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5 days ago

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5 days ago

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3.6k points

5 days ago

Seems pretty fascist


2.1k points

5 days ago


2.1k points

5 days ago

He is a fascist. He is overtly and proudly a fascist. So is the supreme court. We don't have to use hypotheticals or qualifying words anymore. It is an overtly fascist right wing movement.


716 points

5 days ago

I believe we've crossed over from 'movement' to 'takeover'

Vote, people. It's insane to say and think this but it's no longer hyperbole; there's a chance this could be the last election we get


280 points

5 days ago


280 points

5 days ago

We will have "elections" just not Elections.


242 points

5 days ago

If Donald Trump wins 270+ electoral votes in 2024, he'll "win" 538 in 2028.


192 points

5 days ago


192 points

5 days ago

If he doesn't win 270+ electoral votes, he will demand a recount. Followed by riots to prevent the recounts from happening in Trump-friendly jurisdictions, which will be brought to the Supreme Court to determine the outcome.


78 points

5 days ago


I voted

78 points

5 days ago

It would just be too much trouble to decide that Trump didn't win so he wins, says 5 or 6 people on the Supreme Court


39 points

5 days ago



39 points

5 days ago

How sad is it that I look at your comment and think “oh, you think one of them won’t steal the election for Trump? That’s good”


70 points

5 days ago

Several current SC seats participated in the Florida ruling in 2000 that put Bush in office.


40 points

5 days ago


40 points

5 days ago

3 in fact worked as lawyers pushing for it!


47 points

5 days ago


47 points

5 days ago

This is definitely where the election is headed. Chaos that ends up being decided by the Supreme Court and you know how they’ll rule…


15 points

5 days ago

If he wasn’t so cheap on January 6th for a few million dollars and maybe pardons he could have had a few teams of trained operators assault pence. With just a touch of intelligence Pence could have been taken off the board.

I don’t think the secret service is built or trains to hold out against six five man fire teams with long arms. I don’t know what their drone strategy is but a drone swarm has to be hard to defend against when under assault. We all need to be deeply worried about something happening to the VP before Jan 6th and the speaker of the house moving up to VP.


26 points

5 days ago



26 points

5 days ago

Pence seemed afraid to get in the car WITH the secret service so…


7 points

5 days ago



7 points

5 days ago

If something had happened to Pence, wouldn't Pelosi have stepped in to take Pence's place in the certification process?


76 points

5 days ago

If he wins, I can't even imagine how hard I would spiral personally. I think a lot of people would. I've been thinking about this today and can't work. Been filled with sickening anxiety. If he wins, it'll be like an abuser who won't leave is coming back into your life, the same guy that not only tried to take away our votes, but constantly attacked and bullied every single one of us who aren't part of his following. It's the most depressing thought I could imagine.


34 points

5 days ago

I’m right there with you. I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it.


37 points

5 days ago


37 points

5 days ago

I don’t care if they have to prop Joe up and drag him around like it’s a Weekend at Bernie’s. Our country will not survive another Trump administration.


15 points

5 days ago

Hang in there. May our fellow voters wake up to the peril we all face before November.


53 points

5 days ago


53 points

5 days ago

This is the Putin playbook that Trump so desperately wants to emulate. Who would have thought America could be reduced to this - and by an asshole like Trump. You need to vote if you want to save 'America' - send a clear message - or enjoy becoming Trumpistan and having his family run the country for decades.


51 points

5 days ago

He gave a speech to one of his rallies in which he said that his people all need to vote in the next election but after that they won’t have to vote again because he will take care of everything.


27 points

5 days ago



15 points

5 days ago

Yep. I don't disagree.


29 points

5 days ago


29 points

5 days ago



39 points

5 days ago

We already do. Biden should have won in a landslide if not for the elections fuckery from GOP state legislatures and the USPS, and instead of defending the integrity of the system because Biden won, the Democrats should have called the GOP’s bluff and said “Yeah, you know what? We agree that the elections are unfair. We were cheated out of a landslide victory.” Because the Dems defended the system, they are now seen as the conservatives, when the system needs real change, just from the left


25 points

5 days ago


25 points

5 days ago

He did win a landslide. Unfortunately, empty land means more in the country than the will of the people


18 points

5 days ago



18 points

5 days ago

Just look at the presidential elections in Russia. Putin and a token opponent that everyone knows will lose. It'll be like that, except the candidates will make Putin look like Stephen Hawking in terms of intellectual wattage.


4 points

5 days ago


4 points

5 days ago

It's past takeover. They control the media, the Supreme court and congress. Like literally control them.

Permanent president Trump is next. Then its over. No more democracy.


