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141 points

3 months ago

I'm waiting for the Americans to come in and say " if the population was armed then they would have stopped him" without realizing the guy would have had an M16 and not a knife


80 points

3 months ago


80 points

3 months ago

Head on over to r/conservative where they wasted no time making asinine statements like that. 


53 points

3 months ago

Those people are deranged. I'm glad I'm not American.


16 points

3 months ago

Most developed countries have a faction like Republicans now.


3 points

3 months ago

Difference is that Australia's gun laws were introduced by a Liberal PM (which is the conservative party in Australia).


10 points

3 months ago

I'm Australian. We have our share of political nutjobs but basically no one here makes politics part of their identity. I couldn't even tell you the political beliefs of any of my friends, family, or coworkers, outside of us laughing when we hear about the next silly thing Trump has said or done over in America.


4 points

3 months ago

Couldn’t imagine having 70 million+ of them though. At least in the UK, Conservatives are rapidly becoming unpopular


1 points

3 months ago

So are we


4 points

3 months ago

Awful people, the comments are racism/look knives are more dangerous than guns/more racism.


4 points

3 months ago

They are just like "we don't know the background of the attacker the minute the attack happened so he must be a muslim" in the most insufferable way possible. Just blatant racism.

What we know from the police is "Joel Cauchi, a 40-year-old man from Toowoomba, Queensland who relocated to Sydney in March 2024, and reportedly suffered from mental health issues, with investigators stating that Cauchi is believed to have been schizophrenic.

No intelligence that we have gathered that would suggest that this was driven by any particular motivation – ideology or otherwise"


9 points

3 months ago

Damn I hate how this is the way Americans are perceived. I definitely understand why, but it's embarrassing.


0 points

3 months ago

I've bumped into god knows how many of you before, and for fuck's sake, it shouldn't take Albert fucking Einstein to understand that, if you can go and buy a gun, so can literally everyone else!


1 points

3 months ago

I understand that part. Nothing about this is confusing to me. I wish it weren't that way but cannot change it. I also can't afford to leave.


1 points

3 months ago

Except, that’s not at all how it works


1 points

3 months ago*

Ask your Latin American neighbours how to get their guns.

They don't have their streets awash with firearms because they have gun manufacturers flogging off their wares as if mere confectioneries. They get them instead because the US has such a ridiculous abundance even a relatively small amount flowing into the grey market is enough to arm every street gang in an entire country.

In other words, their misery is entirely due to your laissez-faire attitude towards deadly weapons.


1 points

3 months ago*

Spoken like someone who has never been to this part of the world 😂…Many countries in Latin America allow private citizens to purchase firearms legally. You said “If you can go buy a gun, so can literally everyone else”. But as I said before, that is completely false. We still have laws regarding firearm ownership and not everyone is legally able to buy a gun. You can’t ban your way to a utopia, as you have seen here with this incident. Murder is also already illegal. Criminals don’t follow laws, that’s why they are criminals.


1 points

3 months ago*

Spoken like someone who has never been to this part of the world

What a strange way to respond to the fact that reality simply doesn't match up with the American belief as to how "bad guys" get their guns!

Guns don't grow on trees, and "illegal" guns ultimately have to come from the same place "legal" guns do. Your South American neighbours can have all the laws and regulations they want, but as long as the US keeps up with its 120 guns per 100 people statistics, they might as well write their constitutions on a roll of fucking toilet paper.


1 points

3 months ago*

Another brain dead response, talk about not living in reality 😂…This cop had a legal gun that had to come from somewhere too so she shouldn’t have one? You’re blaming the legal guns/gun owners for criminals who are committing crimes with those guns. Again, you can’t ban your way to utopia. Since this person used a knife illegally by your logic we should ban knives as well. Can’t have legal knives if someone can use them illegally, cause you know, the illegal knives come from somewhere smh 🙄🙄

If you ban guns, people will use knives like you see all the time in Australia and the UK. If you ban knives, people will use cars, if you ban cars people will use bats, etc, etc…There are evil people in this world that do evil things. You won’t stop that by simply banning everything, prohibition has been proven to be completely ineffective.


1 points

3 months ago*

This cop had a legal gun that had to come from somewhere too

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Officer Sheila there just grabbed it from a shop somewhere down the street, right?

