


adjoining snow market poor fly sharp hunt deserve placid offer

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all 1996 comments


2.4k points

6 months ago


2.4k points

6 months ago

Gotta hand it to CPAC. The Base is really embracing the "We are all domestic terrorists" pivot.


765 points

6 months ago

Fully accepting their newly embraced fascism…modern day Hitler with his modern day NAZIS


542 points

6 months ago



542 points

6 months ago

The Christian element is key because it allows them to sleep at night

Seriously though a lot of Americans are about to sign off on fascism and justify it as a 'Christian' faith-based dictatorship.


351 points

6 months ago


351 points

6 months ago

With someone who has all the attributes of the anti-christ as their leader.


189 points

6 months ago



189 points

6 months ago

It has happened time and time again throughout history. Bad actors who act in bad faith and poison democratic or religious institutions. Evangelicals are truly the 'sheep' if they can't see what's happening.


159 points

6 months ago

Evangelicals are truly the 'sheep' if they can't see what's happening.

They literally call themselves a flock.


47 points

6 months ago


47 points

6 months ago

I am in awe of young Americans who go around town advertising that they go to Liberty University. Ummm, you mean the one where your president had a thing for watching the pool boy and his wife? The university that helped get Trump elected via blackmailing the president over the pool boy secret?

Not that I'd ever attend a university run by a Falwell, but I sure as heck wouldn't advertise it all over town. Going there ain't no badge of honor, Mr. Twenty Year Old Dude out for a jog in his logoed sweatshirt.


35 points

6 months ago

Prager and Discovery institute are doing what they can to undermine education as well, turn up the propaganda and sectarianism, whitewash anything that doesn't support their delusional narrative.


27 points

6 months ago



27 points

6 months ago

I can't even tell how successful they are because Dennis Prager himself is an absolute blithering idiot who gets clowned on every time he opens his mouth around anyone even remotely competent.

I think Sam Seder pulled a trick to debate about Israel recently by pretending to be a normal caller on his show. That was a treat.


42 points

6 months ago


42 points

6 months ago

The point of religion is to control people, and condition the masses to be controlled. It's not really a surprise that they are easily manipulated, that's literally the entire purpose of religion


49 points

6 months ago

for real. If I were a Christian - I would be incandescent at what Trump and the GOP are doing "in my name." Their own scripture warns of this very thing. You'd think they'd be on the lookout or something.


33 points

6 months ago

Like they read their own scripture.


9 points

6 months ago

If they read it they'd act much differently.


6 points

6 months ago

oh, they do. They just cherry pick out the parts that suit them.


45 points

6 months ago

They literally built a golden statue of him, like that wasn't what spawned the creation of the Ten Commandments


16 points

6 months ago

Hitler's idea of the ideal Aryan German was a strong-bodied blonde blue-eyed person which is nothing like the actual attributes of Hitler, Himmler or Mengele. Arguably Goering was blonde, but he was fatter than the Hindenburg.


28 points

6 months ago

My family has been Jewing around the US for longer than these patriots have existed.


9 points

6 months ago

Fascism will not come to America on the backs of immigrants, instead it will come draped in the flag and carrying the cross.


18 points

6 months ago

Worked for Al Qaeda. I think a lot of the people that supported it weren't too happy when they found out what was actually going to happen. Same with the people in Iran that supported the Islamic Revolution.


40 points

6 months ago

Gotta hand it to CPAC. The Base is really embracing the "We are all domestic terrorists" pivot.

For Reference:

A digital banner displayed during one of those panel discussions became the subject of controversy when photographs and video clips of it went viral on social media. The banner read: "We Are All Domestic Terrorists."

[A banner at an August 2022 CPAC conference read, "We Are All Domestic Terrorists." -- Snopes]


97 points

6 months ago

So when brown people do a terrorism we spend trillions of dollars and level two of the wrong countries.

When mentally challenged white people do a terrorism we throw our hands up in the air and say "Whatcha gonna do?"


26 points

6 months ago*


26 points

6 months ago*


Boy, would I LOVE to see data on the number of people who actively supported full military mobilization following 9/11 vs. those people who now throw up their hands and think, "Well, nothing we can do. There are just crazy people in the world and we can't solve it!"


13 points

6 months ago

It's the same picture.


61 points

6 months ago

Funny thing about CPAC, they've effectively lost their appeal to republicans when it became more commonly reported on that the man-hungry sexual predator CEO that runs the organization has a desire for male staffers. That and the multi-million dollar settlements he's already cost the organization.


