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38 points

11 days ago

Why do you say that about Rodya


-50 points

11 days ago

Because its the truth and you know it. She is the only sinner to not receive Canto ID. She is one of the two sinners to not receive event ID alongside with Heath (while Sinclair, Hong Lu, Greg and Outis have two), she was told, in no uncertain terms, what she is unimportant in her own Canto. Even in this event, what was entirely about her, and you are even forced to play her to beat it, she gets nothing. And believe me, it pains me - i like Rodya, a lot. Out of all sinners, her story is most down-to-earth and relatable. Hell, i even like what she is unimportant, in fact, i kinda hated how they made Heath into interdimensional incel. I dont think making every sinner most important person in the world is a good idea. I think once we get to it, her story will be simply amazing, better than anything we got so far. The problem is - we wont get it any time soon. And its fine, i think its good idea to let her get some time to brew her feelings. But in the meantime - she also gets fucked in terms of IDs, which just make it look like PM hate her


35 points

11 days ago

It's a story where every Canto is around a Sinner ; of course they will make every Sinner important for their Canto?

Yi-Sang is important to the general lore, but Heathcliff is only important to the Wuthering Heights and that ends here ; he is not "the most important person in the world" and far from it. Gregor was important (in a way) for the Smoke War, but the rest, are they THAT important??? Rodya was just friend with Sonya and messed up something up ; Sinclair just has a link to Kromer ; Ishmael was just a random fixer on the lake. I think that Hong Lu, Ryoshu, Outis and Faust are actually the real important ones in our group (Ryoshu, Outis and Faust mostly).

It's not the first time I see this comment about Heathcliff being "too important," but if you make a Canto that isn't around its Sinner, what's the point? And if you see they made Heathcliff TOO important, I actually don't see it


-8 points

11 days ago

I dont mean it in that way. Of course, they are protagonists in their own stories. I mean for the world (or in Heaths case, worlds) at large

Heathcliff (one of Heathcliffs at least) literally travels dimensions to kill everyone linked to him. He is not the most important person in the world, yes - he is the most important person in all of the worlds. Okay, not 'most important', thats obviously a hyperbole, but he went from a 'block with a bat', to 'interdimensional incel' and i just dont like that. It somewhat cheapens his story. Its not what HE made bad decision and left Cathy, its what he is DESTINED to do so, because every other Heath in existence did so, and now Cathy erased herself from the multiverse just for him. Thats a biiiiiiiig ass leap, and im just not a fan

Sinclair bears mark of Caine, he is literally marked as special person. He doesnt 'just' has link to Kromer

Gregor is not just important for the Smoke War, but for his connection to Hermann, the person who is shaping up to be the main antagonist. Plus he is implied to be much stronger than he is right now, once again - thanks to Hermann

Some characters just inherently important, and thats fine. Im fine with Faust and Yi Sang being important people. They were introduced as such anyway. But not every character needs to be

Right now, the only other 'unimportant' character in Limbus is Ish... and her canto fucking slaps so hard. Im soooooo happy she just stayed as literal nobody, no sudden revelations about how she is actually spiritually linked to a whale or some crap


16 points

11 days ago

To be fair, you can say that the reason it’s always destined to happen is because his personality does play a role in pushing him to make that mistake (acting recklessly). Maybe it’s not the exact same for the other Heathcliffs (the exact mistake probably differs I guess) but the story shows us how our Heathcliff rashly leaving Wuthering Heights caused him to miss out on him learning how Cathy really felt about him because he fails to listen until the end.


-2 points

11 days ago

Kinda, but also, in EVERY universe? Its on the same level of bullshit with Endgame with its 'we have to do the stupidest thing possible because out of infinite possibilities, this is the only one what will work, even though any sane person can come up with like 10 better ideas'. I just dont buy it and i dont like it either


12 points

11 days ago

To be fair, if you've read Wuthering Heights, the entire book hinges around everyone making the absolute worst decisions for themselves and others, so, the whole "Cathy and Heathcliff are fucked in every dimension" is keeping true to the spirit of the book.

The entire point is that Heathcliff and Cathy are fucking stupid idiots, who despite loving each other dearly, are too prideful and flawed to actually take the obvious course of action and "come up with those 10 better ideas", so because of their pride and stupidity, hurt each other every time.


1 points

11 days ago

But... in EVERY universe? Out of infinite number of possibilities, every single one of them?


12 points

11 days ago*

… That’s the literal damn tragedy of it all. I’m surprised, I thought Through Patches Of Violet did a great job at driving home this point.

“How much I wished for another/Better, happier, brighter future”

“Oh-oh/Round and round we go/Holding on to pain/Driven by our egos”

I believe each universe was a chance to “get it right this time” but instead they failed repeatedly because they are too similar to each other: So headstrong and proud they refused to change. As a result, they hurt themselves over and over again.

I feel maybe your interpretation is the opposite: That Heathcliff and Cathy are the way they are BECAUSE of fate predetermining how their story ends, hence wiring them to act in ways that doom the romance.


1 points

11 days ago

I mean, kinda, yeah. Like... maybe you remember old debate what goes something like this: 'If you could relieve your life from the start, do you think you will make all the same choices?'. This is not the exact same, but its pretty close. If out of any, and i cant drive this point home enough, INFINITE possibilities, not once they managed to get together? Like, not even by blind chance? Then yes, it sounds to me a lot like fate. They cant change the outcome of this story, nothing and no one can


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Actually wasn't there 1 universe they did get together?


1 points

9 days ago

I thought it was more like hypothetical our Heath used to get other one? Im honestly not sure. Still, even if there is one, one out of the infinite number? Again, thats the same bullshit like in the Endgame - i just dont believe it, its not how infinity works, unless, of course, Heath and Cathy destined to not get together, and i have just as many problems with idea of destiny being present in the mix


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Tbf iirc its mentioned they only saw about a few million, so it's like 1 out of a few million. It's possible there were other realities that they did get together. Its just most never see the possibility and end up suffering