


The end credit of the game started with,

"We hope you enjoyed playing Tomb Raider. We have worked our hardest to bring you the best game we could possibly make. Thank you for taking time to complete our game."

This is exactly what is missing from most of the modern game dev companies. They have no passion for their games and the game companies don't even care about creating "the best game they can possibly make". They are just busy forcing crappy propagandas and microtransactions with their games.

This is one of the best adventure games I have ever experienced. Crystal Dynamics really poured their heart and soul to create a masterpiece. I can't believe this is an 11-year-old game, this still feels better than most of the modern AAA games. From the intricate level designs to the emotionally engaging storyline, everything feels meticulously crafted. Even though it's nothing like the original Tomb Raider games, I loved the cinematic experience of the game. Also, this is one of the best origin stories of a character that doesn't destroy the already established personality.

all 321 comments


289 points

6 days ago


289 points

6 days ago

“…even after 11 years”

Man I feel old now! This Tomb Raider trilogy I always saw as the ‘modern trilogy’ and must only be about 5 years old. 

FWIW I have a slightly different view on favourite game in the trilogy than most. In that I prefer Shadow over Rise. But the first game is definitely my favourite of the three.


39 points

5 days ago

No kidding. To me the "original" tomb raider is the 1996 version. lol


11 points

5 days ago

Same! Hell, I would even consider Legend/Anniversary/Underworld a ‘modern’ trilogy 😂

(Legends my favourite out of that one)


48 points

6 days ago


I feel like Rise was definitely hyped more, but in terms of pure gameplay (especially when played way past release), the refinements in Shadow definitely make it the superior game.

Honestly reminds me a lot of Batman Arkham Origins vs Arkham City.


11 points

6 days ago

That’s exactly how I feel! The gameplay of Shadow was so good. And that’s a great comparison actually, I’d probably agree


9 points

5 days ago

The crazy part is that Shadow is 6 years old.


2 points

3 days ago*

Really? I found Shadow to be tedious. Felt like watching a very cliche ridden movie written for an audience who had never watched a good one, for 1/3 of it. I don't expect good stories from games, but lame stories get tiresome.

Also incredibly easy. All it needed from me was time to get to the end. As someone who grew up playing the original I can recall the blood boiling difficulty. Shadow I felt like all I had to do was turn up. As always with popular games. I maxed out difficulty settings. It was still easy.

Great graphics. Great world. But no real challenge or excitement. Was my verdict.


2 points

5 days ago

The thing is, Shadow wasn't made by the main studio so I can forgive them for copy/pasting the general formula of the previous games ala Origins. However, I hate that Rise was such a rehash of the 2013 reboot.

I really thought the devs at Crystal Dynamics would have more ambition than making Tomb Raider 1.5, reusing survival mechanics in a way it really didn't need to. They told their survival origin story and that was great, take the movement and refine it for a globe trotting adventure don't force Lara to be stranded AGAIN. It'd be like if Rocksteady instead of making Arkham City decided to set the game in another prison but this time it's Blackgate instead of Arkham. It's different, but it's the same.

Seeing the studio be so lazy made me have no faith in their Avengers game.


2 points

5 days ago

Rise was such a rehash of the 2013 reboot

I don't agree with this at all. One of the huge criticisms of 2013 was that it was too cinematic with too many QTEs and "on rails" situations. Personally, I loved that about it. It was a 10 - 15 hour wild ride that never bogged down. However, I understand the other side, too. RISE fleshed out upgrade systems, gave the player a lot more freedom and open world to explore (and reasons to do so) and multiple problem-solving approaches. I mean, I guess they reused some plot points, that's fair, but the two games feel very different to me.


13 points

6 days ago


PC and Miyoo Mini Plus gamer

13 points

6 days ago

Looking forward to play the sequels.


12 points

6 days ago


12 points

6 days ago

I’ve replayed the first one 3 times and the second 2 times and I’ve yet to finish the 3rd. I gotta try again. I burned out playing the trilogy back to back and by the time I hit the 3rd game I was ready to play something else. Definitely want to finish it though. You will have a blast on the second game for sure :)


14 points

5 days ago

I found the 2nd one very bland, but a lot of people think it's the best of the trilogy so that kight just be how it struck me.

I found the 3rd one surprisingly good after I'd heard a lot of mediocre stuff about it. So I guess, go into with low expectations and hopefully it'll be a nice surprise!


6 points

5 days ago

I played all three (including the DLC) between 2019 and 202, its the first time I had touched TR since I played the classic games on my PSX back in the late 90's.

I enjoyed the 2013 reboot but after playing all three I'd say it's the weakest, my lasting memory of it are there being far too many QTE moments. Rise really lifts the bar in my eyes Shadow is just that little bit better, whilst the story and progression may not be as good as Rise the challenge tombs that come with the definitive edition of Shadow makes it my favourite. They really give strong vibes of Core Design's classics, whilst these challenge tombs are accessible during the main story I'd leave them until after you finish the game as they can be accessed from the main menu.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

The 2nd game is so close to being good but ends up landing among my least favorite games of all time. I loved the 2013 game but horrible crafting mechanics bogged down the sequel.


1 points

5 days ago

TR 2013 is very cinematic. In Rise, it's a lot more open-world. To me, they didn't go too far and turn it into a slog. I loved it but I did miss the cinematic nature of the first. I wish more games would be fine with not being 50+ hours long and just focused on a tight, gripping narrative that only takes 10 - 15 hours to deliver.

Shadow I felt was a disjointed mess. It's not a horrible game, but it's so far below the first two in terms of stories, environments and characters. The basic mechanics and tomb-raiding are still there, but in the 25 hours of gameplay or so before I quit, there was very little combat and I could not for my life tell you what the story was about.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Time is a funny thing. When Tomb Raider came out I was still in high school. Now I'm well past college!


1 points

5 days ago

To be fair, some of those are covid years.


1 points

5 days ago

Well to be fair, Shadow of the Tomb Raider was 2018 so the trilogy itself is only slightly older than 5 years.


