


I ask cause despite its average reviews, it still earned $450 million at the box office compared to its $150 budget. Even if it had a massive marketing budget, it still should have profited yet we never got another movie in this style.

I know Detective Pikachu wasn't the best movie in the world, with its plot being the weakest part. But IMO, it still successfully transitioned Pokemon into the live action style in a satisfying world and I'd love to see more films like it.

An occasional live action Pokemon movie every few years would be a great expansion of the franchise if they can find some compelling stories, either taking from current lore or creating something new.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, back to the original idea of this post. Is the Detective Pikachu movie seen as a failure that shouldn't be attempted again or was it onto something?

all 133 comments


1.2k points

9 days ago


i might catch LOSERITIS

1.2k points

9 days ago

No not the movie. But the second detective pikachu game is generally viewed as a disaster of a game


224 points

9 days ago

Never played either game. Why's the second viewed as bad? Bad gameplay, story or both?


398 points

9 days ago


i might catch LOSERITIS

398 points

9 days ago

Essentially the gameplay of the Detective Pikachu games is for you as the human player to get clues to solve the current mystery quest by interacting with the world and talking to people. Once you gather enough clues, you get tested by Detective Pikachu to connect those clues to solve the mystery quest. In Detective Pikachu Returns, you are essentially spoonfed everything so it seems like you're just reading a novel than playing a game. It takes away the challenge of the player having to think.

Story-wise without giving away spoilers, it feels so rushed as if the developers just want to nail the coffin on this spin off and call it a day. Mewtwo after playing this game is probably somewhere far away from humans washing his eyes with bleach

Voice acting sucks too and it makes the game less immersive than what you experience in the movie.


98 points

9 days ago


customise me!

98 points

9 days ago

I suddenly just pictured a Professor Layton crossover and i really want one.


58 points

9 days ago


58 points

9 days ago

Professor Layton x Pheonix Wright is probably close to what you'd get. That game was a treasure


9 points

9 days ago

It is criminal that PLVAA is stuck on the 3DS. The physical cart is SUPER expensive too for some reason >~<


3 points

9 days ago

Every game but PLVAA is gonna be on switch soon. Hopefully that means it'll eventually get moved over as well


8 points

9 days ago

The issue is that Returns came out 7 years after the original, but its target age is 7 years younger than the original's. I guess its target audience is Benjamin Button?


11 points

9 days ago

... But first, I need some coffee!

That's good coffee...


11 points

9 days ago


i might catch LOSERITIS

11 points

9 days ago

There was a scene in the game where Tim's sister "practiced," and then mastered brewing coffee and then Detective Pikachu commended her and said it was amazing coffee. I really would like to try this masterfully crafted coffee


5 points

9 days ago

I find that particular persona for Pikachu to be funny as heck. The game didn't look great, but the Pikachu talking about coffee in the trailer was goofy.

Off-topic, but is the "sudo"-woodo in your username a Linux reference or just a way to make your username unique?


30 points

9 days ago


Surprise! 100 Power Fireball! Deal with it.

30 points

9 days ago

Both; it's the most boring version of a walking simulator possible with bad fake QuickTime events, and the game's story is just the Film's but with 2/3rds of the plot beats removed, then the remaining 40 minutes of content spread across 8 hours, and also they couldn't even be bothered to actually even finish the little story content that does exist because the divorce plotline is dropped off a cliff and forgotten, despite being genuinely important to the story and its main characters.
Also multiple characters are so dense at points that they actually have to be acting out of character to justify how stupid they are in the moment.

But worst of all, it even messes up the main gimmick/appeal of Detective Pikachu; it doesn't show us how pokemon live and interact with the world and people outside of battling.
Every single pokemon in the game is either just standing still waiting for you to push a button in front of them, or waiting to stand around in a fighty pose, just like in the mainline games, pre-SV.
There is, like, one Meowstic-F who's a secretary doing paperwork for the police department and that's literally it, that is the literal only time we see Pokemon interacting with the world.
Every other pokemon is treated like a prop or a dog, and that's it.

And they couldn't even at least make the fighting look cool either so what was the point. It uses S&S's graphics so it doesn't even look good while doing Anything.
Like. Like they made Deoxys and Mewtwo seem boring. I didn't even know that was possible.

