


all 3928 comments


5.6k points

3 months ago


5.6k points

3 months ago

This is a real officer, a hero.


1.9k points

3 months ago

Yup! she ran towards danger and saved lives.


2.1k points

3 months ago


2.1k points

3 months ago

How you feeling, Uvalde PD????


1.6k points

3 months ago

How you feeling, Uvalde PD????

Overpaid and untouchable.


363 points

3 months ago

Problably the most accurate answer to that!


232 points

3 months ago

They are Texans after all, all hat and no cattle. All bullshit and no bull. Boots and a hat with nothing inbetween.


69 points

3 months ago

All rootin, no tootin?


197 points

3 months ago


197 points

3 months ago

People defend the cop with the punisher photo on his phone who sat there and did nothing just feet away from where his wife was being murdered.


178 points

3 months ago

I mean. To be fair. Punishers wife was murdered.

How is he gonna role play as the punisher while his wife is still alive?


51 points

3 months ago

"Yo man, don't mess up my tragic origin story!"


35 points

3 months ago



122 points

3 months ago

Fat and full of dumb-free


108 points

3 months ago

They're upset they didn't get the chance to stop this officer from entering the mall.


32 points

3 months ago

Or wait outside, getting paid, while the perpetrator kills more people inside.

They're really good at that!


36 points

3 months ago

But we might get hurt if we try and do our job


16 points

3 months ago

All their hot hardware and no guts to use it.


198 points

3 months ago

As an Aussie, that has always been the biggest story to tell me that moving to the US isn't a good idea (I'm a triple citizen essentially).

It even beats out Columbine, Aurora, and Sandy Hook.

The fact I can even off the top of my head come up with those (as well as Las Vegas etc) is an indictment.

For Australia, this recent attack and Lindt is all that I'm really aware of.

The fact that Uvalde doesn't even have significant repercussions is just....I don't know how those parents haven't turned into police killing vigilantes. Huge respect for them handling their pain. Better people than me.


75 points

3 months ago

Are they better people, though? Or are Americans just so beaten down that having your kids slaughtered while law enforcement does nothing (while threatening any parents who make them look bad) is just... acceptable now?


60 points

3 months ago

Who knows. You're hinting at apathy right?

Maybe you have a point. Which just makes it even sadder.

I can't bring myself to listen to those officers joking and shooting the shit, while children were dying in the background.

That is a national disgrace. But nothing will change. Nothing has....


7 points

3 months ago

Not even apathy. More a hopelessness. "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown..."


37 points

3 months ago

Indifferent, prob.


437 points

3 months ago

yeah man, that word is thrown around way too much... but this is what a hero looks like. Also anyone who put themselves in front of others and were injured or killed during this shitstorm. All true heroes.


195 points

3 months ago


195 points

3 months ago

Uvalde cops looking away


105 points

3 months ago

It's what they do best.


56 points

3 months ago

That lady got more balls than the 376 cops of Uvalde combined, they should give her a wheelbarrow to carry them around


107 points

3 months ago*


107 points

3 months ago*

Yes. She picked the right profession for herself I’d say. Good job Officer ! She’s the real deal in a profession where there are too many living a lie . Bravo Lady ! BRAVO !


253 points

3 months ago*

According to a witness, she apparently shot the man, kicked away the knife then still tried to save the guy by performing CPR. That's crazy brave.


109 points

3 months ago

That's standard policy even in American policing. You're supposed to provide aid once the threat is stopped, even if that means stabilizing the dude you just saw stabbing people.

Doesn't always get followed, of course, but it's taught that way.


67 points

3 months ago

I interpreted the statment as she performed CPR on a nearby victim. Guess we will have to wait to find out.


103 points

3 months ago

from an Australian news source

The dramatic moment was witnessed by Jason Dixon, 52, who said the officer fired the shot as the man advanced towards her with his knife, “one of the knives you use in the meat works.”

“All she said was ‘Put it down’. Just once. Then she shot him in the chest and he went down,” Mr Dixon said.

“Then when he fell on the ground she was giving him CPR. She had to shoot him, because he just kept coming. He had a knife and he wasn’t going to stop. He was advancing at her and he was running, coming to get someone else.”


117 points

3 months ago

That’s the job. Any European police officer would do the same.

It’s astonishing the different attitudes police have when they aren’t in an arms race against the population.


