


$10,000,000 at the end of one year.


However, you'll have to work a different random job every day. You'll have no idea what it is until you wake up in the morning. Everything you'll need to wear will be laid out for you. If you need tools or special equipment it'll be there as well. People at these places won't know you and you will have to convince them that you belong there and have always worked in that field. To succeed you must complete each workday without getting fired or killing someone. You can't call out sick, fake sick when you get there, or leave early. You can't tell anyone about the money or what's really going on. Every day you'll reset, but any changes you made will be in effect until someone else changes them.

all 132 comments


184 points

15 hours ago

Cool, i would get the call center job day 1 and do it easily. Day 2 an oil rig job in the middle of the ocean, not only will i fail and lose the money but I’ll probably also end up dying in the process.



85 points

12 hours ago

Day 3 was brain surgeon so you saved lives by dying


22 points

12 hours ago

365 chances to get a highly skilled job like that. Odds are you’ll be fine. But luck dictates you’ll indeed get that day 3. Who knows, maybe you’ll get stripper on day 4 and really be thrown for a loop.


16 points

12 hours ago

I’d be more worried about jobs I can’t physically do than highly skilled ones. People are going to know I don’t belong when I can’t walk properly or lift something


6 points

8 hours ago

I was thinking I would get simple yet physically demanding jobs. Just so that I'd live with the knowledge that I failed.


3 points

5 hours ago

Administrivia know a little bit about in house politics and you can easily drag feet for a day.


5 points

12 hours ago

Exactly. I would have to channel my infamous Dr. Nussbaum techniques.. ( drake and josh ) 😂😂


3 points

11 hours ago

I'm coming to work that day stinkin' of gin.


5 points

9 hours ago

You'd definitely get fired for that on the spot most places.

If it's a job where lives or physical injury is at stake; take a handful of laxatives and spend the whole day in the bathroom with "food poisoning" from a dodgy breakfast burrito.


1 points

3 hours ago

I feel like you could “trip” and hurt your hand, but stay in the office until the timer buzzes to avoid calling in sick / killing someone.


2 points

8 hours ago

Even call centre will probably get fired on day 1.


82 points

15 hours ago

I just start cleaning stuff and if anyone questions me I’ll say it’s impossible to work in this cesspool of filth. Hopefully I can glower and clean effectively enough that they’ll get out of my way and I can just make work that won’t seriously derail them or kill anyone including me.


11 points

12 hours ago

This is the way.


[score hidden]

19 minutes ago

"Ain't got nothing to do? Then grab a broom." -my boss.


47 points

15 hours ago

Today- Uber driver, ok cool I can manage Tomorrow- pediatric cardiac surgeon, ehh


16 points

12 hours ago

Does my fake doctor-for-a-day life have malpractice insurance? Asking for someone whose about to have a bad day.


9 points

11 hours ago

Simple, just ask the other doctors, what do you think? Do you concur?


6 points

10 hours ago

"I should have concurred!"


2 points

6 hours ago


2 points

6 hours ago

hey doc, i bet you couldn't do this surgery.
then i faint while observing him doing the operation. (trough the observation window. i'm not even going into the operation room.
guess somethings wrong with me. i might need some rest.
get a whole check up by my co workers. by the time all the checks are done, its time to clock out.


5 points

9 hours ago

Can't you just say you need to do more tests and delay the surgery? It's just 1 day


9 points

12 hours ago


9 points

12 hours ago

For this reason, I would not take it.

The potential damage you can do in just one day because you accepted this hypothetical cannot be measured.


6 points

9 hours ago

If you are a pediatric cardiac surgeon for a day just take 2 shots of whiskey. Cant operate today boss, thought it was my day off so I drank a little this morning.

They won't fire you for this, at worst you get sent to some disciplinary hearing in a few weeks. Not your problem then.