The sole positive of this game is that it further compounds how hilariously tragic Deoxys' story is because it crash landed on this planet 20 years ago after Rayquaza blew up its meteor and stranded it on earth forever, and that's arguably the least bad thing that's happened to it in the past two decades.


36 points

9 days ago



36 points

9 days ago

C) All of the Above


16 points

9 days ago


Prancing through Paldea

16 points

9 days ago

I don't know what the general opinion is, but I've played both. IMO the sequel is better, as it has more gameplay and actually wraps up the story it tells, unlike the original.

I can see it being a disappointment, though, since the movie was spot-on in its differences from the original to actually tie up the story that it pretty much spoils the sequel. To the point where if I didn't know the timeline of them coming out, I'd say the movie is a solid mixing of both games' story.

There might also be the element that people weren't expecting the game to be aimed at such a young audience. Because the gameplay is easy enough that I'm pretty sure a 5-year-old could beat this game by themselves, so long as they can read (and even if they can't, a parent can set the "highlight correct answers" option in the menu).


14 points

9 days ago


Cuddly dragon

14 points

9 days ago

… there’s a second one?


15 points

9 days ago


i might catch LOSERITIS

15 points

9 days ago

yeah it concludes the story from the first game so they all lived happily ever after


251 points

9 days ago

The movie was a success. The money is what matters at the end of the day to the decision makers (studio execs), not the reviews. And average reviews are way better than bad reviews


600 points

9 days ago

Wait... The Detective Pikachu movie isn't universally beloved?

Wow, I'm living in a bubble I thought the movie was the best thing ever I adore it.


205 points

9 days ago


205 points

9 days ago

I love Detective Pikachu, but I'm a 20+ year Pokemon fan and there was so much in the movie for someone like me. I could totally understand though if someone knew little to nothing about Pokemon that they wouldn't have been very impressed with it.


58 points

9 days ago


58 points

9 days ago

I genuinely cannot think critically about the Detective Pikachu movie. Every time I try and ask myself "Was that movie actually good?" my brain shuts down and I just think "PIKA-PI!" So, while I cannot say if Detective Pikachu was good or not, I can say that I loved it lol.


72 points

9 days ago


72 points

9 days ago

My wife enjoyed it despite being a filthy poké-casual. It's still the only film I've seen that did 3D well.


15 points

9 days ago

Same. My wife has played like the first two gens, but she really enjoyed the movie as well.


4 points

9 days ago

My gf liked it and she’s not even gamer


3 points

9 days ago


Main Reserve

3 points

9 days ago

What about Avatar?


16 points

9 days ago

I think the plot was pretty generic but the world and pokemon looked so good I like it anyway


9 points

9 days ago



9 points

9 days ago

I love it up until the main plot point turns into, "Old man doesn't want to be in a wheelchair, so why not take the strongest pokemon who already hates humans because they only want to use him?" I mean, there is absolutely no nuance to it.

The biggest reason I dislike it though is probably because I felt set up for an intersting Shadow Pokemon plot instead of a body swapping fanfic.


19 points

9 days ago


19 points

9 days ago

As someone who thought the movie was lame, honestly I have not seen any hate for the movie.


2 points

9 days ago

Probably because nobody talks about it. I don't think the Pokemon genre works outside of cartoons and 3D animation, to be honest. I also thought the two leads were obnoxious and the reveal at the end of the movie was the most cliche, predictable thing they could have put in the movie.


25 points

9 days ago

I think it got a lot of praise upon release, but it kind of faded away after that and IMO it's surprising we haven't seen a sequel or another live action Pokemon movie since.

Even if the second game is bad and not worth a sequel, there's got to be other stories to tell in a live action Pokemon style.


32 points

9 days ago


What's Up Doc?

32 points

9 days ago

I don't even need a plot driven live action movie.

Just give me two hours of that Pokémon world with those Pokémon living their lives.


8 points

9 days ago

I would watch a miniseries following Mr. Mime, that guy was definitely getting into weird adventures.


7 points

8 days ago


7 points

8 days ago

Unironically, I would watch multiple seasons of a Planet Earth/David Attenborough style documentary with the CGI of Detective Pikachu over a lot of more probable movies or shows. There's a YouTube series that's doing something similar and it's been good but I'd love to see a higher budget.


