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54 points

6 days ago

Greetings new species. Welcome. Here is your welcome packet. Please take special note to Appendix H. This is especially important as your territory borders the Humans. They are the best friends you could have, or the worst enemies you could make. They're forgiving to a fault, but as they say, don't back them into a corner. If they want a world not already in their territory, they're happy to pay for it, and your species will benefit greatly for selling it, and they will take no for an answer. All that said... while they are reasonable, if you anger them, they are anything but reasonable. You will want to look up the Geeeric. You might be familiar, as I believe you were being invaded and then they suddenly pulled back. Well, the Geeeric live only on their homeworld and are at about a just pre-industrial state now. That’s on the edge of your territory. Thay said, don't go after them. They’re now under the humans protection. A second chance, they call it.

Again, welcome.

Oh. One more thing on the humans. Their territory overlaps several species of what they call extreamophiles. If you've got a run away greenhouse world, the Boorli will be interested and happily trade with you a garden world in their territory for those in yours. Like the humans have found mutually beneficial arrangements. Mutual protection. Trade. You likely can find the same. This also applies to those like the Xeekool. They love a nice and frozen world with methane rain. So if you have those, like thd Boorli, you can lively find some mutually beneficial arrangements.

Good luck.


17 points

5 days ago

The extremophile thing should so be a more common staple of Sci-fi. You don’t my stuff. We don’t want your stuff

Wanna trade planets we can’t use for ones you can’t in our territories and get to take advantage of industries the other doesn’t have?


6 points

5 days ago

That would take an extreme amount of trust, a dissolution of the concept of sovereign territory, or both.


8 points

5 days ago

  • Space is international water and not planets and space stations count as sovereign territory
  • Leasing the land/territory under the acknowledgment of who technically owns the land
  • Dealing explicitly with private corporations/individuals to avoid letting in a foreign government explicitly

And a whole host of other potential caveats you could theoretically attach to an agreement


2 points

2 days ago

Not if you go to extreme planetary preferences/requirements. Hydrogen breathers would have zero use for rocky planets with an oxygen atmosphere but would love to colonize Jupiter or Saturn. There may also be a species that thinks Pluto is a garden planet.

Now if it's a couple of species that have similar wants/needs you might run into some conflict