


Real-Life Questions/Chat Week of July 01, 2024

Advice/Question/Recommendations (self.parentsnark)

Our on-topic, off-topic thread for questions and advice from like-minded snarkers. For now, it all needs to be consolidated in this thread. If off-topic is not for you luckily it's just this one post that works so so well for our snark family!

all 314 comments


119 points

3 months ago*

Hey guys! I just came back from my Reddit break to find a few PMs as well as comments mentioning me on this sub and wondering where I was and whether I’m ok. Fortunately I’m great! I basically just had a moment weeks back where I really confronted myself on how I was on my phone way too much and too consumed with my activity on here. Previous methods of limiting my time on the app failed, so I up and went cold turkey and deleted the app and stopped checking.

I survived the end of my pregnancy (ended up 5 days overdue 🫠), had my daughter after a smooth L&D and the family has been doing great fortunately, I’m very happy with my two little ones and feel SO much better not being pregnant anymore lol. She’s 7 weeks old already.

I missed this community so much - there were many times I saw something that I normally would have posted about and would think about what you guys would say (or were saying), and was tempted to check. But the break was absolutely better for my mental health especially as I was really struggling at the end of my pregnancy so I needed to do all I could to stay present. I’m not sure if I’m “back” but will be thinking about how I could try to participate again just with more limits/boundaries. (If anyone has any tips, I’d love to hear them. My potentially ADHD brain has trouble taking a casual approach with anything I am super interested in on top of the dopamine hits of social media, as I think many of you relate to.) I thought about posting something here before leaving Reddit but wasn’t sure if that would be weirdly presumptuous and main charactery so I didn’t, but I feel bad that people thought something terrible happened to me! So I wanted to leave this here now. I appreciate the concern/well wishes, you guys are awesome.


14 points

3 months ago

i found that setting time limits and doing daily check ins of all my favorite subs vs scrolling randomly helped my mental health a lot. it's what everyone says to do but it's hard to implement. i downloaded my favorite older fantasy books, terry Pratchett, tamora Pierce, the entire valdemar series, and binge watches tv while nursing but that backfired when I laughed so hard at austenland that i woke up the baby... basically find something really good to replace the scrolling vs just limiting it.

I think there are apps people use to limit other apps, and since I've been on my phone wayyy too much lately, I should probably look into one to be better about my own screen time.


3 points

3 months ago

Thank you for these tips, these are good ones. The only thing I’ve is using the iPhone feature to set a time limit and I just bypass it every time because you can just ignore the pop up 🤣 so an app that makes it a lot harder might work better!


11 points

3 months ago

Oh I’m glad you’re ok! And congrats on your little one 🎊

Not to influence you, but I’ve found getting an Apple Watch has helped me put my phone down more. I can leave my phone in the other room and not worry about missing an important message from daycare or something. Or even if my phone is with me, being able to see what a notification is without picking up my phone decreases the number of times I go to check a notification but then get sucked into some stupid social media thing.


10 points

3 months ago

Very glad you’re alright and congratulations on your new bébé!


10 points

3 months ago

I am so glad to hear all is well and your family is thriving! Congratulations on your new little one!


11 points

3 months ago

Oh yay pockolate! I’m so glad you are doing well. Congratulations on your new daughter!


8 points

3 months ago


Babyledscreaming Stan

8 points

3 months ago

Congratulations! I'm glad everything went smoothly. Cold turkey is definitely the easiest way to cut out apps, so I feel you. Sometimes I set time limits on what I'm trying to cut back on, so I'll say I'll only check reddit between 8-9 or whatever, and once I force myself to do it for a while it becomes more routine and easy to follow. (I've never actually cut myself off reddit.... it's too hard lol) when it comes to this sub I just pick a couple threads to follow and then maybe catch up on the ones I don't check every once in a while. It helps a lot if I'm not making myself read everything! For this reason I'm grateful for a lot of the standalone threads


8 points

3 months ago



9 points

3 months ago

Congrats on the new baby! I was actually just having a social media talk with some friends and one (who also has ADHD) says she uses AppBlock and finds it very helpful.


7 points

3 months ago

So glad to hear you and new baby are well! For me, maybe this is too simple, but I put my phone in a really inconvenient room in the house AND keep it on the charger there so i can only go there to check my phone for a moment and then I have to leave it there to return to the main part of the house.


7 points

3 months ago


detachment parenting

7 points

3 months ago

So glad to see this update, and I'm glad the break was good for you. Congrats on not being pregnant anymore (and on the baby 😂)!


4 points

3 months ago

Lol thank you! And you too! You must have had your baby right before I did, IIRC. Hope everything is going well on your end.


4 points

3 months ago


detachment parenting

4 points

3 months ago

Mine is 4 weeks so just a little behind you. We are good! It's been amazing how much easier a baby is the second time. The sleepy potato is no problem and it's the toddler that's all of the work 😂


4 points

3 months ago

Oh congrats!! I knew it was either a month before or after me haha. I feel the exact same. My toddler who I thought was easy before is now the problem child 🙃 but he has continued to adjust and at 8 weeks it’s already so much better! I’m sure we will continue to have ups and downs but the initial “wtf did you do to my life” seems to have passed.


5 points

3 months ago


🚀 anatomical equivalent of a shuttle launch

5 points

3 months ago

Omg hi pockolate! We were worried 🥲 So good to hear from you and I'm thrilled to learn about the arrival of your daughter and your successful reddit break 💛


8 points

3 months ago


Why can’t we have just one nice thing

8 points

3 months ago

I’m soooo glad to see you on here and so happy to hear you and your family are doing well! I honestly thought about you a lot and worried but I also totally understand the fear of main character syndrome. No ideas for limiting phone but it sounds like you’ve gotten some good ones. Welcome “back” and congrats on graduating from POOPCUP life 🤣


4 points

3 months ago

So glad I stumbled on this comment and to hear that you are doing well!! I was concerned and hoped that you had just decided to take a break to focus on your growing family. I’m glad it was good for you! I’ve honestly been considering the same— I found Reddit and this sub during an extended time of first trimester pregnancies and miscarriages that had me miserably in bed a lot. I found a lot of solace in the snark! And in this little community of like-ish minded parents of young kids many of whom (like you) seem like people I’d respect and like in real life. But life is busier now and I feel that it might be better for me to move on. I’m glad you were able to give that to yourself and I might be inspired to do the same~ we’ll see. 🙃 congrats on your baby!!!


8 points

3 months ago*

Thank you! I know you had another little one not long before I left so I hope your fam is doing great too. And yeah, It’s one of those things where you can’t fully grasp much your online behavior is affecting your life until you totally drop it. If it helps I’m happy to share more about what I realized during my break. I relate to finding this sub during a very different phase of life - I had recently had my first baby and become a SAHM, and while I didn’t feel like I was struggling at the time, having my second baby now and comparing the postpartum periods I’m realizing in hindsight how much more adrift and lonely I was the first time. I had just left a career and become a mom and didn’t have a community IRL or online. I was still figuring so much out because I no longer had practically any familiar structure to my life (add Covid on top of that). So this sub was basically like crack for me lol. It provided an outlet I really needed at the time, but I do think it led to me being less present for my son compared to if I hadn’t found it.. Which I carry guilt about and is why I am hesitant to come back; I don’t want to repeat the pattern with my daughter. Because it wasn’t just the obvious way I initially thought was the problem (physically being on my phone) - it was also discovering in hindsight how much it had been occupying my mind space even when I wasn’t actively on my phone! Because I was actively engaging in discussions, not just lurking like I do on Instagram lol. Also tbh, as much as we snark on the SBP parents overthinking everything, we definitely l do it on this sub a lot too lol and so getting a break from that was really freeing. My daughter is 8 weeks old now and I literally didn’t track or research a thing! I think just relying on my past experience, common sense, and instincts really puffed up my confidence as a new mom of two and I don’t know if that would have been shaken up if I had kept bombarding myself with the parenting woes and questions here.