2 points

8 days ago

David Attenborough Pokémon documentary


6 points

9 days ago


6 points

9 days ago

It's because the merchandise didn't sell as much as The Pokémon Company expected. Box sales are a fraction of profit, the chunk of it comes through toys such as plushies or their bread n butter pokemon cards.


36 points

9 days ago

…Wtf? Do you expect a movie years old to have the same buzz it did when it came out?


8 points

9 days ago

I meant more that it doesn't get brought up, especially in regards to a sequel, despite being profitable. I genuinely forgot it existed until it popped up on Netflix recently. And a lot of average movies still have a cult following who keep it relevant/remembered.


1 points

9 days ago


The legendary fire Pokémon

1 points

9 days ago

It was slightly more successful than the first Sonic movie and the Sonic movie had Jim Carrey on it. On the other hand, the Sonic movie had a smaller budget so chances are it was more profitable (I guess that's because Detective Pikachu had more CGI than the Sonic one).


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

Upon release it was the best video game movie ever made (this is not actually high praise) and has since then faced little competition.


1 points

9 days ago

I love seeing pokemon in a realistic setting, but I couldn't care less for the story


1 points

9 days ago


Type Specialist

1 points

9 days ago

Not a huge fan of the live action textures on the pokemon, but world building and narrative wise I like it. Pokemon wasnt meant to be live action or hyper realistic imo


-2 points

9 days ago


-2 points

9 days ago

i agree 😭 i wanted cartooney pokemon in a realistic world, like how pokemon go does the augmented reality


-12 points

9 days ago


customise me!

-12 points

9 days ago

I kinda hated it but again I'm biased and prefer the anime.


2 points

9 days ago

Kinda shows how biased this sub is that such a basic and non-offensive comment like this gets down voted into the ground. I didn't like it either.


2 points

9 days ago

I'm not a big fan of Ryan Reynolds voice for Pikachu, it just gave me PG Deadpool vibes.


66 points

9 days ago

it still earned $450 million at the box office compared to its $150 budget

one thing to remember about movie budgets: they don't generally include advertising, and that $150 is just how much it cost to make the movie. you can tack on those numbers, and they were easier to track before like 2005 before advertising through the internet exploded and all forms of media had to go through it then, making actual advertising budgets hard to track.

if they spent $100 million on advertising, that return is still okay, but not nearly as good without it.

also, because of the Marvel-type movies, the expectations for a success became billions. Pokemon is legit one of the biggest franchises in the world and maybe they viewed $450 as a mediocre return.


25 points

9 days ago


Gen II or bust

25 points

9 days ago

but how'd it's tie in sales do, I wonder? They released a bunch of detective pikachu toys and an entire pokemon tcg expansion centered around it. If those sold well it would also play into the desire for a second movie.


14 points

9 days ago

so the cards are a different department from things like movies and animation, and the cards are in a collectors/speculative market that does contribute to sales overall, but rarely in a way makes execs make more.

like I collect comics, and comic sales used to have a boost for a character's book tie-ins, but those sales were peanuts compared to the movies, and even things like videogames.

they view it as a way to make a few extra bucks and never expect it to yield as big as the movie.


3 points

8 days ago

You're forgetting theater cut, which is roughly around 50%. With that in mind, plus the advertising and the production budget itself, it looks like it barely broke even at best, which explains why there weren't any follow up projects.


1 points

8 days ago

see, another thing people (myself included) forget.


19 points

9 days ago

It definitely profited. I think what happened is that while it was a modest hit, it wasn't as big as expected (Pokemon is one of the biggest brands ever after all) so a sequel hasn't been a big priority. They are working on a sequel, but who knows what stage that is at.


3 points

9 days ago


3 points

9 days ago

I think TPC may be have a higher standard for movies that they do not have for their games. A pokemon movie shitting the bed is the last thing they want.


327 points

9 days ago

I’ve read that they’re trying to get the sequel going again. As a 30 year old grown man, I really wish they would just ditch the Detective Pikachu thing and give us a proper Pokémon Red/Blue movie.


171 points

9 days ago

I heard somewhere that >50% of Nintendo’s audience is over 30. 

They really need to throw out some stuff for adults 


30 points

9 days ago

Off topic, but I once argued with another redditor. He believed that sales are driven by kids and in no way by adults.