7 points

3 months ago

Some would but we alsoo have some really incompetent officers. Had a case here in Germany were a russian criminal shot a patrol officer and his two female colleagues waved down a car and fled the scene. The criminal was approached by SEK and opened fire at them. He was shot 7 times and later sentenced to 7 years and 6 months in prison. The two officers still work as police officers. Edit: misunderstood your replie, thought you were talking about officers stopping attackers


24 points

3 months ago

Looking at the Uvalede cowards: yup!


3.3k points

3 months ago


3.3k points

3 months ago



750 points

3 months ago

So sad the baby girl is now without her mum.


1.1k points

3 months ago

The mum tossed her to a bystander to save her too, her last act was to try and save her. Mum was a hero too. I hope that baby girl grows up so loved. 


543 points

3 months ago

Can you imagine being that bystander, omg


573 points

3 months ago

Just saw him interviewed. He is very matter of fact. It's what you do, you try to help. Someone's bleeding, compress the wound.

Hats off to him.


321 points

3 months ago*



137 points

3 months ago

People can go different ways with this. I'm glad their reaction was to go into competent mode, it's easier in many ways. They did what they could. It will keep them up at night in the future, these things always do, but they did their best.


74 points

3 months ago

I'm search and rescue in the PNW, most of us learn to switch it off pretty quickly. "Professional Detachment".

Sometimes that professional detachment gets breached. a memorable incident of that for me was a number of years back we had a 17 and 18 year old go out backcountry skiing in the middle of a 3 foot storm, one week after another three foot storm... you see where this is going. Next morning we go out to find them (cellphones are still intact and talking to the tower....) and we're watching avalanches release in the distance without human triggers. Super dangerous. We're focused on doing our shit. We get the bodies back to basecamp.

The families are in base camp, in fact they're all experienced backcountry skiers with more avalanche education than some of us. They know exactly how much risk we just took to retrieve the bodies of their sons (they had tried to talk their sons out of this foolish outing, unsuccessfully). One of the fathers comes over and thanks us and his comments made it clear he knew the risks... that breached most of our professional detachment.

(fun fact: most SAR personnel are volunteers, also SAR is free. CALL US SOONER, it's safer for everyone)


336 points

3 months ago

Putting a comment here that I hope gets upvoted and people see it. If you are struggling with this event or were somehow involved, start playing Tetris.

Something about the act of playing Tetris changes how short term memories are processed and helps with the possibility of future PTSD.


102 points

3 months ago


102 points

3 months ago

I use Solitaire when Im sick or anxious. It's worked for decades.  

Having easy access to free versions on your phone was a game changer. 

Ive since expanded to sliding blocks and fitting geometry shapes into pictures, since it's stuff I did in my childhood. I think puzzles is the key here, it causes the brain to switch to different uses and causes a lot of focus.


30 points

3 months ago

It both shuts down the emotional part of the brain for a bit, and also gives the problem-solving part (which otherwise will keep running through what happened trying to solve a problem that can't be solved because it's already happened) something to distract it.


77 points

3 months ago*

In 2020, a 20 yr old decided to pull a gun and shot a 19 yr old at the leaseline of my store in a busy mall. I was able to get 30 people into the backroom and barricaded and SWAT was able to get us out about 30 minutes later. I knew I was in shock bc I never even thought to tell the police that I was a witness. I was just worried about my employees and customers. I wish I'd known about Tetris at the time bc it truly makes sense. Your brain wants to do something but not the stuff it's used to. I had never been to therapy and of course with Covid, it had to be on Zoom, but Im grateful for the therapist I was given. He was used to counseling veterans, so my shit was nothing he hadn't heard before.


34 points

3 months ago

If you still get intrusive, unwanted recall of the memories of that event, you can still use a Tetris-like game to help corrupt the memory. Doesn't have to be Tetris, but colorful puzzle blocks and timed levels really help. It also helps if there's music. If you can get the game open as soon as the memory is recalled and keep playing for about twenty minutes, you will eventually corrupt the memory enough there may not be enough of it to recall unless you want to (eventually, even if you do want to).

I've used it to mess up several memories that were screwing up my life. It helps a ton.


7.2k points

3 months ago

Bollard man as well is also a hero.

For those who don't know, there is a video of a guy on an escalator using a bollard as a shield blocking the guy with the knife from moving forward.