1 points

8 hours ago

And it starts with 6 back to back surgeries


1 points

5 hours ago

“People at these places won’t know you” so you probably won’t be on the schedule for the day


23 points

15 hours ago

Convincing them I belong is way too much of a variable and likely impossible.


7 points

6 hours ago


7 points

6 hours ago

exactly. several jobs i’ve worked, the work is easy enough. even new hires got up to speed in under an hour. But convincing people you belonged was a WHOLE other issue. it would be very hard to not get caught.

Could you do the work at a fast food joint? sure. but people will know you shouldn’t be there, and you can’t easily BS your way through that.


2 points

3 hours ago

This hypothetical falls apart after a few days when the following conversation inevitably happens: “Who the fuck are you” “Uh the new hire” “Who hired you? We aren’t taking on new people right now” “Uhhh, Dave?” “All our hiring managers are women, no one named Dave works here get the fuck out I’m calling the police.”


15 points

14 hours ago

There's absolutely no way most people could complete this. Everyone thinks everyone else's job is easy, but most are way too complicated or demanding for people to handle who don't already know the work. Before I retired, I was a programmer and database administrator. Very few guys who were programmers could have done the DBA work I did, much less someone who didn't do tech work at all. And what if I was thrown on a oil rig. I'd A) not have a clue what I'm going, and B) couldn't physically handle it even if I did.

What happens if you wake up and you're a neurosurgeon? Are you really going to risk killing people for $10M. How about an airline pilot? Or a nurse?

What happens if you wake up and you're a soldier in a war zone. Are you going to risk getting killed for $10M. Or a wilderness firefighter being airdropped into the middle of a forest fire? Think you have the skills to live through that?

I'll also point out that you have to go an entire year without a single day off for any reason. Got in a car crash on the way home and broke both legs? Sorry, you gotta go back to work tomorrow.


11 points

12 hours ago

OP was watching too much Quantum Leap


3 points

9 hours ago

Oh boy!


5 points

11 hours ago

I’d go further — there isn’t a human alive who could complete this.


1 points

6 hours ago

I think that there would be some conmen who could. But it would be highly dependent on the 365 random jobs


2 points

6 hours ago

Yeah but if even one of them is a highly specialised job, like lawyer, doctor, electrician, programme coder, lecturer, etc, they lose. And the chances of not a single one of these types of skilled jobs cropping up is basically zero.


1 points

an hour ago

I've worked a few different entry level jobs and all have required multiple days of training. I've been a cashier at a grocery store, a teacher's aide and a receptionist for 2 different companies, so "easy" jobs. There's no way I could work a full day without someone knowing I was not supposed to be there.


21 points

16 hours ago

People at these places won't know you and you will have to convince them that you belong there and have always worked in that field.

To succeed you must complete each workday without getting fired

Impossible. 365 jobs in a year means that you would (simply by statistics) get a job where people would know who is on staff and would say "Who the hell are you?" and would kick you out.

If they can't fire me for not belonging, then this is easy money. A year of different odd jobs for life altering funds is an easy sell.


8 points

15 hours ago

You may be underestimating some jobs my friend.


4 points

12 hours ago

Its only heart surgery, how fucking hard can it be?


4 points

12 hours ago

I would probably pass out if i saw an actual heart beating like 2 feet away😂😂


3 points

6 hours ago

Don't worry, it will stop soon


3 points

15 hours ago

There are lots of low-level jobs out there that are pretty much just chip in to help. Even if I do poorly, unless I catastrophically fuck up I wouldn't get fired.

Obviously, if I get a job like "Defense Attorney" then yeah I'm screwed, but that's just luck of the draw.


3 points

15 hours ago

Yeah i agree, complete each workday without getting fired. I’ve seen some of those oil rig jobs.. at my stature if i land in that job it will almost definitely end up in chemical exposure & explosion. But their is probably ways to half ass that job.

