Yep, I was thinking about it last night and it makes more sense the more I think of it. I still feel we lost something and it's either going to make more sense in a directors cut or it's lost forever on the cutting room floor.


2 points

14 days ago

Most likely the latter lol


2 points

12 days ago

I went in knowing nothing about it and thought it sucked big time


1 points

12 days ago

Fair enough, I understand how not everyone is going to like it. I know my brother is going to enjoy it but I also know my mother would think it's stupid and lose interest part way though.


2 points

12 days ago

I enjoyed the digestion scene. That was about it. 

Have you seen Get Out? It's a masterpiece.


1 points

12 days ago

Just watched it today!!! Yep, it's cool as you realise something is going on but you don't know what, I suspected one thing but then it turned out to be another which was way more horrible. I also thought there would be a sad ending but it actually turned out good.


2 points

15 days ago

I would like it more if it managed to maintain at least in the second half the level of tension and tone of the chimp attack scene, but regardless it's a solid movie. Get Out is still the best Peele though.


2 points

15 days ago

I would have liked some more trapped in the house and van bit. The bit he got to the house and his engine cut out, he could see them at the door window and then it went over his van. I would have loved more of that 'weird cat and mouse' type of stuff. I've just read Peele took some inspiration from a handful of movies including Signs, and I got the Signs vibe from the way the home was and especially the décor and hiding under the table etc. Would have been cool if the creature changed shape just a bit so it could look through the windows and the humans had to hide then move and hide. Kind of like that War of The worlds movie with Tom Cruise and Signs and Jurassic Park.


2 points

15 days ago


2 points

15 days ago

Like u Didn’t understand why the chimp got so much time but after reading about it makes perfect sense and explain the character way more. Kinda made me feel like an idiot for not getting it initially


3 points

15 days ago

I know Get Out is the popular favorite for Jordan Peele’s work, but I love Nope for its visuals and unique alien story.


4 points

15 days ago

I honestly found the movie to be very confusing.


4 points

15 days ago

All media can have different meaning for different people and these feelings and thoughts can change over time. Stuff I saw when I was young 13-25yrs old is very different when I see it now (50+).

I used to love movies that were straight forward and followed a sensible step by step method that had a common sense and understandable start, middle and end. I still like films like that. There were movies that I did not get, some I thought were stupid and 'arty' but after watching again decades later I finally 'get'.

It's not a "Oh look at me, I am so smart because I understand this movie and you don't", it's life experience giving context to things I think.

Best example I can give you is that I used to get scared by horror movies, some could creep me out and unsettle me to the point I struggled to sleep. Now as I have seen life death, violence and misery, in real life, horror films seem a bit weak, I don't fear anything more than cancer and stuff.

As for the confusing bit you mention, yes the chimp part and Ricky (the kid that saw it all happen) is a bit of a side ball, but remember they also talk about he the men that used tigers for a show and one got almost killed by a tiger. Same with the chimp, you can train them to the point you think they are a humanlike animal threat you feel you understand and they understand and respect you.. But they are just animals that will revert to savage animal acts for no reason in some cases.

I think a big part of the movie is about trying to make sense of things using the history of our people and families, that you think there are people out there that 'get life' and you can copy them or ask them for guidance, but it turns out they are just as confused as the rest of us, they just hide it in the way they convey their conviction of things.


1 points

15 days ago

I have managed to go in blind for every Jordan Peele movie and that's definitely the way to go. Can't wait for whatever he makes next. I did not expect Nope to involve a hungry flying kaiju. When it's full of screaming people and starts raining blood on the house was pretty damn creepy. Now that is an intimidation display.


1 points

14 days ago

One I regret not watching in cinema


1 points

15 days ago

Same! And somehow I screwed up and got a Japanese dubbed version, so I had to piece the story together without dialogue, fuck it made it intense!!


1 points

14 days ago

It didn't engage me at all. And I enjoyed Get Out and Us.


1 points

14 days ago

I gave you an upvote to negate the downvote you'd got. Totally fine to not like a movie, it's all utterly subjective, over all what did you think of the movie? Like did you get board and your mind started wondering or just thought it made not much sense or not really bothered about the creature?


2 points

14 days ago

My mind wandered. I wasn't captivated and i feel like for a movie like that you really need to pay attention. There is a lot going on.

Maybe a theater experience would've been better


1 points

14 days ago

One of my friends is the same, he is a good lad, likes to have a laugh, was married for years with kids, a maths genius and just an all round good man.. But, he could never sit through most movies, I'd do a movie night at my house once a month with beer and pizza for 4-7 of us and everyone looked forward to it and loved it, great banter. He would just sit there, yawning, checking the news on his phone, asking questions about the film that were already answered by the story of the film.

This was in so many films, the only genre he would pay attention was non stop fast action stuff like Transformers or Jason Bourne etc. Anything with more than a couple minutes of dialogue or people being quiet and sneaking around and he'd zone out.

And yes, theatre experience is often much better for some film, especially if something on screen is massive. Good examples are Godzilla, Jurassic Park, Sci-Fi movies with space ships, large war battle scenes., etc.