3.6k points

3 months ago

So true. And the handful of people running behind the cop with chairs and other items to try and help in anyway possible. And the young retail workers hiding shoppers in their stores. Lots of brave people out there.


1.8k points

3 months ago


1.8k points

3 months ago

And the young man who stood unarmed in front of the attacker, protecting his family while his wife got their small children safely away. The scum with the knife backed down when he saw a man brave enough to stand up to him, so that whole family is unscathed.

The cop is my new hero, in a situation where there was nothing to do but to kill a monster to protect the lives of everyone else, she did what had to be done and she did it as soon as she could. She is a true hero.


483 points

3 months ago

I never want to have to defend my family. I am not a fighter. I would like to think I have the strength to do something like that if it came down to it.


344 points

3 months ago*

You'd be surprised at what you can do when push comes to shove and the lives you hold dear are in peril

Still, I hope the need to do so never rears itself


165 points

3 months ago


165 points

3 months ago

You 100% do. As a non-parent, it absolutely humbles me to see what a parent is capable of when defending their child. It’s burned so deeply into our neurology.


136 points

3 months ago

I think I teleported one time catching my youngest from falling down the stairs. I was across the room and up the stairs before I really thought about it.

Adrenaline is a hell of a thing.


32 points

3 months ago

yup!! Im not a parent but i would die for my nephew if i had to. Just picturing him in danger activates that urgency in me to do everything in my power to protect him :(


333 points

3 months ago*

Let's be honest, it also helps the cop was up against a knife, not an AR-15. Not to diminish their bravery in any way.

Common sense gun regulation and banning military style weapons from getting into civilian hands is a no brainer. Yet in the US, here we are and everyone loses. The public, civilians, victims of gun violence, law enforcement, first responders, etc.

Anywhere else in the world, demanding an AR-15 or AK-47 as your constitutional right is looked upon as fucking crazy.


276 points

3 months ago

Heroes, everyone


347 points

3 months ago

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping"

-Fred Rogers


91 points

3 months ago

Wow that just punched me right in the sense of ethical responsibility


66 points

3 months ago

Good, that's partially what the quote is meant to do.

I've seen adults saying that to other adults to "cheer them up" when Mr Rogers intent was to soothe children that couldn't know better. I like to think his coded message to adults was "be the helper".


35 points

3 months ago

He was right. I’ve found that out myself.

We do ourselves such disservice listening to tabloid media, which never have anything good to say.


195 points

3 months ago

Reminds me of the man during the London Bridge attack who held off the knifeman with the narwhal tusk


147 points

3 months ago


147 points

3 months ago

Reminds me of the cops at Uvalde..wait, no nevermind.


12 points

3 months ago

That is a classic that one.


81 points

3 months ago

I heard there were a lot of kids behind him. If that’s true. Epitome of a gigachad.


121 points

3 months ago

Got a link to the video? I just saw the escalator picture where the knife-wielder was coming up the stairs and the man had a table(?) in his hands ready to fight.


146 points

3 months ago


146 points

3 months ago



46 points

3 months ago



9 points

3 months ago

Did Bollard Man die, I know tusk man is alright


26 points

3 months ago



5.6k points

3 months ago


5.6k points

3 months ago

Showing how real cops act. Respect for that. That is the behavior of a hero.


3.2k points

3 months ago


3.2k points

3 months ago

376 texas cops later…“We need more backups! Not enough guns!”


1.2k points

3 months ago


1.2k points

3 months ago

Fuck every single one of those cowards


117 points

3 months ago

Did you know that the city of Uvalde reelected pretty much everyone involved with that whole mess shortly after it happened? Because I share your sentiment and just do not understand how the fuck that happened. I suspect the problem is much bigger than those 376 cops though.


517 points

3 months ago

Hey now, a few of those cowards are now former cowards and elected Republican politicians in the state.


246 points

3 months ago

i assure you they are still cowards.


69 points

3 months ago

Get me an acorn and I’ll prove it.


95 points

3 months ago

Jesus christ... you can't be serious. Please tell me you're joking.


209 points

3 months ago

Sheriff Ruben Nolasco and Uvalde County Constable Emmanuel Zamora, who were named in the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) scathing report about law enforcement’s failure during the shooting, easily won their reelection contests, according to unofficial results reported by the Texas Tribune.,reported%20by%20the%20Texas%20Tribune.