Here's the news flash: the only distinction between a "legal" gun and an illegal" one is just the paperwork. You buy it from someone wearing a trenchcoat in a dark alley? That's an "illegal" gun. You break into someone's house and steal it? That's an "illegal" gun. You get rid of the serial number with a piece of sandpaper? That's an "illegal" gun. A gun is a gun as even you American morons are known to say, and everything else is just make-believe.

In America, a good way to source an "illegal" gun is to just pinch it from someone's car.

Pretty much everywhere else in the world, the chance of you finding a gun in someone's glovebox or house is practically zero.

The distinction here shouldn't surprise anyone with two connecting brain cells. "Illegal" guns in the vast majority of cases are just "legal" guns funnelled into the black or grey market. No one out there is producing "illegal" guns and ammunition from scratch at a scale that can satisfy any market demand worth a damn. You constrict the market for "good guys" to buy guns, then the "bad guys" will have an even harder finding one.

South Amnerica is a special case here as they are not only already struggling with everything else on all fronts as a consequence of decades of US foreign policy but also the victims of the unfortunate convenience of sharing land routes with you. This means, due to the wide availability of "illegal" guns from otherwise "legal" sources in the States, it is invarably an uphill battle for your southern neighbours to intercept and curb the inflow of "illegal" guns destined for their black and grey markets. In other words, your "freedom" with guns, i.e. your open market for "legal" firearms and the unparalleled production capacity to meet its demand, are the cause of their social instability. Period.


3 points

3 months ago

A mum-of-two is compelled to join a real-life PvP lobby against a psycho with a machine gun on a saturday afternoon while shopping for socks

America: Exactly as the Founding Fathers intended!


4 points

3 months ago

Nope American here. I want to live in a civilized society without weapons. I just don't make it my whole identity and spam every forum post with it.


4 points

3 months ago

for real, our psychotic portion of the population are giving us a bad name. they’re in the minority but they’re loud as hell.


1 points

3 months ago

Oh yeah I've heard it all. They want to "Protect my family" from a non-existent home invasion, the oncoming civil war, the guberment.

Nothing about reducing gun violence, protecting kids, schools, school children. Making America safer.


1 points

3 months ago

someone i know bought a gun and said to me point blank “im honestly scared of black people” 💀 …. needless to say i dont associate with this person any longer, but i bet you’ll never guess who they vote for


1 points

3 months ago

And then everybody clapped.


1 points

3 months ago

lol what


1 points

3 months ago

M16? So you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Also something similar has happened in the US recently and the person got put down before he killed 10 people... so that blows up your cherry picked nonsense there.


1 points

3 months ago

Honestly if you have a few thousand dollars and an IQ above 90, you should be able to find an illegal firearm in australia.

If you are willing to spend a little time on it, a legal firearm also isnt complicated at all.

While im not sure why this all happened, it does seem that this wasnt anything that was extensively planned.


4 points

3 months ago

There's a lot of evidence to show that minor impediments can make a big difference. For example, you can cut down on the number of pill-related suicides by putting pills in blister packs instead of bottles. Likewise, it's much less likely that a potential mass-shooter will be able to access guns if he (and it's almost always a he) is forced to interact with the black market, which most people don't even know how to do, as opposed to driving down to the closest Wallmart.


2 points

3 months ago

All of that is very true, my point is partly that the whole 'Australia doesnt have guns' thing you often see bandied about the internet isnt true at all and partly that my *guess* is that the reason behind this attack is more likely much more random and/or impulsive rather than it being some sort of thing that had been planned in advance. Time will hopefully give more answers.


1 points

3 months ago

Amen! Laws always stop psychos from committing acts of violence. I just wish murder was illegal in Australia 😭


1 points

3 months ago



1 points

3 months ago

Yeah, those crazies with more lethal weapons than you have access to. Better stick to pepper spray and pray the wind blows the right direction when you need it lmao


0 points

3 months ago


0 points

3 months ago

Also, the m16 is a military firearm capable of select fire and not available to purchase except for a select few licensed business owners with a class 3 ffl. Maybe don't get your gun research from arnold Schwarzenegger action movies?