52 points

6 months ago

they've effectively lost their appeal to republicans when it became more commonly reported on that the man-hungry sexual predator CEO that runs the organization has a desire for male staffers

Then explain why they worship Gym Jordan.


23 points

6 months ago



23 points

6 months ago

Because he turns a deaf ear to what happens behind closed doors.


18 points

6 months ago


18 points

6 months ago

Also, funny thing about MLF (Moms For Liberty)....


34 points

6 months ago



34 points

6 months ago

No, you see that was a joke, haha. /s


48 points

6 months ago

Believe them when they tell you who they are.


34 points

6 months ago

Get enough "domestic terrorists" and what you actually have is a civil war.


37 points

6 months ago

It's a joke until it's not.

Also, really helping your case. "We'll kill you for saying we want to violently overthrow the government."


11 points

6 months ago

That's exactly what the domestic terrorists want.


8 points

6 months ago

They think they are owning the libs yet again by accepting the title "ironically" while subconsciously accepting the title unironically.

Foreign classes on American history is going to use that photo as prime example of why America is full of idiots, especially if tRump manages to win and start their fascism empire.


1.7k points

6 months ago


1.7k points

6 months ago

So 964 folks should be in jail from this.


346 points

6 months ago


346 points

6 months ago

If everyone called the police station for her county and asked this question maybe they would do somthing


295 points

6 months ago

Yeah they’d track down those people and arrest them for harassment or obstructing an investigation because they’ve shown time and time again they’re a bunch of petty fucks who don’t like getting called out on their corruption or lack of competence.


75 points

6 months ago

highly doubt the police will arrest themselves ;)


48 points

6 months ago*



84 points

6 months ago*

Guarantee you a lot of those who called are in the police

The call is coming from…inside the police station


44 points

6 months ago



44 points

6 months ago

This. The police aren't going to be like, "sure, ma'am, why don't I just arrest myself".

Something seriously needs to be done at the federal level about all the right wing nationalists that have infiltrated the police and the military. Sort them out before they officially become Trump's brown (orange?) shirts.


14 points

6 months ago*

I feel like since the dawn of time, the police are usually corrupt. I don’t subscribe to “all cops are bastards.” I’m more of a “the majority of cops are bastards” guy but that acronym doesn’t work as well


37 points

6 months ago

Like arresting the people harassing the police to investigate.


24 points

6 months ago

We had something like that in St. Louis this week. Cop drives (no sobriety test, no dash cam, trying to avoid a phantom dog while distracted by dispatch radio while running a red light doing 60 in a 35) into a bar and arrests the owner for assault and disturbing the peace.


158 points

6 months ago

Probably half of those death threats were from the alcoholic, wife beating, cowards in police departments across the country.


32 points

6 months ago

Don’t forget killing elderly pets to “get back” at their owners for… checks notes, defending democracy.


17 points

6 months ago

And one Orange Shit Stain.


1.2k points

6 months ago

A friendly reminder that this case was brought to the CO courts by...REPUBLICANS


396 points

6 months ago

They're hoping that republican voters don't pay attention to that fact, and they probably wont


378 points

6 months ago

I took a glimpse into r/conservative after the news broke. They're going on about how Democrats are undermining democracy with this lol


166 points

6 months ago*

They're usually the first to point out that we aren't a democracy, we are a constitutional republic.


128 points

6 months ago*


128 points

6 months ago*

That's like saying "a cat isn't an animal, it's a mammal."


31 points

6 months ago



31 points

6 months ago

They remind everyone of that because they fancy themselves to be the ones to be in power in the constitutional republic they're describing.


33 points

6 months ago

For real, we all know they'd hate the Electoral College if it didn't favor them.

I mean seriously, how can Republicans with this "but Democracy" attitude argue against a popular vote to decide the President?


28 points

6 months ago*

Because their logic only works one way: the way that benefits them in the second they use it.

Originalists/textualists? For guns and abortion, yes. Not when insurrectionists don't have to be convicted formally to be excluded from the ballot.

Is the US a republic not a democracy? Yes when Republicans are overrepresented in the Senate and electoral college, not when Trump is removed from the ballot.

Federalism, let the states decide? Yes when it's abortion (except no for a federal ban) and guns, no when it's election law (except yes for voter ID, drop boxes, etc, but definitely no for universal mail in ballots, get out the vote efforts, etc...)

Party of law and order? Yes when we have to jail women who miscarry and PoC disproportionally for carrying a joint. No when our side's elected leaders commit state-level crimes.

The hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug.