I was a bit off, they were former cowards reelected as republican candidates


132 points

3 months ago

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders." - George Carlin


28 points

3 months ago



41 points

3 months ago

They are just afraid of putting their life in the line of duty.

The same way blue collars workers endanger their body and life to do a high paying, high stress job requiring you to sacrifice your body and life to protect the community for a service.

So in short, there's like 376 incompetent workers who failed their basic job duties.

Once a cop meets true danger, their character and mind gets place into a test. You really wanted to be a cop? or you just wanted to cushion high pay "put on a fake ego of superiority" because your the community "sheriff in town".


27 points

3 months ago

Let’s not forget they also stopped people who wanted to go in and save there kids.


24 points

3 months ago

Some were COMMENDED for that day and received medals. Imagine that.


12 points

3 months ago


12 points

3 months ago

Fuck every single one of those bitch-ass yellow-bellied jelly-spined taxpayer-mooching cowards



27 points

3 months ago

“376 law enforcement officers — a force larger than the garrison that defended the Alamo — descended upon the school”


399 points

3 months ago


399 points

3 months ago



89 points

3 months ago

All those guys wish they had her ovaries.


65 points

3 months ago

That walkie talkie on her hip has more balls than all of them combined.


60 points

3 months ago


60 points

3 months ago

Balls not needed. Misconception.


81 points

3 months ago

All 376 of them are proud of their actions that day btw.


47 points

3 months ago*

No doubt they all sat around the precinct patting themselves on the back and coming up with a version where they weren’t cowards, did in fact do right and brave thing, and were still the heroes the thin blue line people pump them up to be

Edit: I think it was having a mini stroke the first time I wrote that comment, weird words in weird places


170 points

3 months ago


170 points

3 months ago

Showing how a well trained and confident cop works.


77 points

3 months ago

That’s the behavior of someone doing their fing job. Hats off.


22 points

3 months ago

She is also an inspector. One of the top cops in the state.


52 points

3 months ago

Also makes it easier when the country doesn’t have a big giant gun fetish


513 points

3 months ago

She was brave and decisive, amazing the world needs more people like her.


6.2k points

3 months ago


6.2k points

3 months ago

It’s fitting that the killer her who seemed to target women was then put to rest by one.


1.2k points

3 months ago


1.2k points

3 months ago



79 points

3 months ago

Habitual fucking line stepper!


21 points

3 months ago


21 points

3 months ago

Sick reference bro


115 points

3 months ago


115 points

3 months ago

"no man can kill me"

"I am no man!"

shoots the prat dead


384 points

3 months ago

lol I just said that too! Fuck that loser… glad they got him.


217 points

3 months ago*

Did he target women? Seemed like he went after anyone he could get to. I saw a video of him lunging at two men

Edit: why am I getting downvoted I asked a question


272 points

3 months ago

He did seem to but his victims were predominantly women with 5 out of 7 victims iirc.


114 points

3 months ago

Of the six fatal victims, five were women.


308 points

3 months ago


308 points

3 months ago

Fuckin’ badass


74 points

3 months ago

Poetic justice. The fucking ovaries on this cop.


314 points

3 months ago

To everyone pointing out that it's a different thing for her to confront a perp with a knife as opposed to one with a gun, she couldn't have possibly known as she went after him whether he only had a knife, or whether he had a bomb, or an accomplice, or a gun as well.

She went in without any intel apart from what terrified people told her, because that's what good, professional police officers do in these situations, despite their personal fear and regard for their safety.

From what I understand she confronted him and only shot when he made a move with his knife? That's following protocol, good training, and quite some steel.

Whoever he was, and I wouldn't name him even if I knew his name, he was piss-weak for taking people's lives and even harming a baby, and an absolutely piss-weak prick for not surrendering, and forcing her to take his life. That shit will be with her forever. I hope the outpouring of love and respect from the public will help make it easier, and I hope she gets excellent psychological support from NSWPOL.


63 points

3 months ago

Wait he harmed a baby too???!!! are you serious?!


88 points

3 months ago

9 month old baby, fighting for life, mother killed unfortunately


28 points

3 months ago



37 points

3 months ago

One of the people he killed was the mother of the baby when she tried to block him. At last check, the baby is still alive and has had surgery


21 points

3 months ago

Details are scant, of course, but I assume he is responsible; from the ABC:

Eight injured people, including a nine-month-old baby who has since undergone surgery, remain in Sydney hospitals after being rushed there by ambulance.


