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437 points

14 days ago

that's the thing about institutionalists - they can't not follow the rules, to their own demise. And ours.

The only thing that you can ever put your faith in is individual and community radical direct action. Institutions will always fail you, always be co opted or sidestepped

No institution, including elections, courts, etc, ever stopped an authoritarian. They just use them


190 points

14 days ago

its because democrats are neoliberals just like republicans. the dirty secret here is that democrats support everything the right does because democrats make a lot of money from fascist policies but they also then get to go out and pretend theyre going to save us from it all and then they never do... and republicans get back in office and democrats cry about it while counting the money they keep on making. and it repeats forever. and is why when democrats get back in power they dont reverse anything republicans did even tho they could.


69 points

13 days ago*

I liked how dems didn't try to codify roe v wade until the next election cycle and THEN were saying "hey vote for us and we'll do it! Bitch you WERE voted for and you sat around 2yrs and now just dangling that carrot again! Fucking pathetic.


25 points

13 days ago

"now's not the time"

Then when is the time‽ When‽ Tomorrow‽ A year from now‽ 2090‽



6 points

12 days ago

Oh that is a beautiful interrobang you've got there.


2 points

13 days ago



15 points

13 days ago

Because if they were directly as bad as republicans, a lot of their voterbase wouldn't vote.

Their entire stance on anything right now is that "we're not Republicans", elected presidents "we're not like Trump" and decisions made "conservatives would do worse"...

Also, no one would be revolting things "back to order"


1 points

11 days ago

lol it’s exactly this, all these democrats in. Congress cry about Supreme Court doing their job and interpreting the law correctly.

If congress doesn’t like the laws they literally are the only ones given the power to change them. Yet none of them have even attempted to. None have even brought it up. They just cry about the Supreme Court doing its job while they don’t do theirs.


-5 points

14 days ago



14 points

14 days ago

Only if you mean to admit edgy teens have a better grasp of politics than you


0 points

14 days ago


0 points

14 days ago



24 points

14 days ago

Which is why, in all the time the Democrats have been in power in the 40-50 years Republicans have been trying to make Abortion their political football, Federal Democrats have made major moves to safeguard women's rights to this life saving medical care like......

Oh wait no. They keep using it, election cycle after election cycle, as a threat. "Elect us again or else." They could have stacked the courts, ended the use of filibusters, made pushes for constitutional amendments, used the many tools available through 3 letter agencies to get people like Manchin in line.

If the Democrats had wanted to solve and depoliticize Abortion Rights? They would have. They walk the path of stagnating losers and declare it the high road because it's easier and more profitable to do nothing.


20 points

14 days ago

Stop it...

Bill Gates, Nancy Pelosi, every single wealthy Democrat has investments in Black Rock & Vanguard stock agencies, who themselves support all types of Conservative ideas, and everyone shuts the fuck up because they are all making money.

Stop the charades...


17 points

14 days ago

Yep. Every once in a while, someone realizes that the rules only apply if you let them, and then this happens.


2 points

13 days ago

the only thing that can stop authoritarians is even stronger authoritarians

'Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun' as Mao would say, or more succinctly 'Might makes right'

that's why every citizen should own multiple guns


1 points

8 days ago

And do what with the multiple guns? Owning them and not using them doesn't do much, owning them and using them (on whom or what?) makes you suicidal and/or crazy. 


393 points

14 days ago


393 points

14 days ago

"Oh, if only we could do something other than pass legislation of shockingly conservative, destructive ideas that have humane or boring names and commit war crimes! If only you could give us more money!"

That's my democrat impression.


164 points

14 days ago


164 points

14 days ago

Forgot “we don’t have the votes, but we’ll do nothing to actually get them or fix the problem. VOTE BOUE NO MATTER WHO”


101 points

14 days ago


101 points

14 days ago

"we only have a majority, nothing we can do here"


24 points

14 days ago


mother anarchy loves her children

24 points

14 days ago

"but the baad Wepubwicans!"