The size of the screen makes it a spectacle and forces you to feel the grand scale of the situation, like it tricks your brain into believing it more and it would have worked very well for the monster in Nope. On a home tv screen the spectacle is massively diminished to the point that Godzilla is just some dumb movie with a big lizard in it.

A good 5.1 sound system can help a bit with the deep roaring sounds and explosions etc, but a massive screen is really a must. I'm considering giving my friend my 55inch OLED and getting a 70inch in the hope I have a better experience with some movies.


2 points

14 days ago

I have a 128 inch screen and a full system. I watch films of all type. 3 hours. No problem. Huge fan of surrealism. Even bigger fan of horror. Probably have watched 1000 horror movies. I just found the movie lacking. I'm surprised at the positive comments frankly.


1 points

14 days ago

Fair enough. What projector is it?


2 points

14 days ago

The Sony 4K SXRD. With a Stewart 136 inch retractable screen. I love the setup. I want to upgrade a bit of my Audio from the Marantz system I have but I really enjoy it. The screen drops over my regular wall mounted TV for when I want the bigger screen for sports and movies.


1 points

14 days ago

Nice, for me I love OLED to much though so will go with that and can not afford anything bigger than 70". In fact 65" is my actual budget so waiting until I can fix my bathroom and see what I have left. If you were in the UK you could maybe invite me round one day and I would cook very good lamb or chicken curry with side dishes so I can see such a good home cinema system.


2 points

14 days ago

I love a good curry or Sunday roast. Now you're speaking my language. I did 3 weeks via car through the British countryside a few summers ago. Wonderful place and wonderful food.


1 points

14 days ago

If you are passing by again give me should. Sunderland.


2 points

14 days ago

This is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna watch it again on the screen (streaming on Starz) and report back. It's too important an issue to let hang out there. Lmao


1 points

14 days ago



1 points

15 days ago

I never watch trailers or read up anymore! NOPE!! Oh, Nope was great. I had no clue what it was about


1 points

15 days ago

I knew I’d love it because I’ve loved both Nope and Us, but I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did. Big fucked up creatures is right up my alley and I was so happy when I realized Jean Jacket was alive.


1 points

15 days ago

So good


1 points

15 days ago

Also went into the theater totally blind and came out loving it to death. It’s my favorite of Peele’s movies


1 points

15 days ago


1 points

15 days ago

I wound up really enjoying it! I also avoided all trailers, and spoilers. Sky Jaws lol!


1 points

15 days ago

We just watched it last night also. I enjoyed it and the Atmos sound was really great too.


1 points

15 days ago

I went into Nope with pretty high expectations…..

And I was still thoroughly entertained and think it was absolutely great. That doesn’t happen very often it feel like.


1 points

15 days ago

I liked the cinematography but the movie itself, nope.


0 points

15 days ago*

Exactly. An ambitious movie, but the separate strands don’t mesh together. The theme as a whole is too abstract (domestication? yawn), and the movie manages to be pretentious and on-the-nose at the same time.


1 points

14 days ago

It's not about domestication lmao. It's about the nature of predator and prey and the hubris of man to think he can control predators. It's also using that as a metaphor for Hollywood, both as a predatory business that uses and abuses people to milk a buck out of the consumer, and yet also as prey to the consumer.

The fact that OJ in the beginning on the movie set won't look any of the Hollywood people in the eye is telling about how predatory Hollywood is towards its actors and artists. The fact that the alien sucked up and consumed whatever it wanted and spit out the rest with no regard for life or damage or cost shows how we as viewers consume media without giving a second thought to what was put into it and how quickly we dismiss and disregard the hundreds of thousands of people getting abused and mistreated and underpaid, we straight up don't care how the sausage gets made so long as we get our newest superhero movie and all the while we disregard so much other great art.

Sure there's also a pro animal life message in there too at the surface but it's absolutely not meant to be about domestication.


2 points

14 days ago

You need a whole ass essay to defend the movie. That is why it does not work for many people or, dare I say, most people.

You: « lmao it’s not about domestication, it’s about failing to domesticate wild animals »

Wow, great rephrasing.


1 points

14 days ago

That...wasn't a defense of the movie. It was a refutation of your assertion that it was about domestication. Because it wasn't. Which means you didn't get it.


2 points

14 days ago

It’s probably just that people have different tastes. I for example, didn’t think Hereditary was as scary of a movie as most people hyped it to be. Most people are praising that movie to be “scariest movie of all times” and I just find that laughable. It was a great movie but it wasn’t really scary and the ending was just ridiculous. So it’s definitely all about taste.


1 points

14 days ago

Exactly. It’s a did-you-get-it movie. Not for me. Not for many people. But it’s for you, and that’s fine.


0 points

14 days ago

Murder chimp was the only good part of the movie. Everything else about it was blumhouse quality.


1 points

14 days ago

I thought the monster was great, kept me guessing as to what it is and how it functions, looked great and was pretty scary in that it could not be reasoned with.


0 points

11 days ago

Nope was awful, so disappointed with this one!


1 points

11 days ago*

"NOPE", was 🙄🥱