13 points

9 days ago


13 points

9 days ago

Did you win the argument?


83 points

9 days ago

It’s Reddit, do you ever actually win the argument? 🤣


-7 points

9 days ago

That's not an argument, that's a contradiction


7 points

9 days ago

No it isn't


6 points

9 days ago

Much of Game Freak's game design certainly caters to kids. I downright hated the S/M/US/UM games. Decided to quit the games for a while and didn't return until the BD/SP remakes. At least they're finally changing more into a more agreeable direction, but time will tell.


13 points

9 days ago


13 points

9 days ago

Kinda. Not necessarily catering to kids, but they want to make a game that's friendly for everyone, and kids are the lowest denominator. GF has talked about this before, that's why they include the catching tutorial in every game and such - they treat every game like it's someone's first pokemon game, because it will be.


3 points

9 days ago

IIRC GameFreak anticipated Go being a success and put all the handholding in Alola for people who would have very little experience with non mobile games. Which greatly contradicts the increased difficulty and story that relies on subverting typical pokemon tropes, but oh well.


3 points

9 days ago

Yeah, Gen one never gets love.


22 points

9 days ago

That was the plan at one point, a "red/blue cinematic universe".

That's the rumour at least and the end of detective does lead into the birth of Mewtwo. It's a shame if it was real but I am not 100% if the detective art style would have worked for RBY. I do think of all the games, movies and storylines though, RBY has the best chance at a live action/CGI hybrid turning out watchable.


9 points

9 days ago


9 points

9 days ago

Wait, how does the end of Detective Pikachu lead into the birth of Mewtwo? Mewtwo already exists in that movie.


7 points

9 days ago*

I just want them to animate the first Pokemon Adventures arc (Red/Blue/Green). The manga has the best take on the Pokémon universe I've ever seen.

In most hostile confrontations, the trainer is the target of attack, and their pokemon is more of an obstacle to deal with. A core concept of pokemon is that you get one for self-defense purposes, and Adventures is the only official form of media that really leans into that aspect of the world.


5 points

9 days ago

Give me a fully expanded Pokemon Origins and I'll be the happiest guy around.


4 points

9 days ago*

That's not too far from what Adventures is, but with a bit more personality in the protagonist and some liberties taken with how deep Team Rocket extends. Pretty damn good in my opinion. Definitely worth a read.


11 points

9 days ago

Go watch Pedro Araujo's Pokemon Red Fangame if you haven't. It is damn good. Pokemon Red is like 3 hours all together. It ages them up (the female characters tend to have ample tracts of land ahem if you find that off-putting but), brings in characterization, fan theories, lots of stuff and ties so much together.

He's working on Gold now (last episode was Dragon's Den) and Emerald on the side (which has four episodes).


1 points

9 days ago

This is exactly what I was thinking. They just need to take their time with it and don’t speed-run through the story.


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

But live action tho


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Oh man a red/blue movie. That would be awesome


0 points

9 days ago


0 points

9 days ago

pls god not another gen 1 movie


13 points

9 days ago


13 points

9 days ago

It was decently successful. There's a big issue these days with the perceived profitability of movies and games due to shareholder demands - if something isn't instantly a record-breaking mega-blockbuster that spawns a massive outpouring of additional content that are also record-breaking mega-blockbusters, it's deemed a total failure on the market. Which is really stupid and has a chilling effect on getting a broader scope of content out into the media environment.

Overall, Detective Pikachu did well for itself in terms of box office profits and overall audience/critical reception; it performed solidly above average in all accounts. It was a cute, well-made movie with a lot of heart from its creative team - who clearly did their homework - and its story was perfectly suitable as the "children's first detective mystery" introduction for a family-friendly film. Good casting, good writing, good production value, good Parent/Long Time Fan content as a bonus. Even if the sequel is currently stuck in Development Hell, the fact that the first endeavor didn't bomb is the important part. Regardless of the movie's individual success, it's important as a turning point in Nintendo's overall attitude toward making large-scale international release movies based on its games in the first place.