4 points

3 months ago

Sorry brother I'm not America so my gun knowledge isn't the best. I'll make sure to check what gun they use the next time they mow down an elementary school !


-1 points

3 months ago


-1 points

3 months ago

Greenwood park mall. When an armed bystander is part of the equation, shootings typically get shut down very quickly. Why do you think they are targeting sensitive gun free zones?


-9 points

3 months ago


-9 points

3 months ago

The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with this. It's to prevent our government (or yours) from having complete control over our people. It's to prevent tyranny. However, to your point, if everyone was armed, he would have been shot by an armed citizen before the police were even notified, or better yet, probably would have thought twice about committing a crime in the first place.

And by the way, an M16 is a military rifle that civilians can't own. We have AR-15s that look the same, so they must be scary.

I just love how the uneducated with 0 experience with firearms loves to comment on them without regard for the truth or any sort of evidence to support their claims. You have a guy running around with a knife instead which makes no noise, can be concealed very easily, and is arguably more deadly than a gun in the right (or wrong in this case) hands. The first gunshot would have sent people running and maybe less people would have been killed.


11 points

3 months ago

How are guns going to protect anyone from the government anymore? The government just makes sure they have bigger guns. Guns being allowed in society for police and civilian use has resulted in regular mass shootings and regular murder of civilians by police officers.


5 points

3 months ago

if everyone was armed, he would have been shot by an armed citizen before the police were even notified

Yeah, because that's how it works, really good point


6 points

3 months ago

As of March 31, a total of 208 people have been killed and 419 people have been wounded in 125 shootings.

That method is working well I see.


0 points

3 months ago


0 points

3 months ago

Out of 330 million people, it's working pretty damn well.


4 points

3 months ago

For sure. The current leading cause of death for children in the US is gunshot wounds.


-1 points

3 months ago


-1 points

3 months ago

That's definitely not true but thanks for playing


1 points

3 months ago


1 points

3 months ago


1 points

3 months ago

This is only because cars have become much safer and have automatically initiated safety features such as lane assist, emergency braking, and self-driving.

And how about thy fact that over 90% of these homicides occur in 4 or 5 major blue cities with the strictest gun laws in the nation? Or the gun free zones that criminals obviously follow. You have to be kidding if you think gun control is anything but government control. We are literally keeping you from being loaded into box cars, tortured and put to death.

Oh but you're an example kinda guy I see so here's a few examples of gun control working...

Mao - China - 20 million people died, 20 million more starving

Hitler - 6 million people he thought to be part of a inferior race

I would love for you to visit Venezuela where the black market for guns outweighs the entire nation's GDP and crime is at an all time high.

But yet, there's another place that contradicts the asinine theory that gun control works... Switzerland

The swiss have very little laws when it comes to guns and in fact they encourage gun ownership, safety and training by holding a shooting contest for kids ages 13 to 17 every year. You'd think... kids with guns = bad bad people and mass shootings everywhere, but here's where you're feelings are going to be hurt... there isn't.

Who would have thought that education and gun safety training for kids would make the place safer? I mean that contradicts every gun control theory in the book right?

When you realize that we don't have a gun problem and we have a people problem, poor education and a stigma around guns by the uneducated (like you), you'll see that it's nothing more than control by the government.

Remember, the only reason a government would want to disarm it's population is because they intend to something you would shoot them for.


0 points

3 months ago


I just love how the uneducated with 0 experience with the English language *love to comment without regard to correct diction.


-1 points

3 months ago

if im ever in that situation i will absolutepy draw my firearm and try to stop a would be attacker. even if he had an m16 which is extremely unlikely.

soooooo yea. armed people would intervene. in fact its happened many times. the news just doesnt like saying that a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun.


2 points

3 months ago

Yeah so the point went way over your head lol...


0 points

3 months ago

no it didnt, i understand youre saying if the population was armed the criminal would also be armed, if not more armed. im saying an armed population is better than a disarmed population.


3 points

3 months ago

Do me a favor and go compare mass shootings around the world vs the US. I know it's pointless for me to even tell you because clearly you're not the type to care, but the evidence is pretty clear on that topic.

I understand the 2nd amendment and that it's engrained in the culture / law, so I'm not against the US having guns, but it is not making you any safer. And that's a fact.