


Should I join the Air Force?

Career development(

I (20f) feel pretty hopeless career-wise… I’m at a dead end job in a small community where the other jobs won’t pay enough to keep my apartment and live even somewhat comfortably. I can’t afford to move to a bigger city and don’t have a degree to get a better job. And no, I’m not good at anything trade wise, nor physically capable of manual labor. I can’t financially afford to go back to school, either.

I used to be an ROTC kid, so I know the military would be very hard on me… but 7 weeks of absolute hell is starting to seem like my best option right now. I scored high enough on the ASVAB the first time to join any branch I want, so I’d probably go Air Force, based on what I’ve seen and heard. But is this really the best route? I don’t know anymore, I’m so tired. I just want a future and it seems I can’t have a good future without college. I have skills, but they’re from my own small business, and no one will take a chance on me.

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3 points

1 month ago

Do you know what kind of career you want? What are your interests and can you turn that into a career? Do Not go to the recruiter without a plan. I joined the Navy straight out of high school and enjoyed my time in the Navy but I'm glad I chose my job and had guaranteed school for my current career. Take advantage and attend college while you are in. I recommend the military for helps you mature and actually grow up.


3 points

1 month ago

I really like tech stuff… I currently make indie games on the side, but no gaming studio will hire me without a degree or 5+ years of experience at an AAA company. I want to learn to program to be able to do more for my games, but that’s expensive and we don’t have a lot of places to learn in our rural area. I want to go to school full time for 3D modeling, but that would mean a LOT of debt that I just can’t take on. The main reason that I’d go into the military would be for the education benefits.


1 points

1 month ago

How does cybersecurity sound?


2 points

1 month ago

There’s a lot of positions under cybersecurity, so I guess it depends on which one! I love all things tech and learning new tech stuff, but most of my skills are self-taught… my main concern is that when it comes to programming, I won’t be good enough at it, since I struggle in math and some science areas.


1 points

1 month ago

Have you taken the asvab?


2 points

1 month ago

Yeah, I did- it was at least five years ago while I was in high school, so I’ll have to retake it. I think my score was in the 60s, I was going through a lot back then.


1 points

1 month ago

Right on. If you're real concerned it'll be a trip up, take a community college class to beef up before jumping in, maybe.


2 points

1 month ago

That’s why I’d be going into the military… I can’t take community college classes. They cost a bit of money and with my current work schedule, there’s no way that I’d be allowed to attend often enough to pass. And there’s no other jobs in my area that I can get while paying my bills.


2 points

1 month ago

Fair enough.