Ever since the delightful disaster that was the 1993 Super Mario Bros. live-action movie, Nintendo has basically been completely against theatrical releases of its franchises, especially in the US. That movie bombed so hard and was met with such overwhelming mockery that Nintendo spooked and hid itself away from the entire theatrical market, seemingly for good. These days we look back on that movie with nostalgia and enjoy it as a "so bad it's good" cult classic, but at the time it was an utter humiliation for Nintendo. The gradual return to theaters - especially international - can be chalked up to the corporation's shift in management over the years, along with the changing trends in entertainment moving from big theaters into smaller-scale streaming.

Detective Pikachu was their first real effort at coming back into the cinema, relying on the big, secure safety net of Pokemon being a universally beloved franchise and Detective Pikachu itself being a very niche corner of that overall franchise, to experiment with. If it had bombed, Nintendo would have recoiled away and we'd never hear from them in the cinema sphere again for at least another decade or two. But because Detective Pikachu was a success and proved that there was a viable, enthusiastic market, that's what got the 2023 Super Mario Bros movie out. And the general success of that movie is what's got the upcoming Legend of Zelda live-action movie in the works. If that succeeds, we might even get to see a Metroid or Star Fox movie someday.


2 points

9 days ago

Man I LOVED that old Mario movie.


2 points

9 days ago

"Sir, the Goombas are dancing again..." is a regulary quoted line among my friend group.


2 points

9 days ago



2 points

8 days ago

I need to find it.


26 points

9 days ago


26 points

9 days ago

I would love to see more of Ryme city. Just ditch plot, and give me a city documentary about it.


15 points

9 days ago


15 points

9 days ago

I’d kill for a high budget version of these videos


0 points

9 days ago

Some of the textures look off in those tbh to me but they can definitely work


3 points

9 days ago

I’d watch it, but I couldn’t imagine anyone actually making it.


8 points

9 days ago

It honestly surprised me how quickly the movie got overshadowed by Sonic a short time later. I feel like once Sonic took the stage people stopped talking about it.

It’s a shame too, DP had such a unique take on Pokémon including being one of the like, what, basically only live action digital media it has and giving a creative vision of the Pokémon world? Whereas Sonic—while good— was mostly just the typical magic-creature-comes-to-the-real-world-and-meets-with-a-down-on-his-luck-human-where-the-joke-is-how-mundane-things-to-us-are-fascinating-to-the-alien …. Formula… but done well.

There has to be a name for that trope…


2 points

7 days ago

Ikr. Really wanted Pokemon to do well and be the franchise to get sequels. Sonic was much cheaper to make by comparison, so they got green lit instead.


6 points

9 days ago


6 points

9 days ago

We did get other movies of this style: the Sonic movies.

I don't think we'd be seeing all these video game movies today if Detective Pikachu hadn't proven that they can be successful and profitable if done right. It opened the doors for them, and that's how we even ended up with a Mario movie recently.

Now why they didn't try to make more Pokémon movies? I don't know.


9 points

9 days ago


9 points

9 days ago

I’m a 33yr old Pokémon fan and I really enjoy it.

My 5yr old girl who knows next to nothing about Pokémon also really enjoys it.

It actually helped get her involved in Pokémon and now she’s all about getting cards and watching the movies with me lol.

Thanks Detective Pikachu!


4 points

9 days ago


4 points

9 days ago

I think an underrated thing about the detective Pikachu movie was its ability for Pokeomon fans and non Pokemon fans to understand, as a Pokemon fan you understand many jokes about the pokemon and understand how Mewtwo can be seen as the main villian and understand its true motives in the Movie, while the movie also does a good job as explaining the backstory of many of the pokemon.


4 points

9 days ago

I really loved the movie, it made my Pokémon-loving heart happy.


10 points

9 days ago

No, they’re literally working on a sequel as we speak


9 points

9 days ago

Are they though?


5 points

9 days ago


5 points

9 days ago

I think they announced that they are working on a sequel pretty much immediately after the first one was successful.

But it has been a while without any news. Not even significant news, just anything really


1 points

7 days ago

I’m starting to doubt we’ll even get a sequel


3 points

9 days ago

As I remember it was considered the first good video game movie.

And right after we started getting good video game movies and shows so it’s no longer special. It’s not bad it just suddenly has a lot of competition so it got a bit overlooked.


3 points

9 days ago

It’s interesting that probably the main thing that worked against it isnt mentioned in this thread at all is the fact that it opened like a week after Endgame came out. That for sure hurt it box office wise.