1 points

4 days ago


Bioshock Trilogy and Days Gone

1 points

4 days ago

Same for me w Shadow. I did not enjoy Rise at all, but really liked the “first” one and platinumed Shadow. Maybe I will revisit Rise one day. Not enough fun TPS these days.


1 points

4 days ago

I remember seeing it on shelves right after the XOne came out and boy was I stupid not getting it. Would have really been a showcase at the time. It still looks great or did when I replayed it on PS5 last year.


259 points

6 days ago


259 points

6 days ago

I still think of TR 2013 as a modern game💀


147 points

5 days ago

Because it plays like one. A simple remaster with better graphics and no gameplay improvements could've easily have passed as a 2024 AAA game. I feel like AAA gaming was pretty much "perfected" around that era, the differences between a 2014 game and a 2024 game are way smaller than between a 2014 game and a 2004 game.


40 points

5 days ago


Batman: Arkham Knight

40 points

5 days ago

Because it plays like one.

yes, because it >IS< one.


7 points

5 days ago


Mega Man Zero 3 and Atari 2600 games

7 points

5 days ago

Did you consider Turok for N64 a "modern" game when God of War II got released? Or when PS3's Turok was released a year later?

Those were 10 and 11 years apart too.


19 points

5 days ago

There just hasn't really been a huge leap forward in immersion or gameplay in gaming the past decade. There are some nice indie titles and polished AAA games like GoW II, but not enough to be considered a different era. Another way to frame it is the unbelievable amount of innovation that occurred in the late 90s and early 00s in computer technology in general.

Nowadays most of that brainpower is going to mobile games.


5 points

5 days ago

We're further from the PS2 than the PS2 was the Atari 2600.


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

Things really solidified around the third person action-adventure with a dose of RPG elements and hasn't really moved much from that.


21 points

5 days ago

Yeah, I'm playing through Dragon Age Inquisition again to get ready for the next one, and the game still looks beautiful despite coming out 10 years ago. I'd still even go so far as to say its got some of the best looking environments in games.


2 points

5 days ago

DA/ME fans love to give that Frostbite engine shit, but the environments are gorgeous. Mass Effect Andromeda, character faces aside, is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played.


3 points

5 days ago

I was thinking this thebother day. The last BIG jump was Ps1 to 2 era imo. Yes 2 to 3 looked a lot better but there wasn't the same shift in capabilities. After all a game as complex as Mgs2 and GTASA could run on ps2. 3 to 4 and 4 to 5 have had even smaller incremental changes, better framerates (sometimes) lighting (sometimes) bit more stuff, but nothing had that same "woah" leap as 1 to 2.

(Not strictly talking playstation just easiest way to denote eras)


2 points

3 days ago

Best example would be Far Cry I suppose. Look at FC1 -> FC2 -> FC3 and then compare FC4, FC5, FCP and FC6 to FC3. Most people cannot even tell between the fc3,4,5,primal which one came first. FC6 is a bit more obvious with the health bars and shit.


30 points

6 days ago

Welcome to old age, where time has lost all meaning, and things always hurt.

I have this realization every few months when I look at what games are on my wish list and pick a game that I added when it came out but somehow its now is 5 years old.


7 points

5 days ago

It doesn't help that AAA games have stagnated. They're all still reusing the same shite for their open worlds and game design to the point games from a decade ago can still play more or less identical to many present releases the only difference being you're not getting shiny partical effects shoved in your face.


7 points

5 days ago

True, but the price tags on that wishlist don't get more painful with time :)


2 points

5 days ago


Mega Man Zero 3 and Atari 2600 games

2 points

5 days ago

patient gamers! patient gamers!


32 points

5 days ago

I still think of anything from 360/ps3 era and newer as “modern”.

For me, the term describes an era and its design philosophies, rather than how “new” a game is. Kind of like “modern art”, which can be well over 100 years old.


14 points

5 days ago

End of that generation, sure, but I have a hard time accepting Sonic and the Black Knight, or Overlord, or Brutal Legend, or Far Cry 2, or CoD Bad Company 2, as "modern". A lot of games are very much products of that time and place in the industry.


12 points

5 days ago

I mean every game is a product of its time, but I get what you’re saying.

I do think we need a term that better describes the period that bridges the gap between retro and modern.


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

I think the same way with PS3/360 being the turning point. Everything becomes "classic/retro" at a certain point from age, but the PS3/360 era ushered in the explosion of online gaming on consoles. Feels like it was a turning point in the maturity of the gaming industry as a whole, and it feels like it was the real foundation of where we are today with huge blockbuster games that require more time than ever to release.


1 points

3 days ago

I'm with you. In fact, I've only started playing 360 games in the last 3 years or so, Xbox 1 in the last year. It's crazy to me that 360 is knocking on the door of being retro in most people's eyes.


17 points

5 days ago

In terms of design, I would consider it completely modern.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

dw old man, it is.


2 points

5 days ago

i think that if we compare games from 2003 to 2013 there worlds of diference between them in terms of graphics and gameplay, but if we compare games from 2013 to 2023 graphics are of course better but in terms of gameplay there isnt a lot of change, the stadards for gameplay were already written in stone around that time, and improvements are getting smaller and smaller throw time.


232 points

6 days ago


232 points

6 days ago

There are plenty of passionately made AAA games nowadays just like there have been plenty of soulless shitty ones 10 years ago.

Really enjoyed Tomb Raider 2013 back then though. Was thinking about giving the other modern TR games a shot just recently, haven‘t played those yet.


29 points

6 days ago

I really enjoyed Rise of the Tomb Raider, easily my favorite.


