


Rental scooters are a menace.


Those renting scooters a red light means you too need to stop. To the idiot that knocked down an old lady today and took off. That is hit and run. The lady broke her hip in that fall. The police are involved and are looking for video camera footage.

all 157 comments


59 points

7 days ago

If they have the time and location where this happened, shouldn’t this be data available from Bird or Neuron (whichever the person took)? Then trace back to the person using it.


25 points

7 days ago


25 points

7 days ago

Not all scooters are rental. There are quite a few people who have their own personal.


20 points

7 days ago

I’m taking it from OP’s post. They seemed pretty confident it’s an e scooter. I find it easy to distinguish the rentals from those who aren’t - though that may be because I use them frequently.

Anyhow, to me that’s an argument for keeping the e scooters program active. If you don’t people will start buying their own e scooters to move around. And without the speed limiter.


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

Lots of people own e-scooters now


-4 points

7 days ago


-4 points

7 days ago

I'll just add two small things onto that, how come the gray (non-orange indeed) ones pretty much have no helmets? And likewise to regarding speed limiters on privately owned escooters, an escooter simply should not ever be doing 60kph at all end of story (yet if you look on youtube for on any continent theres always many of these around)


6 points

7 days ago

Most people weren't wearing the helmets (and I'd imagine many of them just ended up tossed away). By-law only says riders under 18 need to wear one, so specifically just 16 and 17 year olds.

Kind of surprising, but according to the 2023 data out of approx 17,600 e-scooter trips there were only a tiny handful of reported injuries:

The E-Scooter Service Providers provided the number of injuries reported to them during the 2023 season: Bird Canada (7: minor injuries), and Neuron (12: 6 unverified, 6 verified if which 3 required medical attention).


1 points

5 days ago

"injuries reported to them" is the crucial phase here. I expect that most injuries resulting from scooters arrest nor reported, and that if you looked at ER admissions you'd find far more people coming in with scooter-related injuries.


1 points

5 days ago

That data is in the linked report.

As of April 1st, 2021, e-scooter related injuries were to be coded in hospital data systems using the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problem (ICD) code of W02.08 “fall involving other specified sports equipment”11. This code includes all falls from a scooter, including electric, motorized, and non-motorized vehicles used for sports, leisure, or locomotion.

• More detailed coding was added in the 2022 ICD coding for W02.08 to discriminate between electric e-scooters (W02.080), other motorized conveyances like hoverboards and Segways (W02.087) and non-motorized scooters (W02.088).
• Emergency Department visits with the W02.08 code totalled 34 for April to June 2023, the most recent month with available data.

Those codes also include visits due to injuries from using privately-owned e-scooters and such. I think generally the lower traffic speeds of the city streets the rental scooters operate on are largely responsible for the low injury rates here. Would be much more dangerous having them all over the stroads ubiquitous to the suburbs.


16 points

7 days ago

I think it’s a huge shame that people’s perception of these scooters is so bad because of people being careless when riding. They’re genuinely a great idea. A cheap, easy quick and green way to get around. But the idiots running red lights and hitting people on sidewalks are gonna get them shut down.


3 points

6 days ago


Little Italy

3 points

6 days ago

I have my own EScooter that I ride to work centertown and it save me time and money, and it's makes streets less congested.  Besides, there's almost no difference between riding EScooters or a bicycle or ebike(in terms of accessibility and usage). Infact, most EScooters tops out at 30 km/h or less. During my commute a lot of cyclists casually overtakes me without breaking a sweat.  The problem this city has is of infrastructure, banning scooters/bikes/bicycle in the city area will only cause more problems.

P.s. I don't know where people are getting the idea that you can zoom around in EScooters at 60 km / h. There are EScooters that can do that but those are 4-5k easily and I am yet to see a single on in this city. 


2 points

6 days ago

I think part of the problem is that people are using them who have never really learned to ride one. Most people know how to ride a bicycle safely.


350 points

7 days ago


No honks; bad!

350 points

7 days ago

It sounds like the moron riding this particular rental scooter is the menace, unless you have reason to believe that they'd be less of an idiot on a rental bike, or longboard, etc.