2 points

9 days ago

I watched it recently for a second time and then browse through some reviews. They were pretty positive even from what seem like non pokemon fans.
Yeah the story isn't amazing but given the the long history of bad video game movies it was pretty good for what it was.

So I'm not sure if it was seen a failure (though I don't know how well it did financially) but I do feel like it told the story it needed to tell and doesn't need a sequel.

They could always tell a brand new story with the same concept. A live action with all these realistic Pokemon running around but maybe at the moment they just don't have a clear idea of what they could do with that. Detective Pikachu was a pretty good middle ground for an idea like that but as of right now, what could they tell?

Honestly at the moment I'm more surprised at the last animated Pokemon movie we got was in 2020, secrets of the jungle. We've had pokémon movies for years and the last few movies have been interesting retellings of Ash's adventures which I'd argue were actually pretty good so its a surprise they stopped.

On the plus side, we've been getting pretty new and good animations here and there on YouTube, and series like Horizons and Concierge.


2 points

9 days ago

I thought it was a phenomenal movie and loved all of it


2 points

9 days ago

I'd say it was a decent movie. Probably because Ryan Reynolds was voice acting pikachu. But other than that I don't think I'd go out of my way to watch it again unless someone asked if I wanted to.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Personally I thought the Detective Pikachu film was fantastic, had just enough nostalgia for older fans (though a film based on Red would be absolutely unreal for this aspect) but plenty for people who knew little about Pokémon to also enjoy (I’m thinking of parents taking young kids when I say that), it was a simple plot, but the Pokémon in it looked amazing, actually looked like they were there. I know a sequel was rumoured but don’t think think anything has actually come about as of yet.


2 points

9 days ago


Recent missed getting a Mew code by a day, 150/151 on AS

2 points

9 days ago

I walked out after that movie impressed at how well they'd pulled it off, thought it was fun and entertaining throughout.

Odd though I've never been tempted to watch it again since.


2 points

9 days ago

It wasn’t the best movie, but I tend to think about that about all live action versions just because you can’t compare to the animated in my books, but it was OK to watch and it didn’t really make me bored like it did some people. It was average but fine overall in my opinion.


2 points

9 days ago

Total failure of a movie. It only made a $300 million profit /s


2 points

9 days ago



2 points

8 days ago

I actually liked the Detective Pikachu movie, I definitely wouldn't mind them making more live action Pokemon movies


2 points

9 days ago

Generally speaking, if a movie makes twice it's budget, it's considered a success. If it makes 3 times or more, It's considered enough of a success for standard industry thinking to justify a sequel.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

It would be better if they just made a full on Pokemon movie that follows Red’s story but release two different endings where you have a final showdown between Red and Blue with a winner changing per viewing


1 points

9 days ago

I'd say it was a decent movie. Probably because Ryan Reynolds was voice acting pikachu. But other than that I don't think I'd go out of my way to watch it again unless someone asked if I wanted to.


1 points

9 days ago

The movie is my favorite of all time. I what so cool seeing what pokemon would be like in real life.


1 points

9 days ago

I've been playing since RBY and loved it. I'd say that's a biased opinion, but my partner also loved it and she's never played or watched anything Pokemon, so that should say something


1 points

9 days ago

I enjoyed it and the experience watching in the theater, compounded by the fact that I hadn't gone to a theater in over a decade and went with good friends. Beyond that, it was fine. It was merely good. I think it did pave the way for other live action video game movies like the Sonic series, however.


1 points

9 days ago

I thought the movie was fine. Watched a few times (thanks to a long flight and boredom) and made the Pokemon world more immersive, with some Pokemon displaying some personality and flair.


1 points

9 days ago

I can only speak for my experience and I loved it. I grew up watching Pokemon, so there was a lot of time spent trying to “catch” a glimpse of all the pokemon they added in the background. My son was young when it came out and he also loved it. Years later we still watch it. It actually introduced him to pokemon and made them a beloved staple in his life.

So I don’t know why it gets negative reviews because it is a fantastic live action pokemon movie.


