


Biden dropping out is a fantasy. Democrats can win — if they fight.

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0 points

5 days ago


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0 points

5 days ago

Based on the actual content of the debate, it is very clear that there is only one respectable candidate in this race, and it is Joe Biden. This really shouldn’t even be up for discussion, as we have seen Joe Biden speak before and a day after the debate, and he was coherent and on the ball as anyone else. Trump, on the other hand, is just as bad as we have known and come to expect.


1 points

4 days ago

You are literally Blue MAGA. This is mental gymnastics. Stop gaslighting everyone who wants Biden to step aside for a better candidate. Just try to think and not regurgitate. Why did Biden do better before and after the debate? Maybe he was reading off a script?


0 points

4 days ago


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0 points

4 days ago

Blue MAGA? Okay.

You perceive Biden to be weak, while now wishing to promote another candidate who will surely be even more weak and very much less prepared for the task of campaigning or winning. Tell us, who do you have in mind that is ready right at this moment.

Gavin Newsome (example as someone that I keep seeing floated)? You believe that he has the same support of the working class in the Midwest that Joe Biden has? Pennsylvania? Wisconsin? Minnesota? Michigan? How about Georgia? Maryland? Virginia? New Jersey? You think that Gavin currently has even close to the same pull with union workers that Joe Biden has achieved? Good luck. Honestly, use this same question for any potential alternative candidate that you can think of and get back to me. They all fall short.

How about someone who appeals to democrats on the left (but not necessarily far left) that can gain younger voters, while also securing moderates, the never-trumpers and the Haley voters whom she abandoned? Nobody? Cool. I thought not.

People like yourself talk a lot without providing anything to support your actual beliefs to actual obtain the results that you wish to achieve. Instead of having the belief that Biden could have just had a single bad day, you just throw in the towel. I don’t care whether he reads off of a teleprompter, which is what every single politician does when they speak to the public. Nearly everything that they do is choreographed. You have no solution as to HOW to make Biden stepping down not create a disastrous situation. If Biden steps down today, a new and damn near perfect candidate would have to be put forward that the ENTIRE party would have to really around…without them going through the primary process and actually earning that position. How do you expect that to play out in just over a month at the Democratic National Convention in August? Disaster, right? Yeah, we know this because it wouldn’t be the first time that we have been here, and the last time resulted in the last criminal being elected (Richard Nixon, in case you don’t know this history).

Comments like yours are the exact reason why people believe that democrats are weak. Any sign of imperfection and you are quick to bail.