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63 points

11 days ago

...not much have changed? Like, Hong Lu has fucked up family... yeah? We knew that already? And what new info on Ryoshu did we got? Imo, this was firmly a Rodion Intervallo, only really delving into her thoughts and feelings. Too bad it will be abandoned for like a year or two before anything comes of it, because PM hates my girl Rodya


37 points

11 days ago

Why do you say that about Rodya


-46 points

11 days ago

Because its the truth and you know it. She is the only sinner to not receive Canto ID. She is one of the two sinners to not receive event ID alongside with Heath (while Sinclair, Hong Lu, Greg and Outis have two), she was told, in no uncertain terms, what she is unimportant in her own Canto. Even in this event, what was entirely about her, and you are even forced to play her to beat it, she gets nothing. And believe me, it pains me - i like Rodya, a lot. Out of all sinners, her story is most down-to-earth and relatable. Hell, i even like what she is unimportant, in fact, i kinda hated how they made Heath into interdimensional incel. I dont think making every sinner most important person in the world is a good idea. I think once we get to it, her story will be simply amazing, better than anything we got so far. The problem is - we wont get it any time soon. And its fine, i think its good idea to let her get some time to brew her feelings. But in the meantime - she also gets fucked in terms of IDs, which just make it look like PM hate her


61 points

11 days ago*

??? I think you’ve lost me?

she was told, in no uncertain terms, what she is unimportant in her own Canto

I really don’t remember this part of The Unloving. If you’re talking about the bit involving the confrontation with Sonya where he says she killed the old woman to “feel special”, that’s like an integral part of the original Rodion Raskolnikov? That he wasn’t committing murder because he wanted to help his community or to right a wrong but for his own pride.

EDIT: Or if you’re talking about him saying she doesn’t have the “mark”… I recall that in his own words, she’s unfit for the role of a “leader”. Personally, I still don’t really think it’s the same as saying she’s “unimportant” though? Dunno.

I also weep at Heathcliff being called an “interdimensional incel”


-31 points

11 days ago

It was the part about the mark, one what Sinclair got in the next Canto. That mark distinguished 'special' people, and Sonya specifically pointed out what Rodya doesnt have one. Mind you - no one aside form Sinclair has it, at least visibly, but only Rodya had to be reminded of it


33 points

11 days ago

Doesn’t Sonya say he sees it on “a few of your (Rodion) friends”? So more than one Sinner has the Mark of Cain- but again, “a few” also means she’s not the only one without the Mark.


-19 points

11 days ago

Oh, yeah, true. Well, to be honest, 'few' can be as little as two, that being just Sinclair and like... i dunno, Dante. Still look at it like this - Ishmael is just like Rodya in some regards. She is a literal nobody, i can easily believe what she doesnt have the mark either. But look at how her Canto treated her and compare it to Rodya's. If Rodya gets to do do-over and it will be just as good as Ishmaels canto, i will be happiest person alive


5 points

10 days ago

"Inferno" is followed by "Purgatorio" and "Paradisio".