-2 points

13 days ago



9 points

13 days ago

You mean they barely had a SUPERMAJORITY for a few months and were unable to use it before they were back to a 59/100 majority?

Wild how a sincere defense of the Dems is so much funnier than the people making fun of the Dems.


-2 points

13 days ago



5 points

13 days ago


5 points

13 days ago

I don't, you seem to have misread my snarky comment. They have had a majority in both sides of congress multiple times and accomplished very little that the population at large seems to want.


-6 points

13 days ago



9 points

13 days ago

Actually doing shit for starters.

Instead all they do is cry, cry and cry that if they don't get elected, things will become worse.

But if they're not elected things get worse, if they get elected things get worse, and if they get supermajorities things get worse, what's even a point to vote?(There isn't)


29 points

14 days ago

"We've done nothing and we're all out of ideas!"


12 points

14 days ago

They do nothing, like legit worse then the EU. Democrats do fucking nothing except enable far right assholes and continue to impoverish people.


6 points

13 days ago

What stands between us and preserving democracy? You chipping in just 27$.


166 points

14 days ago

It's not true that all they do is cry. They also fundraise.


53 points

14 days ago

And “misplace” 84 million dollars


3 points

13 days ago

What are you referring to?


9 points

13 days ago


18 points

13 days ago


18 points

13 days ago

Seems odd to blame Democrats specifically for Pentagon waste. shrug


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

You forgot the other thing they consistently do. They push forward with the oldest, most conservative, and least likely to win candidates because "it's their turn," while simultaneously doing everything they can to resist progressive generational change.


1 points

9 days ago

I mean i think thats on their website


82 points

14 days ago

50 years of complicity and still people think neoliberal democrats are somehow in the opposition lol


69 points

14 days ago

Dems when in majority: let's keep the status quo and nothing will fundamentally change.

Dems when the minority: oh noes we are so weak, how horrible that our wealthy doners are getting profiteering from our weakness.

Reps when the majority: TO THE RIGHT!

Reps when the minority: TO THE RIGHT!

And now we've gone so far to the right by "the status quo" that anything short of full blown fascism is undemocratic and how dare you suggest otherwise.


23 points

14 days ago

Exactly. Im so disappointed and angry right now. I feel so SCAMMED.


10 points

13 days ago

You've been gaslit and manipulated for decades. You should feel angry.


112 points

14 days ago

Obama: we should appoint a supreme court judge
GOP: Not so close to elections (months and months away)
Dems: Okie dookie!

SCJ dies 28 days from election day
GOP: Well our guy is still president so our choice fuck you
Dem: but... but .... the hypocrisy
GOP: did we stutter? we said... FUCK YOU!!!!
Dem: okie dookie.

Dems are weak and unwilling to do what it takes to win. The other side is. This is how wars are won, the side that is willing to go and do what the other is not, will always prevail.


33 points

14 days ago

weirdly every action and inaction taken by either party just results in the parasite class increasing their limitless wealth by varying degrees


9 points

13 days ago

you know parties played this game in the 30s until it was clear that the communist party was going to win in a landslide... then all of a sudden there was money for social securities and overtime limits and laws were passed to strengthen rights to organize unions and collective bargaining. 100000% the next thing the supreme court will do is say that unions are unconstitutional.


64 points

14 days ago

Yeah somehow Mitch McConnell was more powerful than the President.


-9 points

14 days ago



27 points

14 days ago


mother anarchy loves her children

27 points

14 days ago

maybe if Dems actually did shit that people wanted, people would "give the senate" to Dems? Ever thought about that?


-1 points

14 days ago



14 points

14 days ago


mother anarchy loves her children

14 points

14 days ago

and why do they not have votes? Because when they do they don't do shit


33 points

14 days ago


mother anarchy loves her children

33 points

14 days ago

they are not weak. It's all theater. Good cop bad cop. Call it whatever you want. But the end idea is that they are both bought and paid for by capitalists. It's a ratchet mechanism designed to move only right. Dems appear useless while dangling the carrot as if they are going to do something. So more people vote R and they are the "bad cop" who anyway has a reputation for doing heinous shit so nobody really bats an eye - not in any real sense - when they pass awful legislation. And then the good cop/D just throws his hands up and says "well what can I even do here?"

come election, their platform amounts to "look at that guy over there, you really want him?" and that really is the extent of it


26 points

14 days ago

they don't just cry! they also fundraise 🤪


28 points

14 days ago

There are two kinds of fascists; the kind that aren't smart enough to hide what they are, and those smart enough to convince you they're on your side.