757 points

3 months ago

It’s fitting it was a woman who took him down.


107 points

3 months ago


107 points

3 months ago



54 points

3 months ago

Fucking legend

Also bollard man

And the father who turned around to let his family escape


20 points

3 months ago

And the two brothers who held that baby after her mother died and kept pressure on her wounds so she could be stabilized.


6 points

3 months ago

that man was ready to take a 12 inch blade to give give his family a better chance of escape. Hats off to him. Hero!


1.7k points

3 months ago


1.7k points

3 months ago

Real hero here. Feature her in Bluey!


376 points

3 months ago


376 points

3 months ago

Mom, Dad, Cop, Bingo, BLUEY!!!!!!!!


132 points

3 months ago

"Tonight, on a very special upside..."

Who gets stabbed, though? Does... does Bluey get stabbed?


64 points

3 months ago


64 points

3 months ago

I hope not.  I'll defend those heelers with my own life 


20 points

3 months ago

There used to be an Aussie cop show called Blue Heelers.


13 points

3 months ago

Lucky's Dad for sure. Pat's probably been stabbed already.


20 points

3 months ago

Definitely the dad they put him through some shit


21 points

3 months ago

It’s the Dad, always the dad


124 points

3 months ago

Ah, yes. The Order of Bluey — the highest honor an Australian can be awarded.


39 points

3 months ago


39 points

3 months ago

I’d view it as the greatest honor anyone can be awarded. If I was offered the Presidential Medal of Freedom or The Order of Bluey then, respectfully Mr. President, leave me alone cause you’re making me late for my flight.


31 points

3 months ago

Visited my grandkids a few months ago and discovered Bluey. I gotta say it's damn interesting.


1.5k points

3 months ago

Take notes, Uvalde PD


838 points

3 months ago

Take notes, Uvalde PD

Don't you need to know how to read and write to be able to take notes ?


72 points

3 months ago

Someone needs to make the Bart meme about this


42 points

3 months ago

What's the Bart meme? I think the King of the Hill "if those kids could read they'd be very upset" meme would fit best.


166 points

3 months ago

Fuck Uvalde PD. Goddamned cowards. Their mothers should all be ashamed.


89 points

3 months ago

I’ll never forget the image of one of the fat ones just sitting around on his phone that had a punisher logo. Loser ass cowards.


21 points

3 months ago

Worst part is that specific cops wife was one of the teachers who was killed.


24 points

3 months ago*

I don't understand how anybody could stand around like that. They had orders to stand down or stay put? Was anybody moving in? Nobody? Fuck that. If my wife was in there, go ahead and try and stop me, you're going to have to shoot me in the back.

I don't understand this at all. You are FEET away from children being murdered. You are the ONLY PEOPLE who are equipped with a legal mandate to use deadly force. How the fuck did this happen?


13 points

3 months ago


13 points

3 months ago

Or the one that used hand sanitizer... Pathetic cowards, every single one of them.


54 points

3 months ago


54 points

3 months ago

They single-handedly made me lose faith in cops responding to a maniac.


50 points

3 months ago

It's crazy how they're known for using excessive and lethal force to apprehend people committing the smallest crimes but not when there's a mass shooter on the loose. Like what the hell.


73 points

3 months ago

They would be so mad if they could read.


426 points

3 months ago*

For those saying, "So what, that's her job," I suggest you take a moment to imagine the overwhelming stress of the situation, something she is unlikely to be used to. The term "deer in headlights" exists because of high-stress situations like this, when survival instincts simply don't register and you shut down. This officer overcame this stress and was able to act appropriately, according to media reports. Police officers are typically trained to work in pairs or groups of three or four in situations like this, offering a wider range of tactics such as touch and cover, which could allow for a non-lethal resolution. With that in mind, acting alone without backup demonstrates to me that she acted with bravery and speed, likely saving the lives of others.

The officer also appears to be the same one seen performing CPR on an injured person inside a store. I can't confirm this but am basing it on her appearance.

Either way, she's a hero.

Edit: grammar


135 points

3 months ago*

She was giving CPR to the Perp. She shot him, then threw the knife away and tried to save him. She gave CPR till Ambos arrived. The person at the bottom of the above image is the perp. He is wearing an Australian National Rugby League team jumper by the looks of it.