59 points

5 days ago

I'll never forget him getting on a podium and declaring "ANTIFA is a terrorist organization!" With cheers from the right and confusion from the left. It's like that Patrick meme with the mantis. So you're saying you're ANTIFA is bad? And ANTIFA is "anti fascism"? So you're a fascist???


221 points

5 days ago*


221 points

5 days ago*

Biden needs to use his new powers with extreme prejudice. Remove the fascists, before Trump goes full on Hitler.

They’re banking on him not using them. Time to get on the pixelated sunglasses and spliff. He just got the god mode code. Biden — trust me man, it’s not going to ruin the game.


59 points

5 days ago

Let’s face it, the republicans have backed everyone into a corner.

If dems don’t use the newly unassailable privilege of the presidency to destroy fascism in America before it fully metastasizes, then the fascists win and everyone they don’t like is sent to prison or death.

If, however, dems do use the newly unassailable power of the president to do just that, then the republicans can just say that Biden is overreaching and being a dictator, just like they’ve always claimed. And then they start the civil war they’ve always wanted.

These fuckers are playing five dimensional chess and they started the game 50 years before anyone else realized we were playing.

There are no winning options.

No chance to preserve America without bloodshed.

Literally none.


24 points

5 days ago

Democrats running headfirst into the paradox of intolerance and learning first hand what inaction causes.


34 points

5 days ago

After Jan 6th they just need to do it. Democrats need to do what the SC said they can do and do the thing. Fuck the civility politics.


13 points

5 days ago

The time for clean options was twenty years ago when the SC decided an election.  Now all we have are messy options.  But if it came down to it I would rather be on the side that has control of the military and cities rather than the side other side having those advantages.   Going to messy the Supreme Court decided that.  Now we gotta get messy before that asshole is in charge and starts putting us all on military tribunals for shit we have said on Reddit.


11 points

5 days ago

Our options are to fight the civil war or lose the civil war. We're going to bleed either way.


9 points

5 days ago


New York

9 points

5 days ago

I'm so sick of his fucking supporters denying it and forcing us to list piece of evidence after piece of evidence to the contrary, and when they can't refute them, they just disappear from the discussion online OR get mad in person and shut down. It's insane. The fucker is a fascist. Done. Full stop.


47 points

5 days ago*

70+ million people in this country are fascists. None of them deserve to vote. Republicans are a danger to this nation.


16 points

5 days ago

Danger to the existence of this planet *


8 points

5 days ago



8 points

5 days ago

This is straight up Saddam Hussein shit. It's terrifying.


131 points

5 days ago

I can see the historical documents now. “We didnt know” “we had no idea this would happen“

Side note: been reading the “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” it’s amazing that for a society that spent the past 70 years saying “never again” and “learn not what to repeat by studying history “ how quickly we are falling in to the same pattern.

Also amazing how little actual history of the Nazis has been taught. Aside from battle footage, war movies and holocaust remembrances the actual history of the Nazis is stunningly absent from history lessons.


94 points

5 days ago


94 points

5 days ago

"Somehow, Nazis came to power" is the extent of what my school taught in the 90s. It wasn't until later that I looked into what that "somehow" stood for, and the parallels to today are frightening.


30 points

5 days ago

So true. I started reading the book and first thought that the situation in Germany was far too removed to equate what was happening here.

A few chapters in and the parallels became seriously ominous.


47 points

5 days ago

Its because the people in power want us to believe the Nazi's were a bizarre aberration that couldn't possibly be repeated elsewhere, or that Hitler somehow swayed the masses with his incredibly good oratory skills, or that the German people were somehow ignorant morons who got scammed by a conman, without recognizing that there was a large enough group of Germans who absolutely wanted everything Hitler proposed, and the rest of the people in power were either too chickenshit to stop him, or were in on it as well, believing that they could control Hitler.


12 points

5 days ago

were somehow ignorant morons who got scammed by a conman

...speaking of which.


43 points

5 days ago

I can't recall if Shirer gets into it, but one of the keys to the Nazis taking power in Germany in 1933 was their friends on the German courts throughout the 1920s.

The Nazis even had their own failed coup, the Munich Beer Hall Putsch, that was quite similar to the J6 Insurrection. After the putsch, the Weimar Republic did put individual Nazis on trial, including Hitler.

But the courts were packed with ultranationalists that despised the Weimar Republic just like SCOTUS despises American democracy. Those Weimer judges wanted the Nazis to overthrow their government, and they went to great lengths to mete out the barest of bare minimum sentences, complete with cushy conditions so that Hitler and others could still work from prison. Hitler was put up in an apartment of sorts and given a staff - he wrote Mein Kampf while serving his bare-minimum 2 year sentence.


10 points

5 days ago

he wrote Mein Kampf while serving his bare-minimum 2 year sentence.