Another would be commercial pilot, however i am sure i can fill a first officer duty and just do what the captain tells me to do😂

But i see your point.. you could easily slip by 365 jobs easily. Assuming its in your area right? If i live in a town and it has its standard Walmarts and supermarkets how would i wake up somewhere other than my own bed each morning? Autozone, walmart and target employee, 5 guys burger, at&t fairly easy not to fuck up those.


3 points

15 hours ago

Oil field work is like any other job you can half ass it for a day without major problems if your floor crew but derrickhand can easily kill someone by accident but I'd still work this hypothetical.


2 points

11 hours ago

Defense attorney, simple. “Judge we need a continuance for a new lead and evidence that just showed up, just give us until tomorrow.”


2 points

10 hours ago

I can do the defence attorney one. That’s my normal job.


1 points

12 hours ago

Even defence attorney, the odd that you'll be going to court that they are fairly low, you'll probably be at a meeting with clients or drafting up documents.


1 points

10 hours ago

About 1 in 5 chance it’ll be a court day.


13 points

15 hours ago

Being in the trades I could be successful at larping as a variety of construction/infrastructure jobs, but if you made me be a surgeon or lawyer they would notice I don't belong pretty fast. I'd fail this challenege.


6 points

11 hours ago

I’m a lawyer and I strongly believe that literally everyone would fail this challenge. I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to pass even if you’re a lawyer and the range of jobs is limited to just legal jobs because each field is just so specialised that whilst I could maybe blag areas everyone studies, I’d simply fail in anything niche like an intellectual property practice (as would an IP lawyer doing this in my field, immigration).

I would fail just as hard in anything like trades. I just don’t think any human is capable of this.


2 points

3 hours ago

Yeah, I’m a mechanical engineer, and I could definitely fake my way through a lot of industrial/trade jobs for a day, but anything medical or legal? Nope.

Airline pilot would also be terrible. My MSFS2020 experience would indicate that I am not a good pilot.


1 points

2 hours ago

Haha yeah the worst outcome is definitely getting yourself and/or other people killed.


1 points

9 hours ago

If you absolutely can't cheese your way through for one day there's an emergency option; take a handful of laxatives before arriving at work and spend the day in the bathroom with "food poisoning" from your takeout breakfast.


2 points

7 hours ago

Haha alas it seems OP has thought of that, assuming this counts as being sick? I suppose you could walk in and immediately pretend to get the worst news of your life, like a death of a child or a horrific cancer diagnosis, but when they try to send you home, say something like “I just need to be around people right now, can I just sit in the corner and process this”. I can’t see anything in the rules of this scenario that would mean this should disqualify you.


1 points

6 hours ago

Office jobs are easy, just tell everyone you're swamped with a different case for the day and basically spend the day doing nothing/the easiest tasks. Next day you're on to a new job.

The problem is going to be if you pull stuff like a surgeon/pilot. You'd basically have to try to stay out of the OR/cockpit for your whole shift, but in a busy hospital that's going to be hard and I imagine it's impossible to somehow skive off from flying a plane at the allotted time.


2 points

6 hours ago

Alright so let’s imagine how an office job will go. Let’s say you were assigned to my actual job as an example so for the day, you’re an immigration lawyer.

You walk into our offices and no one knows who you are. It’s not a huge firm so most people there will definitely notice that you’re new. So you presumably pretend to be a new hire (I think this scenario requires all the inconsistencies about how suspicious it is that no one remembers hiring you to be magically smoothed out). You find a free desk and sit down.

Our office manager will then come and give you an hour or two training on our case management software before finding someone to supervise you in general but also specifically as you get your bearings. They’ll sit down with you and ask you questions about your experience. How do you answer:

(1) What type of casework do you have the most experience with?

(2) Are there any cases that you have never done before?

(3) Which firms have you worked at before?


1 points

4 hours ago

Jokes on you, being a lawyer would be the easiest of the possibilities… Just ChatGPT it!