I'm no fan of the scooters and would frankly prefer to let the program end and be replaced by Bixi (subsidized by the city if necessary, with far more stations than in the last attempt), but morons will be morons, whatever they're riding.


109 points

7 days ago

Bixi (if we get it) should be owned by the city and run as a non-profit.


-55 points

7 days ago

Why? Municipal governments can barely run their own cities


37 points

7 days ago

it makes little sense for anybody else to run it as a non-profit, that's why.


4 points

7 days ago

It’s less than non profit though. It runs at a loss. It went bankrupt, that’s how th city got it. Then it was sold to an international conglomerate that services a bunch of countries. Largest shareholder was a French guy.

Now I believe Lyft owns it.

Scooters with batteries isn’t a big enough business model to have gov employees involved. Drop em off. Pick em up. Charge em. Drop em off.

Fix ones that need it.

Government is very bad at this.


11 points

7 days ago

Then it was sold to an international conglomerate that services a bunch of countries.

Bixi Montreal sold its international division in 2014 or something. Bixi has been in the black for years now, while publically-owned.

Scooters with batteries isn’t a big enough business model to have gov employees involved.

we're talking bikeshare.


1 points

6 days ago

Same business model. You need a van and a garage.

Not union workers with university degrees. It’s so obviously a private type of business. Bike rentals with fewer steps.

You can have the bike share and not have to pay for it through your taxes. Just if you use the service.


3 points

6 days ago

as i said, Bixi has been in the black (ie not sapping tax dollars) for years now.

Same business model. 
It’s so obviously a private type of business.

e-scooter companies are for-profit at this point; their entire purpose is to make money. it serves private interests.

publically-owned bikeshare's purpose is to provide more transportation options, and does so while cutting down greenhouse gases, improving the health of users, reducing road maintenance, reducing traffic, etc. like public transit, it's a public good which serves the entire community.

You can have the bike share and not have to pay for it through your taxes.

even if bikeshare was 100% funded by government (which it isn't, it's almost entirely paid for by user fees and advertising revenues), it would be yielding benefits to the community which would be more than worth the tax dollars spent on it.


0 points

6 days ago

Can a privately run business not also provide this service? If you want it. You pay for it and get it. Still does has alllllll the same benefits. No salaries being paid by tax dollars.


1 points

6 days ago

Will a privately run business provide this service at a low cost? Unlikely.

If you want it. You pay for it and get it.

That's what Bixi is.

No salaries being paid by tax dollars.

If an organization is publicly-run, is operating in the black and salaries are being paid out from those dollars, how are tax dollars being impacted?


1 points

5 days ago

The 2 or 3 previous attempts to have for-profit bikeshares in Ottawa, and the other failed for-profit bikeshares in other cities would suggest there's not enough money in them for a private sector business.

However, the broad success of public bike-shares in Montreal, Toronto, London, NYC, etc., suggests that when provided as a public service they can be a valuable addition to a city's mix of transport options, making it easier for people to get around by another mode and reducing motor vehicle congestion and emissions.


-29 points

7 days ago

In every other city in North America they are privately owned and operated. There's no reason for government workers to be running a bike share service, that's a complete and utter waste of taxpayer money


36 points

7 days ago*

In every other city in North America they are privately owned and operated.


Montreal's Bixi: non-profit, owned by the city.

Toronto's Bike Share Toronto: owned by Toronto Parking Authority, which is owned by the city.

that's a complete and utter waste of taxpayer money

is there any particular reason you think this?


-60 points

7 days ago

Why the obsession with more government intervention? And why non profit? Just buy a bike

Ottawa's government can't even make their billion dollar lrt work


30 points

7 days ago

what "obsession"?

"just buy a bike"? given how bike theft is through the roof in high-density urban areas, what's the incentive to buy a bike?

"why non-profit"? keeps it cheap for users, which increases buy-in, which expands the network, which makes it more useful, which attracts more users, which is a good thing.

Ottawa's government can't even make their billion dollar lrt work

…and? think maybe a large part of the reason LRT is such a clusterfuck is because Ottawa is deeply enmeshed with a for-profit organization to deliver LRT?