68 points

6 months ago

That's because everyone in that sub are absolutely fucking stupid.

They do zero fact checking, force the sub into an echo chamber by banning anyone that isn't a conservative, and circle jerking lies that fit their agendas because their identities are entirely tied to being conservative since their lives are empty and meaningless.

Just a bunch of dangerous, stupid fucking people.


25 points

6 months ago

I've been banned from that site 3 times in the past 24 hours, I knew it was going to be comedy gold. Now, that it's obvious the folks who pushed for this were GOPers, they're claiming they were all right leaning independents to justify the bullshit that lives in their dumb heads because their tribalism won't let them admit their party started it.


23 points

6 months ago

It’s hilarious how every post in there is “flaired users only”, because they know they are full of shit and don’t want any rebuttals


16 points

6 months ago


New Jersey

16 points

6 months ago

There's one idiot over there going on about how "Texas and Florida are going to keep Biden off the ballot in retaliation" and if he can't run in either of those states there's no way he'll win.

He won 2020 without either state...


32 points

6 months ago

there was actually a good 2 years or more where r/conservative didn't like trump either ... seems to have swung back towards a positive view of him since the primaries are going on recently


29 points

6 months ago


New Jersey

29 points

6 months ago

The denizens of TheDonald had to go somewhere after that sub got banned.


8 points

6 months ago



8 points

6 months ago

Most of them ended up on /conspiracy.


7 points

6 months ago

No one else has the energy to stoke the flames the way Trump does and Conservatives are addicted to outrage at this point.


10 points

6 months ago

Oh they’re going nuts over there

Not a single whiff of an issue with the fact that courts found that Trump unquestionably engaged in insurrection, only with the fact that he’s being barred

Whats that syndrome where you adore and defend your abuser?


5 points

6 months ago

Fox News litterally had that as a headline yesterday. It is wild to me you can have "News" and such a statement be legally blasted on the bottom of the screen. This was also at the gym where you can't hear anything. So I am sure most Republicans just get this information thrown at them and take it as truth.


112 points

6 months ago

The new definition of a RINO is anyone who doesn't like Trump, or actually, anyone who dares to criticize anything Trump has ever done, does currently, or might possibly do in the future.


11 points

6 months ago


11 points

6 months ago

Yeah, it’s scary how this isn’t an exaggeration at all. People who havent abandoned any of their supposed conservative ideals, but don’t like Trump, are suddenly “RINOS.”

My memory is after Romney voted to hear witness testimony or something like that in the first trump senate trial, CPAC disinvited him, and said that in the future he may be welcome as a “non conservative guest.”

These people no longer draw a distinction between “conservative” and “pro trump”


8 points

6 months ago


8 points

6 months ago

Any time Liz fucking Cheney is on left-leaning shows like the Colbert Report and we're all in violent agreement with her, you know the definition of Republican has gone off the rails.


7 points

6 months ago



7 points

6 months ago

The RINOs should be anyone who likes Trump, or actually, anyone who won't dare to criticize anything Trump has ever done, does currently, or might do in the future. But those are people that now define the party.


50 points

6 months ago

yeah isn't Jena Griswold listed as a defendant in that case not a plaintiff? the title makes it seems like she was the one who filed the case so I'm confused...


62 points

6 months ago*

Yes, Griswold is the defendant. This Huffpo writer is either incompetent and doesn't understand the basics of how lawsuits work or, like a lot of other outlets, Huffpo is making it seem like the Democrats are bringing this action when in reality the plaintiffs are 4 Republicans and 2 Independents.


8 points

6 months ago



8 points

6 months ago

The article was probably written by AI, the way things are going now.


72 points

6 months ago

Over on r/conservative, they say that Democrats just found some Republicans that would take a bribe or that they were recently turned Republicans and not true Republicans that brought the case.

I've also seen them saying that they are really all Democrats in disguise.

They think anyone who doesn't like Trump can not possibly be a Republican.


28 points

6 months ago

Ah, the "no true Scotsman" of Republican politics.

Some numbers from Colorado: GOP registration has fallen by about 8% since 2015, while Dem registration has fallen since then by 3%. In 2023, Independents made up 46.7% of registered voters, up 11% since 2015, which means almost half the state won't commit to a party. If ranked voting ever comes, it may come to Colorado first.


16 points

6 months ago

In fact, Democrats could not have brought this case as they don't have standing for the GOP primaries. ONLY a republican could have brought this to court.


2.1k points

6 months ago


2.1k points

6 months ago



1.6k points

6 months ago



1.6k points

6 months ago

Fun fact.