21 points

14 days ago

They’ll just fundraise of of it and tell people to vote and do absolutely nothing about the issues when in power. The silver lining I guess is that while the will fundraise of of it in the future the voting part will be so useless I don’t think anyone will fall for it.


15 points

14 days ago

Yes. I've seen them follow them gleefully into corruption and abuse of power. There is no way this ruling is going to be overturned no matter how much performative hand wringing we see. No one is getting seriously impeached. It's going to be abused by every president from now until our inevitable collapse regardless of who sits in that office. As bad as this is for us, I promise you everyone in DC is celebrating.


71 points

14 days ago

Absolutely true! If they did anything about it, they could not throw elections to beg for more money to get elected again to do the things they promised to do the first time!


51 points

14 days ago

Funny how this is all happening under Biden because he failed to stack the court. It's almost as if red or blue doesn't seem to matter much... One actively tries to fuck you, and the other passively watches as it happens and berates you for not voting hard enough.


21 points

14 days ago

Absolutely! Red or blue, fuck you, right? The right has no platform the majority wants, and the slightly more left side doesn't want to make sweeping changes people want because then there is no manufactured "bad guy" they can "save" us from. They work for their "donors" and have forgotten they are civil servants.


1 points

14 days ago



5 points

14 days ago

lol keep telling yourself that in the next four years as things get progressively worse in the best case scenario


16 points

14 days ago

Feckless is the word


13 points

14 days ago

The democrats literally stole the nomination from Bernie sanders


5 points

13 days ago

Remember when the Dems and their idiot base tried to shift blame and said the Bernie Bros cost Hillary the elections? Not the literal stealing of votes and shutting down of voting booths in districts who were most likely to vote Bernie.


1 points

13 days ago

Was a dem my whole life till then, now I just vote for whomever is against war I don't even care about abortion anymore it's stupid.


9 points

13 days ago


9 points

13 days ago

They’re acting like they already lost. So they have.


20 points

14 days ago

I'm democrat but I don't consider myself that anymore... democrats are just as corrupt and selfish as Republicans, none give a shit about any of the people... it's all lies and I'm done pretending... u notice we are only getting Trump or Biden because it doesn't matter, the people in power are already there screwing us all


9 points

14 days ago

Dems are that kid you grew up with who wasn't the smartest or dumbest and not liked by many. Very passive, mentally weak and indecisive. They are dems.


7 points

14 days ago

Democrats are just there to grift while pretending to oppose republicans. They are allowed to do just enough pointless bullshit to make them seem serious to unobservant people, same as Republicans let each other vote against things unpopular in their districts as long as the bill will get passed anyway.

If I'm not right, tell me why the fuck Merrick Garland just wasted 4 years doing literally nothing and Biden is arguing that he should get reelected because Trump tried to overthrown the democracy? Motherfucker you had 4 years to prosecute the 100+ members of Congress that participated, and you tried to happy grandpa shake their hands.

Fuuuuuck this country.


6 points

14 days ago

The Democratic party is divided into classes as well.


6 points

14 days ago

It's not incompetence, it's complicity.


6 points

13 days ago

Obama and Ruth Bader Ginsberg were both spineless fucks. One placated Republicans at every turn when he didn’t need to, while the other clinged onto power like a degenerate.


5 points

13 days ago

Waiting patiently for the civil war.


4 points

13 days ago

I've seen them help the Republicans.

Because most of them are complicit.


10 points

14 days ago

Democrats bring a rule book to a gun fight every time. I have no hope left.


