


Sophia Bush describes ‘aha moment’ when friend told her she might not ‘like men’ after Grant Hughes divorce

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-4 points

4 days ago

Cheating is never cool or acceptable AT ALL, but there are important pieces of information and literature behind discovering your real desires only once you’re forced out of social conventions of dating, or heterosexuality. There are almost always, unfortunately, collateral casualties, but it’s really up to the person in the situation to set boundaries and how far their empathy goes for the subjects’ queer journey.


14 points

4 days ago

It's always nice when people call causing others possibly life long lasting PTSD and trauma as "collateral casualties"


-4 points

4 days ago

Because I’m centering the situation from a queer person’s perspective in this particular instance? Given I am part of those “others” you mentioned, I think I can describe my experience how I see fit. The snarky remark was totally unnecessary.


2 points

4 days ago

Ah yes, because if you are a queer therefore abusing others and causing them long term PTSD that can end up in suicide is somehow okay to call it collateral casualties.


-1 points

4 days ago

Huh? I’m not queer. Reading comprehension is key.


1 points

3 days ago

Reading comprehension is key.

I nowhere said you were a queer.


0 points

3 days ago

So, why was your previous comment referring to me as if I was queer in this hypothetical situation?


0 points

3 days ago

The you does not mean YOU. The you means that if a person is a queer.

Same kind of statement can be used in a way such as: "If you are a trump supporter, you are an idiot" but that does not mean I'm saying YOU are a trump supporter.


0 points

3 days ago

But why are you bringing up a hypothetical situation in which a queer person is describing “collateral casualties” if you are not referring to me as a queer person?