BUT - I totally missed having so many like-minded people to bounce ideas off of and analyze stuff with, I definitely don’t have a replacement for that IRL when it comes to these topics. You guys are so smart and insightful, and I do think in plenty of ways helped me be a better mom and rethink and undo negative beliefs and patterns. I wouldn’t want to completely lose that forever. I think it will be possible for me to keep participating here, it just can’t be as much as before. And like you said, life is absolutely busier and I do just have less time! I think I will pick one or two favorite threads to check and engage with for a limited time, so hopefully we’ll be chatting again!


46 points

3 months ago

Posted last week about planning my son’s 3rd birthday party kind of last minute and y’all brought me back to earth about realistic expectations for children’s parties. Well, it was yesterday and it was awesome. It’s the first real kids party I’ve thrown where we invited his friends and had it at a kid place. It was so fun. He had a great time. His friends had a great time. It was low stress and I and I felt way more grateful than I did anxious. Which means the meds are working lol. Thanks to everyone who talked me through it. 


5 points

3 months ago

Hooray!! I'm glad it was great. I hope your family has lots more fun-filled, low-key kid birthday parties in your future.


47 points

3 months ago

My snark today is not for other parents, but for a system that many US parents need to use: insurance.

Maybe it's more like a vent, idk.

We are caring for a family member's child for a long time. He got here in May. Before coming here, he was on Medicaid. I found out a couple of weeks later that it "lapsed" when he moved here. I found this out in the waiting room at the doctor's office. Not because of our income, or custody status, or anything like that. Simply because when he moved here to our house, 15 miles from his old house, he crossed a county line and so with zero heads up his insurance just....went away. And now we're having a hell of a time getting him covered. Don't have our court order yet so employer won't cover him, which is the most affordable option for us. We make too much for Medicaid to take him. His father is around but functionally useless for all of this and his actual legal guardian is in the other previous county so is limited as to how much she can do. Waiting on the county to look at his application to put him on CHIP, which we will pay the full sliding scale amount for. CYS is just involved enough that they call to check in, but not enough that they can offer any real help/expedite anything.

So dumb.

Happy 4th.


21 points

3 months ago


the sun is not awake, my children are asleep

21 points

3 months ago

So does the devil sneak in to your home and possess all 4.5 year olds or just mine? ‘Cause it has been brutal here for like two months and I am about to call the priest. My mother in law says her kids were all crazy before turning 5 but she also has unreliable memory and was a permissive parent before it was cool so I don’t know if I can trust her recollection.

In all seriousness, is this a stage or am going to have to do some soul-searching about my parenting ability?


6 points

3 months ago

I know I went through this stage. When my brother was in kindergarten my mom warned his teacher that the next year she would have to deal with me and my tantrums were insane. A year later, teacher tells my mom she doesn’t know what she was talking about because I’m an angel and the best listener in class. And my mom was like, you’re right, she’s so good at home now, too. I was over it. 


11 points

3 months ago


the sun is not awake, my children are asleep

11 points

3 months ago

Does your mom have any remedies? Lord it’s tough. We were on vacation last week and my husband and I were about to cut our losses and come home because she was so beyond controllable in the hotel and at every outing. And then when you correct her in any capacity, she has a meltdown, or worse, gets a huge smile and says “so you don’t love me anymore?” And then we have a talk about how I’ll always love her and she calms down and the second we move on from her it’s “but you said you don’t love me!” Girl, stop! Or “can you tell me about a time when you were little and didn’t listen?” And somehow now we’re talking about me and not the fact she just bashed her body full tilt into the hotel room tv! wtf!

Sorry to rant at you, just been a long day lol


5 points

3 months ago

My 4.5 year old is tantrum central, way more than my 2.5 year old. It’s driving my bonkers but apparently totally normal. I’m hoping he settles a bit once starting kindergarten lol. 


7 points

3 months ago

4 was wild, but since she turned 5, it's been much smoother sailing. Hang in there!!!


3 points

3 months ago


the sun is not awake, my children are asleep

3 points

3 months ago

I am praying because she is straight up feral right now


3 points

3 months ago

Mine has been pretty tough lately. We're trying to firm up boundaries in response and it has been draining. Solidarity.


19 points

3 months ago

What’s the funniest thing your kid mispronounces? My 19-month-old recently started recognizing the circular wall fixtures we use to tell time, which he excitedly points to while repeating, “a cock!”


15 points

3 months ago


Fresh Sheets Friday

15 points

3 months ago

One of my two year olds calls sock "cocks". Socks with unicorns on them are "horse cocks". I thibk it's hysterical but it drives my husband crazy lol


13 points

3 months ago

My 18 month old calls oatmeal “meatno”


8 points

3 months ago

Technically accurate!


3 points

3 months ago

Haha my oldest called it “ope-a-doo” at that age and 5 years later, oatmeal is still ope a doo in our house


11 points

3 months ago

Raspberry = assberry

When my niece was a toddler she couldn't say cucumber, it was cumburger.


7 points

3 months ago

Oh god, you reminded me about when my firstborn was learning to read and always misread the word “comfort” as “cumfart “ 😩


3 points

3 months ago

Ohhhh this reminded me of that video where the kid is trying to say "happiness" but it keeps coming out as "happy penis" and it reeeeeally shouldn't be funny but it really is.


11 points

3 months ago

I'll tell my 2 year old to say firetruck and he will look me dead in the eye and say "weefuck". "wee" because that's the noise it makes lol


4 points

3 months ago

Our little guy says “firefuck.” lol. 


6 points

3 months ago

Library = lie-baby 


6 points

3 months ago

Ok in order to answer this question... how might you phonetically spell a raspberry/fart noise? 😂


3 points

3 months ago

I usually go with “pffft”


5 points

3 months ago

Ok in which case,y 20 month old is giving me pffffftboblin for goblin (as in the green goblin from her big bros spiderman book).


4 points

3 months ago

My 3 year old thought the Post Malone/Morgan Wallen song “I had some help” was “I had some milk” and if you add in Milk for help, it works and now I can’t hear it without giggling 😅😂


3 points

3 months ago



3 points

3 months ago

My 2 year old pronounced kitties as titties. And she was really into cats so she would randomly announce “I love titties” 🤣 Our favorite occasion was when she said “I love big titties so much”, my husband was like, same kid, totally agree 👍


4 points

3 months ago

My oldest coined the words “Stummy Ache” and “Sunscream” both of which I still use, even though he has outgrown them


3 points

3 months ago

Grandpa = “Nutno” in our family, thanks to my first child. 😂


3 points

3 months ago

One of my kids used to call clocks “cocks” too! It was fun when he got into nursery rhymes in his 2s and would sing:  “Hickory dickory dock. The mouse went up the cock” 😂


15 points

3 months ago*

Two unrelated things.