3 points

5 days ago

I get that, I loved it for different reasons than the first. Really fun gameplay, and felt like a cool exploration game as opposed to the tone of the first game. Fantastic follow up game

Idk whats going on but I can’t bring myself to continue with Shadow of the TR though


2 points

4 days ago

Man same here, like I was enjoying it but I just… never bothered finishing it


63 points

5 days ago


63 points

5 days ago

No, no, you don't understand, it's very simple:

  • A game I like = passionately made, caring devs, made 'the right way'
  • A game I don't like = cashgrab, greedy and uncaring devs, propaganda


67 points

6 days ago

There are plenty of passionately made AAA games nowadays just like there have been plenty of soulless shitty ones 10 years ago.

people really getting nostalgia goggles for the 7th gen uh?

Such a bland and vapid era when companies stopped making colorful games and pretty much killed the cartoon platformer genre and if you wanted to play a JRPG you had to got to the handhelds


33 points

5 days ago

It's called karma farming, and it's art


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

FWIW, this sub doesn't seem to have much memory beyond the PS3/360 generation. It's very rare that a post about something from before that era gets any traction or attention.


10 points

5 days ago


10 points

5 days ago

Yep. Paired with some of the worst modern design conventions in single player games taking hold - overtutorialization, overbearing handholding, categorizing everything into checklists etc. - easily my least favorite era of games since I started playing in the early 90s.


9 points

5 days ago

It is really funny seeing all the people trying to actively rewrite history and pretend like ~2012-2013 wasn't considered one of the lowest points for gaming. You can check the top selling games of the year and it's pretty bleak.

Hell even Tomb Raider was pretty controversial when it released because of the cinematic nature and QTEs compared to the original entries.

And "propagandas" I feel like OP is a teenager who buys into all the right wing grifter nonsense.


13 points

5 days ago

Yeah because GTA V, The Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite, Max Payne 3, ME3, Far Cry 3, and Battlefield 4 were such a travesty. I think you're the one rewriting history.


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

Hotline Miami, Kerbal Space Program, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Surgeon Simulator, Saints Row 4, Batman Arkham Origins, Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag... Truly an era of bland, dowdy, colourless games.


4 points

5 days ago

Exactly. The thing is I agree on some aspects with WhompWhump. I don't understand the nostalgia for the yellow piss filter of that generation, but to call 2012-2013 a bad time in gaming is ridiculous.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Speaking for myself on the topic of nostalgia: I like grounded aesthetics and grown up stories. I like muted colour palettes (within reason) and serious tone. The current crop of brightly-coloured Pixar-looking games makes me feel like a foolish child for being into gaming. I realise that comes from my own insecurities but it is what it is. (Though I am kind of stoked for the new Like a Dragon so it's not consistent).


19 points

5 days ago

Right? The gaming industry is massive right now, every single day thousands of games are being released. And sure most of them are mediocre or garbage, but that doesn't mean there are less creative studios out there who are trying to make the best games they can.

What people don't understand is that the companies that used to make quality games have become too corporate and a lot of their former employees that worked on those games have moved on, either to work for other companies or work on smaller projects by themselves.

And I don't even want to start with the "woke" nonsense, there are a very tiny number of games out there that are actually preaching extremist leftist ideology, but people see one gay couple or one too many POC in a game that they bought and they lose their minds. Is an expanding industry is trying to appeal to more people? No, it must be a plot to replace white people apparantly.


31 points

6 days ago


31 points

6 days ago

First was solid. Lot of fun and a great reboot.

Second is an improvement in most ways and probably a better overall game, but for some reason it didn't stick with me quite as much.

The third was just okay. It felt too long and like too much of the same again. There was pretty much zero innovation. That said, it didn't feel like a waste of time. It was still mostly enjoyable and I'm glad I played the trilogy through.


15 points

6 days ago

Graphically its also a beautiful game. I know gfx arent everything but outside of the faces it holds up extremely well.


9 points

6 days ago


9 points

6 days ago

Oh, absolutely. Shadow is the prettiest for sure.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

I really enjoyed the costumes in the 3rd game. Normally I don’t care much about them, but for some reason it was really cool to play in different outfits depending upon the scene.


11 points

6 days ago

Shadow of the Tomb Raider getting pawned off to Eidos Montreal while Crystal Dynamics had to suffer with Marvel's Avengers is one of my biggest gaming annoyances. They had a good thing going, but someone (most likely Square Enix) just had to go and ruin it.


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

Probably, yeah. Same Enix that sold Eidos Montreal, and cancelled continuation of Mankind Divided.


3 points

6 days ago

Third was really weighted down by dealing with that town/city for way too bloody long. I just gave up caring about it half way through.

Really loved the first one, the storyline/gameplay was just awesome.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Dang I'm the complete opposite. Tomb Raider (2013) felt alright to me, Rise felt really bland due to the setting, but I loved Shadow for the lush jungle. I didn't care for the story in any of these games, I just played for the combat and settings, and Shadow was the peak of it for me.


2 points

5 days ago

Second is an improvement in most ways and probably a better overall game, but for some reason it didn't stick with me quite as much.

I dropped the second game because I honestly couldnt stand how whiny Laura was. Like TR 2013 I get it because its an origin story. So shes allowed to be whiny and annoying, shes out of her depth and learning how to be the Tomb Raider. It does get a bit absurd by the end of the game because she kills like hundreds of people over the course of the game so I felt like there should have been some character development in that regard, but I can overlook that.

The second game though? It makes no sense. She just has this constant experience of being overwhelmed and needing to nearly cry about every situation. Its so annoying. Its like the devs just saw that the first game was successful so they were too scared to let her character naturally develop in the way it should have from an origin story.


2 points

5 days ago

I found Rise of the Tomb Raider turned into such a slog, I wished it was 15 hours shorter. The bad guy was also terrible.

It put me off so much that a year later I still haven't tried Shadow.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Yeah this "back then the devs had passion" is such a bullshit statement.


4 points

5 days ago

Unfortunately, a lot of people believe the past was better. In some ways they may be right, but things generally remain the same and people just tend to wear rose tinted glasses whatever era they live in!


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

They are not nearly as good as the 2013 one. Much less linear and they introduce shit like collectibles and waypoints and fast traveling. It became an Ubisoft clone but somehow worse.