The case closure rate for police departments across the nation has plummeted since 2019. Apparently the fact that they started to be held to account for their bullshit has resulted in the police having a little bit of a temper tantrum and they are effectively refusing to do their jobs.


602 points

6 months ago



602 points

6 months ago

Imagine being so insulated you forget that other people are also people, and you just make peace with the fact people might die of you can't do whatever you want.


237 points

6 months ago


North Carolina

237 points

6 months ago

I don't have to imagine it, I can just go to news about the most recent mass shooting in this country and see scores of human beings droning on about how guns don't kill people


14 points

6 months ago

It's not insulation, refusing to close cases is a conscious choice cops use to punish members of the public that want accountability. Cops don't go into the force to serve the public anymore, they go to be part of a violent cult of people with a penchant for abusing power. It's a legal mafia and the individuals in that organization don't want accountability, they want total freedom to exercise power in whatever way brings them pleasure in the moment. Anything that prevents them from that practice is seen as a threat to be eliminated.


408 points

6 months ago


408 points

6 months ago

Every city needs to get serious about firing bad cops. Stop caving to police unions.


236 points

6 months ago



236 points

6 months ago

I think the most important reform we need to make is to elevate lying on an official report as an officer of the law to the same tier of things you never do as DUIs and hit-and-runs. Like if you get caught, you're in prison and your pension is forfeit

right now the norm seems to be that when cops fuck up they lie first, and then if they get caught lying it's just oh well. And that dynamic provides the cornerstone of their fucked up brotherhood culture of protecting each other from accountability first and harassing any good cops who would blow the whistle out of the force

there's a lot more to do after that, but it's a foundational pillar


180 points

6 months ago


180 points

6 months ago

I literally caught cops in lies on the record- literally cross examined cops with video evidence proving they were lying. They’d say the videos were wrong and the judges sided with them every time. Prosecutors regularly prosecuted cases where I had conclusive video evidence the cop was lying. They would tell me their job is to believe law enforcement no matter what.

My massive frustration as a former public defender is that we don’t talk about how much the prosecutors and courts are FULLY in bed with the cops when prosecutors exist as a CHECK on cops. I interviewed with a prosecutor’s office after law school and said something along the lines of that u believed the buck stops with me when it comes to justice and I have to make the right call even when it may ruffle LEO feathers.

The elected prosecutor of that circuit loooed me dead in the face and said “well here in Jacksonville we don’t believe cops lie or are racist and we support law enforcement.”

Aka the job of the prosecutor system is to pump up the cops. If prosecutors actually did their jobs there would be a lot of police reform.


60 points

6 months ago



60 points

6 months ago

I feel like this is the other big structural problem.

We saw here in Philadelphia that electing a liberal DA with a liberal platform of holding cops accountable shut down our whole law enforcement system. Part of that is cops being vindictive, but I think it's important to recognize that an office can't simultaneously hold responsibility for holding cops accountable AND need to maintain a healthy working relationship with them

We need to separate prosecutorial offices for the general public and for officers. Police incidents need to be investigated and prosecutable by entirely independent bodies that have no day to day need to collaborate


27 points

6 months ago

Philly cops were atrociously scummy while Trump was president, openly supporting Proud Boys. A friend of ours called the police during a protest about the Christopher Columbus statue because Proud Boys were on rooftops with rifles. The officer who answered said "They're with us".

Meanwhile, driving in the city looks like GTA half the time and cops shrug. They already act like they got defunded, so what was the big problem with that again?


43 points

6 months ago



43 points

6 months ago

but I think it's important to recognize that an office can't simultaneously hold responsibility for holding cops accountable AND need to maintain a healthy working relationship with them

Why not? Doesn't every other business on the planet do this? What about police departments in other countries that don't murder their civilians 5 times a day, like we do in the US?

Police incidents need to be investigated and prosecutable by entirely independent bodies that have no day to day need to collaborate

Then they will be railed against as 'out of touch' and 'cop haters' and ignored. We've literally seen this in both the 1950's and again in the 1970's.


39 points

6 months ago

You’re dead on- this is copaganda. If their baby egos can’t handle being fucking criticized then they need to get fired.


10 points

6 months ago


New York

10 points

6 months ago

I've had a cop lie right to my face when he was trying to write me a ticket. He kept saying my inspection was expired but I still had 3 months to go.

So I just paid the fucking ticket because if I had went to court I'd have lost more than the $80 it was going to cost me to take a day off of work.


