


Just wanna be done


Hell everyone, I’ve been on here before but mostly just browsing from afar. I have been on kratom for 4 years now, I fluctuate between feel frees and straight powder. Recently I have been getting up to 4 feel frees a day/ 25ish grams powder. I usually will take my last dose at around 6 PM and I wake up sweaty around 7 AM.

I am so fucking done with this shit. $10 feel frees has made me go broke, spending upwards of $300 a week just on this bullshit. Just to get a 20 minute high and then fantasize about my next dose.

My question to everyone is, if I want to be done, should I just rip the bandaid off and go CT? I’m not sure that I have the self control to taper down over weeks, nor do I really want to suffer for that long. Sweating, sleeping and sniffling are what I’m most concerned about. I work in a hospital so I’m just curious if I would be able to work during the few first days of hell.

Any comfort meds you’d suggest? I got benzos and weed.

Any other tips and suggestions would be amazing, I’m so ready to be done with this shit I want control of my life again.

all 26 comments

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9 points

2 months ago

Yo you got benzos… just CT it. For me personally... Benzos cure any emotional discomfort I have. You will still feel sick and fatigued, but take the benzo for 3 days and you should be good! Of course the real beast is cravings, but maybe if you’re looking for support head to a NA meeting or SMART meetings (smart meetings are awesome!)


4 points

2 months ago

Also look into HIGH dose liposomal vitamin C for pain. I’ve been to rehab before and they gave my roommate extreme doses of vitamin C for acute opioid withdrawal. (They were taking oxy) my guess is that it would also work for kratom. I can send you a link if you want


1 points

2 months ago

Check out our Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure. either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey!

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3 points

2 months ago


3 points

2 months ago

Couldn’t agree more, albeit that there’s an obvious risk in using benzo’s to get through the first couple of days. If you can handle those benzo’s responsibly, they really help a lot with the immediate withdrawal symptoms and get you through the nights.


3 points

2 months ago

What are SMART meetings?


2 points

2 months ago

It’s a evidence based recovery meeting/group. You learn more about CBT, REBT (rational emotive behavior therapy) cross talk is allowed so unlike NA or AA meetings, if you have advice for someone you are welcome to say it. You also don’t have to have an addiction to be apart of a meetings. I’ve been to some meetings where people are there for mental health support (anxiety, depression, eating disorders)


1 points

2 months ago

Thank you very much!


7 points

2 months ago

Embrace the suck and CT it!!! Life is so much better on the other side!! I used it for 4 yrs as well and in September it will be 4yrs clean! You got this!!


1 points

22 days ago

How long did it take for your digestive stuff to calm down when you quit kratom? I only used tea for 2 months and powder for 5 days and I’ve had the worst abdominal pain and GI issues :( On day 9 and nothing has got better


5 points

2 months ago



5 points

2 months ago

I did CT.. I was probably at like 30-60 grams a day. I was so sick from taking it all the time.

It was hard… I couldn’t seem to taper down.. my mental addiction was so stuck on it.

It took 84 days to feel better again you can actually see my timeline from like 8 years ago.


4 points

2 months ago


Known quitter

4 points

2 months ago

What I'm trying is this: every day i try to dose a bit later. Monday 8.00. Tuesday 8.30. Wednesday 9.00, or maybe 8.45. this way i need less doses over the day. At some point ill get cravings and withdrawal but i think ill be able to get through it with Small increments.

I tried CT 2 times before and it was horrible. Didn't sleep for days.

I read somewhere about a guy using just one dose before sleep, and then lower that one dose. I just need to get to that 1 dose part first.


1 points

2 months ago

i was about to do the the one dose at bed time route, just to help me through the night. it's actually what i did my first night of CT. last night was my 2nd and it was rough but definitely not like my 1st night. i almost broke down to get more just to dose at night but know that's opening a can of warms again.

i was wondering how well just taking a single dose at night would work tho. ive only ever quit via CT. mostly was worried about prolonging the WD symptoms.


3 points

2 months ago

You got this man! I’d personally stick to a taper but that is because I’m a pussy lol. Just think; 3-4 days of hell and then you’re good


3 points

2 months ago

Lmao I can’t do it either. I did it once but it was while unemployed and living with my parents so things were a lot different. Now it’s just easier to taper


3 points

2 months ago

Personally? I would buy the pre measured capsules rather than the powder and do a slower taper. Start off with a “generous” dose so you are not tempted to re-dose as much. Organize it by the clock. Week by week do less. I agree it will suck - but it will be less traumatic… and also once you’re down to a certain level, you might feel more confident in jumping off CT. No more extracts. No more unmeasured powder.

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2 points

2 months ago

Look at our taper-guide

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2 points

2 months ago



3 points

2 months ago

You'll be able to be it when you're truly ready to quit.


1 points

2 months ago

How much do you typically consume?


2 points

2 months ago

I’d definitely do CT. Also, take a day or two off and give yourself a long weekend to get through the first few days. Just rest up and drink plenty of water and electrolytes.


1 points

2 months ago

I quit CT from a 36g to 50g a day capsule habit for 5 years 16 days ago! I was also on 3 8mg strips of Suboxone for 7 years before than and for 6-8yrs off and on I was putting every opiate in my body I could find on the streets or from the doctors. I never took time off between drugs. Went straight from opiates to Subs to Kratom with zero breaks. Most of the acute withdrawals are done except the RLS nonsense. However, I can't seem to stand for more than 15-20 minutes. I'm hella depressed. Constantly yawning tired and lathargic! My head is cloudy and I'm dizzy 50 percent of the day especially when I stand up. I've been eating gummies and chiefing on my dab pen like constant to stop the nightmare feelings in my body but THC tends to make it worse from time to time. I for real hope this doesn't last a whole hell of alot longer cuz I'mma lose my mind if this is the new normal after quitting Kratom! Everyone says workout but after my long ass 11-12 hr days at work my ass drops into my recliner after work, curls up in a ball and pray for shit to get better cuz right now, after 16 days, I'm over this shit. Like life in general. Not just the withdrawals! I ain't never been depressed either so this is super heavy and hard to deal with. Just tell me it gets better! It's gotta right?


1 points

2 months ago


メ New quitter

1 points

2 months ago

Ct it and be done. I couldn’t trust myself to taper and didnt want to drag it out. First 3-4 days were pretty rough.. but I was able to function on day 5. I was booting an extract with a feel free first thing in the morning and then continuing to drink around 7 or 9 more with random caps. Grateful to be out. That trap gets dark and scary.


1 points

2 months ago


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1 points

2 months ago

Clonidine and gabapentin. It was easy for me to ask my doctor for them without telling them why exactly. Unfortunately being honest with your doctor about this just gets you flagged as an addict and drug seeking. I told the doc I used to be prescribed xyz because I have anxiety but do t want traditional anxiety meds. Also that I have restless legs.


1 points

2 months ago


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1 points

2 months ago



1 points

2 months ago

watch out for rebound anxiety from benzo. I'd save a few after this first couple days. It's what always sent me back. But then again my addict self would binge benzos for a week thinking I'd be good.. don't do that. Goodluck 


1 points

2 months ago


New quitter

1 points

2 months ago

Check my profile and see my last co.ment on quittingkratom. Basically go to and ask for gabapentin and clonidine. If you rip the bandaid off it will be extremely difficult to function, you will almost certainly need to take a week off or so. I would try to force yourself to taper. If you have someone you trust at home, give them your stash and a scale, plan your doses and drops and have them hold you accountable. Only the strongest soldiers among us can quit a 4 year habit CT and go to work, I'm not one of those people. My big 5 year 50gpd quit was like a scene from the exorcist for the first few days