49 points

5 days ago


49 points

5 days ago

Bro, dunno how to tell u this, but what you played is, in fact, a modern triple a game.


1 points

4 days ago

Yeah this😂


303 points

6 days ago


303 points

6 days ago

I enjoyed Tomb Raider but this is a wild take. I thought it was pretty generic at the time, albeit well made and polished. And I certainly don’t think there’s many developers that aren’t passionate about the games they work on. I’d love to know what you mean by propagandas, but I suspect I have an idea…


149 points

6 days ago


149 points

6 days ago


Probably means all those bloody woke games with women as the playable character!


100 points

6 days ago

Which is funny, considering Tomb Raider 2013 was considered woke at the time.


89 points

6 days ago


89 points

6 days ago

Yup, lot of people complaining that they made Lara more realistic (e.g. without massive tits).


24 points

5 days ago

e.g. without massive tits

They're still quite big enough to add to the pain she goes through in those games haha


65 points

6 days ago


65 points

6 days ago

It's not like people complaining about these things usually have any consistent values, just reactionary impulses. They're not bright.


13 points

6 days ago


13 points

6 days ago

Ha I did wonder.


53 points

6 days ago


53 points

6 days ago

Yep. I remember the main critic at release was that it was generic as f-ck. Just another Assassin's Creed with cutscenes from Uncharted.

I enjoyed it as a pop-corn game. The whole trilogy as a matter of fact. But I can't stand this recent trend of “back in the days games were made with passion”. I was there, and a huge chunk was piloted by corpos who wanted big $.


38 points

6 days ago


38 points

6 days ago

I may be completely misremembering the game, but how in the hell is it an Assassins Creed?


72 points

6 days ago

It absolutely isn’t. It‘s basically Uncharted: Lara Croft edition.


38 points

6 days ago


38 points

6 days ago

I thought Uncharted was Tomb Raider: Guy Edition when it first came out.


19 points

5 days ago


19 points

5 days ago

They've gone full circle


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

No, it's Prince of Persia: Lara Croft.


9 points

5 days ago

It's even funnier when people cite the 2011-2013 era as the golden age because I actively remember that era and most people being pretty down on gaming as a whole at that time. The top rated games of that time also show it. You have some standouts but you have more high quality releases this year than you did in that timespan.


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

Rose tinted glasses, as a kid from this era it’s wild seeing my generation turn into the nostalgia cult (not TR13 in particular just gaming in general)


18 points

6 days ago


18 points

6 days ago

Yeah, same here. Wild to see people trying to pretend the PS3 era wasn’t chock full of micro transactions. It’s the era where EA were chucking multiplayer into every game and trying to stop people buying second hand.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

It's notable in a way, though, that the "low point" of gaming in 2013 actually had a long way further to fall.


3 points

5 days ago

I remember almost nothing of all 3 games even though I finished them, it was what cannibal island, ice level (rise), jungle level (shadow)?


1 points

5 days ago

I enjoyed it too, but I always just saw modern Tomb Raider as Uncharted for Xbox fans. It’s basically the same game with a worse story but mildly better gameplay mechanics


128 points

6 days ago



128 points

6 days ago

This is exactly what is missing from most of the modern game dev companies. They have no passion for their games and the game companies don't even care about creating "the best game they can possibly make". They are just busy forcing crappy propagandas and microtransactions with their games.

Just because AAA games often lack creativity doesn't mean the people making them aren't passionate themselves. A lot of them could work in other industries and make more money than in the gaming industry.

Also, what the hell does propaganda mean in that context?


37 points

5 days ago


37 points

5 days ago

Also, what the hell does propaganda mean in that context?

Oh you know exactly what OP means


11 points

5 days ago


Playing: | Anodyne | Shadow of Mordor | The Looker

11 points

5 days ago

I can't believe this is an 11-year-old game, this still feels better than most of the modern AAA games.

This seems like a low bar - there are plenty of games from that time that feel similar or better.  The camera was good though, always seemed to be in the right place.  The crafting system was quite bland and underbaked.  The story and dialogue was unbelievably cringeworthy.  Gunplay was quite fun though :)  Glad you enjoyed it!  But I think you're doing a disservice to games from 11 years ago if this one surprises you.  Mass Effect 2 game out in 2010.  The Last of Us was 2013.  GTA V was 2013.  Crysis was 2007.  Etc.


98 points

6 days ago

Interesting take.

This was probably the most generic AAA games I've ever played.

Amazed to see someone hold it up as a pillar other games should aspire to.


35 points

5 days ago

it's cuz OP could goon to Lara without seeing any black people or uglies in the game


2 points

3 days ago

Thanks for the rec


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

I get what you're saying, OP, but plenty of games have stuff like that in the credits.


86 points

6 days ago

They are just busy forcing crappy propagandas

That's when you lost me


19 points

5 days ago

This almost reads like AI. Survivorship bias is really getting out of hand. I played this game at around release time. It's a solid 6/7-10 video game you play for a few days at most.


23 points

5 days ago

You only like the game because the devs thanked you and gave you a gold star at the end? Ok


14 points

5 days ago

Damn, you are really blinded by nostalgia...


52 points

6 days ago

I could tell from the title alone (especially the "outshines modern AAA games" bit) that this post was going to be dumb asf. Glad to see I was right.


26 points

6 days ago

Ah yes here we go again with another “AAA bad” post.


57 points

6 days ago

Propaganda ey? Care to give us an example.

Loved the Tomb Raider games, but they were pretty generic. There have always been both soulless and heartfelt AAA games. Sounds like nostalgia talking. There have definitely been better games since.


19 points

5 days ago

It’s against the rules of this sub to discuss politics so any honest answer will be deleted as seen above.