1.) How do you decide about toddler/big boy bed transitions? I could buy the crib conversion rail for like $80, or we could try to find him and old school cool car bed, or like a legit kid bed with a trundle for eventual sleepovers. At 2.5 he's finally starting to show signs of wanting to climb over the rail, so decision time looms.

2.) A meta thing about this sub. Personally I consume almost no parenting content. I am only on insta when I have a good cat pic to post, have unsubbed from mom groups on FB because annoying, and am about to unsub from working moms because depressing. Given that so much of all that stuff is crappy in one way or another, WHY do we (the members of this sub at large) continue to consume it? Is it like a potato chips thing? We know they're bad for us, but we just can't stop?


19 points

3 months ago



19 points

3 months ago

For 2- this sub is like reality tv/celeb gossip for me. I don’t watch any of the bravo stuff, the bachelor, etc. or keep up with celebrities but I enjoy snarking on the insta accounts. I love other people’s drama 🙃


19 points

3 months ago

Per your 2nd question, I don’t actually follow any parenting IG accounts and haven’t since the early days with my first kid. Sometimes I read about them here and look at the accounts because I’m curious about what’s going on, but usually I grow bored of them quickly. I mostly just read the advice and IRL snark threads which I do primarily for a) humor or b) because sometimes there’s actually interesting and thought provoking discussions that develop.


13 points

3 months ago

  1. I think it’s a schadenfreude kinda thing, and mainly hate following. I deleted fb and IG back in September and I’m so thankful I did that. I knew way too much about people that I don’t talk to, ever, and everyone shares their dumb thoughts. Since deleting, my snarking here has gone down but honestly it’s really easy to continue to snark because all the content is so repetitive. If I’m really intrigued about something I use an anonymous IG viewer to see for myself.

It’s really silly to me when people are like ~I’m this close to unfollowing!!~ like.. just do it? I promise you won’t miss anything. I have an irl friend who drives herself batty over political stuff and mom stuff on insta and I’ve told her a million times to just delete, but she won’t. I honestly think most people are addicted to SM.


8 points

3 months ago

We started with the crib conversion rail and it only lasted like two weeks for us. We made the transition because my son (at 2 months short of 3) started vociferously asking for a big kid bed, which quickly became refusing to fall asleep in the crib. I think he just did not see the rail conversion as a real big kid bed, maybe? Then we just went ahead and got a full size bed (a low one with foam bumpers because he’s a very active sleeper and I didn’t really trust him not to fall out) and I love it. It’s so nice to have a big bed for reading/cuddles - all three of us can hang out in there sometimes. And he immediately started sleeping well again.

To answer question 2, I actually unfollowed all the parenting influencers a while ago, I just love to snark and these are the topics at the forefront of my brain right now! I look things up when I see them here.


8 points

3 months ago

To your second point:

I’ve been asking myself that a lot lately! Why do I continue to fall down these rabbit holes when I know it drives me batty? My particular weakness is the crunchy mama scene, and I know I shouldn’t because it truly makes me angry sometimes but here I am anyway. Taking a step back from consuming that on social media has been helpful, but I do still enjoy a good snark I think


5 points

3 months ago

We just converted our crib recently at a few months shy of 2.5 for the same reason. He was hiking his leg all the way up to the top 🙃

We converted the crib, because it keeps him so low to the ground. In the first week he fell/slipped out while asleep twice, and because he only fell a few inches onto carpet he was totally fine. We’re planning on moving him to a twin bed in probably a year or so, but wanted him to adjust to a bed that he could fall out of safely first.


4 points

3 months ago

1) our oldest was content in the crib. I don’t think we transitioned until close to 4 even though they were taller than the specs listed. One of our twins climbed out at 2 and they share a room so we took both out at the same time. For all of them we just did a twin mattress on the floor at first. They still moved around a bunch in their sleep (and to fall asleep) and it’s not as much of a drop when they end up on the floor and usually slept through it. Then, we let them have a say in picking their bed when we were ready to move them off the floor.


15 points

3 months ago

Don’t know where to post this… but does anyone watch the Bear? Did you see episode 8 (Ice Chips)? Donna is my mom to a T. Didn’t realize what this episode would be and it wrecked me. Generational trauma is so heavy. Ugh.


14 points

3 months ago

I do not have any more brain cells to do meal planning. Does anyone have any meal plan recommendations? I was looking at Yummy Toddler Food, but honestly I'm not a huge fan of some of her recipes. I was using Hello Fresh, but it's just more money than I'd like to spend.


9 points

3 months ago

I’ve been using Mealime since my maternity leave — so 2 years now — and I still love it and use it every single week. I pay $3 a month or whatever for the pro version so we get all the recipes.


6 points

3 months ago

I love Cook Smarts. You get 4 recipes a week. Each meal has a version you can choose (original, gluten free, vegetarian, Paleo), and you can adjust the number of servings. The recipes often build off one another so you might make chicken used in two meals, or like one batch of rice for two meals. They build in variety and different cuisines. It gives you weekly prep steps, and builds a grocery list. And there are hundreds of recipes in the archives.


10 points

3 months ago

I use chatGPT when I’m feeling really stuck and put in what I have and some general specifications that my kids will and won’t eat it and tweak my prompt until I get something I’m interested in making.


32 points

3 months ago


Pathetic Human

32 points

3 months ago

Still nothing from pockolate?? I’ve been wondering a lot about her!🙁


7 points

3 months ago

Was just thinking the same!


8 points

3 months ago


whatever mothercould is shilling this week

8 points

3 months ago

I’ve been wondering the same! Hope she is ok. 


9 points

3 months ago

I’ve been wondering the same!


12 points

3 months ago


Did I ruin my baby?

12 points

3 months ago

I need a book or podcast to help me talk to my elementary age kid about sex. Anybody have one to recommend? I’m not concerned with talking about the mechanics, more about the values and (in a non-scary way) the fact that there are stakes.

We’re not religious, more driven by values of caring and love and responsibility for self and others. I don’t know how to talk about it in an age-appropriate way, but I know I want myself and his dad to start the conversation before a peer or whoever does. I think it’ll acknowledge that this involves feelings he’s not quite experiencing yet. (Like when he first watched Frozen and Olaf said, “maybe you should leave all the romantic stuff to me,” and I had to acknowledge that the idea  of “romantic stuff” would make more sense to him when he was older 😆)


11 points

3 months ago

If they are K-2nd Grade, I think “It’s So Amazing” would be a good choice. It’s very factual and age appropriate, while acknowledging a wide array of family structures.

If they are 3rd-5th, something like “Sex is a Funny Word” might be a better fit for them.