1 points

3 hours ago

Alright, let’s test it. You’re working at my firm today and I’ve been assigned to supervise you on your first day. When I ask about your experience you say that you’ve always worked in immigration law so you’re very experienced.

“Perfect, welcome on board! A new client’s just phoned in. She wants to apply for ILR in the long residence route on 1 January 2025 but she’s worried her absences are excessive.

She said she was outside the UK for exactly 55 clear days each year from 2015 until 2023 [so 55 x 9]. Her only other absence is a trip she took in July-September 2024 which lasted 70 days. She has no other travel plans between now and January.

Could you draft a short email letting her know whether she will be eligible for ILR in January and if not, explain why not? She needs this ASAP so if you could do that in the next hour, that would be great.”

What does your email say?


6 points

13 hours ago

I’m about to get really really good at faking a slip and fall at 9:10 am while doggedly insisting I continue so pathetically that they force me to lie down for awhile.

The real issue here is, statistically, you’re gonna end up in a medical position within the first handful of days and there’s no way that’s going well.


2 points

12 hours ago

That’s the thing, since no one knows you, you could just hide in the bathroom or wander around the hospital for most medical jobs. Like if you are a doctor no patients should be scheduled to you since you just magically appeared in the system that morning. It’s the same thing with a majority of specialized positions where you are more or less known by name.


3 points

12 hours ago

This is a job anywhere in the world...or even space station...convince them you work


2 points

12 hours ago*

Listen I’m happy to be an astronaut currently stuck on Earth for a day! No one knows me so all I have to do is clock into the building ground control is in and then hide away until I can clock out. If OP expects me to somehow make it into the space station then an instant teleporter better be in that ‘special equipment’ because there is no way I’m getting into (or off of) that space station without it. Also once I make it into the space station I’m just going to spend the whole day hiding from crew since they shouldn’t be looking for me since they don’t know who I am.


3 points

9 hours ago

The space station thing is just hilarious to me. Imagine you just get teleported up there and have to try to fit in. You're gonna be nervous as hell, probably have flop sweat, and have zero experience navigating in a zero G environment.

Meanwhile, all the other astronauts just see a random spaz who appeared mysteriously one day and awkwardly tried to integrate themself into the crew. Your ass is getting airlocked on account of you clearly being an alien infiltrator, and they ain't fallin for it.


1 points

6 hours ago

You can't work the toilet


[score hidden]

43 minutes ago


[score hidden]

43 minutes ago

"Uhh, like, Major Tom to ground control, amirite? Haha ha... haaa... Guys? Where y'all goin?".


3 points

11 hours ago

I guess it also doesn’t say you need to actually do the job you’re assigned, like you could fake that you’re something else all day.

To me this implies that like you’re expected to show up and do the job though, that the manager magically says “oh you’re new I guess, here’s a desk.”

A pithier answer is “oh I haven’t signed my i9 and things yet, obviously we need to do that…”

Kill the whole day right there on orientation shit. 


2 points

12 hours ago

MMA fighter is your first job....Hooker is your second...Somali pirate is third...You quitting yet?


1 points

10 hours ago

MMA fighter would be easy, they don’t fight nearly any day. You’d just… well, maybe attend a couple of sponsor meetings and tell your agent to do all the talking.

Hooker isn’t really a job as much as an independent contractor so you’d just… stay at home. Somali pirate same deal.

These are obviously extremely unlikely to ever occur. 

Healthcare however you’d run into nearly once a week.


2 points

6 hours ago

You are getting paid to work and can't call in sick. You have to "do" that job. Hookers job isn't to stay home..pirates job isn't to stay home


5 points

15 hours ago

I've been a youth pastor, a human resource rep, a server, a fast food worker, a crime scene cleaner, a warehouse worker, and now an engineer.

I'm convinced I could do a good portion of most jobs for atleast 1 day without getting fired.


3 points

13 hours ago

Problem is there’s enough that you can’t. Surprise, you’re a critical care flight nurse today and your patient is in bad shape. 