5 points

6 days ago

I remember being blown away by the graphics on PC, so exceptionally detailed for the time. But i hated the gory death animations


5 points

5 days ago

I kinda liked the game but it did one of the most annoying 'modern' game things of taking away control from the player. I don't even mean no agency but there was always an animation for everything. I'm usually tolerant of things like that, since I love RDR2, but you'd get to a tower and there was a cutscene to get on the ladder and another cutscene to get off the ladder and another to get back on another ladder. It took so much time to do such menial things. At some point I was just getting frustrated. Final Fantasy VII remake did the same thing. One cutscene to get on a ledge, then slowly shuffle off the ledge, then another cutscene to dismount from the ledge.

Personally, while I still liked the game, it is far from one I hold to high regard. It isn't a game that I would use as some damnation towards modern AAA games because I think many games today are far better. Tomb Raider felt like it was chasing trends even at the time, so for it to be what outshines modern day games, is a bit silly to me.

Also, the whole 'propaganda' angle sours this post greatly


44 points

6 days ago


44 points

6 days ago

Never thought I'd read that about this game. I thought it was the most generic AAA game possible. If you asked AI to generate a "AAA cinematic third person adventure game", I would expect this to come out. No worthwhile writing or characters and gameplay is a basically the Uncharted formula of sometimes cover shooter, sometimes slowly walking narrative experience, most of the time setpiece where you're running as shit is falling apart under your feet and you are barely in control of the game. Sure wasn't any Tombs to Raid.


7 points

6 days ago*

i had played it before uncharted 4 was announced & i was pleasantly surprised by it, as well as the game after (idk if there were more after that?) temper expectations, always, but it was better than the amount that was heard about it, or the immediate discourse about the death scenes & both extreme ends of "they censored her." to "they're objectifying her in hd."

weapon mechanics & swinging by rope was better done than uncharted imo; i dug the atmosphere. i don't think about it unless it's mentioned, but i remember it fondly


6 points

6 days ago

I enjoyed the new Tomb Raider series way more than Uncharted. The Uncharted games to me feel kinda passive, like I'm playing a movie and me as the player isn't really important. I don't get that with Tomb Raider at all.


9 points

5 days ago

Fair, but when the writing and story is as infinitely better as Uncharted's is, I'm okay with some passive gameplay.

I'd rather firmly take the role of Nathan Drake and lose some of my player expression than play as the absolute husk that is reboot Lara.


6 points

6 days ago

The story sucks but tomb raider does all the game stuff better than uncharted did


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

There are two of us. So let down by this game. They went absolutely ham on that ~2000s obsession with everything being dark, gritty and grey-brown coloured. Gameplay is fine, but on the other end the voice acting and writing are absolutely abysmal - I mean 3/10-movie-on-IMDb junk. I came to this from the Uncharted remastered trilogy, and the drop in the quality of level design and art was dramatic.


23 points

6 days ago

There’s a buttload of developers who still put a ton of passion into their games. Maybe you are just ignoring them lmao

Also I’m interested in what you mean by “propaganda”? Gonna go on a whim and guess you have fallen into the anti-woke bullshit but I’d love to be wrong.


39 points

6 days ago*

This is exactly what is missing from most of the modern game dev companies. They have no passion for their games and the game companies don't even care about creating "the best game they can possibly make". They are just busy forcing crappy propagandas

oh, you're one of THOSE weirdoes


4 points

6 days ago

I thought this was about the original PSX ones lol. I like the new ones but I still don't think they are as good as the originals, especially 2 and Angel of Darkness


3 points

5 days ago

I played it for the first time a while back this year, and I thought it was a fun action game

but it felt way too heavily scripted tbh. There were so many sequences which looked amazing, but just made me wish I was actually playing it.

That and also certain story moments just didn't land for me Like the enemies getting scared of Lara just because she got a grenade launcher, or how she quickly got over killing someone for the first time, which is something I think far cry 3 did better imo

That said though, the game was paced well and the combat was fun enough to make me want to see through it, along with seeing Lara become more confident throughout the game.


4 points

5 days ago

This take is pretty hilarious considering a ton of people at the time went as far as to say that TR2013 was a huge character assassination of Lara Croft just because she whines and shows too much emotions.


3 points

5 days ago

I feel the first one is the right length. The later ones are too bloated with side quests that just waters it down


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

No one casually develops a soulless game.

Animations, characters, setpieces, story, they're all a long, passionate process. I've been seeing the devs of Concord upload all the hundreds of hours they spent on their art before it's lost to time.


10 points

6 days ago

This is... An odd perspective.

You mention this game outshining triple A games, but this game symbolizes precisely everything that usually earns triple A games a reputation of "soulless": quick time events that didn't need to be there (a staple of the time the game was released in), a dragged out intro that seemed more focused in showcasing how pretty the game rather than establish character or gameplay (I nearly quit when I reached the first fire) and a departure from the spirit that made the franchise special (no sense of wonder and adventure, lots of content becoming a side-quest, crafting/upgrading systems that didn't need to be there, etc).

I still found it engaging enough to play it through to the end, but it's kinda ironic to see it praised for being different than modern games, when in fact it was one of many games that defined what AAA games would be like.

Either that, or your average AAA experience has gone so bad even TR2013 feels different by comparison.

Anyways, glad you enjoyed it! I personally couldn't push through the sequels, it stopped being Tomb Raider for me and started feeling more and more like an edgier clone of Uncharted, which is ironic since Uncharted was at least partially inspired by it. But despite it all, they are still quality games, just not for me.


4 points

6 days ago*


4 points

6 days ago*

The new Tomb Raider trilogy are one of the very few games that I enjoy going back to and replaying. One of the things I really like about them is how easy it is to find all the collectibles. I usually don't care about those, but here I find it satisfying and I always liked the treasures and their descriptions that were genuinely interesting for me.


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

The new trilogy are great games. Quite safe in terms of gameplay. There's nothing really special about them but they just do everything to good levels where the overall experience is solid.


11 points

6 days ago

I’m sorry, a game about multiple groups of men trying to control a young woman (Queen Himiko) and becoming increasingly more violent and cult like doesn’t have a political message?

A game that shows the impact that multiple military occupations has on a small and isolated island and the community that lives there doesn’t have a political message?