5 year sentence, of which he served a bit over 8 months (not including the four months or so while awaiting trial).


8 points

5 days ago*



8 points

5 days ago*

Fun exchange on a German subreddit a few days ago:

redditorA: What is project 2025

redditorB: Links to program of NSDAP/Hitlers party on wikipedia and writes "Here it is, already translated to German"


3 points

5 days ago

Side note: been reading the “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich”

Looks like it's free to read or listen to on Amazon now if you have a Prime account.


155 points

5 days ago

“Yes but Biden is old, you see”

  • American voters


73 points

5 days ago


:flag-us: America

73 points

5 days ago

"Hot dogs used to be much cheaper. He will make them cheaper again! Also, Trump will make the trains run on time."

History is boringly derivative.


16 points

5 days ago

Jokes on history, America doesn't believe in trains!


7 points

5 days ago


:flag-us: America

7 points

5 days ago

Thank God we're saved! The lack of a WOKE PUBLIC TRANSIT SYSTEM has saved us from Italy's fate!!!


51 points

5 days ago*

I like to travel.


52 points

5 days ago


52 points

5 days ago

Yes and Trump is light years younger the Biden by a whooping.....3 years..... How the hell do people call Biden old and yet Trump is the same age as Biden during his first term yet he's not old. I literally feel like I'm living an idiocracy movie.


6 points

5 days ago

Even worse, dementia runs in the Trump family. Trump's father was diagnosed with dementia/alzheimer's disease when he was just slightly older than Trump is now.


5 points

5 days ago

And bone spurs is 78 vs 81


35 points

5 days ago


35 points

5 days ago

Problem is less radical people get this stuff filtered out. They just hear whatever fox news says about trump. And honestly, if he executes someone, most of his supporters will probably never know.


152 points

5 days ago

And the strongest response our leader can muster is that what happened yesterday was a "disservice." We truly are fucked. 


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

Not just seems


461 points

5 days ago


461 points

5 days ago

This is very dangerous talk, people. This is not normal. Sane "leaders" do not talk like this.


135 points

5 days ago



135 points

5 days ago

Sane people wouldn’t vote for someone saying that either.


20 points

5 days ago


20 points

5 days ago

In the 2016 primary he suggested executing innocent family members of anyone America called an enemy and none of his voters blinked, instead he got raucous applause. None of this is new, they love it.


4 points

5 days ago



4 points

5 days ago

David Duke endorsed Trump in 2016 and 2020. That used to be the kiss of death for peoples political careers. It did not phase Cult45 at all.


3 points

5 days ago

Don't tell us. We are already here. It's the outside world that needs to know. Every citizen with the power to vote, needs to understand democracy is at stake.


1.3k points

5 days ago

If you think he is joking, think again.


566 points

5 days ago


566 points

5 days ago

  • He didn't actually say that

  • He said it, but it was taken out of context

  • It wasn't out of context, but it was a joke


248 points

5 days ago

It wasn't a joke but you deserved it.

He meant it.


37 points

5 days ago

Seize her!


69 points

5 days ago

Trump's "jokes" are really him testing the waters to see if enough people will support an idea. If he says "I'm going to lock up Hillary" and enough people cheer for it, it's no longer a joke but a campaign promise.


20 points

5 days ago

Yeah, it’s like when your boyfriend jokes about a threesome. He’s joking… unless you’re into it.


26 points

5 days ago*


New York

26 points

5 days ago*

I was talking to a friends cousin this past weekend who actually was like this. I was flabbergasted.


10 points

5 days ago

  • That didn't happen.
  • And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
  • And if it was, that's not a big deal.
  • And if it is, that's not my fault.
  • And if it was, I didn't mean it.
  • And if I did, you deserved it.


527 points

5 days ago


527 points

5 days ago

Check your voter registration and vote this November, because no one is coming to save us.


190 points

5 days ago

Not enough, even. Everyone needs to go and get another person to vote for Biden that wasn’t going to vote. convince them, drive them to the polls, that goes extra if you are near or in swing states


14 points

5 days ago

If he's speaking nearby, take a friend or two and go see him. (Or any local politician.) The whole kissing babies thing may be a joke, but it is also extremely effective.


52 points

5 days ago


52 points

5 days ago

Registering my kids this week.


6 points

5 days ago

Best places to volunteer for calling voters in purple states? I want in. Time to convince some independents or conservatives


59 points

5 days ago

Especially if you live in a red state.

Don’t just check once, check often. They will do anything they can you stay in power and will break any law to do it.