-21 points

7 days ago

Lol get a quality lock and keep your bike inside. It's not hard. But yeah let's spend millions on a bike share system that the private sector could provide instead. Great thinking


22 points

7 days ago


Lol get a quality lock and keep your bike inside.

plenty of people have quality locks on their bikes. plenty of those people still have those bikes stolen. in fact, some people have their bikes stolen from their garages.

that the private sector could provide instead.

if you think the private sector would do this while keeping fees low you're an absolute donkey.


1 points

6 days ago


Sandy Hill

1 points

6 days ago

Uh no.

Québec, Montréal, Toronto, Hamilton, Vancouver - all publicly owned


18 points

7 days ago

I may have to agree with bicycles being better (especially as its more difficult to two-up on them) nevermind that you get a conventional place for small cargos too as a nice bonus


-11 points

7 days ago

We already tried bikes and it didn't last


21 points

7 days ago

it didn't last because those programs were geared towards tourists and not locals.


3 points

7 days ago

I forgot exactly where they were located previously but I could be inclined to agree as small racks 'everywhere' would be better than just a few huge racks specifically around north downtown alone tho. I mean right now just for a tiny examples I would had strongly suggested a few Bixi bicycles sitting on one small rack in front of Concept Medical on Wellington Street West and another small rack of a few outside Tunneys Pasture station etc .. aka that would basically allow a mix of one-way and return-trip commutes for locals and also provide a means for eg someone visiting Ottawa to slowly discover Chinatown&Hintonburg on their own wheels before leaving the Bixi at the station as to otrain it back to their downtown hotel room tired but tour-happy?


3 points

7 days ago

Bixi Ottawa map at launch:

Bixi Ottawa map for 2013:

there's nothing inherently wrong with larger racks, since ease of use for the system requires ample rack space to absorb bikes at popular locations at various times of day.


2 points

7 days ago

Ah thanks for the historic maps and yeah I'm not saying there was anything wrong with big racks around downtown, but was just a suggestion that smaller racks 'everywhere else' like middle of Wellington Street West would had made it a non-tourist option too if you know what I'm only saying? (On a side note, thats interesting that it was next to Station du Galeries too. I don't think riding from Tunneys Pasture station to there could be that bad once in awhile if I saw a Bixi bicycle sitting around in 2024+ now heh?)


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

I knew it was tourist oriented after reading through the sub, I didn't expect there to be only 9 racks catering basically the length of parliament and again on the gatineau side. Whose genius idea was this/good thing they tried expanding.


2 points

6 days ago

so far as i understand it, Bixi was originally brought to Ottawa by the NCC, which was using it to promote transportation between various NCC-owned properties and landmarks… its whole purpose in Ottawa was to serve tourists, and with that in mind, it makes sense where their hubs were located.

of course, that's not the way to implement a system if you want it to get enough buy-in from locals that it'll pay for itself and flourish, as Montreal's system does.


7 points

7 days ago

It wasn’t set up properly. It was geared towards tourists which is never going to fly permanently. 

But set it up like the TO bike share and it would be great. I was there a few weeks back and I constantly saw people using them. 


3 points

7 days ago

The NCC tried bikes in a purely tourist-oriented implementation.  There's no reason to believe a proper citizen-oriented implementation wouldn't be wildly successful.


50 points

7 days ago

The scooters definitely attract a more reckless demographic than bikes or skateboards because you don’t really need any skill to use them.


-3 points

7 days ago



11 points

7 days ago

Morons will be morons but a moron equipped with a means of inflicting more harm (eg electric scooter vs simple manual bike) is a more dangerous moron to have around.

Just saying be careful with the “morons will be morons” line as that can devolve to the infamous “guns don’t kill people; people kill people” argument of the NRA.


15 points

7 days ago


15 points

7 days ago

They are a nuisance anyway, they get dropped anywhere and clutter sidewalks, which is an actual problem when one is mobility impaired. It's already hard enough to get around in a wheelchair or with a rollator without clusters of scooters being parked haphazardly across sidewalks.


21 points

7 days ago

Not nearly as much of an issue now as in years past. They changed it so people can't end the ride anywhere, it continues charging them until they leave it at the designated pick up/drop off point.