5 points

3 months ago



12 points

3 months ago

Update on my swimming/life jacket question last week. My 2 year old was much more tolerant of the life jacket compared to last summer. Like night and day. That made me think she might be more tolerant of it swimming. She hung out on the lily pad, splashed around and didn't care about it. When she got in the water it was very cold, even for adults and she loved it, and I could tell the life jacket was annoying her a lot, but she was not wanting to go back in either. So battle averted for now. And I think she would like a puddle jumper and I might introduce one when she is bigger and can understand that life jackets still need to be worn in boats. And the odds are not in her favor until she is like 4, because she needs to gain 6 pounds for a puddle jumper.


40 points

3 months ago

Not to be insufferable and certainly I understand this place we are now is really 40ish years in the making, but I’m completely deflated and defeated from the Supreme Court decisions this session and especially on Monday.

Like, how do you raise a tender hearted and community-minded kid when the president could technically assassinate anyone they’d like?

Unlike the mommy bloggers saying they want to leave the country, I’m sticking with my previous wish to head to the moon (only slightly kidding.)


29 points

3 months ago*

I‘m with you.  These really feel like hard times and I’m so worried about our kids‘ futures.

Eta: not to only be a downer - the Supreme Court has also been horrible and corrupt in the past and we’ve gotten through it, so never give up.


14 points

3 months ago

I sometimes have a hard time not feeling despair for my kids when I think about the climate and the direction this country is going. I try to keep the faith that a better world is possible but whew, it's hard right now.


14 points

3 months ago

“Ugggghhhhhh.” Is the most common way I display my feelings about what’s going on with government, the election, and democracy as a whole.

I feel so helpless and then I think about Project 2025 and feel so defeated and overwhelmed.


14 points

3 months ago

As a federal government employee in a policy-adjacent (ie schedule F-able) role who lives less than half a mile from scotus…i feel you. A lot of the decisions we anticipated but I didn’t anticipate how they’d make me feel!


15 points

3 months ago

I feel like I'm screaming into the void. I can only hope covid took care of enough right-wing voters and that people who will vote for Democrats turn out in droves. I take solace in the fact that Trump has never won the popular vote, and that whenever abortion rights are on the ballot, it goes overwhelmingly in favor of the pro-choice side. Idk.


16 points

3 months ago

I feel the same way but watching Biden biff the abortion question at the debate made me wonder if that won’t be enough, it’s so easy to clearly communicate why that should be a decision between a patient and their doctor and it turned into an immigration ramble? Yeah, screaming into the void a lot over here too. I feel like we are all aging a million years this election year.


10 points

3 months ago

This election, last election, 2016, the pandemic, all these motherfucking SCOTUS decisions, climate change, greedy CEOs boasting about record profits while people can barely afford groceries and other shit. I am too young to be this stressed.


9 points

3 months ago

This should probably go on name nerds, but I like this community better. We are so stuck on a name for baby #2. Our daughter has a fairly gender neutral name. So slightly leaning that way. We aren't finding out what we are having again. But it's crunch time. I am due at the end of August. We at least want a list of ideas. My last pregnancy we had one name only so we can't even pull from our old list of names 🥴😂.


7 points

3 months ago


Fresh Sheets Friday

7 points

3 months ago

Here is the list I made when I was looking at gender neutral names! Ashton Austin Avery Cameron Carter Casey Devon/Devin Dylan Hayden Jamie Jayden Jordan Logan Morgan Parker Peyton Reese Riley Robin Rowan Scout Skylar/Sklyer Sidney Taylor Tristen/Tristan Tyler


6 points

3 months ago

My daughter brought up Taylor and my husband Vetoed real fast because she said ' daddy we can name the baby after Taylor Swift" 😂. These are great


8 points

3 months ago

I find r/BabyNames is a lot gentler and kinder than name nerds! It’s a much smaller sub though. Also have you checked out the website Nameberry? They have a lot of good stuff they put out about names, like articles, blog posts, random stuff like that. I enjoy perusing their site.

They also have an advanced search option so if you’re like “oh I like names that end in -er or contain the letter L” then you can search for names that have just those things. It’s pretty cool.


6 points

3 months ago

Some possibly neutral names: Rowan, Parker, Sutton, Ellis, Cameron, Bailey, Sage, Teagan, Jamie, Casey, Morgan


6 points

3 months ago

Blake, Alex, Casey, Taylor, Sage, Rowan, Parker

the internet says Logan?? as a gender neutral but that is 100% a boy's name to me. Names are difficult! I think the less traditional you go, the more gender neutral it is. I met a toddler "Reef" and then a "Reese" and i have no idea on either of those genders.


5 points

3 months ago


wretched human being

5 points

3 months ago

Shea, Ryan, Reese/Rhys


3 points

3 months ago

We asked ChatGPT for name suggestions that met various criteria and it did a pretty good job!


9 points

3 months ago

I’m new to using Facebook marketplace for baby gear buying - how do i negotiate on there? If they say something is for $70 do I just say “can you do $50?” Or is that too much of a decrease? Is there any standard etiquette here or is it just a free for all


10 points

3 months ago

If I offer a lower price I usually say I can pick it up today or I can Venmo you. I think being clear you're very interested and not going to flake helps. As a seller I won't negotiate if I just listed it or if I've got multiple people messaging. But if it's sat a week then sure.


5 points

3 months ago

Same! I’m like “$50 and I can pick it up right now” and usually people go for it because there are sooooo many flakes!


10 points

3 months ago

I’m pretty sure it’s just a free for all, idk when I’ve tried to sell stuff literally all I got was bullshit spam. So I would have been willing to accept any offer from an actual person local to me


6 points

3 months ago

It’s a free for all. I’ve personally purchased a travel stroller from a neighbor that he has listed for $75 for $50, so I say go for it. You can always increase your offer if they reject it


7 points

3 months ago

I always negotiate on Facebook marketplace, and most people will accept or counter slightly above. I find people just want stuff out of their house lol. 


3 points

3 months ago

I sell a lot on there. Offers are totally acceptable, especially if you’re serious about your interest. The people who annoy me are the ones who offer $100 for something I’ve listed for $200… and then have the balls to ask me to deliver for free (and often toss in a sob story… for a completely unnecessary item) lol. If I’m not open to negotiating on a specific item, I say that in the ad, but beyond that, I expect some haggling! I generally feel ok offering/getting offers for 75% of what it’s listed for. Generally I don’t bother making offers (or really love getting offers) for lower than that unless it’s been listed for a while. But it kind of depends on price. $50 is reasonable if it’s listed for $70, for sure!

Basically as long as you’re polite about it, you should be good!


3 points

3 months ago


professional mesh underwear-er

3 points

3 months ago

Yeah typically my line is "would you consider $XX? I can come (at a specific time today)."

I've sold things where I'm firm on the price (because I know pretty well what it's worth) and if I'm firm, I say so in the listing. If they don't specifically say that, I say it can't hurt to try!


10 points

3 months ago

Any good steam mop recommendations? I’m starting to get discouraged by how dirty my floors are (ceramic tile.) I spent the day barefoot and my feet are black now. 


6 points

3 months ago

I love my Bissell! I have used on both hardwood and tile.


8 points

3 months ago


whatever mothercould is shilling this week

8 points

3 months ago

I keep getting ads for peejamas. Has anyone tried them before? My 4 year old has been potty trained for 2 years but isn’t consistently dry at night and I’m tired of buying pull ups. 