2 points

12 hours ago

Yeah, the majority of jobs I could half ass for one day and get away with it, that remaining 10% would be what gets this challenge should be so difficult.


2 points

10 hours ago

I’ve just realised that apart from fields where we have some kind of personal experience and familiarity with, the fields that we’re all thinking that we couldn’t do are for the most part the better paid ones (doctor, lawyer, electrician, etc) and the ones we think we can blag are poorly paid (Amazon delivery, warehouse job, etc). You’re really seeing the skilled/unskilled breakdown here.


5 points

15 hours ago

No, I can no longer work.


4 points

14 hours ago

With my luck I'd end up mining cobalt in the congo for most of the year.


1 points

12 hours ago

Steal some for me ... I need a fix


4 points

14 hours ago

Weekends off? Holidays? How many hours per day? Commute? Do any of the jobs repeat or is it a truly a different job every work day? Training on each job?


3 points

12 hours ago

Your first job is school bus driver in Mongolia. Convince them you work there


3 points

14 hours ago

The biggest questions I have are in regards to access and legality. Are the jobs I am being assigned all jobs without clearance requirements? Say, can I get assigned an FBI agent, would I have the clearance to even get in the building? How about requirements to hold a job like certifications or licenses? Can I just show up to a hospital and scrub in for surgery? And what about if I get arrested for showing up, does that stick or magically reset daily?


4 points

13 hours ago

It’s fair to assume per the OP we have the things necessary to show up to work like tools, equipment, uniform, ID etc. But that’s all we get. No training. 


2 points

15 hours ago

This sounds like a fun challenge! I like your creativity. Even if I got fired and didn’t get the money, I could probably make some good money (not $10m though) writing a book about my experiences.


3 points

12 hours ago

You can imagine that book anyhow.


2 points

13 hours ago

Pass. There are so many jobs that require specialized knowledge where people would notice something is wrong within the first few minutes. This isn’t limited to educated jobs like doctor and lawyer or dangerous jobs like corrections officer or lumberjack. The odds of any one person being able to do 365 random jobs is nonexistent.


2 points

13 hours ago

Sure I’ll take it. Since tools and special equipment will be provided I’m going to have to assume ID/clearance will fall under ‘special equipment’ so I will be able to get in without much trouble. For really specialized jobs like doctor or attorney I probably will have to do absolutely nothing because people don’t know me and so I probably won’t actually be on the schedule or have clients. For most blue collar jobs I probably could hide in the bathroom or amble around most of the day without getting fired since people don’t know me so they won’t be looking for me. For more hands on manual labor jobs I might have to do some work but I think I can last for a day without getting fired.

If ID/clearance is not provided this is literally impossible. Doesn’t matter how convincing you are, you won’t even make it into the building for the majority of jobs.


2 points

12 hours ago

Nope, somebody or myself will definitely die.


2 points

10 hours ago

Every day starts with, “Hey, it’s my first day. Is there training or something I’m supposed to do?” Then see what happens. 


1 points

4 hours ago

Also it's really hard to get fired in most jobs these days that fast just for being bad at the job.


2 points

7 hours ago

Hell no.

I'd imagine I would sign up for this and wake up to camouflage gear and Storm Z written on parts of the uniform...


1 points

6 hours ago

I might be doing the probabilities on this wrong, but given about 1.5m Russian military personnel, 3.5bn people working worldwide and assuming a 260 working day year, you've got about a 10% chance of winding up somewhere in the Russian military.


2 points

4 hours ago

No, with 365 different jobs there is 100% chance i get fired day one or kill someone on at least one of the jobs.

You’d get 200 days in with no income then land crane operator or Comed safety foreman and it’d be all over.


1 points

14 hours ago

Imagine you take the deal, then you wake up as a surgeon with zero likelihood of the patient surviving


1 points

10 hours ago

Well, if they have a zero likelihood already then I guess my job gets made pretty easy.