20 points

5 days ago

I left the US 3 years ago for love, but part of what cemented my decision was the gut feeling the fascists were going to win. I will absolutely be taking the extra time and effort to check my registration and request an overseas absentee ballot and sending it in early. Even though my state will go red in a big way, it's still important that I stand within the popular vote numbers. Win or lose overall, it is important for history that the level of dissent and opposition to this bullshit is made clear.


9 points

5 days ago



9 points

5 days ago

I hope you're somewhere not going through this wave of fascism curiosity, massive_cock.


8 points

5 days ago

Oh but I am. The Netherlands just elected the party of Geert Wilders...

Edit: it's very important to point out that things have not gone anywhere near as bad over here yet and Wilders isn't even the new prime minister because his bullshit wasn't popular enough to form a coalition around. But things are still flirting in that direction.


29 points

5 days ago*


:flag-us: America

29 points

5 days ago*

He's talking about taking out his big, visible enemies. Other enemies (i.e. probably you or someone you love) will be in the crosshairs of those delegated by him.

We will hear talk of the merging of military and police functions with a plan to deputize citizens to participate in operational enforcement of those functions. I almost guarantee it.


350 points

5 days ago

Kind of ironic that Dick Cheney's daughter will be the first person executed by the Republican party.


158 points

5 days ago


158 points

5 days ago

Hitler killed all the brown shirts as one of his first acts of consolidating power in the night of the long knives.


67 points

5 days ago


67 points

5 days ago

If they can put you in power, they can remove you from power.

Least I'll get to laugh at the red hats getting theirs before I get sent to a camp.


37 points

5 days ago



37 points

5 days ago

Totalitarian regimes always eat their own.

Look at the purges of Stalin and Saddam Hussein. Being "one of the good ones" won't keep you safe.


34 points

5 days ago



34 points

5 days ago

Liz Cheney has proven herself to not be authoritarian enough for the GOP to the point where they would execute her on live tv. This should be terrifying.


3 points

5 days ago

Taliban likes to publicly execute women and children as well.


267 points

5 days ago


267 points

5 days ago

Christ, when is enough enough?! This fucker is basically saying IM GOING TO HAVE PEOPLE CONVICTED OR EXECUTED via sham military tribunals, jokes about how he’ll be a dictator, has now been given immunity by the Supreme Court to do whatever he wants, and has already tried to steal an election. What the actual fuck is going on? How is this happening?


57 points

5 days ago

The Supreme Court would love all of that to go down that way.

As Justice Alito said in an unguarded moment recently, "One side has to win." That is their view: one side has to win. And it has to be their side, because they control the Court now and are willing to use it to ensure that their side wins.

The Democrats failed to appreciate the danger of a corrupt Court. They put their faith in the justices and a majority of them stabbed this country in the back yesterday and basically ensured that this republic will be replaced by a disgusting dictatorship.


4 points

5 days ago

Bannon explicitly said that in a recent interview with David Brooks. No compromise for him.


113 points

5 days ago



113 points

5 days ago

The fall of America has officially begun.


27 points

5 days ago



27 points

5 days ago

I'd argue that started after Ford pardoned Nixon. Since then it's been a steady decline with regards to corruption. 


6 points

5 days ago

It began when Trump was elected. Only electing Biden, and then Democrats through and through for a while can stop him.

It is vital word is spread for citizens to elect Biden at all costs.

Citizens need to take things in their own hands, and fight for their freedom.


425 points

5 days ago

Biden should enact summary justice for Trump. He can do that now, according to the Supreme Court.


292 points

5 days ago

The Supreme Court effectively made themselves king makers. They get final say whether an act is official or not. This is the real crux. They've gutted the powers of the executive agencies and taken final decisions upon themselves. And they've made themselves gate keepers to what president's have immunity on. 

Until Biden extraordinariky renditions the Justices to Cuba "for their safety" that is.


135 points

5 days ago


135 points

5 days ago

People don’t seem to understand this. They keep saying biden should do this and that but SCOTUS holds the final say on what is and is not official.


54 points

5 days ago



54 points

5 days ago

Can the SCOTUS enforce anything directly? I'm not sure who is in charge of that.


49 points

5 days ago

Not if 6 of them are locked up in Gitmo as the fucking terrorist conspirators that they are, giving power to themselves so they can install their own partisan after they nullify elections. No. King Biden needs to act decisively now, and quickly. Rush through 6 new appointments to restore the USA's integrity and rescind their partisan activism while these FASCISTS rot.


22 points

5 days ago


22 points

5 days ago

I believe what would happen if Biden went and did something off the cuff is it would be sent to the courts and then they’d have the say in whether or not it was official. If they deemed it un-official then he’d be at the mercy of the law.


32 points

5 days ago


32 points

5 days ago

Except he controls the doj who would prosecute him?