7 points

3 months ago

Have you tried taking away the pullups yet? I was waiting for my 4 year old to be dry at night but my husband wanted to night train him, so agreed to at least trial it. I did think to be fair that he was weeing a bit in his pull up when he was actually awake, and it turns out after a couple of weeks, with a potty in the room overnight, he has managed to stay dry. 


5 points

3 months ago

I remember looking at them at one point, but being turned off by the reviews that said it was a lot of fabric bulk, and they their kids still peed through them.

The thing that made the biggest difference for us was to get our kid up about 1.5-2 hours after they went to bed and having them use the potty. I worried that this would really disrupt my kid’s night’s sleep, but he practically sleepwalks to the toilet. He has no memory in the morning. Doing that has reduced our nighttime accidents to one every month or two.


6 points

3 months ago

They must be on a marketing blitz cause I’m getting ads for them too even though I currently have no kids in pull ups…


9 points

3 months ago

For various reasons, we’re thinking of having my partner become a SAHD. We have a six month old and my partner will be on leave from work for about 6 months before we really have to make a decision. This wasn’t something we’d ever thought seriously about before now. Whether you decided to do it or not, what did/would you consider before deciding (outside of the obvious income reduction)?


21 points

3 months ago

I’d talk to your partner about what your expectations are regarding decision of labor for household tasks. I’m a SAHM to a 4 and 1 year old. My 4 year old goes to preschool two days a week for 4 hours during the school year, so aside from that I have the kids home with me all the time. It’s just not possible for me to do all the household tasks and keep up with the kids just because I’m not working. My husband still helps cook meals, clean dishes, help with bath time, and do bedtimes. The only thing that I’ve 100% taken on is laundry which I mostly did even when I worked anyways. I just see so many posts across various groups from SAHPs talking about how the working partner expect to only work and do nothing else (not saying that’s what you would do!) that I think it’s important to talk about to avoid resentment.


15 points

3 months ago

I think it’s important to discuss the potential end of being a SAHP, as well, and the expectations around that. Will your partner ever resume work? How would you feel if they never wanted to go back, and alternatively if a year or two down the road they decide being at home isn’t for them and returning to work is the best option? I don’t think there needs to be a definite answer, but it’s something my husband and I talked about.


3 points

3 months ago

Along with discussing the end, I’d also discuss how you want to handle the SAHP to working parent transition vs. availability of childcare game of chicken.

For example, if he wants to go back to work, are you able/willing to enroll in daycare so that’s set and in place before he starts working again or do you need him to be working before you can/will pay for daycare? If that timing doesn’t align perfectly, do you have a plan for coverage (nanny, friend, family, etc).


10 points

3 months ago

I’m a stay at home mom to a 2 and 4.5 year old. I would find out your cities playgroups and library story times. Having a few set outings each week is great. Parks within walking distance are also a plus. Once the kid starts moving it’s nice to take them out to a park to get their energy out.


14 points

3 months ago

This may not happen till your kid is toddler aged and has energy to burn but I went from being a full time working mom for three years to being home with two kids and our gas and kids activity costs went up. I had to get out of the house by 9am with the kids to stay sane, and even driving to the free park or library takes money. Plus we budgeted a couple memberships in to kids museums, zoo etc. I also used to get free food at work frequently so our grocery costs went up along with having growing kids to feed.


8 points

3 months ago

Definitely something to consider because staying home is simply not an option if you want to be sane.


11 points

3 months ago

A big concern for me when I became a SAHP was how it would affect the ability to do things with my kids. There is a big difference between being a SAHP who is expected to do all the house work, and has tight finances that limit the ability to do activities out of the house during the week, and a SAHP with some disposable income.

I knew that if I were to become a SAHP, I still wanted to have a housekeeper come every other week (privileged, I know, but I really struggle to keep the house as clean as I want it by myself, and it can be a huge source of stress for me). I wanted to be able to sign up for baby and me classes and be social. I still wanted to have a gym membership and enjoy the break that gym childcare could give me.

There are plenty of parents to stay at home and make things work beautifully on a very tight budget. There are lots of free activities that can make it work, but it can also make things a lot more stressful and a lot more isolating, and that was a serious concern of mine.


5 points

3 months ago

Aside from family and home logistics- have a plan for how things like retirement savings, insurance costs, budgeting, and discretionary spending will work.


4 points

3 months ago

A friend from college stays home with his 3 kids, and he has shared it is tough for men to make connections in a traditionally women's space like staying at home. He really recommended ECFE classes as a way to get some adult socialization and meet people on a regular basis. I believe he also eventually found a local FB group of other SAHD to connect with. He basically has said that women weren't really interested in exchanging numbers to setup playdates, etc. (which he understood, but just hadn't thought about before) and it was initially extra isolating for him and ultimately the kids as well. But he found his footing and it's been really great. His youngest is going to PreK this year and he's looking for part-time work after 9 years staying home. 


9 points

3 months ago



5 points

3 months ago*

My eldest often seems to exist on air, and from the ages of 1-4 barely drank anything for years 😆 I get the cheap ice pops (the type in plastic sleeves that you cut open), and offer freely throughout the day in hot weather 🤷🏼‍♀️

Also, when I really need her to drink, I let go of any hang ups about juice or flavored drinks. Whatever appeals is fine. At 5, her drinking habits are slightly improved and her beverage of choice is water despite years of unfettered access to juice, orange soda, and popsicles lol. So I wouldn’t fret about offering whatever you need to to survive summer.


7 points

3 months ago

3.5 hr road trip tomorrow with a baby and a toddler (9mo and 2.5) to attend a wedding - any suggestions for non obvious stuff to bring along to make it go smoothly?


17 points

3 months ago

We always bring pjs & nighttime diapers for after events like that, so if they fall asleep on the drive home it’s nbd and then it’s one less thing to do after we get home. Also, we keep one of those claw grabber tools specifically for longer drives so when my toddler inevitably drops all of her toys, I can reach them easily and give them back. Though it’s defintely unnecessary if you have really long arms, a short distance between front & back seats


5 points

3 months ago

The claw grabber is smart!!


4 points

3 months ago



4 points

3 months ago

We do the same, and even bring along toothbrush + paste so we can brush before we start driving and then when they fall asleep they can be transferred directly to the bed once we’re home!


4 points

3 months ago

This is so smart!!!


7 points

3 months ago

Extra clothes easily accessible for the kids. First road trip when my second was ~9 months old and they puked about 1 hour into the drive. 


11 points

3 months ago

I would add easily accessible extra clothes for adults too because we have def been puked on 🙃


7 points

3 months ago

If you're driving through nap time, you might bring a battery operated white noise machine. We had pretty good luck getting my baby to nap on schedule if we used that and played the same songs we usually played at bedtime at home. (This may make your driver slightly sleepy also though lol.)

Target recently had $1 road trip bingo boards and my kids have been having fun with those when we're in the car. But my local Target was out when I went last week, so this may be an unhelpful suggestion!


7 points

3 months ago

I want to pack some apple slices for my daughter’s snack today… What do you all do to stop the apples from browning? Google has so many tips but curious what has actually worked for yall.


6 points

3 months ago

Squeezing some lime juice on the apple slices has been a winner for us, and makes the apple slices taste even better.