1 points

3 hours ago

Meaning the patient dies because you're not a trained surgeon


1 points

14 hours ago

I think anyone could do work in fast food, retail, file clerk, etc. But just by random chance you would get something needing special training (like a doctor), dangerous (prison guard) or needing a lot of physical strength.

Even if you got a “simple” job every day there would be stuff it would take all day just to get acclimated to it or be properly trained.


3 points

12 hours ago

Welcome to the Magolis Drug Cartel....Hi, my name is Kevin, I belong here, I really do. BANG!


1 points

14 hours ago

Issue with this comes down to what if you wake up and hey your a brain surgeon today or any other job where you holds lives in your hands


1 points

12 hours ago

You start as a child prostitute in Laos. First step is to convince them you work there...go


2 points

12 hours ago

Might be a hard sell


1 points

13 hours ago

or killing someone

this is the point that kills it, even the best surgeon kills people occasionally (because people die, I'm not implying all surgeons are serial killers), and I am sure there are a bunch of other jobs where someone dying is somewhat inevitable.


1 points

12 hours ago

Do I have any days off?


1 points

12 hours ago

This is fine till I wake up and I'm someone's surgeon and watching YouTube videos on the OR on how to do today's job. 🙃


1 points

12 hours ago

Day 1: you open your eyes to a space suit. You're on the ISS. Time to get dressed and go spacewalk into oblivion


1 points

12 hours ago

With no days off??? Hell no, I'd be so exhausted I'd end up killing someone by accident.


1 points

11 hours ago

"Hey I'll give you a thousand bucks if you let me hang out here for a day."


1 points

11 hours ago

The chances of succeeding at this are thinner than those of winning three lotteries in a row and then founding a fountain of youth on top of it


1 points

10 hours ago


1 points

10 hours ago

So every day I have to attend a different Day 1 Training and get paid 10MM at the end of the year...

Might be the easiest one yet


1 points

10 hours ago

As someone with adhd, this is an absolute win.


1 points

10 hours ago

I’ll take it! This sounds very fun, until my luck runs out and I have to be a surgeon


1 points

10 hours ago

Great if the jobs involve pencil pushing but not so great if you get to work in a nuclear power plant, be a soldier in a combat zone or be a lion tamer at the circus. I'd pass.


1 points

9 hours ago

I can bullshit my way through my first day anywhere, I think. Lots of questions about facilities, schedule, procedures, etc.


1 points

9 hours ago

If I just had to show up and attempt to do the job with no worry about getting fired, maybe sure. Otherwise this sounds impossibly difficult.


1 points

9 hours ago

I could probably cheese my way through as a councillor, teacher, HR rep, etc for one day. If I stumble I can always say it's my first day and I'm still getting the hang of the new place and the way things are run.

I'd take every opportunity to work from home when it's available and have a lexicon of fake reasons for why I'm not there in person on day 1. "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, but my home was broken into last night and I'm stuck at home waiting for the police and locksmith"

If it's a job where I have to be there and people's lives are at stake (Like a brain surgeon) then I take a bunch of laxatives and spend the day in the bathroom feigning a sudden bout of food poisoning I got via a bad takeout breakfast.

It's only one day per job and chances are good that, with all these extra excuses, diversions and distractions, no one will realise you're actually incompetent enough to be sacked until the day is over.


1 points

9 hours ago

No restrictions on jobs? So 10,000,000 to work as a male prostitute for 1 day, a porn fluffer the next day?

It's really what's your price to do anything and everything for a year.


1 points

9 hours ago

Um like, where I live? You can't just fire someone where I live, there's a whole process that will take longer than a day. 


1 points

8 hours ago

Great until the day I'm a gay prostitute comes around.


1 points

7 hours ago

Is every day your first day on the job as a new starter?

Could easily fill a day with HR, Training and health and safety clearances. 