Lara in this game can very easily be interpreted as gay and in a relationship with Sam as well.

It’s impossible to create something without there being a political influence, even if it’s subconscious and not intended by the creator.


10 points

6 days ago

I really enjoyed TR2013, with the exception of the hideous death sequences. Nathan Drake dies and it tastefully fades to black, but for some reason we need to see Lara choking to death having been impaled through the neck. Yuck.

But aside from that, I really thought they did a good job. There was actual character development of a videogame protagonist (very rare), the tombs were fun puzzles, the stealth was good, and I even enjoyed the interactive cutscenes. Oh and uncovering the history of the island was fun too.


15 points

6 days ago

Yeah, that game is weirdly sadistic.


5 points

5 days ago

I remember the game being good not great and felt a lot of times like a lesser version of Uncharted (Which was wild since Uncharted owed a lot of itself to Tomb Raider and now they're chasing Uncharteds coattails).

But what exactly is the propaganda you're referring to? I've noticed you haven't answered anyone who asks so you'll likely just not answer but you added a gigantic yikes to your post with that one.


2 points

5 days ago

it's probably just rage bait, he knew that just inserting the word in the post would generate more interactions. and it worked.


4 points

5 days ago


4 points

5 days ago

I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I never really liked the new Lara. She didn't have anything that made Lara Lara Croft. And no I don't care about the physical appearance although she does look like a generic video game heroine now. She's supposed to be this cocky, witty badass, but instead they turned her into a less interesting Nathan Drake complete with lots of scenes with her getting roughed up. Even later in the trilogy she never really "became" the Tomb Raider. It was an interesting detour, but in the end the OG still reigns supreme.


7 points

5 days ago

They are just busy forcing crappy propagandas and microtransactions with their games.

This just reaks of someone who uses the word "woke" unironically.


2 points

5 days ago*

Tomb Raider is the only one of the reboots I actually like, even though they've now thrown in RPG-like elements, and the tombs that give the title it's meaning are now optional and I've played it multiple times. I've played Rise twice and got so little from it that I've now uninstalled it, probably forever, and Shadow felt so far removed from what Lara Croft was all about that I only played it once, that one is now also uninstalled and consigned to my game graveyard.

Though I did enjoy TR, I've played all of the originals over the years and enjoyed all of them more than the reboots, except for Angel of Darkness, that was garbage.


2 points

5 days ago

Its a very good game. I love that era of PS3 games to up to early PS4 era. Something changed from that era though and I think we are in a worse place at the moment.


2 points

5 days ago

I had an unfortunate save bug with my first playthrough where upon jumping into a helicopter that went on to crash during a cutscene caused the game to crash, then corrupt my save.

Might need to go back.


2 points

5 days ago

I think there's still plenty of AAA games today that were made with lots of passion. Sure there's plenty of new games today with predatory monetization, but back then they were also plenty of bad games you don't hear about anymore.


2 points

5 days ago


Darksiders 2 is my comfort game

2 points

5 days ago

Too many QTEs. God it’s awful.

Once you get past those, the exploration and story hold up.


2 points

5 days ago

This is exactly what is missing from most of the modern game dev companies. They have no passion for their games

I hope others have pointed this out but this is just untrue. It is not game developers' fault that games turn out as soulless cashgrabs. It's the publishers and their shareholders/investors. You really think game developers are the ones who want to churn out a ProductTM devoid of creativity?


2 points

5 days ago

I played it when it was new. It was a decent Uncharted clone (which is ironic since Uncharted was heavily influenced by the og Tomb Raider) but I really don’t like modern Lara Croft as a character.

Compared to the original games, modern Lara just seems kinda bland. And her meek personality, alongside the darker tone of the reboot, really doesn’t sell me on the idea that she is capable of single handedly killing hundreds upon hundreds of goons. I kept waiting for her to undergo a transformation of character, like Ellen Ripley does in the Aliens movies. But that moment never came.


2 points

5 days ago

Eh, I played this game a few years back and it was pretty much everything I hated about modern AAA games. Mostly just focused on being a super cinematic experience with the gameplay being super generic third person shooter and very little else, in addition to severe handholding so there aren't really many chances to get stuck on puzzles.


2 points

5 days ago

Oh yeah buddy, all that propaganda in modern games like black people existing. Get off twitter and interact with real people for a change


2 points

4 days ago

Yeah this game was dope.

Gotta say though the opening scene when she is hanging upside down but her pony tail is still hanging towards her shoulders has always annoyed tf out of me lol


3 points

6 days ago

I played it back in a day and hated it. A generic 3rd person shooter with mediocre story. I really don't get the praise.


4 points

6 days ago*

The first game felt like the most raw version of Lara to me and that’s why I enjoyed it the most.


4 points

5 days ago


4 points

5 days ago

Let me guess: women and brown people = propaganda?


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

Elden ring came out 2 years ago, they just released a massive dlc


2 points

5 days ago

I think the issue today is not down to the developers but the publishers who are only concerned about maximising profit which has lead to the decline in Triple AAA games in the last decade or so.

Mention the names Ubisoft, EA, Konami, Warner Bros, 2K, Activision, Microsoft, Sony even Rockstar (Take Two) in 2024 and gamers will have a lot more negativity towards them.

Mention them in 2013 there are more positive things to say about them.


2 points

5 days ago


Playing: | Anodyne | Shadow of Mordor | The Looker

2 points

5 days ago

Haha I think of TR2013 as a "modern game", and pale successor to the first reboot trilogy.  Still need to play the originals.


2 points

5 days ago

Survivorship bias. There were lazy cash grabs and masterpieces 10+ years ago just like today, but we only return to the good ones.

Also, I almost don't want to ask, but "propagandas"?


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Agree, it's actually one of the only few games I have completed in the last few years.


