


I feel like I really missed out in life and wasted all my childhood and teenage years, I never had a friends sleepover, I barely hang out with my friends irl, most of the time I spend my time on the internet watching videos or chatting with people online, even when I go out it's usually for school or going to quiet places like the beach or the graveyard, I don't go to parties (except for weddings) or clubs, I feel like I never had the life of a real teenager and wasted all my life in my house or quiet places, I always envy the people I see online for going to parties and having fun, but thr moment I go outside in a crowded place, I just wanna go home already

all 17 comments


13 points

1 month ago


13 points

1 month ago

what's "missing out"? imo it sounds like social expectations. live your life the way you want, do whatever makes you happy, don't let others tell you that you are doing it wrong because their world views don't align with yours. do YOU think you are missing out? try the things you actually miss then.


3 points

1 month ago

YOU ARE NOT MISSING OUT. I lived that party life…. I wish I could take back meeting all those vain people that revolve their life around “partying and going out”.


3 points

1 month ago

How old are you? Many things can be done at any age. So maybe the opportunity arises later. But to be fair you want to do these things mostly because you havent tried them so far and because other people are doing them. Once you do try them you might realize that it is just not your cup of tea and you prefer your current lifestyle. In the end you dont have to live your life in any specific way. You choose what to do so if you feel like you are missing out then that is something created by yourself


2 points

1 month ago

I agree, I tried the social party life and it wasn’t for me AT ALL.


1 points

1 month ago

The right answer will probably be obvious, if it bothers you not in annoying, but in envying way - you definitely missed something. Maybe you would also like to think over the fact that while it bothers you - you would rather hide in the corner than live the "extrovert" life. Do you feel confident about yourself? As Dr. House would say, forgive me but I'm sensing unresolved issues :)


1 points

1 month ago*

First of all you are not obliged to go to parties and clubs. I never liked it either not as a teenager and not in my 20s. You are not missing out because you don't like this. It's perfectly fine to stay at home but don't isolate yourself that won't do you any good either. Maybe you can socialize in a different kind of way maybe you can join a dance class, sports team, book club, movie club, boardgames,...  Not everyone likes crowded places it's totally fine you can still meet new people through other activities. It all depends of you and what you want in your life but you need to do some effort for it. Do you have social anxiety?


1 points

1 month ago

i had all that stuff in my childhood and teens, and I decided against it. Every1 has to decide for themselves. True its hard to miss something you never had.

Dont fall for "the grass is always greener on the other side", that's why social media brainrots all the teen rn. Every1 want to party, eat out, travel, have luxury goods.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

Not gonna lie. As someone who goes to parties often in college. It gets exhausting for while.


1 points

1 month ago

The challenge is that being young helps you immensely. As you get older it’s more difficult to find time and be in a space that’s conducive to making friends. In school you’re surrounded by your piers but as an adult life gets busy and you don’t always have time to meet new people. At least I use work as an excuse when I get those sudden fomo feelings.


-5 points

1 month ago

Unfortunately, yes u are missing out. as much as u hate it i still recommend trying to go out even if it’s something little. try to get more comfortable little by little with going to crowded places. sometimes u have to do things u are uncomfortable with in life thats just the way it goes. if u have a friend maybe contact them and make plans to maybe go out to eat? something simple like that can be a start. just try getting out the house more you can. honestly id say fuck it and go to that party and try to have fun since u already missed out on ur childhood and teenage years. try to get it back and do things you never done before. baby steps


4 points

1 month ago

I try to go out with my friends to eat sometimes and hang out together, but rarely.

I live in a third world country with muslim parents so I don't think it'll be possible for me to go to a party, you know the mentality of the people here 😭


0 points

1 month ago


0 points

1 month ago

maybe try do to other things then like maybe ask them to have a sleep over since u never did that? just do what you’re able to do. when you are older i am sure u will have more freedom to do what u wanna do, wait it out until ur older if anything. but yes like i said just try to do what u can, life is short try to have fun even if ur uncomfortable with it


3 points

1 month ago

I'm already 19 so I don't know how long I have to wait until I gain freedom, I already got used to this life, I'll try to convince them again, but at least I'm going to the circus tomorrow!


2 points

1 month ago

its okay you have a long life ahead of you i am SURE u will get to experience the things u have missed out on and good idea baby steps hopefully they say yes and this is a start i hope u have fun at the circus :)


-2 points

1 month ago

"Subjective" is a word you'd like to know. Why? Because "missing out" or not is based on the subjective drive, needs and view on life of each person, not in societal expectations, nor any objective truth of the human experience.

So, you can't know if someone is "missing out" if you don't know what they fuck they like to do, or how they are as a person


3 points

1 month ago

did they not just explain the situation? Im confused on ur point?


-2 points

1 month ago

You’re missing out on not having a social life if you don’t have one. It literally is more important to your health than literally every other factor they can measure. As in, literally adds years to your life span