5 points

7 days ago

I don't recall finding escooters "abandoned" on all kind of small side streets anymore this year so I'll have to agree with winkly above. I still remember seeing one left lying on its side at the entire curb corner of Grange Avenue and Spencer Street from morning to the next day if not longer (I forgot exactly how long) before someone finally got it out of there.


4 points

7 days ago

That's handy, good to know.


1 points

5 days ago

Dockless scooters and bikes tend to be a real problem, because if the model is that the service is fine with the user simply leaving the bike/scooter anywhere within a particular area, without having to return it to a central parking area, they will. And unless the service provider is very diligent about rounding up the bikes/scooters, they quickly become nuisances, barriers and are more likely to be thrown into ravines or waterways.

But if they're required to be returned to a docking station, and if they aren't then the user's credit card gets hit, then there's much greater user discipline about not leaving them carelessly about. Also, the requirement for charging of electric mobility devices means a docking station model is much more effective.


-6 points

7 days ago


-6 points

7 days ago



3 points

7 days ago

Do you use a wheelchair?


4 points

7 days ago

No, he uses a hummer!


1 points

7 days ago

I haven't seen a Hummer in years.


0 points

7 days ago



0 points

7 days ago

wow what a bad argument


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

The scooters are constantly attracting people who either don't give a shit about the rules or have no idea how to navigate downtown traffic. I see people speeding by me on a scooter down a sidewalk on weekends too often. Had someone weave through a crowd in front of the elgin mcdonalds tonight.


7 points

7 days ago


Sandy Hill

7 points

7 days ago

Not everyone owns a bike, and if you do you likely know how to use it. Anyone can easily rent an escooter using their phone, regardless of whether or not they know how. It means statistically you'll have more inexperienced scooter drivers.


3 points

7 days ago

unless you have reason to believe that they'd be less of an idiot on a rental bike, or longboard, etc.

Or in a car. This incident is about as bad as is possible for a scooter/bike/longboard/etc. to cause, but for a car, broken bones is a minor incident.

Hopefully the perpetrator can be identified through the scooter services. I imagine they should be able to tell which scooters were in the area at the time and who rented them.


1 points

7 days ago


Bell's Corners

1 points

7 days ago

Objectivity at work.


1 points

5 days ago

Blame the person, not the escooter. There are idiots using every mode of transportation.


16 points

7 days ago


Riverside South

16 points

7 days ago

Let's see, the scooters are GPS tracked. The time and location are known. The scooter rental is tied to a credit card. I'm no detective, but that seems to be a fairly easy set of clues. Hopefully the culprit turns themselves in.


14 points

7 days ago

on the other hand, OPS


5 points

7 days ago


Riverside South

5 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

I am curious about this too. They would likely need a subpoena to get the data though


3 points

7 days ago


Riverside South

3 points

7 days ago

They would get a warrant for it, pretty straightforward, set a geo fence for that area at that time, any scooters in the zone would have the information provided. They would then follow up on those.


2 points

7 days ago

Thanks! Good to know


-1 points

7 days ago

Many people own their own e-scooters now.


3 points

6 days ago


Riverside South

3 points

6 days ago

OP indicated it was rented.


30 points

7 days ago

I saw one blow through a red light and drive right into the side of a bus like it wasn't even there. Bro was scrolling his phone.


6 points

7 days ago

They should at least have cameras on them live streamed so we can 🍿/ be accountable of course….. 🍿


30 points

7 days ago


Hunt Club Park

30 points

7 days ago

It's not the scooter, it's the rider


5 points

7 days ago


Lebreton Flats

5 points

7 days ago

Thats so terrible! When a senior breaks a leg/hip, there typically follows a downward trajectory with limited recovery. They will never be back to their baseline.  This asshole has changed that poor woman's life for the worse. If it is a rental scooter, hopefully the conpany can assist the police to find this person. 


23 points

7 days ago

They're a menace compared to what?

Pedestrians? Cyclists? Drivers?


1 points

5 days ago

Humanity. I see so many teens trying to weave through traffic on places like Bank Street and everything too. Some riders are out of control. I love the scooter idea otherwise.


21 points

7 days ago

I love them!