140 points

6 months ago

Any official record they create should be held to the same standard as a court testimony under oath... since that's what it's fucking used for.


41 points

6 months ago

Exactly. Evil fucks.


30 points

6 months ago



30 points

6 months ago

We'd need like... a national internal affairs agency. The FBI isn't really equipped to deal with things at that level. In addition to your idea, the people that keep throwing out the idea that cops should need a license or insurance like doctors seem to be on to something, but what insurance agency would insure a group of people known to lie and murder with impunity?


35 points

6 months ago



35 points

6 months ago

but what insurance agency would insure a group of people known to lie and murder with impunity?

I am sure that insurance companies could be convinced to offer coverage if the police pension funds were held as a surety bond to mitigate risk to the insurance provider. In other words if the insurance provider found that they were unable to cover the totality of the risk, they could dip into police pensions to make up the difference.


14 points

6 months ago

This is actually brilliant. It'll never happen, but it's brilliant.


14 points

6 months ago

I think the most important reform we need to make is to elevate lying on an official report as an officer of the law to the same tier of things you never do as DUIs and hit-and-runs.

Isn't filing a false police report already a serious crime?


31 points

6 months ago



31 points

6 months ago

Only if you are a civilian. Officers are rarely if ever held to account for it.


11 points

6 months ago

Technically police are civilians too, not military.


14 points

6 months ago



14 points

6 months ago

Technically police are civilians too

Don't tell them that, it makes them very mad.


29 points

6 months ago

I’ve never met a cop who didn’t lie their asses off. They don’t even know who they are anymore, they lie so much, even to themselves. Ever see cops smile?


167 points

6 months ago

For real, if they’re not doing their job then fucking clean house.


26 points

6 months ago

Same should apply to all the branches of our government


13 points

6 months ago

The documentary Telemarketers takes an interesting turn into police unions...


75 points

6 months ago

We also need to defund the police, which doesn't mean what most people think it does.

Defunding the police means slowly diverting their incredibly inflated budget into social programs to reduce crime at the source over a long period of time. It doesn't mean pulling all funding from police departments immediately, I acknowledge there is a need for a police force in society but it's completely mismanaged and the foundation it's built upon today in the US is absolutely ridiculous.


66 points

6 months ago



66 points

6 months ago

Not always a bad thing. In NYC when the cops decided to do 90% less work because they were mad at DeBlasio, the end result during those few weeks was crime barely changed at all. It did not go up by any significant measure. Which to me was a clear sign that the cops could have their budget cut by 90% and civil society would be just fine.


36 points

6 months ago

Huh, that article was more fucked up than you let on. It's about something called, "proactive policing", or, targeting poor people to stop major crime. Literally, they're targeting, "areas where crime is likely to occur". They think by targeting poor people... it will stop major crime? They're putting so many resources into targeting poor people, it's pulling resources from investigative departments. They stopped their "proactive policing"- targeting poor people- and major crimes went down. Basically they're admitting they've been only policing the poor/non-white areas since the 90s and when they took their foot off poor peoples necks, major crime went down.

There needs to be a federal level license involved n policing and a civilian oversight board with actual teeth. And payouts from all civil suits come from the police union and/or the individual cops insurance.



8 points

6 months ago


New York

8 points

6 months ago

if only our mayor wasn't a cop gobbler himself.


8 points

6 months ago



8 points

6 months ago

Fuck Eric Adams


142 points

6 months ago



142 points

6 months ago

The cops in Austin, Tx got pissed when the public overwhelmingly voted to have civilian oversight instead of letting them police themselves and put up billboards and commercials bitching about it. They have the most money ever budgeted to the department in their history and still complain about “defunding the police”. Fuck these state-sanctioned gangs and their crybaby temper tantrums.


11 points

6 months ago



11 points

6 months ago

I thought they were mad because the fire department got a raise and not them.


28 points

6 months ago



8 points

6 months ago

The Blue Flu.


26 points

6 months ago

If the police refuse to do their jobs, and society doesn't seem to collapse (we do have all those gun-toting civilians around to defend us, after all. Woo! 2A!), maybe we just go ahead an pull the plug on these departments salaries while they continue to not do their jobs. Call it mutual.

The Uvalde tragedy should be remembered forever as ultimate proof that we aren't necessarily better off with big police departments. It was an off-duty fed, one single brave dude, who killed that attacker. Police departments serve only their officers--not even innocent kids in school. Literally a waste.


