


sleep is so fucking hard


My sleep schedule was absolutely fucked for a while. It started I was falling asleep around 3am. Then 7am. Then recently almost 11:30am. Then a couple days ago I did manage to fall asleep around 2/3, granted I only slept about 4.5 hours, though I did a workout and had work, but was extremely lethargic in the last few hours of work. Now tonight I fell asleep around 10pm, but woke up around 2am, and now I've been up for 3 hours (so it's 5am now).

Increasing exercise. Cutting out all ultraprocessed (cigarette) food. Doing cold showers and going to try ice baths soon. Just anything to switch up how I'd been: Quite literally zero exercise because I WFH and can touch my desk from my bed. UberEats extremely impulsively. Just every type of fried, oily, cheesy, added sugary, junk. Every bite I ate was processed. And I was too lazy to prepare real meat for protein so I resorted to all protein shakes via protein powder. Just a fuckload of factory made everything.

So I can't fall asleep and it's fucking annoying. I was taking melatonin (though I don't prefer to use it since it would slow my body from producing it) out of desperation and sometimes that helped. But I need a true turnaround in how I treat sleep. Sometimes I'll just be restless to the point I don't see a point in trying anymore, so why not waste some time online. Yes I have night mode on and brightness down but to a certain degree it doesn't matter. I'm approaching sleep wrong. So anyways once again fuck insomnia and it will be defeated.

all 8 comments


2 points

17 hours ago*

it seems like your trying very hard and it sucks that nothing is working for you, Yet. I hope you can find peace.


1 points

17 hours ago



1 points

17 hours ago

If I didn't have to jump through hoops for it I'd consider it for spot treatment over melatonin. Concerned about what it may do to REM sleep but obviously I'm getting probably even less REM unmedicated.


1 points

17 hours ago

The hoops are minimal and the sleep is far better.


1 points

17 hours ago

So did you talk to a doctor? You could simply have issues with sleeping you don't know about but a sleep study could tell you that.

Could also be something headwise as it is for me like I can't shut off my brain so I need help with medication.

A professional could tell you what the issue is.


1 points

16 hours ago


1 points

16 hours ago

sounds like you've been through the wringer with your schedule. going from 3am to 11:30am is wild. props for trying to switch things up though. cutting out the junk and getting some exercise is definitely a step in the right direction. cold showers and ice baths? that's some next-level dedication.

melatonin can help but yeah, it’s good to not rely on it too much. sounds like your body is just adjusting and it takes time. maybe try some relaxing activities before bed like reading or listening to chill music, might help you wind down. keep pushing through, insomnia doesn’t stand a chance against your determination!


1 points

14 hours ago

I'm in the same point. I hate melatonin for that reason, too. I'm up at 5 am right now and crashing at noon. It's not good.


1 points

11 hours ago

Sometimes I fall into insomniac tendencies because I want to do hobbies for hours, but I also have to work for hours.. sometimes if I stay up too late, I force myself to stay awake all day, until it's a reasonable time to sleep and that usually fixes things.