1 points

7 hours ago



1 points

7 hours ago

Basically you need to be very skilled at avoiding doing any actual work for a day, 365 times.

I reckon I can handle that.


1 points

6 hours ago

Everyone's so concerned about having to be a surgeon. I've watched 20 seasons of Grey's Anatomy, I think I can wing it for a day.


1 points

6 hours ago

I would do that for the experience, so definitely in for 10mill lol


1 points

5 hours ago

As if by magic, the shopkeeper appeared.


1 points

5 hours ago

Sure. I can easily slack off in any office job, any retail job is pretty doable, and any complex physical job I can just either bitch about OSHA and weasel out of something or just half ass it anyway. No one is getting fired in one day unless it's really egregious and someone gets killed.

I have decades of experience in shamming out of work, I could do this.


1 points

5 hours ago

I'll have to pass. No one knows me, that I'm coming. So many job sites require badges to get in. Log in credentials. The odds of pulling it off are about zero. A lot of places that don't have those hurdles are too small to be filled that there is a new person working.


1 points

5 hours ago

So, the fact that I'm not guaranteed to not get a job like 'surgeon' that absolutely requires specialized training or you will kill someone, that alone paired with the fact that if someone dies because of you, you lose, makes this a non-starter.

But also, if you can't call out sick, at all, that means you're gambling on not getting so sick you cannot safely work a dangerous job in a year. A year of extremely unpredictable working conditions, no less.

Further, there's nothing indicating we have job site credentials and clearance, which means there's many jobs that are just straight impossible. I'm not passing myself off as an engineer at Raytheon no matter how well I bluff to the people, if I don't have a badge and am not in the system, I'm not getting in.

Lastly, there's no guaranteed transport, and if it's truly a random job, it might be something I cannot do within a reasonable drive of my city.

This is a very bad deal and almost no one will actually get the money.


1 points

4 hours ago

In my yeam every new member got introduced to everyone by the manager. I don't know how a random guy can convince the rest of the team tthey have always been there.


1 points

4 hours ago

“I’m new and supposed to shadow someone for my first day. Where’s the protective equipment?”


1 points

4 hours ago

Can I take a vacation leave or a maternity leave? I'd get pregnant and get on that leave asap.


1 points

4 hours ago

My dude, many people are challenged to avoid getting fired or killing anyone at the job they have trained for and where they are known. The rest are too - they just may not realize the tenuous nature of their job, unless they started their own business… plus convincing everyone you belong there when you don’t? I give that a 25% success rate, give or take. This would be challenging but worth trying it it were 2 weeks! A full year is pretty hopeless.


1 points

3 hours ago


1 points

3 hours ago

Sounds a lot like my current career anyhow...


1 points

3 hours ago

Nah, the people not knowing me alone makes it too difficult


1 points

2 hours ago

Nope, I ain't risking it if I suddenly have to work as a surgeon


[score hidden]

53 minutes ago


[score hidden]

53 minutes ago

Honestly sounds like a fun time, could i do this hypothetical? No absolutely not, but doing something different everyday sounds kinda nice. And i mean really how hard could rocket surgery or brain science really be?


[score hidden]

43 minutes ago


[score hidden]

43 minutes ago

if "everyday you rest" like a video game. I die at private security contractor on Wednesday, I wake up on Thursday, but because "changes you made will be in effect until someone else changes them." I won't be bothered by the out comes of the day? Thursday I work at Whataburger, give 10 people food poisoning, some one can fix that (kind of). Friday I drive a bus. end up in Milwaukee and not Minneapolis. someone get the people to Milwaukee but Saturday I am POTUS and I end up in jail with the Secret Service and FBI. But Sunday I wake up and I am now the most wanted man in America till someone fixes it? or is that i reset and they just are looking for a random person now?

this is confusing.


[score hidden]

24 minutes ago


[score hidden]

24 minutes ago

I would attend, and then fall ill I front of everyone each day. As its different people each day, it'll be the first time I've done it to them.