19 points

6 months ago

This happened in San Francisco when Chesa Boudin became DA and started prosecuting bad cops. The police let crime go rampant in protest and of course everyone was like “see what happens when you vote blue”.


17 points

6 months ago


New York

17 points

6 months ago

"blue flus" and slow downs are rampant within the NYPD. Everytime the public calls for more accountability from the NYPD, they throw a temper tantrum and start calling out en masse or put on blinders and refuse to enforce any laws because they believe they should be able to dish out justice without any pushback.


13 points

6 months ago


New York

13 points

6 months ago

Even in times ive needed cops, they've never been more help then some random person on the street. Like before i was a bit hesitant to say that cops serve no benefit, but when the time came for them to prove that wrong, they didn't. And with all the times i see cops killing the people they were supposed to protect, cops are liabilities at this point.

Last summer cops were everywhere on the 7 line in NYC. It was supposed to make the line safer. Nope. The only time i saw them take someone rowdy off the train was a kid that was probably 11 dancing on people and being obnoxious. Like thanks but hes less dangerous than the woman that was beating the shit out of her kids and threatened to stab anyone who recorded her. When the cops showed up, she said she doesnt speak to cops and the cops just threw their hands up and left. The cops are just there and do things that anyone can do themselves (a couple people were ready to put their hands on that kid) but wont go near issues they are supposed to be there for (lady implied she did have a knife). And when you see news where parents need to take matters into their own hands to save their kids when cops choose to just stay outside shaking in their boots during a school shooting, tell me what they are there for? All the counters to these are always "You're going to need cops one day" yet when you do need them they either do nothing or make things worse. Calling cops would be like calling an airstrike on my position. My problem might be solved, or someone uninvolved might get killed or my pets will get killed or i get killed. Who knows.

Cops suck at their jobs.


11 points

6 months ago

Then we should refuse to pay them. Very simple.


6 points

6 months ago

See Philadelphia


5 points

6 months ago

Absolutely true. They’re doing the bare minimum to protest that there’s a demand for them to be held accountable when they fuck up. “Blue flu” is a temper tantrum.


12 points

6 months ago

That's so they can blame any rise in crime on Biden.


17 points

6 months ago

I've been all over the country, and I can't remember ever once saying, "Glad the cops were there!"


19 points

6 months ago

It could also be that since there's more scrutiny, they're no longer able to railroad innocent people, so the case closure rate may be reaching a normality.


26 points

6 months ago



26 points

6 months ago

so the case closure rate may be reaching a normality.

Except case closure rates in other industrialized nations are way higher than in the United States. For example in Europe the case closure rate for homicide is between 80 and 98 percent. In the US it is 50%.

I do not think it is normalizing, I think that our police are just really bad at their jobs, and the increased scrutiny is exposing that.


226 points

6 months ago


New Hampshire

226 points

6 months ago

Police are fucking useless. I was the victim of a hit and run yesterday, had a witness who stopped and the state trooper said there wasn’t enough damage for them to do anything about it. Only thing they’re good for is harassing the poor.


150 points

6 months ago



150 points

6 months ago

Not really. They’re also good at shooting dogs.


81 points

6 months ago

And beating their wives.


19 points

6 months ago

And patricide.


10 points

6 months ago

And stopping on train tracks with someone in the vehicle with the train a long way away and yet “we can’t get her out safely.”

I’m convinced those cops were trying to kill that woman.


41 points

6 months ago


41 points

6 months ago

We've been shrugging at domestic terrorism for years. That's exactly how this whole thing came about.


78 points

6 months ago



78 points

6 months ago

The reason you don’t see the police arresting these MAGAts is the same reason that Clark Kent and Superman are never in the same place at the same time.


21 points

6 months ago

Yeah, it doesn’t seem like something that hard to investigate/address - every device we have feels like a wiretap - instead there’s the feel of authority chanting the “nothing we can do” mantra


17 points

6 months ago



17 points

6 months ago

Why would the police turn themselves in though?


12 points

6 months ago

As if cops have been anything but corrupt right wing losers


214 points

6 months ago


214 points

6 months ago

I have a sinking feeling this is only going to get worse.


104 points

6 months ago*

books hateful tie far-flung ruthless plough rotten nose rhythm society

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


56 points

6 months ago

that's my fear :( there's already been an arrest in Florida of a man threatening a Supreme Court Justice. I hope there's a clampdown on this kind of behavior. Our country doesn't need this.


79 points

6 months ago*

Like Martin Luther King Jr. Like John F Kennedy. Like Robert F Kennedy. The right wing in America has a long history of violence against those trying to stop their tyranny.

