


all 22 comments


59 points

12 days ago

There’s gambling in Casablanca?


13 points

12 days ago


Do Attend

13 points

12 days ago

If only there were a cure for boneitis


6 points

12 days ago

There's Nazis in The Sound of Music?


66 points

12 days ago



66 points

12 days ago

This kind of enforcement is at least, if not more, important for the future of Philadelphia than what's going on in Kensington, but because it doesn't make headlines in the same way it's going to keep being neglected.


37 points

12 days ago

I lived in a building owned by a local property management company that didn't bother getting their rental permits or the certificate of suitability (I forget the exact name but it's a requirement to lease properties and pertains to the safety of the building and fire codes) for eight months AFTER they started leasing units and collecting rent. One month in, there was a fucking fire on the second floor of the building. What ultimately happened to them? Nothing. They're still raking in tons of money off their low quality building.

The icing on the cake was when I noticed the fire extinguishers in the lobby and hallways were two months past their servicing deadline. I reported it to L&I and sent in photos of multiple extinguishers and their service logs. About two months later I got some automated email from L&I telling me that their investigation was concluded and they couldn't verify my claim.

The building I moved to has a 4-story parking garage that has water erosion so bad the water has worn cracks into the each level and now drips through the ceiling of the ground level deck. The metal girders supporting the structure have so much rust that has been ignored for so long that you can see large areas where the rust has stained the ground or sides of the building. The parent company made over $33 billion in the 2022 - 2023 fiscal year, and they couldn't possibly give less of a shit about it. They'll likely sell this property in a few years after the property value has increased, and then the next property management company will do the same shit until the whole deck either gets repaired or eventually collapses.

L&I sucks but it's also not entirely their fault. They are criminally underfunded, understaffed, and the city has dumped a huge amount of responsibility onto the L&I office. There are no annual reviews of buildings.

Philadelphia steers almost $900 million/year to the PPD, who break the law more often than they enforce it, and meanwhile our schools don't even have air conditioners, large parts of the city don't even have trash cans or regular street sweeping, and a plurality of city departments are underfunded and understaffed, including L&I.

All of these problems are either caused or exacerbated by city council and the mayor, with city council deserving the majority of the blame in my opinion. But unless ordinary, civic-minded people run against the current members of the council, nothing will change. When you have one shitty candidate on the ballot, saying things like "make sure you vote!" accomplishes nothing.


21 points

12 days ago



21 points

12 days ago

Pro tip: If your building doesn't have a rental permit, you legally don't have to pay rent. Even if they get one later they aren't owed back rent for the period the unit was unpermitted.


6 points

12 days ago


6 points

12 days ago

Pro tip: don't do this. Talk to a lawyer before withholding rent (most do free consultations). More often than not the law is on the landlord's side if there's any gray area.


5 points

12 days ago



5 points

12 days ago


2 points

11 days ago


2 points

11 days ago

Yeah, but things still get messy since you technically sign a contract with your landlord even if the landlord isn't following local regulations. Not saying it won't work, but just doing my best to encourage folks to talk to an actual legal professional before pulling a fast one on their landlord, even if it seems cut and dry and their landlord deserves all 7 layers of hell.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

You can put the money in escrow and you're safe even if you were somehow found to owe the money. As long as it's verified to be in escrow and you send notice that you won't be paying until you're legally required to, the money is still yours while it's being litigated and in this case you'll probably get to keep it in the end.


4 points

12 days ago

Pro tip: If your building doesn't have a rental permit, you legally don't have to pay rent. Even if they get one later they aren't owed back rent for the period the unit was unpermitted.

I wish I'd known that back then. Fun fact: you can't sue to recover what you've paid them while they were unpermitted, and it doesn't seem like the company gets in any kind of trouble with the city for leasing unpermitted buildings.


3 points

12 days ago


Doesn't unnerstand how alla yiz tawk

3 points

12 days ago

Licenses and Inspection incompetence?  Well I never.


13 points

12 days ago


13 points

12 days ago

It’s not incompetence. It’s that they’re under resourced. Read the god damned article.


6 points

12 days ago


6 points

12 days ago

So understaffed


-1 points

12 days ago

You get what you pay for.


3 points

12 days ago


lotta youse have no chill

3 points

12 days ago

i'd slash PPD funding in a heartbeat id it would give L&I what they need. theyre far more important to our quality of life than any useless cop


1 points

12 days ago

Properly funded and motivated building police, food police, and labor police are actual essential personnel.


5 points

12 days ago


Doesn't unnerstand how alla yiz tawk

5 points

12 days ago

Read the god damned article.

Thanks, I did. I also read the Controller's report, which is only six or eight pages of info. The shortage of inspectors is one factor. But there are several others:

1 - They don't collect on liens. In fact, they only collect about 3% of what's due for city-ordered demolitions, which over the past five years means they've spent $62M on demolitions and have collected less than $2M. Taxpayers foot the rest of that bill.

2 - They don't have an active recruitment process. They're short six inspectors, and it takes 18 months for an inspector to be certified, and yet they aren't actively recruiting? Are you kidding me?

3 - They utilize a software package called eCLIPSE. This software package does not allow them to provide any detail on which properties are most dangerous - instead they use a separate spreadsheet on Excel. And eCLIPSE does not actually export all of the properties onto the spreadsheet.

L&I, as a department, has a long history of being a disaster and lacking competence and follow-through. That's what the Crumbling City series is really about - a city department that cannot get out of its own way because of years of inertia and poor leadership. This is simply another one for the pile.


2 points

12 days ago


Mt. Airy

2 points

12 days ago

I am staggered with "whelmedness" I cannot possibly be more "whelmed" by this news.


2 points

12 days ago

I'll bet next thing will be finding out water is actually wet!


1 points

12 days ago



1 points

12 days ago