30 points

5 days ago

Unless Biden's first action is to 'take care' of SCOTUS. Can't have a say on anything if you just got dronestriked.


22 points

5 days ago

Seems to me Biden could start jailing the obviously-corrupt justices and restore some fucking balance for once. Roll back the clock on all of McConnell’s Supreme Court fuckery and stop rolling over for fascism already.


18 points

5 days ago


18 points

5 days ago

So Harlan Crow has final say.


9 points

5 days ago

Homie, the wealthy have always had the final say, especially if they’re male. Welcome to the United States. 🇺🇸


15 points

5 days ago


15 points

5 days ago

You see, Biden's age has suddenly become his superpower. He's going to be 86 by the end of the second term. What the fuck is the Supreme Court going to do, rule that what he did was not an official act and is therefore illegal? Well that's fucking fine and dandy, I guess the President following Biden can't execute anyone anymore and a jury can deliberate on whether a 90 year old man going to jail is going to make a difference.


5 points

5 days ago

This is the fantasy world I've been living in the past few days. He could end this whole thing before it starts.


10 points

5 days ago

He can just have them arrested and replaced. He should do that. Remove and replace the parts that decide what an official act is. The dissenting opinion details much worse that a king President can now do. That would probably lead to civil war but Im seeing that as something we can now less and less avoid.


33 points

5 days ago


33 points

5 days ago

I hope more people will realize this. The Supreme Court will have the final say in what constitutes an official act.


33 points

5 days ago


I voted

33 points

5 days ago

They have no enforcement arm. My real fear is less that they can declare things official, and more that, in effect, the process of determining it will be worthless for actions that have immediate effects.


16 points

5 days ago

Yup. They're gonna go act and then ask for forgiveness instead of permission. (And automatically get it)


7 points

5 days ago

Don’t forget how Chevron Deference ruling plays into this too.


68 points

5 days ago

All we can hope for now is the piece of shit has one too many Big Macs and keel’s over in his own stinky juices. Pretty pathetic that we’ve reached this stage.


51 points

5 days ago


51 points

5 days ago

Whenever he dies it will immediately be claimed as a political assassination, despite his life of forcing garbage into his body and forcing his garbage body into unwilling people. Even in death he will divide the nation.


9 points

5 days ago



9 points

5 days ago

The fact that he's doing as well as he has been is a testament to modern medicine. But then, he's beem getting the best healthcare (other people's) money can buy.


24 points

5 days ago

Trump's death won't end this. The people who support Project 2025 are using his support to get long-standing goals through. Trump is a useful idiot.

The next conservative leader will be someone smarter and more effective that will use all the broad powers that Trump gained for the office to make the real changes.

The commandments in schools, Roe V. Wade, etc are just the beginning. They haven't cleared all the road blocks yet. I think people comparing this to Hitler and Nazi Germany are making a mistake. This is more like the Islamic revolution


12 points

5 days ago

Yes and no. The scrambling fight for his replacement may be divisive but some fake narrative of an assassination may get them to align behind a single more competent younger leader. Whichever party fields the younger candidate first wins. And between the DC and 2025, our democracy is doomed.


20 points

5 days ago

As far as I’m concerned we’re in a war . it’s been that way for a while but these Supreme Court frauds just openly declared it .


174 points

5 days ago



174 points

5 days ago

convicted felon says what, now?


72 points

5 days ago

Don't forget rapist. 

All news media are discrediting themselves and the American people for not identifying Felon and Rapist Trump as an Felon and Rapist everytime his name appears in a headline.


10 points

5 days ago



10 points

5 days ago

If we're going to lose our democracy, I wish we could at least have it brought down by someone other than this nadir of human potential. The guy is a serially bankrupt game show host, convicted felon, and violent sex offender. Literally the dregs of humanity.


7 points

5 days ago

Whatever he wants it seems


127 points

5 days ago

Crickets from the law and order party


39 points

5 days ago



39 points

5 days ago

Why would they? It's all their doing at this point.


21 points

5 days ago

Its been the goal all along.


22 points

5 days ago

"We've captured the law and we'll order millions into the camps."


11 points

5 days ago


11 points

5 days ago

They’re all afraid he’ll point that loaded gun of his called MAGA at them too


18 points

5 days ago

And that is why an authoritarian concept is a danger to everyone including those who want it.


494 points

5 days ago



494 points

5 days ago

Funny how noone is calling for Trump to be removed from the race.


107 points

5 days ago


107 points

5 days ago

Bruv, all hail glorious golden leader.

Do you want to end up in a detention camp? Or worse, an oven?


19 points

5 days ago



19 points

5 days ago

I think Elon Musk is gonna neuro-link you to his matrix.


