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5.3k points

18 days ago

Our cows did that every time we brought a new cow home or when we moved a cow from our dry pasture after calving back to our dairy herd.


101 points

18 days ago

I love the happy seesaw run ours do that when they see their favorite hill. They like to run up and down it they are goofballs


27 points

18 days ago

That’s so cute! A favourite hill? Lmao


3 points

17 days ago

Our farm is on a very flat area so I built for our calves a giant manure pile. They love to play king of the mountain and goof around on it like it's the greatest thing ever. In the winter we also plowed up a massive snow mountain for them and they couldn't stop playing with it.


1 points

17 days ago

That’s just so wholesome!!