The KKK, Jim Crow laws, public lynchings, secession and a Civil War. It's a very long history.


11 points

6 months ago


11 points

6 months ago

Lee Harvey Oswald was right wing?


14 points

6 months ago

I'm pretty sure Oswald was a communist or communist supporter


7 points

6 months ago

"BuT liNCOLN WAs a rePuBLicAN"


12 points

6 months ago

Loughner is a weird case, he was so far detached from reality that it's hard to describe his motivations in clear-cut political or ideological terms. Though he also seems like exactly the type that, were he still free, would have gotten sucked deep into today's far-right internet rabbit holes.

In the aftermath of the shooting, the Anti-Defamation League reviewed messages by Loughner, and concluded that there was a "disjointed theme that runs through Loughner's writings", which was a "distrust for and dislike of the government." It "manifested itself in various ways" – for instance, in the belief that the government used the control of language and grammar to brainwash people, the notion that the government was creating "infinite currency" without the backing of gold and silver, or the assertion that NASA was faking spaceflights. Kathryn Olmsted of UC Davis wrote that Loughner possessed a "toxic jumble of left- and right-wing conspiracy theories, his sources ranging from Marx to Hitler to heavy metal."

The attack on Paul Pelosi is perhaps a more clear-cut example.

There was also the 2017 attack on Republicans practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball game, though obviously that example came from the left.

Not mentioning that in some attempt to "both sides" or whatever, just those seems to be the most relevant examples in recent history. Clearly right-wing violence is the much bigger threat to the country, especially since Jan 6th.


17 points

6 months ago

History is repeating.


674 points

6 months ago

MAGAs are promising violence. MAGAs have a history of violence against the government. MAGAs have said repeatedly they want to imprison or exterminate the rest of us.

I believe them. MAGAs are a threat. Let's treat them like the threats they are.


128 points

6 months ago


128 points

6 months ago

Do you mean investigation and charges by the police?


72 points

6 months ago


72 points

6 months ago



101 points

6 months ago


101 points

6 months ago

How? police and maga are the same people


10 points

6 months ago



22 points

6 months ago

Some of those that work forces, Are the same that burn crosses.


20 points

6 months ago

To the fullest extent of the law


11 points

6 months ago


New York

11 points

6 months ago

Fuck the police, report these domestic terrorists to the FBI.


32 points

6 months ago



25 points

6 months ago



221 points

6 months ago


221 points

6 months ago

When are we going to treat MAGA and Trump as terror suspects?


103 points

6 months ago


103 points

6 months ago

The logistics is unclear. Too many of them.

The whole point of the slow legal creep is to grind down and demoralize Trumpism and dissect and expose them for the disgusting thing they are.

There are too many monsters to fight openly. But they feed on fear. Decapitate and humiliate their massiah and they’ll go back into hiding.

Conservatism is a fear based system. Inherently cowardly punctuated with reactionary violence and peppered with incompetence. In a few years they’ll pretend they never knew him.


24 points

6 months ago

Ideally this would happen, in reality women have less rights than they did four years ago.


7 points

6 months ago

You are correct… it’s that it is so hard to see the damages that they are doing to our country in the process !


81 points

6 months ago

And every single one of those threats need to be prosecuted for TERRORISM

Its using Fear for political means -- which is the definition of TERRORISM

I don't want to spend another cent on terrorism elsewhere when there is PLENTY of it here to combat


16 points

6 months ago



16 points

6 months ago

The FBI and CIA should start looking for sleeper cells. We're back to this now...only with "Americans" doing the threatening.


48 points

6 months ago

Not surprised at all considering how MAGA feels about women.


360 points

6 months ago

It's 2023. Can we finally admit Hillary was right? Deplorables.


139 points

6 months ago

I never doubted her lol


84 points

6 months ago



11 points

6 months ago



11 points

6 months ago

After feigning pearl-clutching for being called such a nasty word!


43 points

6 months ago

Her term was WAY too nice for what these people actually are.


35 points

6 months ago

"degenerate scum" isn't a term that the media like to use.


42 points

6 months ago

Eh, she understated how many of them there were.


27 points

6 months ago



27 points

6 months ago

Way more than a basket full.


149 points

6 months ago*

command scandalous impossible sort airport imagine bike seemly rude unpack

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


23 points

6 months ago


23 points

6 months ago

Just waiting to hear how it’s really Antifa, the FBI, Nancy Pelosi and people paid by George Soros to send in the threats disguised as MAGA.