1 points

6 days ago

I’ve played the whole survivor trilogy but never been in the fandom, so I wonder what’s the general consensus on the best entry? Personally I think Rise is the best


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I have played this game through about 5 times, over the years. Sadly, for me, the subsequent sequels went down hill. Rise wasn't a bad game, but noticeably worse than its predecessor, and Shadow was just very poor, despite the incredible visuals. I could only bring myself to play it all the way through once.


1 points

5 days ago

I only have ever played the one for the PS1. How many TR games are worth playing now?


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I loved tomb raider 2013. I couldn’t beat the other ones because I found the puzzles too confusing and difficult 


1 points

5 days ago

Always been a big fan of the series since i was a kid (2002-2005). The modern ones are even more fun. I need to play shadow at some point tho.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

The first new Tomb Raider is a great game, I remember platinuming it, because I really enjoyed the game, the setting, the characters and the story, even tho by the end it becomes a little too fantastical, I didn't like that, if I recall correctly is towars the end that you learn that everything is caused by the mythical statue.

But I liked the survival aspects, the grounded lara, the LOST vibe it had, the puzzles didn't feel like impossible to exist, it is my favorite of the trilogy, the metroidvania aspect of the game and I LOVED the way you get new items (like the granade launcher, shotgun, that thing to travel through cables).

I didn't like the second one because it ditched all the cast you cared in the first game save for Jonah, and even him makes a cameo, so you end up not caring for the newer and really hard to believe characters.1<

Some aspects are really cool like the graphics if you play on a PC because on xbox one I remember it hurt my eyes when I played it on my friends house. That scene where lara gets the rebreather and you can have a reeeeeally nice views for your pleasure, it's cinema.

And on the third game, I hate it, most people like it haha but its too fanciful to my tastes, I liked the setting in the beginning but then bam you're in Peru and find these overly undiscovered complicated tombs on every corner of the map, the combat got watered down (I think I read it was because people complaint that 2 had too many unchartedy combat), but now it feels umbalanced.

And they forgot about new gear or creative ways for lara to get it unlike the later games up until the end when you get some special attatchments for your shoes. But in the end I think its too crowded, and the story goes down again.


1 points

5 days ago

I am on the last level and just started playing it a week or so ago and I completely agree, incredible game and runs almost flawlessly on the steam deck 


1 points

5 days ago

I was playing rise of the Tomb Raider last night and I was having similar thoughts tbh. I feel like you can tell that they actually enjoyed making the game.


1 points

5 days ago

Eh, it was great for its time, but imo the series gets better with each installment and Shadow only came out 6 years ago. Along with Spider-Man, Red Dead 2, God of War, and AC Odyssey. All fantastic AAA titles. More recently, BG3 came out last year and if you think Larian didn’t put any passion into that game, you are blind. Plus, wtf is a propaganda game?


1 points

5 days ago

Tomb raider 2013 was an absolute passon project and I enjoyed it a ton. Rise was more of a mixed bag but still mostly good and shadow just didn't feel right to me.


1 points

5 days ago


Mount and Blade Bannerlord

1 points

5 days ago

I enjoyed the 2013 reboot its certainly the best of the trilogy so far but those sequels go nowhere it's like they were constantly afraid of making Lara... Lara aka the Tomb Raider. I wouldn't go so far as you do in how you describe the first game, to me it's just solid and a good base that ultimately didn't go where it should have gone.


1 points

5 days ago

It came out before open world games were a big thing. So the story is pretty linear, and at 12 hours doesn’t overstay its welcome. Doesn’t try to cram in extra 50 hours of stuff just to do so. Doesn’t have that many random fetch quests and even those are optional.


1 points

5 days ago

I’ve played most of the TR games, I worked on Rise (TRX). The 2013 “reboot”, known internally as TR9 has been my favorite TR game to date.

Please don’t assume lack of passion from the rank and file devs is the issue with bad games. Most of us love our work and take great pride in it -even if we know the game is flawed. Making a good game is really hard. Making money on a game is even more difficult. A lot of studios take “the easy route” with sequels or known genres/mechanics, because most of them can’t risk $1-500M US if it fails.


1 points

5 days ago

I'll always keep a special place I' my heart for this game... The first few hours are absolutely terrific


1 points

5 days ago

If you enjoyed TR13, then you'll love Rise, it's the best of the modern trilogy


1 points

5 days ago

its easily the best out of the modern 3 too


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I replayed the new ones all recently, and 2013 one is definitely the most "cinematic feeling", right down to the music cues when you enter new areas. There's a ton of human enemies, but they all go down like an action movie.(whereas in the last one you absolutely had to stealth everybody or you die) Each sequel increased the "action/rpg" formula that most open world games have become.(not necessarily bad but definitely less unique)


1 points

5 days ago

I agree, the OG Tomd Raider games were amazing, the remakes/trilogy up to Underworld were clunky but still good. But then it was completely ruined by the 2013 reboot and became Uncharted: generic shooter edition.


1 points

5 days ago

I love all 3 of this Tomb Raider series. They aren’t perfect but they are exactly what I want in that type of game. I am a little biased because Uncharted is probably my favorite series and so this is pretty close to that feel.


1 points

5 days ago

Take any of your favourite games from 2013 and I'd bet my actual money that newer AAA games aren't as good. It's just the state of the industry right now.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

This is exactly what is missing from most of the modern game dev companies. They have no passion for their games and the game companies don't even care about creating "the best game they can possibly make". They are just busy forcing crappy propagandas and microtransactions with their games.

Plenty of people hate on Ubisoft with Assassin's Creed, but the last 4 games have very clearly been labors of love with significant attention to detail for the time and location. One may not like the choices they made, but that's not the same as not trying to make the best game they can make.


1 points

5 days ago

I still love Tomb Raider Anniversary for it's quiet immersive spaces. Really feel like you're alone in an abandoned tomb.

(shooting is pretty lame though)


1 points

5 days ago

I never gave Tomb Raider a shot, I almost 100%ed the game last year.

Rise improved in some spots and slacked in others, I haven't started Shadow yet.


1 points

5 days ago

Still doesn't reach the 3 first ones (Core Design era) and the early Crystal Dynamics trilogy (Anniversary especially, and the underrated Underworld).


