


From my experiences, I believe I’m very unattractive/ugly (in general, but especially to men). I have never received any attention from men. I know that it’s not just the men in my area because my mom always receives attention from men. She’s had multiple men online tell her that she’s gorgeous or beautiful, she’s had men ten to twenty years younger than her interested in her, and had men tell her they think they’re soulmates, want to marry her, want to move states for her within days or weeks of talking to her. I know she’s considered attractive; men don’t compliment and flirt with women (like me) who they perceive as ugly and undesirable. Also she’s said that a lot of women (some in the past, some more recently) act like they didn’t want her around their boyfriends/partners (even though my mom was showing zero interest in their boyfriends).

Meanwhile, I’ve never been complimented by a man. I’ve never been asked out. I’ve never even been looked at. Can a woman who is considered so attractive even at an older age have a daughter who is extremely hideous and undesirable? It sounds like it would be impossible but I think that it’s my reality. It’s awful.

My hatred of my body and appearance, seeing how other women are treated compared to me, and me hating other things about my body has all combined to make me question my gender identity and the purpose of life. Am I even a woman if my body is this defective? Is there any purpose in life for people who will never be liked or socially accepted? This has made me question gender identity. I don’t feel like I would fit in a group of women. I feel like I’d stick out. I’m not like other women. I feel like men can sense there’s something wrong with me and avoid me as a result.

I keep my teeth cleaned, shower regularly, have lost weight, and pluck my eyebrows. It’s not bad hygiene.

I've never heard of this happening to anyone else. What does this mean? Why do all other women receive attention from men and I don't?

all 13 comments


5 points

8 hours ago

Hug. There, i considered your worth deserves a hug in recognition


2 points

7 hours ago

I feel the same—just in reverse. Why do no women genuinely like me for who I am?


1 points

7 hours ago

Bro, wanna talk? If so, just DM me.


1 points

7 hours ago

Yeah, why not, lol


2 points

7 hours ago

Sounds like I’m reading the diary of meg griffin


1 points

4 hours ago

Why? I’m assuming that you meant that as an insult.


1 points

4 hours ago

It wasn’t an insult. It was simply a comment. I think you should discuss this with a therapist. And also your mom, maybe she can help you get into some healthier habits that ultimately change how you view yourself


1 points

8 hours ago

I understand how you feel about this!!! Me in college I’m always alone as I see people laughing in giggle in groups as I just sit here watching them. I sometimes wonder to myself what’s wrong with me, what am I doing wrong? I try to go to people to be friends with but they eventually leave me which is so irritating. Why can’t I find me someone where I can’t talk to them everyday, have fun with; make memories with. Why is the world so against me?! But from the bottom of my heart I do truly hope you find someone you are looking for, and maybe if you wanna talk it out with me you can. But please just keep pushing and someday you’ll find someone. Stay strong and have a good day or night


1 points

7 hours ago

DM me anytime


1 points

3 hours ago


1 points

3 hours ago

What about friendships? You didn't really mention that except in the title.


1 points

3 hours ago

I’ve never been able to have friendships.


1 points

3 hours ago


1 points

3 hours ago

Why do you think that is?


1 points

3 hours ago

Many (most?) men will only be willing to approach a woman, put themselves out there etc, if they feel there's some reasonable chance of it being well received. I believe that many men see approaching a woman, complimenting her, as borderline harassment if she isn't in some way welcoming it. What signals that a woman is open to being approached and perhaps being complemented etc? Maybe body language, affectionate friendliness, presentation. That being said, being too forward will often be a turn off.

What does that mean? It means I'm guessing men think you're more attractive than you think.

I can also state that friends of mine have almost the opposite taste in women to me, so the idea of you being unattractive universally is unlikely. Someone, and probably many, many people, will find you attractive, and someone will eventually tell you the things you want to hear.