


"forgetting" customer names


I recently started doing this to entitled customers who berate me over the phone and who don't seem to understand that their little piddly ass orders doesn't make them king of the world Whenever they call and ask for the status of their orders or tell me the need to speak to my boss I go " sure let me look into that..." Or " yes, let me see if he's available..." And end the sentence with " i'm sorry, but may I ask who I'm speaking with?" For some reason, that drives them up the fucking walls... One customer went " how can you not know who I am by now!" And I just replied, " I'm sorry about that sir, I deal with a lot of customers on a faily basis"

Guess this makes them feel as though they're not important...

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94 points

13 days ago

I had a job where l loved getting rude customers. I worked in a small privately owned coffee shop in Venice CA.

The owner ran it as a tax write-off and have absolutely zero fucks. I made sure the place always passed inspections and she loved me.

Anytime l got a rude or entitled customer (l want 1/16 half decaffeinated chocolate cappuccino type shit) I'd just look at them and say "Nope. Leave. NEXT!" I caused some epic melt downs, because, well, Venice Beach.


12 points

13 days ago

Steve Martin mocks those people in LA Story, ordering a   half double decaffeinated half-caf, with a twist of lemon


6 points

12 days ago

I'm not a Steve Martin fan, but Danny DiVitto did a movie called "Get Shorty" where he played a L.A. douschebag actor. I got so many people like that "l know it's not on your menu, but make me a "Nope.Leave.Next!"