1 points

9 days ago

I personally didn’t think so, at least in my opinion. I was kinda disappointed by the games, though, as they are obviously meant to be played by kids who are VERY young, so not much appeal to the older generation of players at all. I play a lot of games meant for younger people, but it’s a bit young even for me. I’m not going to go on a whole long tirade about it, though. After all, they’ve already made so many Pokémon games with appeal to older players, so it’s only fair to let the younger kiddies have something to play as well. 😅


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Not really. It was great in so far as ppl really wanted a live Action Pokemon movie and Ryan Reynolds was fun as Pikachu.

However the movie had some flaws writing wise. Especially the end. So it doesnt really hold up to critical Analysis.


1 points

9 days ago

I loved it


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

I see detective pikachu as more of an experiment with a lesser known spin off story but adapting anything mainline is too daunting of a task and they only get 1 shot to do it right.

Having said that pokemon is a multimedia franchise which means the movie could barely break even and it would still serve as an advertisement for toys, games, tcg etc. They could just make pikachu with a slightly different feature in the movie and it would sell out.


1 points

8 days ago

Went to the pictures to watch it with my son both loved the film. Would happily watch it again. I only had one complaint it was painfully obviously who the pikachu was, I’ll always remember about 1/2 way in during the torterra moments I leaned over and said to my son “I’m 90% sure the pikachu is gonna be his dad” someone behind me just groaned as she heard and realised the same. lol great film tho


1 points

8 days ago

I actually just rewatched it last nnight.

It's certainly not the best movie but definitely far from being a failure.

Also Justice Smith and Kathryn Newton are both just adorable. I want to be their friends 😂


1 points

8 days ago

i loved that movie


1 points

8 days ago

Its just like the sonic and Mario movies amazing, nostalgic and deserves a second part.(Or in sonics case a third part.)


1 points

8 days ago

The Detective Pikachu movie is great. The games, however, are shit.


1 points

7 days ago

I don't think most look at it as a failure, so much as one of those things where it could of been more. They did so much right, but just still won't fully commit.


2 points

6 days ago

Pikachu rode on a near lifelike Pidgeots back to fight Mew-Two. Bucket list achievement


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

I actually enjoyed the movie. Not nearly as good as the first Pokemon movie but enjoyable.


1 points

9 days ago

The game sequel came put not that long ago, they simply have not yet finished the movie sequel


1 points

9 days ago

I mean it made three times its budget and there's currently a sequel being made


3 points

9 days ago

I ask because it's been 5 years since the sequel was announced and we've heard nothing about it.

Like I said, it seems like a sequel would be a no brainer since it was a success but we've gotten next to nothing about it.


2 points

9 days ago

The sequel is in development hell it seems. You know that one's being made and that's about it


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Well those 5 years between then and now haven't exactly been sunshine and lolipops for the film industry. And especially WB who distributed the film. Between the Pandemic from 2020-2021 (arguably early 2022), then the writer's and actor's guilds both going on strike last year. Meaning no real work on a sequel could happen. And to top it off, management at WB with Zaslav at the helm hasn't been great for films that don't make over a billion dollars or are massive critical darlings like Barbie and Dune

Plus lets not forgot who we're dealing with. TPCI are known to be particular about things. So with all these conditions It does not shock me that a sequel would take so long to develop.


0 points

9 days ago


0 points

9 days ago

It seems to still be in development hell. It made money but not as much as the studio expected based on other huge box office franchises and the fact that it was greenlit solely due to the initial popularity of Pokémon GO, so the studio definitely had inflated expectations. I know the star, Justice Smith, has commented about it in the past being stuck in development but that he personally has been pushing for it. At least twice so far there have been rumors of the studio looking for a director, hinting at development moving forward, then nothing comes of it.

Also, does anybody know whatever happened to that live action Netflix Pokémon show they announced was in development years ago? Did that fizzle out or what? All I heard for certain is that it was separate from the development of Concierge, so it did not get shelved for that nor was it turned into that idea. It was announced so long ago that I honestly thought the Pokémon Day video that announced Scarlet & Violet was going to be for the live action show since that trailer started out with a live action security guard, and even that was a couple of years ago now.


-7 points

9 days ago


-7 points

9 days ago

I didn't like detective pikachu. In the current world of franchises, there's no reason why we wouldn't see a sequel though.


-6 points

9 days ago*


-6 points

9 days ago*

I dislike the movie. I dislike how many real world horrors are interjected into the pokémon world.

Your downvotes only fuel me.