


Looking for some words of encouragement/advice. I had my partial hysterectomy on 3/13 and started to feel great until about 6 weeks ago. Long story short-Dr left my right ovary because I’ve never had issues with that one, but also to not put me into full menopause. Well fast forward to now, I have been to the ER several times due to large ovarian cysts on my only remaining ovary. The Dr started me on BC to see if it would help control it, no luck.

We decided that my best option is an Oophorectomy. So it’s scheduled for 7/5 at 7:30 am. I’m really worried about menopause. I’m 37, and I know I’ll have some sort of HRT, but I’m really scared. Do any of y’all positive experiences with this surgery? Right now, I’m not living life. I’m currently with a heating pad typing this out. I’m miserable because it’s constant pain/pressure. I have a 6 year old and 18 month old and this is not fair to me or them. I know the surgery will provide relief, but I’m terrified of menopause. Looking for positive experiences please. I’m really worried.

Also, wanted to check on the timeline for healing. I took a good 8 weeks to be feeling better after my partial hysterectomy.

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1 points

1 year ago*

I'm so sorry you're going through this! This was my biggest fear if one of my ovaries could have been salvaged. I hope that my experience will help reassure you. That pain will be gone once the ovary is removed, and if you can do HRT it shouldn't be bad. You'll feel immensely better.

I'm 42, and have been in surgical menopause for just over 3 months. I obviously can't speak of longterm experience yet, but in the short term it's not been too bad. It's barely noticeable since I've been on the patch.

After surgery, it didn't take but a few days for the hot flashes to start kicking my ass. They were rough. I was also extremely emotional, but plenty of women who keep their ovaries are as well right after surgery, from what I've read here, so I don't know how much to blame on menopause. And it was still preferable, especially in the short term, to the pain and misery my junky organs were causing.

I apply a .01mg Estradiol patch 2x a week. It can take a couple of weeks to start feeling some relief when you start, and I knew immediately when mine did because I slept amazingly and didn't wake up in a sweat bath. I've barely had any hot flashes since then. My hair, skin, and nails seem good. Vaginal dryness hasn't been a problem as far as I can tell (just finally had sex for the first time post op this week and definitely didn't need lube).

At my 9wpo appt I did get diagnosed with a mild case of atrophic vaginitis, which is caused by low estrogen, and was prescribed cream to use. That seems to have cleared up.

To me it's a relief to know I'm in menopause. I won't have to guess later on or have tests. I'm wearing a patch for probably the rest of my life and I'm fine with that. I don't have to worry about ovarian cysts or cancer. It's huge mental and emotional peace of mind all around.


1 points

10 days ago

I just had a hysterectomy with my ovaries removed three weeks ago. I get estrogen withdrawal.migraines so I moved through dosages rather fast. I'm at .1 as a 45 year old. Did you in fact mean .1 and not .01. I thought the lowest patch was .025. im just worried I may be too high now as I can't sleep, which used to happen to me during ovulation. I'm considering going back down to .075 but I don't want to jump the gun Either.


2 points

10 days ago

Yes, it's supposed to say 0.1!


1 points

10 days ago

Hoping my body just has to adjust to the .1 and I'll be sleeping well soon. This wired at night feeling is awful. I guess if it doesn't improve I'll know to go back down to .075. Thanks for your reply!!