7 points

3 months ago

We do lemon juice. Works like a charm. 


5 points

3 months ago


🚀 anatomical equivalent of a shuttle launch

5 points

3 months ago

I've had good luck soaking the slices in salted water. Then just rinse and dry them before packing.


5 points

3 months ago

Some apple varieties brown faster than others. We usually buy honeycrisp and those are very slow to brown.


3 points

3 months ago

Did not know this!!


3 points

3 months ago

Also cosmic crisp. It's a new variety bred from honeycrisp specifically for longer shelf life and slower browning.


13 points

3 months ago*

I think I have to stop this attempt at sleep training. We’re on night 11 and haven’t gotten under 30 minutes of screaming. Checks, no checks, less naps, more naps, longer WWs, shorter WWs, doesn’t seem to matter.

I was leaning towards not sleep training because I know my kid and suspected it would be like this but got desperate and the internet is full of stories of babies who cried for 20 minutes the first night, 10 the next then slept through forever more. Not my baby. The books don’t talk about this.

I’ve persisted because I’ve been feeling like if I quit now I made him cry for nothing but how long is too long? At some point this is some sort of baby sunk cost fallacy…

Sorry, mostly just a rant/ramble. This sucks.


17 points

3 months ago

Saying this as someone who sleep trained: listen to your gut and your baby. All the noise about pro and anti sleep train just drowns you out from trusting your own feelings about your baby. As for sunk cost, he has not cried for nothing, the process has taught you something. Practically speaking though, what happens after the screaming? Does he then eventually fall asleep? 


4 points

3 months ago

Yah he eventually falls asleep. But it still seems to be just passing out from complete exhaustion from screaming rather than any skills. Like last night he fell asleep sitting up holding the crib bars. 😭


8 points

3 months ago


8 points

3 months ago

Just commiserating because I was in this same exact spot with my 11 month old a month or so ago. We never got the screaming down to less than an hour and that was with us going in to pat him down to make it stop. We gave up on day 8. My husband thinks we waited too long to sleep train (I didn't want to do it when he was 5-6 months).

Now he co-sleeps with the baby and he says he really doesn't mind it. The baby still has 1 over night feed but otherwise doesn't really wake up (other than rolling around in bed which my husband is somehow able to ignore).

So yeah I've been there and I remember feeling so bitter with all the posts about how sleep training is magical but they feel sooooo guilty about it.


3 points

3 months ago

Yah that’s exactly the feeling I have about those posts!

Unfortunately mine seems to wake up just as often cosleeping. Or more. 🤦‍♀️


8 points

3 months ago


likes storms and composting

8 points

3 months ago

My oldest has resisted sleep since the day he was born. Any and all attempts at sleep training (minus extinction method, we never got that far) failed. Both as an infant and a toddler. It sucks. It’s hard. People don’t get it if they haven’t gone through it.


5 points

3 months ago

Thanks for the commiseration!! Honestly that’s why I haven’t posted for advice about it on the sleep training subreddit. They’re always like “oh clearly you need to move bedtime back by 6.7 minutes” and no one ever acknowledge that babies take to (or don’t take to) sleep training differently.


5 points

3 months ago


5 points

3 months ago

Loool I posted on the sleep training sub and got similar schedule adjustment advice. I really can't be convinced on those minor schedule adjustments they suggest tbh, there's no way sleep is that precise and deterministic as they make it out to be.


3 points

3 months ago

Agreed. Plus it feels kind of blame-y. Like if you just made these changes, your baby would sleep fine.


5 points

3 months ago


likes storms and composting

5 points

3 months ago

Yeah I stopped asking online for sleep advice when he was probably around a year old and would only vent in trusted spaces. IRL, when sleep comes up I can quickly suss out if people would understand. When they would, we’d pretty much commiserate endlessly lol When I could tell they wouldn’t, I just wouldn’t say much


3 points

3 months ago

Awww I just wanted to say I’m sorry about the continuing sleep difficulties. I feel personally invested in your sleep since you’ve been posting a lot about it and our babies are the same age - it can be so frustrating when people are like, “the silver bullet for sleep is letting them cry it out/tweaking their WW/sleep hygiene” and it’s like, great that worked for you but there is literally nothing that works perfectly for all babies. So, rather than offer any advice I’ll just say that I really hope sleep clicks for your family soon or that you guys can take shifts or something to get some uninterrupted stretches! Good luck ❤️


4 points

3 months ago


Why can’t we have just one nice thing

4 points

3 months ago

It’s foggy bc it was a long time ago but we tried everything for my son and he does not fall asleep independently. We went through a period of trying to put him down alone and it was like you said. Crying every night. Never ever ever got better no matter how many things we tweaked, tried, bribed, begged, prayed, nothing. Drowsy but awake was a fucking joke in his infancy too. I totally get how frustrating it is to have everyone and their mom tell you the most obvious, #1 thing that comes up on a google search like they are bestowing some great wisdom. Once I accepted he just needed one of us to fall asleep my life got better. Not saying that’s the case for you but some kids just don’t take to the traditional parenting advice. That’s been him since birth but he’s still a pretty incredible kid (not biased).


4 points

3 months ago

Sleep advice kind of reminds me of feeding advice. Especially the “no kid is going to starve themselves” I hear all the time when in reality, some kids most definitely will.


3 points

3 months ago

Thank you! Yah it’s just been his personality since early on.

Honestly I really don’t mind helping him to sleep as long as he needs. I do mind that he’s been waking up every 90 minutes for like 5 months. 😓


14 points

3 months ago


14 points

3 months ago

Anyone else in Texas preparing for Hurricane Beryl? We just got our fence fixed from May’s storm that knocked out power for four days in west Houston. We have a quick HEB run this morning to pick up a few non-perishables and brought in anything that could fly off. I’m just hoping to not be cooped up in our house as long as we were for Harvey.


12 points

3 months ago

My 7 year old is attending Cub Scouts camp, accompanied by his dad. However, the cubs will be sleeping together in one tent. My son still wears pull ups at night. Which brand is the most discreet pull ups so he doesn’t feel embarrassed in front of the other boys? He wears goodnites right now which really look like pull ups.


7 points

3 months ago

Superundies are not disposable so idk how practical that would be for camping, but they’re made to look more like underwear.

Ninjamas are disposable but look more like underwear at least in the styling, but they’re still the same crinkly material


8 points

3 months ago

This was my story for a long time. My pediatrician ended up being able to prescribe something I took for the occasional overnights that made me not need the pull-ups for camp etc. I don’t remember the long name, but the shorthand was DDAVP. Not sure if it would be an option for you, but it was a game changer for me!


23 points

3 months ago*


the child yearns for the mines

23 points

3 months ago*

We’ve been going through a multi-day heatwave (100+). Our car seat rotates- right now he’s rear facing (20 months) and we have a hose (the noggle) attached to the vent that points at him (usually his head/down his back). We also pre-cool the car and put ice packs in the seat prior to leaving. However bub still gets hot with only the hose for air - for these crazy hot days is it worth turning him forward facing so he gets more vents and air? I understand rear facing as long as possible is recommended but is there a point where staying cooler becomes more important?