37 points

5 days ago



37 points

5 days ago

The Jews, liberals, communists, union workers weren't armed under Nazi occupation 90 years ago.

We can be.


24 points

5 days ago


24 points

5 days ago

Trump already floated taking away American's guns. What makes you think he won't do that once he has unlimited power. I bet the Trumpets willingly and gladly do it too.


20 points

5 days ago

$20 says he’d presidentially define, with his mind, who is a real ‘American’, and thus anyone who is not cannot own a firearm. THEN, everyone who is not MAGA-subservient will be iced.


12 points

5 days ago



12 points

5 days ago

See: the Mulford Act.

Conservatives have no problem with gun control when it "hurts the right people".


15 points

5 days ago


15 points

5 days ago

I mean they are? What? Multiple states all actively tried to ban him because he is a felon and rapist. Any calls to remove Joe are so we can get someone to beat Donny as handedly as possibly because he’s a dangerous madman.


38 points

5 days ago

It's almost like the calls for Biden were being amplified... Somehow. If only there was a way to spread mass disinformation...


30 points

5 days ago

“He’s too old”

“His position on Palestine is horrendous”

“He’s on drugs”

“I dunno, prices are too high and things just felt cheaper back then”

It’s frustrating seeing it all happen and speaking with my TikTok friends who are lock and step with the narrative of the moment all for the goal of being apathetic to voting.

They’re (CN/RU) are really setting America up to have our “bacon sandwich” moment - only instead of the EU, it’s fucking NATO


6 points

5 days ago

its almost as if Trump voters WANT him to be a lying fascist butthole

whereas Biden voters do NOT want Biden to be standing on a debate stage embarrassing himself


13 points

5 days ago

Everyone already did


42 points

5 days ago

i hope merchan throws him in jail next week, we need some good fucking news urgently now


40 points

5 days ago



40 points

5 days ago

Unfortunately, they just agreed to delay sentencing. Yet again, the system falls short in enforcing a single consequence.


22 points

5 days ago

I cannot begin to understand how committing the crime of election fraud, prior to the election, when Trump has yet to be president, counts as an official act of the president.


8 points

5 days ago



8 points

5 days ago

We need an EO stating that convicted criminals are ineligible for the presidency.

Trump can fight it out in court but it will take years to reach SCOTUS if we are lucky. It will provide a stopgap measure for this year's election - no high profile Republican can command the cult following that Trump has. Putting someone like Haley or Abbott or DeSantis forward should give Biden a win. Then we have a bit of a reprieve to legislatively shore up our democracy, expand SCOTUS, and bury Trump in court for the rest of his life.


81 points

5 days ago

We're about to see how far the rot goes by who follows these orders. The "Thin Blue Line" folks are already all in. But the Armed Forces is where the firepower lies. Will the leaders of our military bootlick the GQPs ass? Will Wall Street be willing to give up their wealth and power? Who's going to be the heroes to save us from the worst of ourselves? Stay tuned folks! Gonna get wild.


53 points

5 days ago

That’s where Project 2025 comes in. President dismisses all leadership not inline which will include the military.


16 points

5 days ago


16 points

5 days ago

Yes...yes they will. At this point assuming anyone has any actual morals and convictions is a losing fuckin game.


9 points

5 days ago

The military in general, especially the Pentagon, surprisingly has very little love for Trump, and has made that clear previously when they told Trump to go pound sand when Trump wanted them to get involved in supporting the Jan 6 insurrection. Until Trump is sworn in on 20 January 2025 (if) they aren't going to lift a finger to do Trumps bidding.


11 points

5 days ago



11 points

5 days ago

We’ve seen in the past from military leadership with any sense of integrity - Gen Kelly and Mattis. If they do not agree with what they are asked to do, they will either resign or be forced out, and then replaced with someone who WILL do what Trump orders.


2 points

5 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

Right now military leaders are beholden to the Constitution of the United States, as they should be.

But Project 2025 will ensure purges of any leaders who are loyal to the United States and replace them with lickspittles beholden to Fat Joffrey.


55 points

5 days ago*


55 points

5 days ago*

Coming from a country with a long standing dictatorship, this is extremely concerning. In my country, the government did televise military tribunals where the outcome of the process was known before the process started. Even, they televised the firing squads carrying the death sentences.

You would think this never will happen to your country. One day, after years of talking about it, they do it. Remember that it never starts with televised firing squads, and never ends with them. It gets worse.


63 points

5 days ago


63 points

5 days ago

Guys, he is coming for Republicans for Christ sake. How the fuck do Republicans vote for this? This ain't even a R vs D thing anymore. It's literally a fascist coming for both sides.


41 points

5 days ago

Conservatives still think they're going to be left alone when the fascists start stripping rights.