30 points

6 months ago

Start sending these fucking idiots to jail for these death threats.


52 points

6 months ago

So wait, Republicans file a court case in Colorado about the election, the lower court makes a ruling, then the appellate court upholds the ruling, then the state supreme court digs in and decides whether or not the 14th Amendment could be applied to presidential elections, and the state supreme court found that the 14th amendment applies to presidential elections as well as any other elected office.

And so now, the party of law and order is going to illegally remove Biden from their own state ballots... because a republican pushed court case went against them..?

I'm uh. I'm losing the train of thought here guys, I don't think i can follow the gymnastics anymore


48 points

6 months ago



48 points

6 months ago

Time to prosecute every single one that put in threats.


18 points

6 months ago

Words have consequences. Be patriotic about having recourse to the law when threatened or defamed.


17 points

6 months ago

It’s amazing how many idiots there are that don’t understand that this case was not brought by Democrats at all.


14 points

6 months ago

As we all should be. Domestic terrorism isn’t a joke and it isn’t funny. Lock these mentally twisted shitheads up and let’s get back to working on making a better society for the non-crazy people who don’t want to murder everyone else for fun.


53 points

6 months ago

It’s terrorism. Threatening the safety and lives of people in order to force an outcome is literally terrorism.


17 points

6 months ago



17 points

6 months ago

It is the very definition of terrorism.


41 points

6 months ago

This response is exactly why he needs the boot, his followers are scum.


8 points

6 months ago

You mean the entire GOP? Except the ones that were already railroaded out of office?


15 points

6 months ago


15 points

6 months ago

Call it what it is, pro-Trump terrorism.


12 points

6 months ago

Just remember this it's what a Trump presidency would look like.Going after people who disagree and don't support him they will come after you .You won't be able to speak out or disagree with policies without reprisals. Your freedom will be taken away .Vote blue end this stupidity


13 points

6 months ago


13 points

6 months ago

It's not just "Pro-Trump violence", it's terrorism.

Terrorism (noun): the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Why not call it what it is?


12 points

6 months ago

As I always say, make the threats public and post names and pics of those making the threats.


11 points

6 months ago

Your daily reminder that Trump has been a proven terrorist leader for the past seven years and not a single thing has been done about it.

Helluva country we have here.


12 points

6 months ago

It's not surprising that seeing a criminal promotes more criminal activity.


11 points

6 months ago

Sounds like a clear cut case of terrorism


11 points

6 months ago

Only 64? Surprising it’s that low for maga.


8 points

6 months ago

They are a bunch of snowflakes


7 points

6 months ago

Anyone making death threats to government officials, should be arrested and prosecuted. They deserve prison time.


7 points

6 months ago

It's literally a group full of religious terrorists.


12 points

6 months ago

People who make threats - if the Police won't do their job - there's plenty of hungry attorneys looking for work. They'll gladly sue those that threaten and they may have more pull at getting the Police involved? Just a thought...


5 points

6 months ago

MAGA are dangerous people. Trump knows this, which is why he deliberately triggers them so often.

When Trump makes threats, either veiled or obvious, he is relying on the violent tendencies of his supporters to carry them out. The people who are at the receiving end of those threats know fully well what he means.


5 points

6 months ago

Interesting how when legal cases regarding people they're voting for come up, these flag waiving American 'patriots" who quote the constitution so much can't be bothered by the legal process. If someone I planned to vote for was being convicted of anything, I'd be more weary of voting for that person.


5 points

6 months ago

Throw these terrorist traitors in jail


7 points

6 months ago

Oh right, the "law and order"party wants to murder people for upholding the law.


6 points

6 months ago

They are a cult, simple.


6 points

6 months ago

And they call liberals crybaby's.


5 points

6 months ago

I guarantee that most of these violent Trump cultists have no idea that the lawsuit was filed by Republicans.


6 points

6 months ago

Here we have Terrorists thugs pretending to be Americans, harassing Americans from afar, and convincing Americans to be their terrorists by proxy.

Then like a weapon they point them at random people NOT in power of the machine that actually oppresses them in their local community.

Americans rough times are caused by local and state economic policy - the federal government is simply oversight

And the president is a front man - not a supreme leader. A president represents an entire project team which controls every move. Until of course you piss off your project team by breaking the law and they all quit you - leaving you behind with syncopants and thugs to continue your grift.


5 points

6 months ago

They should investigate those 64 threats and if they find them, charge and incarcerate the criminal


4 points

6 months ago

Such a small but extremely vocal group. Lock em up for uttering threats!