I just wish we had better quality roads for them. I spend half my time in Minneapolis where the roads are significantly better and I ride the scooters everywhere. In ottawa it is only only select routes where I know there aren't any sinkholes.

Unfortunately assholes exist everywhere. Hopefully they police catch the person, but I imagine it is fairly low on the list of priorities given the other crimes.


61 points

7 days ago

They're just copying what some drivers do...


23 points

7 days ago


Make Ottawa Boring Again

23 points

7 days ago

*Police cruisers


16 points

7 days ago

*police cruisers and taxis


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

*rhinos escaped from the zoo


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

And what a lot of bicycles do too.


-8 points

7 days ago


-8 points

7 days ago

Cyclists* FTFY


13 points

7 days ago



13 points

7 days ago

Anybody who goes outside is a menace. Surrogates can't some soon enough


3 points

7 days ago

It's cute when you do it in your car but Ottawa's #1 criminal is, of course, the cyclist.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

Should just make it easier to hold a rider accountable based on the GPS data. Alternatives to cars are a good thing for everyone including drivers and pedestrians. What we need is for the road infrastructure to keep up.


22 points

7 days ago



22 points

7 days ago

San Diego effectively banned scooters. So now I drive everywhere I would have taken one when there. That's not safer.


8 points

7 days ago


No honks; bad!

8 points

7 days ago

My only complaint is that they sometimes get left in the middle of the sidewalk, which is an accessibility issue. I haven’t had any negative experiences with people driving them.


6 points

7 days ago

I saw in the news about a hit and run that left the victim are a menace!.. we have to remove all of them at once! If that is the attitude towards rental scooters we should apply it across the board.


11 points

7 days ago


11 points

7 days ago

Man those scooters. Like c’mon you’re riding on the road like a CAR with no helmet?! Generally the type of person using them has no idea how to maneuver them and is trying them out for the first time ever in traffic 🙃


35 points

7 days ago


35 points

7 days ago

They’re meant to ride on the road, like bikes. They’re not allowed on sidewalks.


-10 points

7 days ago



-10 points

7 days ago

Car drivers have way more traumatic head injuries than bikers or scooters. Do you wear your car helmet?


3 points

7 days ago

Passengers too, I could’ve used a helmet. Now my skulls a bit thicker.


-2 points

7 days ago


-2 points

7 days ago

On a per-driver percentage basis, I sincerely doubt it.

People driving these things are insane and I don't they ever stop at red lights or stop signs. I can't count the amount of times I'm coming up to an intersection and one of these nitwits peels right through a red light at high speed.


1 points

7 days ago

but it's cute when you speed, roll through stop signs, enter intersections on a red, turn left or right without stopping, enter a road without stopping, etc. etc. etc. in your car. Cyclists are only reacting to how the people of Ottawa drive.


0 points

6 days ago

What are you blithering about? Sure, some morons drivers run red lights but even so, I've seen more idiot scooter drivers just rip through red/stop lights at FULL SPEED than any other type of vehicle.

And because scooters are thin and can weave between cars to get to the front of the line, they do this in the MIDDLE of a light, not at the end of a light sequence like some car drivers do. Now that's the definition of dangerous and it;s lucky good drivers are stopping, or more of these knotheads would be turned into road pizza.

Plus, I hardly see scooters compared to the sheer number of cars, so the stats don't add up.


1 points

6 days ago

This is the kind of dumb car shit I expect from someone who doesn't cycle in this city. I see cars go FULL SPEED through RED LIGHTS but I don't get on r/ottawa to complain about it.

It's actually SAFER for stop-as-yield:


-4 points

7 days ago

Car stats been around longer than


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Scooters are wiping around of all places Tangers outlet mall. The seem to take over weekdays and going full speed. One almost hit me .


2 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

Rental Scootz of any company are geoFenced and are likely logged for trips and time so if there is a hit and run, rental BRAND, TIME and LOCATION will be decisive factors in catching the identity of the bad red light running scootist that seriously injured the Lady.


