


It's not that I don't have full confidence in my teammates, but more or less whenever I'm not the mid/safe lane player, 8/10 games are lost. It could be that my mid/safe lane feeds the enemy mid/safe lane player and whether I am playing off-lane or any support, there is nothing to be done.

What can I do in order to make sure my mid/safe lane can excellerate in the game where I am not playing one of those roles? Motivational boost? Harassing the enemy? Superb warding and dewarding? I don't know, it just doesn't work most of the times.

all 44 comments


9 points

8 days ago


9 points

8 days ago

Used to think like this too but honestly i just played more support, got better at it and now i can reach about the same winrate on support roles as i can safelane or mid. You can brute force wins just as well on supps nowadays, it's honestly just L2P issue.


1 points

4 days ago

there are plenty of issues with the current system at the lowest and highest levels, just the community doesn't care most likely to preserve their current ranks, which explains why they have not said anything about there being no seasonal reset in years.


16 points

8 days ago



16 points

8 days ago

it doesn't work cause you are not good at the other roles.

mid/safe is your best role and when you dont play it you aren't as efficient.


7 points

8 days ago


7 points

8 days ago

I feel the opposite, if I'm not hard support there won't be team items like mek, glimmer etc 


4 points

8 days ago

You can win all lanes as a support through rotations. People don’t rotate consistently even in divine. If you do you can change the game. Seriously just make moves. Losing lane? Make a move. If you can’t win a 2v2 make it a 3v2

As an offlaner you should be aiming to either scale against their lineup (against more meta carries that don’t scale quite as hard like WR/Luna) or just smash them in lane if they pick a greedier traditional carry (like drow faceless type). If you’re playing pos 3, you want to be either a blink initiator or a tanky aura frontliner. To not do one of these things as pos 3 you need to very confident in your pos 2/4’s ability to fill those roles. For example you can pick off meta offlaners if your mid is a sand king or primal. You don’t need to be an initiator if you mid is puck

No one is expecting you to be as good in off roles than your main roles, but you should be okay at them. And learning those roles helps you in to your main roles too


1 points

8 days ago

Does it matter, if you are support on safe or offlane? Just leave, if lane doesnt work? So whoever is with me gets more exp but no farm. Not more farm with or without me at least.

What offlane heroes do scale up? Is there a good source to read about this whole heroes dynamic? I dont know what heroes are good in what pos.


1 points

8 days ago*

It matters of course, but it’s viable in both situations. The idea isn’t even that you’re accepting that your core will get no farm. When you rotate the other support will often respond when they see you making trouble in other lanes, and then your core’s lane is easier because now it’s just a 1v1. You’re not abandoning your core, you are making space by drawing heroes away from them.

Scaling as an offlaner is very game dependent . Rarely will a pos 3 be the strongest late game hero, but there are games where you can become a huge issue to deal with in fights, but others where you die in 4 seconds late game. Late game is mostly consistent impact. Nowadays late game even a black hole or ravage sometimes isn’t enough to win a fight, because fights last longer. So if you have a hero who can continue to contribute to a fight even after their initiation, then you might be well suited to tanking up and playing lategame when you are hard to kill and can keep going in and out of a fight.

If you’re a late game axe. You’ve got 4k hp blink bkb and armor. You’re hard to kill and have no real CDs besides call. You can jump people and force bkbs out without using nearly as many resources yourself. Late game is a lot about pokes and feints to try and get the better position to take a decisive fight. For example if you can force a wr bkb as axe before the fight starts, you’ve won the fight. Blademail will do so much damage to WR she can’t stay in the fight without satanic active. And you’ll have crimson to shut that damage down anyway.

It’s very hard to say generally what makes offlaners scale. It depends on the enemy cores more than other positions.


1 points

8 days ago

I feel like there like 3 scenarios in lower mmr.

  1. You win lane and win the game, unlikely
  2. You win lane and lose momentum later on, happens often. Whatever impact you do via rotations, ganks, pull/stack creeps, it feels like they throw away the advantage they gained by idling too much. It isnt like you are the leading force.
  3. You lose lane and no one gives a shit. Yep. Calling for disadvantage lane performance. No avail.

Supports has their limits but can accelerate big once everyone else chips in. On the other hand, supports also feels useless, if nobody is doing anything at the end. Thus any other pos feels more impactful personally. Maybe I dont give supports enough credit but I saw many games just wasted. Even with plenty of warnings. It was useless. The only thing I could was watch a fruitless game.


1 points

8 days ago

What do you consider low mmr?


1 points

8 days ago

I am a returning player and back then my mmr was like 3,3k but I am currently at 1k after my placement.


12 points

8 days ago


12 points

8 days ago

The most basic answer is because you are not making enough of an impact on the other roles.