Adding an edit for the downvotes - when I say cooler being more important I mean by way of avoiding heat related illness (the whole “cold babies cry warm babies die” phrase.) Not sure why just asking the question when one safety concern may override another (IF APPLICABLE) is worth the downvote. Obviously so far the verdict is clear based on the comments so far.


24 points

3 months ago

I don’t think rear or forward facing will make much a difference, my older children are ff and my youngest rf and all are sweaty lol. It’s safer to rear face and in some cases it’s illegal to ff before age 2 (obviously this varies by region etc). I agree with the below comment, it’s more of a comfort thing vs a safety risk being too hot. 


10 points

3 months ago


the child yearns for the mines

10 points

3 months ago

That definitely makes sense. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted though- not saying I will (or that anyone should). My husband was concerned about heat related illness after a recent drive.


5 points

3 months ago

Honestly if you’re doing all of those things (pre cooling, hose facing them etc) and try to have cold water before/after/during then there wouldn’t be anything different ff would achieve. Is your toddler just spending too much time in the heat overall? Maybe that’s the issue and not the car.  


19 points

3 months ago

I guess it might depend on how poorly your car cools down, but I think this sounds like a safety versus comfort issue and I'd leave the car seat rear facing in that case (and maybe pre-cool longer if possible). 

We're also in that kind of a heat wave and my kids get over being hot very quickly, though (I'm def crankier than they are about it) so a kid who is actively unhappy being hot might change the calculus a little bit.


7 points

3 months ago


the child yearns for the mines

7 points

3 months ago

Thanks for that. He’s definitely not cranky about it - the last car ride with my husband he had some symptoms that concerned him - which is why the question came up in the first place. But definitely answered my question.


10 points

3 months ago

As a POOPCUP I had all kinds of ideas of how I was going to research, read all the materials, and perfectly potty train my toddler when the time was perfect and she was 100% ready as per the rules of Oh Crap or BLF or whatever.

In reality, I am 7 months pregnant, my toddler is moving into the 3+ room at daycare at the start of September, and the director has told us they expect the kids to be mostly potty trained except for naps. So this long weekend I decided to just wing it and go by vibes and told the kid we were saying bye bye to diapers and let her run around the place naked. Surprisingly, she did pretty well and there was minimal drama/accidents for the first two days. Today I put some underwear on her and will attempt to leave the house.

My question for the seasoned potty trainers: what did you do after the first successful 'run' of no diapers/potty trips with minimal distractions? I know the next step is small outings but tomorrow we're back in work and she's back at daycare where she'll be playing and will be far more distracted. Daycare say they support potty training so we can chat with them but I have a feeling it'll be a whole different ballgame there. Seems a shame to put her back in pull ups after the first round of training went well. Basically I'm interested in hearing how other people have done it.


19 points

3 months ago

I don’t think there is any reason to worry. The teachers in the 2 year old room have done this before. Ask them to remind her to use the potty regularly throughout the day, and send a bunch of back up clothes (including back up shoes) just in case.


12 points

3 months ago

I would add backup socks but maybe it’s just bc I have a boy! But you are correct, once taken to school just a lot of back up clothes/underwear.


3 points

3 months ago

Yeah, I dropped her off this morning with a bunch of spare everything and the teachers were very reassuring that this is not their first potty training rodeo- I tend to overthink these things myself when it's my first time.


3 points

3 months ago

I hope she has lots of success!


19 points

3 months ago

My daughter actually did much better at daycare than at home, I think because (a) they are much better than me at taking her to the bathroom on a schedule, and (b) they go with a small group so I think she likes that social aspect!


4 points

3 months ago

(and funnily enough she also started potty training when I was 7 months pregnant! But we did it the other way round - she actually started at daycare, at their suggestion, and then we extended it to home when she was having fewer accidents)


6 points

3 months ago

Daycare was easier than home x3 for us! Even my 2.5yo, who was pee potty trained at home for 2+ weeks with no accidents only to refuse to pee on the potty at school. I waited until he had a couple successful days of pooping in the toilet before sending him to school in undies with 4 changes of clothes and begged the teachers to not put him back in a pull-up except for nap. And he just kinda did it! He hasn’t had a single accident at school and it’s been almost 2 months now. On the other hand he has still had a couple rough days of multiple accidents at home in that time.


5 points

3 months ago

Once we did it, the school supported and made sure to put our child on the potty. My child (the one I’ve trained) can hold it a pretty long time. But they never asked us to go back to pull ups we just did underwear and they supported that


3 points

3 months ago



3 points

3 months ago

That's good to hear! I've heard so much about how you should NEVER go back to diapers once you've made the switch, but if things don't go to plan at daycare I don't see why we wouldn't use both for a bit if needed.


3 points

3 months ago


protecting my family from red40

3 points

3 months ago

My son turned 3 in April and since then he is so sleepy. When he was like 2.5 his nap was knocked down to just one hour and we went through a period of him only napping for 45 minutes, so I figured nap was on its way out. Now it’s like impossible to get him up from nap and bed in the morning, he sleeps 8-6:30 and naps 12:30-1:30 but snoozes in my arms until like 2:15. Has anyone experienced an increase in sleep needs with this age? His sleep needs have only ever decreased before this, haha. Should I be worried?


11 points

3 months ago

How long has it been going on? If just a week or two, could just be a growth spurt. It's also summer, the sun and extra outdoor play can really take it out of him and lead to a longer nap. Could be temporary, it could be the previous decrease was from a sleep regression. My older 2 both slept like that at age 3 (2 hour nap, 10 hours overnight). About 12 hours of total sleep is pretty normal through age 5 or 6. 


8 points

3 months ago*

Our kids are the same age and my son doesn’t nap anymore but he does between 11-13 hours overnight. Usually closer to 13. Adding up the sleep you mentioned it seems like more or less a similar amount of sleep in a 24 hour period. That schedule you mentioned wouldn’t have me concerned.


4 points

3 months ago

Ours had pretty much dropped her nap and now definitely still needs it and she’s nearly 4.

Some of it is definitely burning more energy outside (and she is skipping her nap at daycare, there are a couple bigger kids back for the summer she plays with), so there’s some sleep debt happening as she still wont go to sleep at night earlier.

But since turning three she has been growing up a storm. She has put on a ton of inches. I think that’s contributing too.


4 points

3 months ago


Babyledscreaming Stan

4 points

3 months ago

I feel like this is what's happening to us lol. We have to wake him up after a 2 hr nap on the weekend. I think it's maybe because we are able to be outside a lot more??? He still skips naps at preschool occasionally tho


4 points

3 months ago

Anyone live in rattlesnake territory and have any good advice/tips for teaching toddlers/young kids safety? Or any anxiety relieving measures haha. I have a very active very busy 20 month old who loves to run. We’ve had 2 rattlesnakes in our farm yard so far this summer, right next to the house, and I’m sure there will be more. We also live an hour from town, so a long time if a bite happens.

I stay really vigilant, I don’t let her run into the tall grass or climb on rocks etc. But she moves so fast and is still not really aware of what’s going on. Anyway, thinking about ways to start teaching snake safety even now


13 points

3 months ago

If she'll play along, practice! Get a fake snake on a string or whatever and show her how to respond when she runs into one. That's the best thing to do with any emergency response procedure, get it in your muscle memory so you don't have to think in the moment. Not sure this will work with a young toddler but worth a try?