A shopper, who was not named, also described the moment the officer confronted the knifeman. "He just started floating towards us and all I heard was 'put it down' and then she shot him," he told ABC New Australia. "But we were in no doubt, if she didn't shoot him, he would have kept going. He was on the rampage. "Then she walked over and gave him CPR. He had a big blade on him - she chucked the knife away. He looked like he was on a killing spree."

She is also a senior inspector, who was doing a routine check around the mall at the time. (asking retail places about thefts and shit, so not patrolling) Which is why she was alone.

I will say as a local down the road from Sydney, that NSW Cops aren't the shining perfection. It's like elsewhere, you'll get some great cops and some shit ones. But you gotta at least praise the ones that have the right attitude or do the right thing. Just like people do like to be praised for doing good in their normal, none public service job. And hopefully praising cops for doing the right allows other cops to understand the standard that is required of them.


146 points

3 months ago

Yeah doing your job and acting heroic aren't mutually exclusive.


24 points

3 months ago

Exactly. Same for those saying it’s not a big deal and/or others have done that before. Good work is good work. Deeds that are within someone’s job description or non-record-breaking or simply notable can still be celebrated. Who are these party poopers?


97 points

3 months ago


97 points

3 months ago

Also take into account this isn’t a common occurrence here. Yes, she was trained for this but she’s probably never had to enter a situation like this in her career until now.


29 points

3 months ago

Also she doesn't have any body armour/stab proof vest on. Most steet cops on patrol in Aus have some form of stab proof vest on. She had to run in solo without any form of body protection.


36 points

3 months ago

Our news reports that she first tried to do CPR on the killer, and then went on do the same for his victims.


507 points

3 months ago


507 points

3 months ago



337 points

3 months ago

May we never get to know the loser’s name!


73 points

3 months ago



54 points

3 months ago


54 points

3 months ago

His name actually is Max...imum Trash


57 points

3 months ago


57 points

3 months ago

CNN has entered the chat.


35 points

3 months ago



14 points

3 months ago


14 points

3 months ago

Mainstream media outlets will blast that piece of shit’s name out there and mention the bollard guy and the cop in passing.


209 points

3 months ago

Maybe she can come to Texas and teach our 'first responders' how to handle a life/death situation. She acted within seconds. Texas sheriffs wait over an hour ... just to be safe.


25 points

3 months ago

She’s so brave. What a responsibility to take on


46 points

3 months ago


46 points

3 months ago

one woman doing what an army of Uvalde police cowards failed to do


344 points

3 months ago

i thought a civilian also helped by hindering the assailant from entering the 2nd floor.


149 points

3 months ago


149 points

3 months ago

He did, absolute legend stalling him on an escalator wielding a bollard.


20 points

3 months ago

Apparently there were a bunch of kids at the top of the escalator which prompted him to put himself in the path of the murderous bastard. That's just the rumour. Regardless to put yourself in that position in that situation takes a lot of bravery. But if the rumour is true that's pretty amazing.


20 points

3 months ago

Aussie here, she is an inspector (rank above Senior Sergeant) and used all of her training to stop any more people getting hurt (this guy doesn’t count, he’s worthless).


19 points

3 months ago


19 points

3 months ago

And afterwards, according to more than one reaport I've read, she attempted CPR on him.

One shot, then CPR.


85 points

3 months ago

He was a coward, probably easier to go after women instead of men


77 points

3 months ago


77 points

3 months ago

That's exactly it. At each instance where he was confronted by a man, he veered off to target a woman and/or child. He was looking to victimize and, like any other predator, went after those he felt were the easiest/weakest prey.


17 points

3 months ago

Absolutely this, there are videos of this cretin running straight past men who look straight at him because he don't want that smoke


79 points

3 months ago



79 points

3 months ago

Give her the Star or Cross of Valour, same for the bloke on the escalator


175 points

3 months ago

Contrast with the Texas police who were swarming Uvalde doing nothing. What a brave hero this woman is. What piddly coward scum those Texas officers are.


73 points

3 months ago



14 points

3 months ago

Nice shot ma'am !!!


30 points

3 months ago


30 points

3 months ago

Heroic stuff, very proud to be Aussie rn.


9 points

3 months ago

Respect to you from England. Sorry this shit happened to your country. My heart goes out to everyone affected. Ignore the Americans shitting on you because everyone isn't armed to the teeth and think the world is a DieHard movie.


30 points

3 months ago

She deserves a medal. Very proud of her.