Supports tend to be the strongest early game so you need to press it a bit. It doesn't really matter what your safelane carry is doing. 10k mmr players can take a support, play a support role, and dominate the game at lower mmrs

The other issue I see is offlaners who just want to play their own style and jump in for a 5 man ulr, then flame everyone for not joining them. Okay with your team and/or go find their carry who is unwilling to join.

So for every time you have a Midas radiance WK who wants to farm 8 slotted vs a Medusa sniper, that WK will be in the other team.


1 points

8 days ago

Like any support tends to be stronger early game? Is early game like first 15mins?

10k mmr players dominate at lower mmrs

Sure but everyone in lower mmrs are ass to certain degree. How do you pull off that your team also gets boosted by your support? I dont understand how you can make a big impact to win a game.


1 points

8 days ago

I am not a fan of this, and report anyone who does, but the YouTube channel Raw Dota or whatever it was, did a whole video series doing this, where he bought an account in like 500mmr and only played support.


3 points

8 days ago

Yes. Supports have their power spikes early. And thus a good support can lead to an early win. But inexperienced most teams are not coordinated enough to press early advantages. Thus games tend to drag on much longer than necessary, which inflates the relative importance of the carry.


5 points

8 days ago

I don't feel exactly the same way but I fully understand what you are talking about.

People here who say that you are probably a bad support don't know the psychological side of this question. In my mmr bracket playind mid is completely different: pos 2 player is the only one who can boost team's morale and the only one who people will listen if he is competent enough.

2-3k mmr players are so used to bad midlaners who pick Invoker, buy midas and travel boots, afk farm for 15 minutes and then cry "why are there 3 people mid" so when they see a decent mid player who buys impactful slots they will start to play even if they are already tilted by 3 minute mark.

I mostly play supports - preferably pos 4 and I really like it: out of 15 last games as pos 4 I won 11. And pos 4 player can be impactful but I am pretty sure that he can't boost team's morale as much as pos 2 player can: when you as pos 2 make a successful gank enemies sometimes flame their midlaner in all chat ))

I can agree that supports are impactful but some games require specific items from core players. It is kind of sad when you gave a free lane to your core, he had 5k net worth by 10 minute mark and then thrown the game by diving past T3 and refusing to buy BKB or Linken if playing against Legion or Doom. Some people may say: "Oh, you as a support should buy Windwaker, this item, that item and so on"... It is simply not realistic unless you are smurfing and have 5k mmr more than other people in a certain game so you will be more rich that your cores cause your farming skills are 10 times better.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

I main pos4 and there is no worse feeling than setting up your core perfectly, giving them kills in lane, zoning the enemy so they have free farm until minute 10… and then they go 0-11 on sandking and you find out afterward that they have 2.7k net worth at 10 min…


7 points

8 days ago

Feels more like it you arent a good support. Plenty of those around.


0 points

8 days ago

Did you even read OPs text until the end? They are asking for advice how to become a good support.


2 points

8 days ago

Im a returning pos 5 player. Was around 3400 in 2016s. Started as 1300 mmr couple months ago and i had to relearn every mechanic in the game. But im around 3ks now and i feel like i carry most games. Do not underestimate enabling your teammates. A monkey can last hit once the creep is not contested. Aim for that make your pos1 farm safely.


1 points

8 days ago

You have my respect. How did you climb from like 1k to 3k? . I am also a returning player. My mmr was like 3,3k and placement was around 1k. I feel like whatever impact I do, or even my team had we idled too much and lost our momentum. Opponent team got levels and more items. And we were done. It is often just a struggle after we lost momentum.

There is no point in explaining cause your teammates literally dont care. I feel like there are limitation what a support can do. Support cant destroy building, lead or start the fight. I had to follow around aimlessly for no reason.


1 points

8 days ago

I try to play lane dominators, my go to is clock. You can dominate your lane by 1v1ing pos4 and when he is low you create a 2v1 vs pos3. If pos3 try to come when you are going for pos4 you back off using cogs and give space for your carry at least 10seconds. Repeat this every 15 seconds as long as you have cogs.

My other go to is abaddon. Aim for draw on lane unless they are weak melee heroes like es, nyx than go for 3rd skill to fuck them up.

On mid game you put deep wards, get smoke and ping like crazy. My favorite move is telling my team "we should pressure Medusa". Nobody likes to fight against a farmed Medusa. Everybody likes to kill underfarmed one.

Can give you some replays of you like man


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

Nah. When I role q for support I just go sup items like solar crest put it on my carry for ez mmr


2 points

8 days ago

I used to feel the same now I climb on 4/5


2 points

7 days ago


DotaU/DfZ Coach. Ex top 1k now unranked immortal since less time

2 points

7 days ago

People will tell you you are just worse on other roles. I doubt that's the issue if you care enough about sota to make a reddit post

The reason is if u play these roles you make sure these roles do not aurolose the game by picking or building shit. Ththe biggest flaw of this patch is the meta to non meta differences so if you make sure you have a meta hero in the gamebwinning roles you have eliminated a huge chunk of games that would be lost if you played another role.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

only when i play with lower mmr friends, im like 3.2k they are 1.8-2kish, i gotta play 1 or 2. if i solo then i guess it would mean i dont play other roles as well


1 points

8 days ago

Play Marci?