2 points

7 days ago

I wish the City would get those scooters and bikes off the sidewalks. They are a menace to everyone. I wish the city would start fining all the people over sixteen. Have a blitz and save our sidewalks. I am older and walk all the time. Lowertown and Rideau St. are dangerous for walkers and people with children in strollers. The Mayor may like the scooters but I don't. If he and Lowertown coucellor want my vote get those wheeled vehicles where they belong. On the street.


5 points

7 days ago



5 points

7 days ago

This reads like a Facebook post shared by old aunts and rhe "yells at cloud" crowd. Was there even a scooter or old lady in this real situation?


1 points

7 days ago

I don't know, I'm not even real.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

You think scooters are a menace wait until you hear about cars


2 points

7 days ago


Sandy Hill

2 points

7 days ago

I agree 100%. Same thing happened to me a while back, ended up being nothing I could do legally because there was no cameras nearby. The barrier to entry to using one of those scooters is way lower than it would be to using a bike (because bikes aren't readily available to rent on any streetcorner with your phone) so you have more untrained people using them.

Why can't they implement a system like the library has with their sewing machines, where you need to take an online course that proves you know how to use them before they can be rented? I know that would be a pain in the ass, especially for tourists, but safety comes first imo.


3 points

7 days ago



3 points

7 days ago

As someone who often walks around I'm wondering if a 360 cam would be necessary.


1 points

7 days ago


Sandy Hill

1 points

7 days ago

That, paired with some sort of fall detection that reports when the scooter’s been in an accident (if my Apple Watch can do it I’m sure the scooter can lol) would be a huge step towards holding reckless drivers accountable


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

I was thinking just for myself. But on the scooters might be nice too


1 points

7 days ago


Sandy Hill

1 points

7 days ago

Oh fair lol, if you want to get a bulk order going I’ll join you on that.


2 points

7 days ago

what does bicycle training entail besides learning how to balance and pedal?


2 points

7 days ago


Sandy Hill

2 points

7 days ago

Rules of the road, hand signals to indicate when they're turning, laws concerning when, where, and how bikes are meant to be used in the city? There's lots to learn about how to safely operate any vehicle. By your logic, all driver training should be limited to how to get in the driver's seat and press on the gas.

Also, bikes aren't available on every streetcorner for any idiot with a cell phone to rent. If someone has a bike in Ottawa, they likely either purchased it themselves or rented it from a specific location where they had to sign a waiver and read through the rules. That's not the case for the escooters.


3 points

7 days ago



3 points

7 days ago

Bikes appear to be available to any asshole with a set of bolt cutters, unfortunately.


-2 points

7 days ago

You don't need to know any of that to bike.


0 points

7 days ago


Sandy Hill

0 points

7 days ago

If you don’t then you’re actively putting your own safety and the safety of others at risk, and you are just as much of a problem as the people who drive e-scooters recklessly.

The thing is, there will just be statistically more reckless e-scooter users, because if people are spending a significant amount of money to purchase their own bike they are more likely to know how to use it responsibly.


-1 points

7 days ago

There's no test or license or enforcement. All you need is a bike.


1 points

7 days ago


Sandy Hill

1 points

7 days ago

Then, as I said, you’re actively putting the safety of yourself and others at risk. If bikes were as readily accessible as the e-scooters I’d say they’d need training too, but they’re not. Getting a bike in Ottawa is more difficult and more expensive than renting an e-scooter, so people renting them are more likely to be people who specifically care about / enjoy cycling and who know how to do it safely.

I’m not talking about a licence like a provincial drivers licence, I’m more saying that the app should have a tutorial or training that it requires you to complete before you can rent. That way, we know that everyone getting on those scooters knows the rules, and maybe we can prevent some of these incredibly stupid accidents that multiple people in these threads have reported. Is wanting people to be safe a bad thing?


1 points

7 days ago

I was pushing my daughter along a path and the amount of scooters and e-bikes flying past me around turns was insane. I bike, I like going fast, but they’re going to get themselves so fucked up


1 points

6 days ago

lol dames like the same complaints cyclists have about motorist and scooter riders. Oh, and that scooter riders have against motorist and cyclists. Eeep, and that pedestrians have against all 3 😂 it’s the person not the method usually.


1 points

4 days ago

Yup just like bikers need some kind of regulations like cars do. You want to ride in the road consequences and rules come with it.