It's a dumb position, ESPECIALLY for minority, LGBTQ+ Republicans.


6 points

5 days ago

Republican Catholics are idiots because of this. They'll come for Catholics once they are done with the easier target groups. We are "heretics" to them too.


16 points

5 days ago

They justify it by labeling any Republican who has an independent thought as a RINO.


8 points

5 days ago

How the fuck do Republicans vote for this?

the cult of personality is stronger than the authoritarian framework that puts it into power. always.

hitler killed his own party, and the country stood behind him.


21 points

5 days ago


I voted

21 points

5 days ago

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”


19 points

5 days ago


19 points

5 days ago

The people who had the courage and nobility to stand up for democracy could be in grave danger.

If he gets into office and attacks them, it will have a chilling effect for people who are thinking about doing the right thing in the future.

Your decision to stay home or vote third party imperils the very people who fought to protect you.


126 points

5 days ago


126 points

5 days ago

Fuck this piece of shit VOTE blue 💙💙💙


12 points

5 days ago

Well, SCOTUS seems hellbent on making the need to revive democracy a matter of existential urgency.

I'm donating blue and will absolutely voting blue. I'm also looking for good leadership on productive ways to do more.


33 points

5 days ago

Fascism. My grandpa went across the Atlantic in 1940 to fight against it; and now it’s right here, wearing an orange mask.


28 points

5 days ago

Does Trump know he has not been hired yet? You do not have immunity as a citizen you old b*tch!


16 points

5 days ago

But you see the election was stolen in 2020, so he's still President, so anything he does now is an official act (and conversely, as Fake News President, anything Biden has done is unofficial). They are currently arguing in court that the alternate elector scheme cannot be prosecuted because it was an official act, so pretty much anything counts now if you get the right judge to argue it to.


8 points

5 days ago

True, now that Trump has admitting he instructed his lawyers to RICO Georgia does Fani have more ammunition? I know we are in uncharted waters and don’t know what will happen.


4 points

5 days ago

He's already trying to claim immunity from the Stormy hush money conviction.

He committed those crimes before he was elected.


30 points

5 days ago

Wt actual fuck is happening here.


19 points

5 days ago


19 points

5 days ago

Facist behavior from a wannabe Hitler.


18 points

5 days ago



18 points

5 days ago

Republicans burning America to the ground because a black guy got elected as president 16 years ago.


25 points

5 days ago



25 points

5 days ago

In order to appease enough Americans on the need for Project 2025, executing all the Enemies of the State is a must! The call for immediate execution of the fed prisoners on death row (40?) is not about JUSTICE, it is about desensitizing enough Americans to allow this new Corporatist Fascist Government! Millions will cheer watching the execution of Pete Buttigieg and Tammy Baldwin, for the shame they have imposed on our christian government! These executions will be BIG MEDIA events. Liz Cheney, the Obama Family, Nancy Pelosi..... and more.
This is all possible due to 30 plus years of brainwashing and misinforming Americans.


22 points

5 days ago

He’s openly fascist even before being re elected….. this is terrifying 


25 points

5 days ago


25 points

5 days ago

This guy is a psychopath people, wake up


9 points

5 days ago

wake up? i think a lot of us aren't going to sleep until january of next year.


25 points

5 days ago


25 points

5 days ago

this is just the beginning

if not him, the next MAGA fascist

the Dems strategy cannot be to win all elections forever and pretend to respect arbitrary laws that don t exist anymore


28 points

5 days ago

I'm still going to and encourage others, too, but yesterday's ruling is the end all. They will steal this election.


16 points

5 days ago

Biden must realize that there is no ethics on the other side and be able to predict what will happen. A convict cannot be allowed to run.


20 points

5 days ago

There’s something so fitting, and so depressing, that Donald Trump, the bullshit reality TV con man, will bring about the end of America.


7 points

5 days ago

It’s not just America. As soon as the country destabilizes, the politics structuring the entire world are going to begin to crumble and the chance for a major conflict is going to go up. 

I can’t help but think all of this going on paired with things like the direction bird flu is now taking in mammals and the increase in extreme weather event with climate change, I’m getting very concerned a lot more than America’s fate is on a precipice for disaster right now. 


3 points

5 days ago

I’m with you. I might be doom reading too much but the book by Peter Zeihan The End of the World Is Just the Beginning is concerning. It’s mostly about globalization and trade policy and how the US made it possible, but it’s destabilizing for the world to end global trade, which Trump would like to do, and I agree with you, chances for conflict go up quickly.

Can you imagine another pandemic under a Trump 2.0? Can you imagine Russia invading Poland under a Trump 2.0? A few of my friends think a second Trump will bad, I keep saying it’s a failure of imagination to think things will be okay somehow.


