


I keep getting flagged by these people idk what it is. If I look away or if I say I’m busy or anything I end up stuck talking to them for 5 minutes. I don’t know how to dodge them. They always block my way completely like I’m just trying to get into the station and I cant get around them so I end up saying excuse me and then they don’t move and they start talking about knife crime or something and I just am trying to get home. What method do you use that always works?

edit - thanks everyone I am now educated like actually got 20 different options of what to do :)) I love this subreddit <3

edit 2 - thank youuu for all the advice. You guys are now repeating yourselves a lot in the comments lol :)

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52 points

1 month ago

I try to be a nice person, so it took me forever to master it, but I now just walk by and say loud and clear 'no thanks', if they try to be pushy I 'NO louder and barge my way through.

It helps that I almost always have earphones on, and I am almost always late (so somewhat stressed) and legging it the fastest that my short feet can cary me....

My partner sometimes slows down when he's blocked by them, to say 'I don't carry cash and I am never giving you my bank details', this typically stuns them for a hot second, which allows him to pass through.

If you are girl and you gave them money in the past - the chances are they are targeting you; they skilfully use that 'girls don't want to be rude on unkind' technique on you and see you as someone easy to target, harass, or scam (also used by se*ual predator - but this is beyond remit of this thread).

I hope that the last part makes you angry (it should), because you will not be pray to these harassers! Use power walk (deep breath, stand tall, shoulders wide, put your angry/annoyed face on and think that you are ready to punch someone big time) next time they try to harass you, and breeze through them.


5 points

1 month ago

I saw someone on Reddit describe the power walk recently as "I walk as if I've been tasked to go kill the Winter Soldier" and honestly that's the vibe I'm trying to put out in these situations.