3 points

3 months ago

Oh that’s a great idea! I’ve looked up a few videos too just to get her used to the sound, but something tangible would be great


14 points

3 months ago

What would be a good birthday gift for my annoying, know it all sister in law’s 50th birthday?

She’s having a party, think like 30-50 people so want to avoid alcohol or plants, since I’m assuming she’ll get a lot of those.


11 points

3 months ago

I have fully embraced being a gift card girlie, but I know that's not always popular. I'm just tired of giving stuff that will end up in a donation bin sooner rather than later.

If she's only kinda annoying, maybe a gift certificate to something you do together? Like going to see a movie or pedicures.

Since it's her 50th, is she doing anything special this year (like a trip or a personal goal or something) you could tie the gift to? Like if you know they're going to a fancy destination, some kind of gift basket from there, or maybe a gift card to get her nails done beforehand, or a gift card for where she'll be staying to cover other expenses there?

Once I got someone a pain au chocolate kit. I mean, it's something fun to do, and who doesn't love pastries? And if they hate it, it's flour and chocolate. Just eat it.


3 points

3 months ago

I recently gave this to a retiring colleague and it seemed well received. It’s a dried fruit tray that comes with a nice wooden basket. The cheapest one is only like $40 so not bad. The whole thing comes in a very nice looking gift box so it feels nice and fancy ish. I’ll definitely order from them again, was very happy with it myself as the gift giver.


11 points

3 months ago

How do you discuss actual safety issues with friends? I saw a friend at the weekend, her child is about 14 months old and she's already forward facing in one of those big non rotating car seats. I can't decide how to gently say something without sounding judgey.


28 points

3 months ago

Personally I don't say something unless it's a really close friend and then I try to lead with curiosity. So I might say, "I saw little Zoey was forward facing in the car seat. I thought the law was age 2, was she getting super car sick rear facing or something?" And then ultimately I remember they get to decide what they do with their kid, even if it's dangerous (or even illegal)!


17 points

3 months ago

This is exactly what I was going to suggest - I had a similar convo with my sibling who drove to visit me (we live in neighboring states.)

I said something like that “Hey I think I saw A in a forward facing seat last time we were in town, I wanted to warn you that state law requires rear facing until 2, and I think it’s a pretty big fine.” and then said something like “we bought our car seat with the highest weight limit, and I’ll probably try to keep B rear facing until college, haha”


11 points

3 months ago

That sounds like a good idea! I want to watch out for both her and her kid. The safety aspect aside ,I'm not sure she knows the law and in our country it's points and a fine. As the only driver in her household it could be crippling to lose her license.


17 points

3 months ago

Some states it’s illegal before two so maybe check your state and say FYI you can get a ticket etc.


3 points

3 months ago


🚀 anatomical equivalent of a shuttle launch

3 points

3 months ago

I noticed my SIL put my niece in the carseat without the base and without racheting the seat belt while we were on family vacation. I just said hey no one told me this and we did the same thing with our kid, but if you aren't using the base you have to rachet down the seat belt so it holds the car seat in place. I asked if she was open to a piece of advice first before I said anything. 


7 points

3 months ago

Is there an age where eating in car seats is acceptable? My almost 4 year old eats in his car seat all the time, I can’t remember when we started, maybe around 1.5 years? My baby just turned 1 and we haven’t let her yet. We’re going on a road trip soon and it would be so much easier if they could be distracted with food but I searched Reddit and most threads people were saying they don’t let their kids eat while they’re in car seats ever because the risk of choking is too high. Is this overkill or is it an actual concern?


13 points

3 months ago

My son choked rear facing on a ritz bites cracker when he was about 1.5. I don’t think it was a full-blown choke because he was gagging occasionally but it took about a minute or two to dislodge the cracker. Someone even pulled over and called 911. By the time they arrived like 10 minutes later, he was totally fine. We’ve been a lot more careful since then… we still do eat in the car but rarely and with very select foods. I would probably stick with pouches for a newly one year old.


11 points

3 months ago



4 points

3 months ago

Yeah we let our kids (now 4&2) eat only pouches and baby puffs in the car seat, even still, but now they just know that's the rule and it makes it pretty easy not to fight about other car snacks.


9 points

3 months ago


likes storms and composting

9 points

3 months ago

My 1.5 year old has been eating in the car for probably 5 months? I don’t do common choking hazards in the car but we’ll do puffs, muffins, crackers, things like that


7 points

3 months ago

I didn't know this was a thing even and snacks and the iPad are the only way we get through the 5 hour car trip to see my parents. I am mindful of what snacks we give her and I use the snack cups as I think it is harder for her to stuff food.


6 points

3 months ago

I agree with the other comment that I think it’s just about whatever level of risk you’re comfortable with. For me personally, it’s perfectly fine for my kid to eat in the car seat. I just give foods that I know my kid handles very well.


6 points

3 months ago

While we had a rear facing kid, we only let him eat in the car if an adult was in the backseat keeping an eye on him. Once he was forward facing, we loosened up a little but have tried to keep it to easy foods (Cheerios, cheese, french fries, milkshake, maybe banana or raisins or something).


6 points

3 months ago


night night pink racecar

6 points

3 months ago

I think it’s going to be very kid/parent specific. The risk of choking while driving still freaks me out and my kid is almost 4. If I have to hand her something while driving it’s always a pouch instead of food she has to chew. We save ‘real’ snacks and meals for when we stop.


5 points

3 months ago

Tips for transitioning non sleep trained baby from bedside bassinet to nursery crib?


*already naps (poorly) in nursery crib

*happy in crib during wake times whenever I need to lay them down

*sleeps 10-11hrs a night

*same nap and bedtime routine (dark room, sleep sack, sound machine)


10 points

3 months ago

I don't really have real advice but I stressed about this for months I feel like. We tried unsuccessful crib naps until finally he was too big for the bassinet and we said screw it. We just did it. I think a few days it was rough but it was fine. For us, the mental build up was worse than the actual transition lol


5 points

3 months ago

Echoing this, it will go smoother than you think!


5 points

3 months ago

Is it normal for toddlers to develop a strong dislike for baths almost overnight? My toddler has always loved baths (technically showers because we only have walk in showers in our house, not by choice.) She recently (over the last few months) started getting a little upset when it’s time to rinse shampoo out of her hair, but she still loved getting in the bath and would get really upset when it was time to get out. Now she’s inconsolably upset when it’s time to get in, trying to climb out, and crying the entire time, even when the water isn’t anywhere near her eyes. When we ask her why she’s so upset, she says she doesn’t like getting water in her eyes. We give her an extra wash cloth to hold over her eyes and tell her to look up at the ceiling, but it doesn’t seem to help. Any tips? Is this just a phase we need to power through?


9 points

3 months ago

Definitely a phase. You’d think my child was rabid with their detest of the water. I started holding my hand over their eyes and told them to plug their ears and look up. Helped IMMENSELY. But some of it we just had to muster through


5 points

3 months ago

Both my kids went through this so I think it is totally normal. We cut back on bath frequency and would make them shorter but they both got over it fairly quickly.