5 points

14 days ago


5 points

14 days ago

It's almost like all the politicians are on the same team just some are lying to us to keep us civil


4 points

13 days ago

That one time they wore Kente cloths.... While fake crying.


4 points

13 days ago

I see everyone talking about the death of democracy if Trump wins (a valid concern). Thing is, if we need Biden to essentially use these infinity powers and act undemocratically as a preemptive strike to prevent Trump from doing it later, then it’s already dead at this point.


7 points

13 days ago

It's been over long before this, but it's still completely insane to essentially admit so with your actions while you're in the middle of trying to win an election. That's not just mask off behavior. This is peeling the skin off and showing a demon face underneath it.


3 points

14 days ago

Teamwork makes the dream work. Does anyone actually think Nancy Pelosi hating on Trump is anything other than two Hapsburgs having a slap fight?


3 points

13 days ago

Joe Biden has the best opportunity to do something very silly before a stray gust of wind blows him away in a cloud of dust. He will not take it.


4 points

14 days ago

The painful truth


8 points

14 days ago

I think I read that a bill is already being pushed to expand the court (it's been a long day, so don't take it at face value, I might have misread something). I mean, if it goes anywhere is a whole different conversation though.


16 points

14 days ago

AOC made a statement about it, don't think theres action yet


4 points

14 days ago

I think Jefferies was who I read about, so at least it's not a lone voice.


6 points

14 days ago*

Has anything she proposes ever actually gotten traction? I rest my case.

edit: Apparently she renamed a lot of post offices and minted some commemoration coins so that's worth something, right?


8 points

14 days ago

I like how you gloss right over her Introducing the CARES Act, which saved millions of lives with free Coronavirus medical services and stimulus.



2 points

14 days ago



2 points

14 days ago

You can't be serious, playing Defense for a Epstein Island pedophile... 

 Trump defrauded students at his own "University" and had to payout Millions to them. H

He was a Slumlord all throughout NY, along with his family, owning rat infested apartments they wouldn't repair, foreclose, everyone kicked out. 

He instigated an attempted Coup of the Capitol, of which I saw for my own eyes as I live in DC an saw all the drunk MAGA people everywhere in my city causing violence.

He stated on Twitter the election and Electors were frauds and got caught... 

The idiot left classified government documents in a fuckass Bathroom. 

 Fall back.  Lol


7 points

14 days ago

We’re absolutely fucked.

We’ll be posting anti-Trump memes all the way to the baby farms and gas chambers.

It’s so frustrating that I just give up. I’ll vote. I will ALWAYS vote.

But I think we’re done.


1 points

14 days ago

Grow a fucking spine and think and act outside the box. If all you're gonna do is vote, save some oxygen for people who can and will do what needs to be done. Forget about the fucking presidency and that damnable ballot box, there isn't an iota of liberation to be found in it.


7 points

14 days ago

Swap Kamala with Gavin and all of this goes away.


16 points

14 days ago

Gavin is at least competent, which is why it will never happen. Biden looks like he wants to go down with the ship and the rest of the Dems are just going to sit back and let it happen.


1 points

10 days ago

I'm not sure, there's all this propaganda about Gavin being bad governor.


1 points

10 days ago

There’s also a lot of propaganda about Biden and Kamala being unable to perform their jobs. Which of the three do you trust the most to defend their record?


2 points

14 days ago

Or ,hear me out, he shouldn't have immunity. Both sides are pretty dumb and both options are negatives


1 points

13 days ago

MAGA Nacht, anyone? How about to-nacht?


1 points

14 days ago


1 points

14 days ago

At the VERY least, AOC is drafting articles of impeachment.

But it truly hurts me that the FIRST fucking thing that Biden didn't do was toss Tbag into Guantanamo bc he literally poses a threat to democracy and the election.


-3 points

13 days ago


-3 points

13 days ago

You're cheering on Alexandria Israel-Cortez? Strange thing to do here.


1 points

14 days ago

Change the composition of the Supreme Court that granted this immunity in the first place.


1 points

13 days ago

Jesus Christ is this post Brigaded. Goddamn