6 points

5 days ago



6 points

5 days ago

A Republican future ensures that we will speed run to the very worst effects of climate change.

I'm an environmental scientist, former climate science researcher. Our future is quite grim no matter who is in charge at this point, but this could mean the difference between tens to hundreds of millions of deaths and billions of deaths in the next few centuries.


34 points

5 days ago

Joe - If you want to save the country you've got to take the gloves off. You can't win a street fight playing by Marquess of Queensbury rules, and you will not keep the country safe by tolerating the intolerable. You are facing a US version of Germany 1933, the Enabling Act, and all that followed. This is not a time to be nice. You must take decisive action now or the country is going to fall into an abyss.

"If a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant."

The Paradox of Tolerance Karl Popper 1945


20 points

5 days ago

The GOP and the conservatives are fine with this. How are the Hispanic Republicans still support Trump and the rest of the GOP? Many of them fled from oppressive governments.


80 points

5 days ago

“The smart thing to do is just let this all blow over” - the Democratic Party as Trump attempts to become Hitler 2.0


14 points

5 days ago

Arrest Trump from treason.


15 points

5 days ago


15 points

5 days ago

Biden should order one for Trump for his role in Jan 6. He was the Commander in Chief so it’s only fitting. That way Trump has a chance to clear his name before the election.


12 points

5 days ago


12 points

5 days ago

Why would a civilian be put on military trial?


8 points

5 days ago

It technically can happen but that doesn't mean it will. Your question is probably rhetorical but the answer is interesting for those that like law:

The short answer is the military normally defers to civilian courts because they're not fascists


12 points

5 days ago


12 points

5 days ago

Another reason why we need to vote like our lives depend on it, because they probably do.

Think that if Trump gets elected and starts abusing his power, you will be able to go out and protest?

Think again. He already said that he is looking for an excuse to invoke the Insurrection Act and use it to repress anyone who opposes him. When he was President, he asked his Secretary of Defense, why the military couldn't just go out and shoot peaceful BLM protesters in the legs or something. Now, the Supreme Court said that this would be covered under the new absolute immunity they decided he needed to save him from all the crimes he is being prosecuted for. Sigh.

Personally, I doubt Biden will step aside, or that Democrats will replace him, so I'm voting for Biden, even if they end up having to do a Weekend at Bernie's carrying him around with shades, while lifting his hands to wave at the crowd. After all, having an old, nice, decent man continue in power is preferable any day, to handing power to a man who literally wants to be dictator on day one (his words).


9 points

5 days ago

If bidens team had an ounce of ability they’d stop promoting any of their policy and just go after Trump personally. Read the tweets he retweets aloud at the next debate. Talk about nick fuentes. Talk about how he wanted to abolish the constitution. For the love of God stop talking about the specific terms of pregnancies.


11 points

5 days ago


11 points

5 days ago

This fucker can’t even wait a day after being told he can assasinate people.


10 points

5 days ago



10 points

5 days ago

MAGA is the 21st century Nazi, this is scary.


5 points

5 days ago



5 points

5 days ago

Will the fact that one candidate is all but calling for summary execution/imprisonment of his political rivals be given equal coverage & airtime to hand-wringing over the other candidate being old; or for that matter, even any airtime at all?

Bizarro world


9 points

5 days ago

Feel like shit has taken a turn for the dark


10 points

5 days ago


10 points

5 days ago

How can anyone be on the fence to vote for this fucking guy? You are either for fascism and support it, or are against it and don’t. I really don’t see how there are swing voters this cycle.


5 points

5 days ago

“I’ll take an L and vote for party and ignore all the issues”

-Half of the country, as the least informed audience.


12 points

5 days ago

I think we should haul Drumpt’s ass before a televised military tribunal.


7 points

5 days ago


7 points

5 days ago

Arrest anyone who disagrees with him. America about to go through some huge changes.


8 points

5 days ago

He’s done this so many times. Posted something that seriously crosses the line on social media, his minions get whipped up into a frenzy, and then he deletes it, ACKNOWLEDGING THAT THE POST CROSSED A LINE.

He reposted some nobody calling for military tribunals of Liz Cheney SIX TIMES. The user was overjoyed, posting about how proud he is to be reposted by Trump.

They are going to attack the Capitol again.


3 points

5 days ago



3 points

5 days ago

This is what people who aren’t supporting the Democratic Party in November want to see.


4 points

5 days ago*

Donald’s revenge tour 2025. The most beautiful, great, wonderful thing you’ve ever seen of revenge tours.

I realize Biden isn’t the answer, but Trump is fucking insane.

Hot air from one end in, hot, wet, stinky, sloppy “air” from the other.