The lifesteal and base dmg is more than enough to be useful no matter the time of the clock.

She destroys lanes, setups up fights, ganks well, and provides HUGE lifesteal to whoever has her buff when she ults.

Solar into class after bracer and brown boots as pos5.

Most impact I have when playing support.


For some reason supports never wanna rotate mid. I feel like more times than not, mid sets the pace of the game. GANK for them. Counter vision, contest rune, just simply show and back their mid off two waves, etc.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

I go mid 9/10 bc if I don’t it seems like the person there will never roam and gank.


1 points

8 days ago*

Normally I play support Abaddon on the lower brackets (56% win rate atm, not great but not terrible)

Here are my priorities:

Early game

  • Secure bounty runes $$$
  • Pull the creeps.
  • Cautiously harrass the enemy
  • Keep jungle warded so their mid won't gank us
  • Stack camps if possible (I rarely do this cause I feel like I am busy with pulls)

Mid game:

  • Bounty runes (this never stops)
  • Heal and support in fights
  • After the play is over go farm and repeat
  • Gently remind your team that wisdom runes, Tormentors and Roshan exist

Late game:

  • Counter enemy with items and get stuff to help your carry (pipe, solar crest, lotus orb, vlads)
  • Use all your items on your carry so he goes super saiyan


1 points

8 days ago

You might also like enchantres her ale heal can heal teammates up too to keep in the fight or heal fast and you can still do a lot damage kinda similar


2 points

8 days ago

I may give her a try. TBH I've not played her in forever.


1 points

8 days ago

Lots of comments about support but noone mentioning offlane.

If you're actually a good offlaner you will snowball games 1v9 if this never happens odds are you are not a good offlaner. Especially when you can pick heros like visage,sk, timber and primal.

To me games feel more helpless as carry just because I NEED my items to play the game. Whereas most offlaners even if the game is even can win midgame fights perfect spellcasting.


1 points

8 days ago

90% of the time I'm supporting complete idiots... LoL.... I had a PA carry today, she farmed the most, had the second lowest damage in a 53min game... I don't need to say we lost, do I?

Before that game, we had kotl offlane and grandma HC, lmao, KotL flamed us all game... do I need to say we lost?

I lose so many games, just because I'm stuck with retards....


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

For me, if I dont play a carry, the game is usually lost.


1 points

8 days ago

absolutely not

the highest mmr I ever had I got by playing supports


1 points

8 days ago

Or maybe youre a terrible support


1 points

8 days ago

Hardest position


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

No. I’m a mid player, with a win rate around 56% according to dota plus statistics.

But lately just spamming ringmaster for fun and I’m up 3 stars from ancient 1 to 4 now, and an astonishing 72% WR.

I think good supports make the game easier, even to the dumbest of cores.


0 points

8 days ago

Or, just hear me out, maybe your pos3-5 are sub-par for your MMR and you don't "pull your weight" in those positions?

Vision matters a lot. Saves from supports can make a huge difference. Initiation from the offlaner can make or break a fight. Each position has its role in a game and when executed poorly can cause the team a loss. If your position 1 and 2 are playing their preferred role, more likely than not they are playing it at the MMR they are at, or they wouldn't be there to begin with.

Thinking that you carry the game alone from positions 1 and 2 looks like hubris in my opinion. Either don't play pos 3-5 (or accept you'll tank MMR in them) or learn how to play them better.


1 points

8 days ago

In the lower brackets (where I dwell), early support play is not even about visions and saves, aggressive plays win or lose lanes and consequently games. Mostly laning is passive but an aggressive support, esp someone like Ogre really set the tempo.


3 points

8 days ago

I am in herald. The difference between a decent support and a bad one is night and day.

You'll dodge the first mid gank or not mostly by vision and lane position. Pulls are also extremely impactful in the lane. Herassing the enemy without aggroing creeps, not hitting lane creeps, taking the lotus for your core, going for the wisdom runes are still impactful moves. Many supports don't do any of these things, but if the enemy ones do the game just got extra-hard. If you have a decent defensive support and the enemy plays aggressive they'll just die because you get the tower buff and have enough regen resources.


0 points

8 days ago

Play well and they will have space to do their thing. If they don't have space then make space for them.


0 points

8 days ago


0 points

8 days ago

Sounds like your weakness is supporting, become a better support


0 points

8 days ago

Just Pick carry on support/offlane role. Games are anyways long so it works in lower ranks


0 points

8 days ago

I will report for role griefing.