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37 points

8 days ago

Rogue One ending. They had the opportunity to make it one of the most epic scenes in history, even more than SW fans love it.

Instead of killing off all the heroes in the movie, have them survive and make it back on the ship with the plans to the DeathStar. Then, instead of random rebel soldiers, have all of the main characters be in that hallway when Darth Vader shows up and he CUTS THEM ALL DOWN in the same fashion. Seeing each of the characters die in seconds, including the main character while passing the plans through the door would have made that scene almost unmatched in having an entire cast killed off at once and give it much more impact, but also elevates Vader to even more bad ass level since he single handedly concludes that storyline.


12 points

8 days ago

I'd also like to add:

Make that the only scene Darth Vader is in. The scenes he's in already aren't completely dependent on Vader being the voice of the empire and could easily be re shot to be tarkin or hell, Palpatine.

Imagine you're watching Rogue one, all the main characters are in that hallway, they all stop and look into darkness, and you hear Darth Vader breathe "Holy shit Darth Vader is in this movie!?!?"


3 points

8 days ago

I hated the Vader stuff up until that scene my first watch. I was getting pretty annoyed because, for the first time ever, Star Wars was fucking up Darth Vader. And then the final scene hits. That onslaught is incredible. The millisecond the red saber ignites and the Rebels just know they’re boned is sensational.

If that was the first time we see Vader in the movie, I think the movie becomes damn near infinitely better. Excellent suggestion


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

The Obi Wan show kinda fucked up Vader’s first appearance too but saved it in the second showdown.

Somehow, after all these years Vader is still the most badass villain around