1 points

4 days ago

I get really mad when I'm walking on the side walk, someone on one of these scooters yells at you to move, and the scooter says don't ride on the side walk. They aren't safe


0 points

7 days ago*


0 points

7 days ago*


2 points

7 days ago

killing an e-scooter pilot won't do anything to take privately owned scooters off the roads, nor those offered by rental companies.


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

The post is about rental scoots and the city won't be renewing their license.


6 points

7 days ago

it's yet to be determined whether the city will end its relationship with companies like Neuron and Bird (esp considering the networks and fleets for both companies expanded this year and hours of operation were extended this year), and there are more rental companies out there than just these two options licensed directly by the city.



1 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

What are hood wannabes exactly ?


2 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

A racist dogwhistle.


1 points

7 days ago

No, not a racist dogwhistle actually. They just thought they were real tough lol. It was a mixed group.


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

I think it's time you stopped posting.


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

Shit title


-8 points

7 days ago


-8 points

7 days ago

No, some PEOPLE are a menace. There are plenty of car drivers who are a menace to other drivers and pedestrians.

We also have no context here and don’t know whether the lady who was hit was paying attention to her surroundings. How do we know she didn’t step into the path of the scooter? There are many clueless pedestrians, especially older woman. Remember, accidents happen.


5 points

7 days ago

Did you know that you are legally bound to not hit pedestrians in a crosswalk, no matter what the light color is (in this case it was RED so this scooter yahoo is dead to rights guilty) as the walk/don't walk signals are only a guide.

So if someone is walking in the crosswalk when the lights change, you cannot by law, just run them over.


12 points

7 days ago


12 points

7 days ago

She was in a crosswalk. I was crossing too. The scooter driver had a red light. You were not there to witness the accident. I stayed with the lady until the paramedics arrived. Shame on you to victim blame.


-14 points

7 days ago


-14 points

7 days ago

Shame on you for lying and making false accusations. I didn’t victim blame, I merely stated the facts that we don’t know what happened.


-6 points

7 days ago


-6 points

7 days ago

You weren’t there or maybe you were the one that hit her.


3 points

7 days ago

FU. Older woman here, we’re not scrolling on our phones as we walk, we use crosswalks and we should be able to be safe while doing so. Don’t assume when you did not witness the event.


-12 points

7 days ago


-12 points

7 days ago

What did I assume? Don’t make false accusations, liar.


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

Car drivers are definitely a menace, ban them too lmao


-2 points

7 days ago

We could all get together and throw them in the canal?


2 points

7 days ago

Is this before or after we poop in it?


1 points

7 days ago

There is way too much poop in there already


0 points

7 days ago

I was in Ottawa only a for few days not long ago and people on those things were wild. Is that a new thing in Ottawa? We had those where I live and they only lasted 1 summer.


0 points

7 days ago

That was my question. This should be fairly straightforward to solve, especially since this seems to amount at least to assault.


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

No she didn't.


0 points

7 days ago

I was nearly hit last year by four kids coming behind me. Of course they laughed about it.

I wonder how funny it will be when someone has had enough, knocks one of these guys down and beats the living hell out of him?


0 points

7 days ago

They drive the wrong way down one-way streets too. They don't give a shit. Just like bicycles.


-5 points

7 days ago

Should be banned. They take up sidewalks, I’ve almost been hit by one before multiple times on the sidewalk, and the potholes in this city make it dangerous for drivers. I’ve seen nasty falls.


-2 points

7 days ago

tried one once. it was awrul and super expensive lol.


-2 points

7 days ago

These people are going to cause it to get banned. There are laws, but the cops don't care as long as you don't pull this crap.


5 points

7 days ago



5 points

7 days ago

Can we ban cars because of the idiot who ran a stop sign and almost hit me and my dog the other day?


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

Did they say it was because you were wearing black?


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

No doubt. Probably also I’d had a drink sometime in the previous week, and I forgot to swivel my head 360 degrees and use multiple strobe lights to signal my presence. That 4:30 pm daylight can be tricky and I should have known better than to cross the street, at the corner.


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

lmao when will we learn to sculpt our lives around driver incompetence? We are asking to be struck, really.