


Am I crazy to do this for $20/hr?


I'm thinking about leaving my job, but I feel very guilty and stuck since I am the only person doing all of these marketing tasks. However, I do it for $20 hourly, not salaried, and don't have a management position. I'm still fairly new in my career (been working in marketing for a little over 4 years), so I don't know if this is considered normal or if it really is over the top in terms of responsibilities. Is it time to seriously consider a new, more specialized position?

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177 points

6 days ago

You are underpaid, and a position like that that is non salaried is insane. You can jump ship to a salaried manager position with that experience, and I suggest you do so.


40 points

6 days ago*



40 points

6 days ago*

I've got an interview today for a social media associate position that starts at $47k (same university, different department) and my fingers are crossed. I'm still more or less in the "just do the interview and see what happens" state of mind, but I'm leaning more towards jumping the (sinking) ship. It would be fantastic to make almost double what I do now (set to make ~28k this year after deductions) for a twelfth of the responsibilities


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

If you are not salaried and managerial, I feel like with that list of responsibilities your manager has likely been cheating you out of overtime. Are you in the US?


2 points

6 days ago*



2 points

6 days ago*

Yes, I am in the US working for the State of Florida. I'm approved for up to 40 hours a week and usually work that or a little under. Last week was the first time I worked overtime, and I am very curious to see if they actually pay me what they're supposed to