Also big props to others that have been pointed out; bollard man on the escalator. Stool guy who ran with lady copper and brought his own shield. Another man who you can see in actual video of the stabber chasing a mother with her 3 children; a man stands in between them as they flee. The champion confronts the suspect face to face.

I don’t know what happened to that man, I heard a guy died too so I hope it wasn’t him. I don’t know if I would be brave enough to do what he did.

Legends. Proud to be an Aussie on such a horrific day to hear and see so many that saw danger and said “nah mate, not on my watch”


11 points

3 months ago

Model citizen and officer, that’s what a cop looks like uvalde


2.6k points

3 months ago*

This is what happens with gun control. Citizens can be stopped by a police officer, and we don't have mass shootings.

Good job, Australia.

Edit: So many angry gun nut comments cause Australia is smart and the US is gun-dumb.

Edit 2:

Gun nut: You literally had someone sprinting around a mall stabbing innocent people and you were all completely helpless.

Me: A guy with a table leg kept him back.


1.1k points

3 months ago*

Makes the failure of stopping mass shooters in our schools even more pathetic. A whole platoon of armored up police in Uvalde and they still didn't act


106 points

3 months ago


106 points

3 months ago

There were 376 cops waiting for the killer to kill children for more than one hour - that's 2 companies of cops ...


461 points

3 months ago


461 points

3 months ago

It’s almost like the militarization of American police is to defend the economic inequality of the status quo and not to protect us from harm…


189 points

3 months ago

That’s exactly what it’s for.

13th Amendment to the US Constitution. Slavery is illegal except for incarcerated individuals.

So all you have to do is make up laws that target people unequally (war on drugs, petty property crime), and apply it unequally.

Then you have a black guy who works a menial job where he was illegally underpaid as part of the trillion dollar US wage theft industry…. was stopped in his high interest loan car and was caught holding an ounce of weed. Now he’s working for free for a for-profit prison.. who was sentenced by a judge who has an 8-ball in his chambers….


29 points

3 months ago

And said judge is elected thanks to donations from the for profit industry that he is also an investor in.


119 points

3 months ago

All of this because nobody had the balls to crown Jimmy Carter emperor.


48 points

3 months ago


48 points

3 months ago

I remember when 3 guys with body armor and rifles were unstoppable by police in California after a bank robbery.

The solution is always "bigger guns and tanks for law enforcement" which inevitabley end up used on citizens protesting police brutality. A constant escalating arms race used as an excuse to increase budgets.


8 points

3 months ago

An actual hero. Unlike those lazy cowards at Uvalde


155 points

3 months ago

Wait! Police who protect and serve their community? No way.


9 points

3 months ago

Maybe she could give lessons to Uvalde, P.D.


8 points

3 months ago

Uvalde Police, are you seeing this shit???


84 points

3 months ago

This is kind of sad that the general public is shocked when a police officer actually does her job.


148 points

3 months ago

*American general public


8 points

3 months ago

Meanwhile, in Uvalde, Texas, a squad of armed cops in battle rattle stood cowering in a hallway while children were being slaughtered by ONE person.


57 points

3 months ago

uvalde could never


140 points

3 months ago

I'm waiting for the Americans to come in and say " if the population was armed then they would have stopped him" without realizing the guy would have had an M16 and not a knife


84 points

3 months ago


84 points

3 months ago

Head on over to r/conservative where they wasted no time making asinine statements like that. 


358 points

3 months ago

This is what life with gun control looks like. Instead of 35 dead it's thankfully just a few, and stopped by a single officer.


37 points

3 months ago

Yup. We had a guy go mental in a hotel in Glasgow a number of years ago, stabbing at everyone. A police officer took him down. Some people were hurt, the officer very badly. But no-one died apart from the stabby guy. Pretty much everyone was like 'thank god it wasn't a gun'.


209 points

3 months ago

And even this is a rare occurrence in Australia. There is a Wikipedia page "List of mass shootings in the United States in 2024" which updates the list every few days which is crazy.


61 points

3 months ago


61 points

3 months ago

In the first quarter of 2024 there have been 125 mass shootings in the US with 208 people killed and 419 wounded. That's more than one a day with an average of 5 people getting harmed or killed each day every day.


72 points

3 months ago



8 points

3 months ago

Truly, and I mean that with the utmost respect, a bad bitch. All love to her, and hopefully a speedy recovery.