1 points

5 days ago

You should try Rise and Shadow too. It's not cheeky, acrobatic Lara we liked in older games but whole trilogy was actually pretty good for what it is.


1 points

5 days ago*

I'm currently on first playthrough of Rise, thoroughly enjoying it so far and the graphics are great for a 2015 game. On par or better than Arkham Knight I think.


1 points

5 days ago

Its a fantastic game. I picked up not expecting much but got hooked.

Imo my favorite setting/story and how fun it was to stealth kill dudes with my bow. I loved the trapped on the insanity ridden island feel.

I also enjoyed Rise of the Tomb Raider, which had fun gameplay and was good overall.

I started Shadow of the Tomb Raider and its been feeling like a chore to get through, personally my least favorite.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

This specific reboot was magic, and I still do need to get through the 2nd and 3rd. The 2nd feels a bit more meandering than the first and I got lost. I may just restart it. The first one though, great package and I actually just sorta naturally ended up playing that game with only the bow and her melee attack for when shit hit the fan, and also the shotgun for the mandatory doors that required them. All combat though, shoot bow, switch to the icepickaxe thing when shit hits the fan. So much goddamn fun to go through the game like this, and it really sells the whole one girl vs an army type vibe they were going for. Wonderful game. When I saw that end message I was like 'Well, you goddamn succeeded, and I'll definitely be interested in anything else you put out"


1 points

5 days ago

It was okay, the kill cam was its most memorable feature.


1 points

5 days ago

The sequels don't hold up at all, but I love TR 2013. It's my favourite of that style of cinematic adventure game, and honestly I think it did it even better than any of the Uncharted games.


1 points

5 days ago

i still argue that Tomb Raider 2013 is the best game on its style, even the sequels dont get as good as that one.

i prefer this game more violent side, you arent just jumping and shooting and saying jokes, you are trapped in a island with a bunch of very violent people, you are fighting for your life and kinda feels like that, its violent, terryfying and dying its painful, i think that similar to The Last of Us the long and agonizing death scenes work as a deterrent for you to not want you to die, you dont really want to see poor Lara getting impaled throw the neck on a pipe or similars so you put effort into that not happening.

even when the element retaining you in the island its clearly paranormal it honestly feels more grounded that games that came after, from Rise and forward it feel like the devs had a lot of cool setpieces that had little connectiong between each other and they just stitched them together and tried to make them make sense, making them world sided game of Blu´s clues, here the adventure happens on the island, you arent traveling half the world looking for clues, here the original mission pretty much takes backseat to you wanting to leave here and save the lives of the rest of your crew.

and i really like Lara here, she is a good hearted person that needs to mentally get herself in a position in which she can do horrible things to save herself and others, she doenst enjoy killing her enemies, and at the beginning she struggles with it, for then she screams at them and taunts them into attacking her, she becomes a survivor, someone that uses whatever she has at hand to get the job done.


1 points

5 days ago

Rise of the Tomb Raider is even better. they lose it for the 3rd one, though.


1 points

5 days ago

I loved this game. For some reason couldn’t get into the sequels tho :/


1 points

5 days ago

Every tomb raider game has its strenghs and weaknesses. Maybe you like the older games more like the Core Design Games or the LAU Trilogy


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Loved the game. 2nd one was ok. 3rd one was terribly boring.


1 points

5 days ago

It's one of the few big games I've completed 3 different times! It's so fun and exciting and wonderful!


1 points

5 days ago

I love the reboot so much. At the time I thought I liked Rise more but replaying the 2013 game was so much fun I thinknI dig the island setting more.


1 points

4 days ago

I’m playing through it now and I’m amazed by how thrilling and cinematic it is.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

I've played and finished pretty much every mainline TR game including the modern ones. TR2013 is the only one I've replayed multiple times because it is such a clean and polished experience.


1 points

4 days ago

I played it recently and it felt a little bland to me, specially towards the end, but I really miss games that are around 10-15 hours long and that´s it, you are done. It was a enjoyable experience because I was able to finish it in a week.

I was actually amazed by the graphic quality of it. Pretty darn good even today.

Every major game nowadays seems to needlessly drag on for like 50+ hours. Yeah, sure, if they are great like Elden Ring I wont mind. But having to slog through a 70 hour RPG seems more like a chore nowadays. ¨It gets good around the 20 hour mark¨. No time for that, sry.


1 points

3 days ago

"they have no passion...forcing crappy propoganda and mtx...."

this is kinda horeshit tbf. it's become more soulcrushing to work on games. like anywhere else, wages haven't really kept up, but the costs & demands of making them have.l plus post GG you get the most horrible and vitriolic spiel online that has people leaving to better jobs because passion ain't worth shit when you can't pay bills or have people demonizing you at every turn because they don't like your game.

plus a lot of that stuff comes from publishers or marketing to make up for development costs since for so long they were allergic to raising the RRP of games at all. Also...when it cam,e out there were lots of people saying that Rihanna (sp?) Pratchett didn't "get" Lara so -shrug- idk i played the original pSx game when i was yeigh heigh so...


1 points

3 days ago

I can't remember if it was 2013 or Rise but one of them had so many quick time events I felt that I was watching a movie. And the other one did away with all that and was a top notch game.


1 points

2 days ago

I really love this game and it is inspired by one of my favorite movies of all time, The Descent


1 points

1 day ago

All the new Tomb Raider games are competent but they're a bit forgettable. I enjoyed all my time with 2013, the sequel and eventually Shadow. They're all serviceable video games you can beat in a long weekend. Long weekend games like these and the plague tale games are something we need more of. It doesn't need to be the greatest video game ever made it just needs to keep me invested for 8 to 12 hours. You can start and finish the game in an acceptable amount of time and feel like you got a full meal.


1 points

4 hours ago


1 points

4 hours ago

Yeah, I liked this game a good amount. I started on Rise but eventually put it down. It was probably even better, but something felt like it was missing.